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The Wait Is Over

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:56 pm
by Ben M
OOC: Good luck DJ, and to everyone else in your matches!

"Do What You've Gotta Do"
Monday January 25; Louisville, Kentucky

"Anyway, I think I better stop talking... otherwise it really will be past Blaine's bedtime when this is finished! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You have no idea how much this Award means to me. And I just want to say one more thing - if you think I deserved this Slammy this year, then I guarantee you'll be voting me again next year... because I'm going to make sure 2015 is my best year yet."

It was close to midnight, and Chris Jericho was sat in his hotel room at the Seelbach Hilton, just half a mile from the KFC Yum! Center. Two hours earlier, Jericho had beaten Brock Lesnar, earning himself an EBWF World Title shot at the Royal Rumble. It was the first time Jericho had been in a World Title match since Fallout last year, and it was Jericho's first one on one World Title shot since Sacrifice 2014. With Wrestlemania now just ten weeks away, Jericho decided to rewatch his Slammy speech from the night before Wrestlemania XIV. He hadn't forgotten how surprised and humbled he'd felt that night; Jericho genuinely hadn't expected to win the Wrestler of the Year Award. Nor had Jericho forgotten his promise to "make 2015 his best year yet". As he looked across at the Intercontinental Championship, Jericho couldn't help but think that he'd had a pretty good year. There had been a great match with Solomon Crowe at Mania, a thrilling cage match with Sami Zayn at Aftermath – the night he won the Intercontinental Title – a long-running feud with CM Punk, and a memorable match with Lance Storm at Destiny to mark 25 years since the two men had made their pro wrestling debuts. Not to mention the first ever "TLC4" match with Kevin Owens. A great year, no doubt about that, but the best year yet? There was still something missing for Jericho to give his year that accolade, and it was obvious what that was. Jericho had been the Intercontinental Champion for 268 days, and felt he'd done a lot in that time to enhance the title; he also knew that Wes wanted him to hold onto the belt for a little longer, so he could set a new record for the longest reign. But, as proud as Jericho was to be the Intercontinental Champion, it would always be a secondary prize. Unless he was the World Champion, Jericho would never feel like he was the EBWF's top guy. And he wanted to feel like that again. Of course, it wasn't just down to him. There was something Jericho felt might be holding him back, and it was time for him to deal with that. He pulled out his iPhone, and made a call to an old friend. After three rings, his friend picked up.

"Hey, man. What's up?"

Chris Jericho: Hey, Rich. How are you doing?

Rich Ward was the lead guitarist for Fozzy, and had been since the band's inception in 1999. What had originally been a joke cover band was now a well-respected and mildly successful heavy metal band. Fozzy's last album, Do You Wanna Start a War, had been their best-selling album to date, and after the album's release, Fozzy had performed on the main stage of Download Festival for the first time in their history. Jericho, Rich and the other members of Fozzy had recently been working on material for their seventh studio album, but with Jericho's focus on EBWF, the band hadn't done as much work on the album as they would have liked.

Rich Ward: I'm good. I'll be honest, I'm a little surprised you're calling me so late... but I guess you know me well enough by now to know that I won't be asleep for a couple of hours. Did you want to talk about the new album?

Jericho knew Rich well enough to know that he rarely slept before 2am; he also knew him well enough to sense Rich knew what was coming. Which gave him all the more reason to get it over with.

Chris Jericho: Yeah, I did actually. Listen... I know you and Frank have been working on some new material for Stuck Mojo when we've not been working on stuff for Fozzy. I've been wondering, do you want to do more with that? I remember you saying before the holidays that you'd love to release another Stuck Mojo album.

There was a moment's silence, then Rich laughed.

Rich Ward: Is this really about Stuck Mojo, Chris? Or is this about you wanting to focus on wrestling?

There was nothing accusatory about Rich's tone; if anything, he sounded supportive.

Chris Jericho: You caught me, man. I love working with you, Frank and Billy, and I was so happy with "Do You Wanna Start a War". But right now, when it comes to Fozzy, my heart just isn't in it. I used to be so good at focusing on wrestling when I'm wrestling, and focusing on Fozzy when I'm with you guys... but lately, I keep thinking about the EBWF. It probably sounds dumb to you, but I want to be the World Champion again. I don't like to admit it, but I'm not getting any younger... every time I step into the ring, I wonder how much longer I've got left.

Rich Ward: It doesn’t sound dumb at all. The first conversation we ever had, it was obvious that there were two things you were passionate about; music, and wrestling. And no matter how much you love making music, you've never been able to tear yourself away from the wrestling. How long have you been in the EBWF now – 13 years?

Chris Jericho: 14. Almost as long as we've been doing Fozzy. But I've been wrestling for 25 years; that's more than half my life. I'm 45 years old, and I don't know if I'll still be doing it when I'm 50; either Jess won't let me, or my body won't. When I found out Bret Hart was coming back at the Royal Rumble, I couldn't help but think, "dude, you're 58". I don't want to be that guy.

Rich Ward: I hear you. So are we done with Fozzy, or do you just need some time?

Chris Jericho: We're definitely not done. I'm excited about our seventh album; I didn't think we'd manage three when we started working together. But I want to release that album when I can put my heart and soul into it, because I want it to be as good as it can be. That's not going to happen if I feel... conflicted. And since you and Frank have been working on Stuck Mojo anyway, the timing just feels right, you know? Billy has CyberStar, so it’s not like we're leaving him hanging either. I say we take a year out, get back together in 2017, and make an album that eclipses everything else we've ever done. Hell, maybe even throw a world tour in too.

Rich Ward: A world tour? Ambitious. I like the way you think, Jericho.

Rich paused for a moment, thinking things over.

Rich Ward: Alright Chris, that all sounds good. Like you said, the timing makes sense. Just promise me one thing?

Chris Jericho: What?

Rich Ward: If you're not doing anything with Fozzy this year... if you're going to focus solely on wrestling... please make sure you win the World Title, okay? Because I'm tired of hearing you talk about it. Just do it already.

Jericho let out a gasp, feigning being offended.

Chris Jericho: You know I'm a seven-time World Champion, don't you? I've done it already. And when do we even talk about wrestling?

Rich Ward: Not often. But I can think of a few occasions where Wes has been to one of our shows, or the fans have been asking you about wrestling during meet and greets, and whenever you do talk about it, the fact that you haven't been World Champion for so long always seems to come up. If we're doing VIP sessions during this world tour you're apparently planning, and we get fans pretending to like Fozzy so they can talk to you about wrestling, I want them to be talking about the epic World Title reign you just had, not the ones you had five years ago or however long it's been since you were last World Champion.

Chris Jericho: It's four, jerk. Well... four and a half technically. And you know I don't get to make that decision.

Rich Ward: I do... but I also know that if you do enough, Wes and the powers that be won't be able to make any other decision. So do what you've gotta do, and when you're ready, we'll pick up where we left off with Fozzy.

Chris Jericho: Thanks, Rich. I appreciate your support. Really, I do.

Rich Ward: Any time, brother. Just make sure you get me and Julie some sweet seats if you're main eventing Wrestlemania.

Jericho laughed.

Chris Jericho: I'll see what I can do. Take care man.

Rich Ward: You too.

Jericho ended the call, then sent a text message to Wes.

I've just talked to Rich. We've agreed to put Fozzy on the back burner for a while, so he can focus on a new Stuck Mojo album and I can focus on wrestling. Bear that in mind when you're making your decision Sunday ;-)

A few minutes later, a response came through.

Oh thank God. I've been waiting forever for this. A new Stuck Mojo album! Thanks buddy! You’re the best!

Jericho smirked, called Wes a bastard under his breath, then made a call to his wife before going to bed.


"It Eats Away At Me"
Thursday January 28; St. Louis, Missouri

Before travelling to Detroit for the Rumble, Jericho returned to St. Louis for a few days to spend some time with his family. He was due to fly to Detroit on Thursday evening, but before heading out, he had some work to do at EBWF Headquarters. Jericho had recently been offered the role of New Talent Development Director (an announcement was forthcoming). It was one of many changes that was taking place in EBWF in early 2016... another change was that the legendary Jim Ross would be moving from his role as EBWF's lead commentator to a new role as EVP of Talent Relations, which meant that JR and Jericho would be working together closely. That was one of the reasons Jericho was at EBWF HQ; another was to check out the new EBWF website, which was almost ready to go live. Before meeting JR, Jericho spent some time with the Digital team to preview the site. Simon, one of the team members who had helped design the site, was showing it to Jericho.

Chris Jericho: Wow, it looks great! I can tell a lot of work has gone into it. You guys should be proud of yourselves. How much work have you got left to do?

Simon: Not a lot, really. It's mostly just a few graphics that need updating, and checking it for errors.

Chris Jericho: I'm pleased to hear that it's almost done, it seems to have been a long time coming. By the way, is Miz's roster page finished? Wes told me Miz submitted his own bio... I can't wait to read it.

Simon: Uh, sure... hold on...

A few clicks later, Simon had Miz's bio up on the screen. Jericho smiled to himself as he read it.

Chris Jericho: "Synonymous with EBWF gold"... "One of the most successful stars on the roster"... "Two of the most vicious factions in recent EBWF history"... wow. You should add a line at the end that says "One thing about The Miz is certain; if he could blow himself, he would".

Simon seemed unsure whether he should laugh, or if Jericho was being serious. Before Jericho could clarify, another member of staff approached him. If Jericho remembered correctly, his name was Andy.

Andy: Mr Jericho? Sorry to bother you... JR said he's waiting for you upstairs when you're ready.

Chris Jericho: Tell him I'll be up in five. And please, call me Chris. I hate it when people call me Mr Jericho, it just doesn't sound right.

Andy: Okay Mr... I mean Chris. I'll let him know. Thank you.

Jericho thanked Simon and the rest of the Digital team for their time, then headed upstairs to meet JR. It seemed strange to think that a few days earlier, they had been working together on screen, and now they were preparing for their respective new roles. Of course, Jericho would be carrying out his new role alongside his role as a wrestler. JR, however, was giving up his role behind the announce table to commit to his new role full time. When Jericho saw JR, he couldn't help but wonder how the man many people thought of as "the voice of professional wrestling" felt about retiring that voice.

Chris Jericho: Hey, Jim. So... EVP of Talent Relations. How are you feeling about it?

Jim Ross: I'm honoured, really I am. Wes said that you recommended me for it, so thank you.

Chris Jericho: You're welcome! Although I feel like Wes is bending the truth slightly if that's what he told you. He asked me who I thought would be the best person for the job, you were the first person I thought of, and he agreed with me. We both wanted you to take the job, but at the same time, we wanted to make sure it was what you wanted to do. I understand that it's quite a big change for you.

Jericho was choosing his words carefully, trying not to sound patronising. After all, JR had been involved in the wrestling business since Jericho was four years old.

Jim Ross: It is, and I'd be lying if I said I won't miss being there at ringside every Monday night. But I'm excited about the opportunity I've been given, and I guarantee I'll make the most of it.

Chris Jericho: I don't doubt that. I look forward to working with you, and bringing the best new talent into the EBWF. I'd like spend some time discussing ideas today, but there was actually something else I wanted to ask you first, if that's alright.

Jim Ross: Of course.

Chris Jericho: I've been asked to do a sit down interview for the Rumble; Jessica wants to post it when the new website is launched this weekend. Michael Cole was going to interview me, but with all due respect to Michael, I'd like you to do it. It seems... fitting.

Jim Ross: I'd be happy to! Who knows, it might be the last time I'm asked to interview someone for EBWF...

Chris Jericho: I very much doubt that; thanks, though. How about we discuss some ideas, get lunch, and then we can film it this afternoon. Sound good?

Jim Ross: Sounds great!

After agreeing the questions JR would ask, the two men went for lunch and then headed to one of the interview rooms.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, with me at this time is the EBWF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho, who goes one on one with the World Champion The Miz this Sunday at the Royal Rumble. Chris, you earned a shot at the World Title this past Monday, when you beat Brock Lesnar in a "Pick Your Poison" match, arranged by the EBWF General Manager, Stone Cold Steve Austin. What are your thoughts on taking on "The Beast"?

Chris Jericho: It was a tough battle, JR, no doubt about that. The last time I wrestled Brock Lesnar was during the King of the Ring tournament, and he eliminated me... so credit where credit's due, Lesnar was a smart choice by The Miz. But when I challenged him to give me a title match, I made it clear to both The Miz and Stone Cold that I would do whatever it takes to get a shot at the gold. I didn't want to be handed anything, I wanted to earn my chance. And having beaten a powerful superstar like Brock, I'm confident that I've eradicated any doubts anyone might have had about whether or not I deserve a title shot.

Jim Ross: What do you have to say in response to critics who say you only won the match because you were helped by your good friend, Wes Ikeda?

Chris Jericho: With all due respect, JR, I say that's ridiculous. Wes only got involved after The Miz had gotten involved; he had my back, that's all it was. If Miz had kept his nose out of things, Wes would have been nowhere to be seen, and I'd still be sat here with you as the number one contender for the EBWF World Title. I didn't need Wes' help to win; I almost had Brock beat before then.

Jim Ross: What do you think of The Miz as your peer? He's been the World Champion for four months, which is an impressive achievement. However, you suggested a few weeks ago that he's only held the title for so long because of the now defunct stable, Vertex...

Chris Jericho: You know what, JR? As a peer, I actually think The Miz has done very well. He's come a long way since he appeared on The Real World 15 years ago... he's a hard working superstar, and he's fought his way to the top. But I stand by my comments about The Miz as a World Champion. Let's look at the facts. For starters, the only reason he even beat Sami Zayn at Destiny is because he had the help of Vertex. And then when he beat AJ Styles at Survivor Series, he had to use a steel chair to do so. Now I'm not going to sit here and condemn The Miz for taking underhanded victories, because that would make me a hypocrite. I've done some devious things myself in the past. But I have also proved time and time again that I am the best in the world at what I do. I can beat anyone, and over the past 14 years in the EBWF, I've beaten just about everyone. Have I had a helping hand from time to time? Absolutely. Have I done things I shouldn't have done to get the victory? When I needed to, yes. But more often than not, I do it on my own, and I do it the right way. Because I want to, and because I can. Respect is important to me, JR. As much as it means to me that I'm liked by the majority of the EBWF fans, and by my peers, it means more to me that they respect me. I'd rather someone dislike me than not respect me, because if I have their respect it means they know I'm the best at what I do, even if they don't agree with how I do it. With The Miz, I don't think he cares about being liked or respected, just as long as he's on top. That's why he formed the Vertex in the first place, and that's why Vertex is no more. Because people can only hang around with The Miz for so long before they get sick of him. Honestly, the truth is I'm amazed that Finn Balor and Kevin Owens, two incredibly talented wrestlers, even agreed to be Miz's lackey in the first place. Ted DiBiase has stood by The Miz so many times, I'm beginning to wonder if they're star-crossed lovers. And despite his talent, Kyle O'Reilly doesn't seem like someone who can think for himself. So I get why Miz was able to recruit them to his cause. But Balor and Owens? I thought they knew better. I hope they've learned their lesson if nothing else, and that’s not to let a jackass like The Miz taint your reputation.

Jim Ross: With that in mind, would you say that The Miz is less of a threat now that he doesn't have the Vertex in his corner? Miz has given the impression on more than one occasion that he doesn't need the Vertex, and that he's glad he's no longer associated with them.

Chris Jericho: Do you really think Miz would admit that it was his fault that Vertex turned their back on him, JR? It's all bravado, it's what you'd expect from someone like The Miz, a guy that believes his own hype. He can pretend all he likes that he's glad the Vertex are done, and that he doesn't need them... but deep down, I know he's running scared. Because they were his security net, his safety blanket. Without them, he's exposed. So of course he's less of a threat. But that doesn't mean he's not a threat. If there's one thing I've learned over the past 25 years, it's not to underestimate anyone. It's a mistake I've made before, and I won't make it again. Not when the World Title is on the line, it's too important to me.

Jim Ross: You mention that the World Title is important to you; I think that goes without saying. The World Title is the ultimate prize, the reason so many superstars come to EBWF, and on Sunday 30 men will compete for a chance to challenge the World Champion at Wrestlemania. You won the Royal Rumble yourself back in 2010, and you're a seven-time EBWF World Champion... only Raven and Christian have held the World Title more times than you. But the last time you won the World Title was in September 2011, when you beat CM Punk at Destiny. You lost the championship to Brian Kendrick a month later at Fanniversary. I don't mean any disrespect when I say this, but it’s a long time since you last held the World Title. Over four years, in fact. Does it bother you that it's been so long since your last reign as the EBWF World Champion?

Chris Jericho: It eats away at me every time I think about it, JR. And what makes it even worse is that there have been so many times I could have reached for that brass ring again, and I've faltered. Sometimes it's been out of my control – I spent two years barely competing when I stepped in as interim CEO – but I'm not going to make excuses. I've had opportunities, and I've squandered them. That's why I told Stone Cold Steve Austin that I'd do whatever it took to get another shot at the title. If he'd turned me down and made me compete in the Royal Rumble, you have my word that I would have gone into that match on top of my game, desperately trying to make sure I was the last man standing; that I earned my spot in the main event of Wrestlemania. I'm hungry for that title, JR. I'm hungry for that main event match at Wrestlemania. Both times I've main evented Wrestlemania, I lost, and it's time for me to put that right. It's time for me to be the World Champion again. Ten months ago, the night before Wrestlemania XIV, I was voted as the Wrestler of the Year. So for all the snide remarks people like The Miz and Tyler Breeze make about me being past my prime, the majority of the wrestlers in that locker room know what I'm capable of. I've got the Slammys and the championships to prove it. I've been the Intercontinental Champion for almost nine months now, and I've defended this title against the likes of CM Punk, AJ Styles, Kevin Owens and my good friend, Lance Storm. I am proud to be the Intercontinental Champion, and I have proved myself to be a worthy champion, but the Intercontinental Title is like winning a silver medal at the Olympics. It's a great accomplishment, but it's not the gold medal I covet. The Miz has that gold, and on Sunday, he's going to find out just how badly I want it. You're right, Jim; four years is a long time without a Y2J World Title reign. But come Sunday, the wait will be over.

Jim Ross: Thank you for your time, Chris. Good luck on Sunday.

Chris Jericho: Thanks, JR.

The cameraman who had been filming the interview turned off his camera, and Jericho thanked JR again off camera. The two men went to Jericho's office to discuss the talent they wanted to bring to the EBWF, and their hopes and expectations for the year ahead.


"The Fight Of Your Life"
Sunday January 31; Detroit, Michigan

It was just before 7pm, and the 2016 Royal Rumble pay-per-view was a little over an hour away. The Joe Louis Arena was already beginning to fill up, and you could feel the excitement in the air. As 7pm hit, the EBWF Royal Rumble pre-show began.

Renee Young: Good evening and welcome to the EBWF Royal Rumble pre-show, exclusively here on! The Road to Wrestlemania begins tonight, and we'll find out who will secure their place in the Wrestlemania main event as the number one contender for the EBWF World Title. Will AJ Styles, who is entering at number one, be able to outlast 29 other superstars to main event Wrestlemania once again? Will Wes Ikeda, who is entering at number 30, be the last man standing? Or will it be one of the other 28 superstars competing here tonight? In just a few hours' time, we will find out! We'll also see The Miz defend his World Title against the EBWF's longest serving superstar, Chris Jericho. With me tonight on the pre-show panel are Michael Cole and Matt Striker. Michael, Matt, what are your predictions for tonight?

Before either man could answer Renee's question, the arena lights went out and a five second countdown appeared on the tron. As the countdown clock hit zero, pyros came out of the stage and "Break The Walls Down" blasted through the PA system. The Detroit crowd went wild as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage, wearing his light-up jacket and his red Y2J 2016 trunks. Jericho had a microphone in his hand, and he was visibly excited as he made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Jericho looked up at the Wrestlemania sign in the rafters, then pointed to it. The crowd cheered, then began chanting "Y2J". After his music was cut, Jericho waited for the crowd to settle down, before beginning to speak. He started off by doing his best impression of Michael Buffer.

Chris Jericho: Let's get ready to Rumble!

The crowd cheered once more; it was obvious that they were hyped. Jericho grinned, then began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Those of you that have followed the EBWF since it began will know that the Royal Rumble is one of my favourite nights of the year. Almost every year, I compete in the Royal Rumble match, and I am always one of the last men standing. I love the Royal Rumble match, and it's still on my bucket list to join my former mentor Bret Hart as a two-time Royal Rumble winner... but tonight, I'm walking a different path. Tonight, Y2J takes on The Miz for the EBWF World Title! And I think we're all in agreement, that it's time The Miz's reign as champion ended... it's time for the era of Y2J 2016!

The crowd began chanting Jericho's name once more. Jericho mouthed the words "Thank you" as he waited for the chant to die down.

Chris Jericho: It has been four months. For four months now, we've had to listen to The Miz run his mouth, making out like he's the greatest superstar the EBWF has ever seen, all because he cheated his way to the top and stole the World Title from last year's King of the Ring, Sami Zayn. For four months, we've had to watch The Miz try and fail to be funny, and "dominate" the EBWF landscape with his Vertex beat downs. For four months – or at least until Vertex turned on The Miz earlier this month – we've seen Miz and his cronies beat down the likes of Sami Zayn, AJ Styles and CM Punk, all to try and keep The Miz as the EBWF's top dog. We've seen The Miz claim that he's the greatest, but do you know what you haven't seen? You haven't seen The Miz take out Chris Jericho. He hasn't even tried, hasn't even dared to try, and do you know why that is? Because The Miz is afraid of me. I'm sure he'll deny it until he's blue in the face, he'll say that he didn't go after me because I'm not a threat to him, make some joke about how the last time I was relevant, VCRs were still a thing... I've heard it all before. The Miz says the same schtick every week, with only a slight bit of variety. He'll brag about how he's better than everyone else, belittle anyone he can, and make a few pop culture references that are close to the line. But I don't care what he says, because I know he thinks I'm a threat. Why else would he have been so reluctant to defend his title against me? Why else would he have brought the biggest dog in the yard, Brock Lesnar, to try and take me out, when Stone Cold Steve Austin gave Miz his pick of opponents for me? The Miz wanted Lesnar to take me out because he knew he couldn’t do it himself. He's backstage right now sweating, because he knows that his World Title reign is coming to an end. He knows that tonight, he'll have to try and beat me... and he knows that he can't. Now I'm sure if you asked Miz, he'd try and turn this around on me, and say that either I'm afraid of him, or that I should be. He likes to act like he's a tough guy even though he's about the same size as my 13 year old son, Ash. But I can categorically state that I am not afraid of The Miz; why would I be? I had to fight "The Game", Triple H, when he was in his prime. I've stood toe to toe with one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Shawn Michaels. I've beaten the legendary icon, Sting. I've outlasted all three of them. Hell, I've taken on Wes Ikeda himself... I've battled and beaten the very best, and with all due respect Miz, compared to them, you just don't cut it. There's not one thing I fear about you, Miz, it's as simple as that.

Jericho stood still for a moment, then looked around at the crowd. He looked up at the Wrestlemania sign once more before continuing to speak.

Chris Jericho: Those of you that follow me on Facebook and Twitter might have noticed that earlier today, I announced my band Fozzy are taking some time off to focus on "other interests". In case it wasn't already clear, the "interest" I'll be focused on is doing what I'm doing right now. Standing right here in this ring, kicking ass and entertaining all of you. And in case you were wondering why I chose now to take a break from Fozzy when I've been juggling my music and wrestling careers for so long, there are actually several reasons why I made that decision. But the main reason is because as long as I'm juggling the two, I can never focus fully on either. Now I'd say I've done a pretty good job of balancing the two things out – after all, I was your 2015 Wrestler of the Year, wasn't I? However, I know I can do better. I know I can do better because it's been far, far too long since I held the ultimate prize, the EBWF World Title. That title means everything to me, and I am prouder than you can imagine to have held it seven times. No matter how many setbacks I have, I have never stopped working to become the World Champion for an eighth time. And it's not about beating Raven's record number of title reigns – I want the World Champion because it proves that I'm the best. But because I've been it's been so long since I held that, The Miz seems to think that I don't deserve to be the World Champion. He doesn't think I'm capable beating him. And I can't help but wonder, what the hell gives you the right to think that, Miz? Have you ever beaten me before? When you step into the ring with me tonight, junior, you'd better be prepared for the fight of your life!

Jericho's tone was harsher now; a mixture of passion and determination. He began pacing around the ring as he spoke.

Chris Jericho: I have been wrestling now for more than 25 years. When I made my in-ring debut, the Miz was just ten years old. He was as annoying then as he is now; to be honest, he hasn’t really changed all that much from what I can gather. And I'm sure some people will say that 25 years is too long, that I should retire. People already have... but the fact of the matter is, I don't give a damn what other people think. In fact, I'm tired of hearing about it. I'm tired of people saying that I can't complete at the top any more, and tonight I'll prove them all wrong, including you Miz. I'll prove that I'm better than you could ever dream of being. You thought I wouldn't be able to hold my own against Brock Lesnar, but I'm still standing... what are you going to do to me, Miz, that Brock Lesnar couldn’t? I have wrestled all over the world, I've adapted my wrestling style so many times I've lost count. I've got moves and holds in my repertoire that you've never even heard of, so what do you think you've got up your sleeve that I wouldn't be prepared for? Anything you try on me Miz, I'll have seen it before. I'll be ready for it, and I'll be ready for you. So hit me with your best shot, and let's see what you're capable of. I'll show you what I'm capable of too, and when it's all said and done, you will never... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrrr... be the same, again!

Jericho was about to exit the ring, but before he did, he looked into the camera and uttered eight more words.

Chris Jericho: And I will be the EBWF World Champion.

Jericho said it in a way that made it clear he wouldn’t accept any other outcome. He then dropped the microphone and as his music hit, he made his way to the back, desperately hoping that his wait for an eighth World Title reign was almost over.

Re: The Wait Is Over

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 6:51 am
by Dotty
You are past your prime :crazy :shit