Warfare Results 02/15/2016

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Warfare Results 02/15/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Monday Night Warfare! I'm your new play-by-play announcer, Joey Styles, and it gives me great pleasure to introduce my new broadcast partner, Corey Graves.

Corey Graves: Thank you, Joey. It's a pleasure to be here with you!

Joey Styles: Two weeks ago at the Royal Rumble, the quintessential EBWF superstar Chris Jericho won the World Title for the eighth time, and Wes Ikeda won the Royal Rumble. Later on tonight, Wes will be Jericho's guest on the Highlight Reel!

Corey Graves: That should be interesting to watch, Joey! We've also got divas action to look forward to as the Mean Girls, Summer Rae and Sasha Banks, take on AJ Lee and Paige to determine the number one contenders for the Women's Tag Titles!

Joey Styles: What a great match that will be! Up first though, we'll see one of the EBWF's newest superstars in action as Carlito takes on Seth Rollins.

Rollins came to the ring first, followed by Carlito. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd as they made their way to the ring. When the two men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and Rollins went after Carlito with some right hands. Carlito fought back with some right hands of his own, then whipped Rollins against the ropes. Carlito hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Carlito hit a flowing DDT. He got to his feet and stomped on Rollins several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him towards the corner. Carlito ran at Rollins, going for the Stinger splash, but Rollins moved out of the way and Carlito collided with the turnbuckle. Rollins grabbed Carlito from behind, hitting a belly-to-back suplex. Rollins then went to the top rope and attempted the frog splash... but Carlito got his knees up and blocked it.

Corey Graves: Great block there by Carlito – Rollins looks like he's in a lot of pain!

Carlito got to his feet and kicked Rollins in the ribs, then pulled him to his feet and hit the overdrive. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Carlito pulled Rollins to his feet once more, hitting a series of punches, before whipping him against the ropes and taking him down with a Japanese arm drag. Both men got to their feet and Carlito hit a running knee lift, following it up with a running clothesline. Rollins got to his feet and Carlito set him up for a suplex, but Rollins blocked it and countered with a reverse STO. Rollins then went for the Curb Stomp... but Carlito moved out of the way! He got to his feet and lifted Rollins up, hitting a fireman's carry flapjack. Rollins looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Carlito got behind him, hitting the Backstabber! Carlito hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Carlito gets the victory on his debut!

Corey Graves: An impressive performance from the Caribbean superstar!

Carlito celebrated, then made his way to the back.


The night was in full swing with some great matches taking place on Warfare, once the show returned from commercial break and fans were finding their seats; they erupted into cheers as “World’s Apart” by CFO$ blasted the PA system from out of nowhere. The video started to play on the titan-tron, and the lights began to flash shades of red, yellow and blue with an EBWF cameraman running up the ramp and focusing on the stage. Eventually, the cheers grew louder as Sami Zayn appeared through the curtains with a huge smile on his face, clearly happy to be back in front of his loyal fans. It didn’t take long for the Cleveland crowd to begin the thunderous ‘Ole!’ chants as he slowly walked down the ramp, still feeling the effects of his match with AJ Styles which saw him out of action for almost two months.

He managed to reach the steel steps and in usual fashion he exerted enough energy to pump up the crowd before holding his shoulder as he climbed through the middle rope and into the ring. He circled the ring as he received a microphone with Christy Hemme welcoming him back to the EBWF Universe. His music eventually faded out and he looked around the arena, listening to chants and looking at the signs, soaking it all in and appreciating their reaction. Before he could try and speak, he took off his flat cap and scratched his head, laughing to himself before finding the words to speak.

Sami Zayn: So yeah…I got injured. Again.

Some fans laughed with Sami while other’s booed at the fact that he had to miss two valuable months of in-ring action, especially in the build-up to WrestleMania.

Sami Zayn: I’ve been paying attention to what’s going on, though. That’s just me, keeping up-to-date with what the guys here are doing, what my guys on the indies are doing or even over in Japan. I’m a wrestling guy, I live to wrestle, it’s why I signed up to compete for the EBWF in the first place. During my time out on the sidelines, I saw a lot of changes take place, and a lot has changed here. I’ve seen changes take place at the top of this company in the offices, right through to seeing changes on the roster. I have had to sit back and watch guys, old and new, take their opportunities. I’ve seen changes with The Miz, changes with Vertex, changes with Jericho and Wes Ikeda. So many more guys and girls walking through those same curtains, most of them taking their opportunities with both hands…and good for them.

Sami continued to circle the ring, acknowledging the waves particular stars have made, whether it’s their first week in the company or whether they’ve returned to make an impact.

Sami Zayn: But…all of them need to understand that once I can compete in this ring again, freely, I’m going to do whatever it takes to get back to the level I want to be at. Being World Champion for that one month was the best feeling ever, for that one month it felt like wrestling for 15 years in small venues finally paid off. I wouldn’t trade that one month for anything because nobody in this company thought I stood a chance against Dolph Ziggler. I freed the company from one of the least-active World Champions we have seen in a very, VERY long time. Then…that was snatched from me by The Miz and Vertex, and that’s when I started to trip on those hurdles. Losing the rematch against him, going on the string of losses, I just didn’t feel like being here.

Sami composed himself on the microphone, scratching his hair and trying to keep a straight face before continuing.

Sami Zayn: Yeah…but I only turned up for this sort of reaction because THIS is what keeps me going then this, all of this. These injuries, the pain. One match against AJ Styles at Christmas Eve Of Destruction in that messed up Tables Match changed everything. I had him beat, and he knows that. But Solomon Crowe had to get involved, their antics and their decisions meant I couldn’t enter the Royal Rumble and because of THEM…I can’t headline WrestleMania. Which means…I have to wait one whole year to try and experience that feeling, to get that honour. They stole my greatest opportunity from me and for that, I need to get revenge. I need to make this fair, there’s so much I need to do, there’s so much I HAVE to do. This month or so I’ve been sat at home watching things change, it’s made me feel alive. I’ve felt like I’ve had to rebuild myself to a wrestler who can take down ANYONE put in front of me.

Sami looked into the camera, talking directly to those who either affected his career or those he wanted to share a ring with.

Sami Zayn: I want a fair crack at you, Miz. Not only to shut him up once and for all but to show him that he’s never been better than me and when it’s one on one…I’m always better, and I’d always be better. I need to exact my revenge for those months of torment at the hands of Vertex…each and every single one of those sons of bitches for putting me through what they did, I’m just sorry I wasn’t the one to make them implode. I want to work my way up to a chance with Chris Jericho in the ring. I want the chance to step into the ring with the boss of this company. I want the chance to eventually headline WrestleMania one day, and I’d love to take on each and every single one of the guys stepping in the company who are in the same position I was in when I started. But most of all…most of all…my priority is on one thing. My priority is getting into this ring, whether it be tonight, next week or next month. The two of us are definitely going to meet in this ring again, with or without Solomon Crowe in your corner, and I can guarantee you that not only will this be a bad-blooded technical masterclass of a match…but it’ll be the night I pin your shoulders to the mat and change my fortunes, for good. I want it, these fans want it, and I know for a fact you still have it in your tank to get out to this ring and put on one hell of a match. I’ll see you soon.

Sami stared into the camera for a moment before dropping the microphone, issuing a warning to AJ Styles, Solomon Crowe and anybody else who thought they could outperform him in the ring. His music started to play once more as he stepped out of the ring and started to meet the fans on the front row, walking up the ramp as Warfare rolled on.


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got divas tag team action!

"Can You Feel My Heart" by Bring Me the Horizon hit and the crowd cheered as AJ Lee and Paige headed to the ring. When AJ and Paige were in the ring, "Sky's The Limit" by CFO$ hit and the cheers turned to boos as Summer Rae and Sasha Banks stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Eva Marie.

Corey Graves: Here comes Sasha Banks, who made it to the final two in the Women's Royal Rumble, but was eliminated by Alexa Bliss. I'm sure she'll be looking to take her frustration out on AJ and Paige tonight!

The Mean Girls strutted to the ring, and as Summer and Sasha entered the ring, they smirked confidently at their opponents. The referee called for the bell and Sasha and Paige moved onto the ring apron, allowing Summer and AJ to start the match. The two divas locked up, and Summer took AJ down with a snapmare. She punched AJ against the mat several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Sasha held AJ in place, allowing Summer to hit her with repeated kicks. Summer then tagged in Sasha, who upon entering the ring pulled AJ out of the corner and took her down with a bulldog. Sasha hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Sasha and Summer Rae! Impressive teamwork from the Mean Girls!

Sasha sat AJ up and applied a chinlock, but AJ broke out of it and both divas got to their feet. Sasha went to whip AJ against the ropes, but AJ reversed it, sending Sasha into the ropes. She hit Sasha with a dropkick, then as the two divas got to their feet, AJ took Sasha down with a swinging neckbreaker. AJ tagged in Paige, who hit Sasha with a side kick, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Paige with a near fall!

Corey Graves: AJ and Paige have found their way back into this match, but I wouldn't count the Mean Girls out just yet!

As Paige got to her feet, Eva reached under the bottom rope and tried to trip her. The distraction gave Sasha time to recover, and she attacked Paige from behind, hitting her in the back of the head before hitting a back drop. She stomped on Paige several times, then tagged in Summer Rae. Sasha held Paige in place, allowing Summer to hit a kick to the midsection. As Sasha exited the ring, Summer hit a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! What great back and forth action we're seeing here, Corey!

Corey Graves: I know, Joey... my money is still on the Mean Girls though!

Summer pulled Paige to her feet and set her up for the Summer Solstice, but Paige blocked it, then lifted Summer over her shoulders and hit a Samoan drop. She crawled to the corner and tagged in AJ Lee. AJ entered the ring and ran at Summer Rae, taking her down with a clothesline. Summer got to her feet and AJ whipped her against the ropes... as she did so, Sasha tagged herself in. AJ didn’t see it, and as Summer ran towards her, AJ jumped up and hit a hurricanrana. She rolled Summer up, but the referee informed her that Summer wasn't the legal woman. AJ got to her feet, and Sasha entered the ring, grabbing AJ from behind and hitting a double knee backbreaker, transitioning it into the Bank Statement! Summer knocked Paige off the ring apron, and after trying in vain to reach the ropes, AJ tapped out. The referee called for the bell and Sasha broke the hold, then got to her feet and celebrated with Summer and Eva.

Corey Graves: I told you the Mean Girls would win this one, Joey!

Joey Styles: Summer and Sasha were definitely impressive tonight, but I think you need to give credit to AJ and Paige.

Corey Graves: They were good... but Summer and Sasha were better!

Warfare went to a commercial break as the Mean Girls continued to celebrate.


"Ladies and Gentlemen...."

The crowd gave a heavily mixed reactions as Paul Heyman made his way down the entrance ramp. He twirled a mic in his hand as he stepped up the ring steps, wearing a nicely pressed suit. He looked over the crowd with a look of indifference before putting the mic to his lips.

Paul Heyman: My name... is Paul Heyman.

A sizeable portion of the crowd cheered as they spoke his catchphrase along with him.

Paul Heyman: I stand here in front of you all, upset and disappointed. You see, my client, the most dominant athlete in the world, was robbed of his opportunity to main event Wrestlemania and become the EBWF World Champion. And notice how I said "Most Dominant Athlete". I didn't say wrestler. I didn't say fighter. I didn't say "Superstar".

He spoke the last word with disgust, almost spitting it out.

Paul Heyman: My client...BRRRROOOCCCCKKKK... LESNAR... eliminated the most men in the Royal Rumble match, and he entered in halfway through it. Wes Ikeda threw his weight around, put money in the pocket of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and managed to get himself the number 30 spot. My client is a victim of blatant wrestling politicking. In any venue, in any situation, my client is a war machine. He in an unstoppable force of brutality and violence, the likes of which has not been seen in the wrestling business. Ever. That's what my client brings to the table, and as a result the men who hold positions of power and wealth within the EBWF decided to conspire against him and ensure that he would not, once again, display his dominance at Wrestlemania.

Heyman paused as a chant of "Suplex City!" began ringing throughout the arena.

Paul Heyman: I apologize to the fans of the EBWF Universe, however Suplex City will not be coming to Cleveland. Because my client is quite simply... not in the mood to entertain you.

The crowd booed vociferously, and Heyman was unphased, his look of displeasure remained static.

Paul Heyman: And why should he? Brock Lesnar deserves more than...

"Go Back to Sleep..."

The crowd erupted in cheers as the sound of "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle blasted out of the speakers.

Joey Styles: It's Randy Orton! Oh My God!

Randy Orton appeared from behind the curtain, a black t-shirt and a pair of darkwash jeans on. He looked around slowly at the crowd with a casual smirk, soaking in the adulation.

Corey Graves: What's the Silent Assassin doing here? We saw him briefly at the Rumble, but he's otherwise been a bit of a ghost!

Joey Styles: Orton and Heyman do have a bit of a history, maybe he's going to chime in on this conversation.

Randy headed up the steps and took a mic from the one of the ringside technicians. He stepped into the ring and walked up to Heyman, extending his hand. Heyman cautiously shook it, not sure what to make of the situation. Randy raised the mic to his lips but pulled it back when the crowd drowned him out with cheers. Heyman pre-empted him before he could speak.

Paul Heyman: Randy, before I let you speak, I'd like to take the opportunity to say this to you. I have a lot of respect for you as a wrestler, and as a performer. That being said... I'm not sure what your purpose is out here. You were in the Royal Rumble, for what? 3 minutes? Are you looking to challenge my client?

Randy cocked an unimpressed eyebrow at Heyman's inquiry, bringing the mic to his lips.

Randy Orton: Heyman, I know that you've got a lot on your plate, managing a guy who actually believes he's worth what he's getting paid. So, maybe you haven't been paying much attention. But MY name... is Randy Orton. And I don't make challenges. If someone, like your client, wants to see if they can survive in a match against me, they need to ask me.

Heyman backed up a little bit and looked Randy over.

Paul Heyman: Maybe it's slipped my mind because you haven't been around all that often. Perhaps the fact that Corey Graves over there has seen more ring time in the last year than you have...

Corey Graves: Hey... that's not cool.

Paul Heyman: Perhaps means that you aren't as important as you think you are. Additionally, I seem to remember who eliminated you at the Royal Rumble. So if you want a match with my client, the BEAST, you're going to need to get in line.

Heyman had a pretty satisfied look on his face as Randy looked around, feigning defeat.

Randy Orton: Actually, it's not like that. You see, next week I'm going to be in a match for the number one contendership for the EBWF Path to Glory Championship. And when I win that match, and I will, I'm going to go on to hold the one title that Brock Lesnar's going to need if he ever wants another shot at the World Championship. Seems like finishing second in the Rumble left your client with nothing.

Heyman snarled.

Paul Heyman: Randy, you're not going to win the Path to Glory Championship. Your heart's not in it. I know that, you know that. You haven't had that killer instinct in years. You come and go as you please, you show up once every 3 months, and you have a forgettable match with someone who doesn't matter. We all know you're going to into that match, make someone else look good, and then go back home and watch Netflix, milking your contract like some kind of...

Heyman couldn't finish as Randy leapt up and grabbed his head and slammed Heyman down with an RKO. The crowd erupted into cheers.

Joey Styles: RKO! RKO on Paul Heyman!

Corey Graves: I think Randy is out here to illustrate that he's not interested in the same old thing. Randy is here to win.

Randy smirked and mounted the turnbuckle as "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" blasted out of the PA system. He threw his arms out in his signature taunt as EBWF went to commercial.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Zack Ryder was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Still to come, we've got Wes Ikeda on the Highlight Reel with the new EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho. Up now though, we’re determining the new number one contenders for the EBWF Tag Titles as Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler team up to take on Bully Ray and Sheamus.

Corey Graves: Is it just me, Joey, or does this match have something of a "strange bedfellows" feel to it? Maybe Stone Cold had a few Steveweisters before he booked this one!

When Ryder was in the ring, "Here to Show the World" by Downstait hit and the crowd cheered as Dolph Ziggler headed to the ring. Sheamus came out next, and finally Bully Ray made his way to the ring. As the referee called for the bell, Ziggler moved onto the ring apron, allowing Ryder to start the match. Across the ring, Sheamus and Bully Ray had a disagreement over who should start. Eventually, Bully Ray reluctantly moved onto the apron and Sheamus went after Ryder. The two men exchanged right hands back and forth, and Sheamus was able to overpower Ryder. After hitting the Long Island superstar with a series of punches in quick succession, Sheamus whipped Ryder against the ropes. As Ryder hit the ropes, Sheamus went for a clothesline, but Ryder ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then hit Sheamus with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Ryder hit a kick to the midsection, then hit a facebuster. He tagged in Ziggler, who hit Sheamus with a dropkick then set him up for a suplex. Sheamus blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. He got to his feet and stomped on him several times, then pulled Ziggler to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Bully Ray then tagged himself in, and he and Sheamus worked together, pummelling Ziggler in the corner with a series of punches and kicks.

Joey Styles: Well Corey, despite the tension between Bully Ray and Sheamus, I have to say they're working pretty well together.

Corey Graves: They're united by a common goal, Joey... I'm just not sure if that goal is to win the Tag Titles or to hurt people!

The referee ordered Sheamus to exit the ring, and Bully Ray pulled Ziggler out of the corner, hitting him with a sitout powerbomb. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Bully Ray pulled Ziggler to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him against the ropes. Bully Ray went for a back body drop, but Ziggler countered with the Famouser! He then tagged in Ryder, who went to the top rope and hit Bully Ray with a dropkick. He made the cover, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Ryder pulled Bully Ray to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner elbow smash. Bully Ray fell into a sitting position, and Ryder signalled for the Broski Boot! As Ryder fist-pumped, Sheamus ran into the ring and attacked him! The crowd booed as the referee tried to restore order. For the second time in the match, the referee ordered Sheamus to exit the ring. However the damage was done, and Bully Ray moved out of the corner, grabbing Ryder and hitting him with the bionic elbow. He tagged in Sheamus, who lifted Ryder over his shoulders for the White Noise... but Ryder wriggled free and rolled Sheamus up! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Ryder almost stole one!

Ryder tagged in Ziggler, who ran towards Sheamus and hit him with a jumping DDT. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler whipped Sheamus into the corner, before hitting the Stinger splash. Sheamus staggered out of the corner, and Ziggler jumped on his back, applying a sleeper hold. Just as Sheamus seemed to be fading, he fought back, falling backwards and causing Ziggler to hit the mat, breaking the hold. Sheamus pulled Ziggler to his feet and lifted him up, hitting a fallaway slam. He then signalled for the Brogue Kick! Ziggler got to his feet, and Sheamus hit it! As he made the cover, Ryder ran into the ring to break up the count, but Bully Ray was ready for him and took him down with a clothesline. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! The Bully and the Brute have got the victory!

Despite the tension, Bully Ray and Sheamus looked pleased as they celebrated their victory. They made their way to the back as Ryder and Ziggler recovered in the ring.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, the camera cut to the ring, which was set up for the Highlight Reel. Ring announcer Christy Hemme was stood in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, up next is the Highlight Reel. Introducing your host… the NEW EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho!

“Break The Walls Down” hit and the crowd cheered as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was wearing gray designer jeans and a black leather jacket, and he had the World Title around his waist. Jericho was all smiles as he made his way down the ramp, and as he entered the ring, he took the microphone from Christy. He said something that made her smile, then she exited the ring. Jericho’s music was cut, and as he went to speak, a ‘Y2J’ chant broke out. Jericho waited for the chant to die down, then began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Thank you. Welcome to the first Highlight Reel of 2016! Tonight, my guest is one of my oldest friends, and the man who two weeks ago, booked his place in the Wrestlemania main event. Jerichoholics, please give a warm welcome to the 2016 EBWF Royal Rumble winner… the one and only, Wes Ikeda!

“Oh My, Here We Go!” Sound of Madness rang out through the arena as Wes Ikeda stepped out onto the stage. He wore his typical dark washed jeans, and a new black t-shirt. In lime green it read “Rebel Without a Cause World Tour 2016”. He already had a microphone, and moved toward the ring without any trepidation. He took the steel steps, and entered over the second rope. A “Wes Ikeda” chant popped up in the arena, and Wes smirked.

Chris Jericho: First of all Wes, I’d like to start by congratulating you on your Royal Rumble victory. It’s never easy to win the Royal Rumble match - I should know, I won it in 2010 - so how do you feel about outlasting 29 other men and emerging from the Rumble victorious?

Wes Ikeda: To be fair, most of the work was already done when I arrived, but I did exactly what I said I was going to do.

Jericho nodded.

Chris Jericho: You won the World Title once before in 2009… you’ve gone even longer than I have without a run as Champion. So I have to ask, why did you decide now was the time for you to go after the title again? What’s different?

Wes Ikeda: Well, for one, that championship is around your waist. So that’s different. Who did I beat for that championship in 2009? Oh, that… that was you.

The crowd popped and Wes smirked.

Wes Ikeda: The EBWF fans have been waiting for over three years for this match Chris, we’re just upping the ante by having it at Wrestlemania.

Jericho grinned.

Chris Jericho: I’ve gotta say, there is something fitting about having you in the Wrestlemania main event, 15 years after this all started. But do you know what’s even more fitting? For you to main event Wrestlemania against one of the founding members of the EBWF - the only man to appear on all 14 of the previous Wrestlemanias - Y2J, Chris Jericho!

Wes Ikeda: It’s been six years since Chris Jericho was in the main event at Wrestlemania. I say it’s about damn time that...

AWEEEEEEESOMEEEEEE- followed by "I Came To Play" by Downstait was heard over the PA System and the crowd erupted in boos as the former EBWF Champion emerged from the back. Jericho and Ikeda both rolled their eyes and gave annoyed look toward the entrance ramp. The Miz wore a fancy gray suit- and he had a very confused look on his face.

The Miz: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Really? You two are going to main event Wrestlemania? REALLY? Last time I checked- I have a little thing called a rematch clause- so before you two jamoaks start printing fliers- I should probably let you know that I'm going to be crashing that party when I take back MY EBWF Championship.

The crowd started a 'you tapped out' chant. Which Miz squinted at, but decided to ignore it and wait for a response from Jericho. Jericho looked across at Wes, who shrugged. Jericho mouthed the words “I guess he has a point”, then turned back to Miz.

Chris Jericho: That’s right, Miz… you do have a rematch for the World Title. I’m sorry, I guess I forgot, since the last time I saw you, you were writhing in pain, tapping out and surrendering your title to me.

The ‘you tapped out’ chant increased in volume, to the point where it was impossible for Miz to ignore. Wes put two fingers behind his ear, encouraging the crowd to get a little louder.

The Miz: Cute. Now normally I'd have some sort of excuse or reason for me tapping out, and losing to you, but not this time. I'll give you the credit where credit is due - you beat me, hurray for you - but all the false bravado and the pandering to these idiots isn't going to help you when we get back in the ring. This title reign for Chris Jericho is going to be a short one.

Wes cocked an eyebrow at that, turning to Jericho to see how he’d answer that challenge. Miz was truly no nonsense at this moment. He stared Jericho down, awaiting his next reply.

Chris Jericho: Really? REALLY?

The crowd laughed as Jericho mimicked The Miz, which pissed Miz off even more. Jericho smirked, then turned serious.

Chris Jericho: And what makes you so sure that you’re going to be the one to end my title reign, Miz? You said it yourself, I beat you. And when we get back into the ring together, I’m going to beat you again. It’s as simple as that.

The Miz grinned.

The Miz: Well we'll just see about that won't we? So I have my rematch, yes?

Chris Jericho: You just name the time and place, Miz. The sooner, the better. Because when I beat you, you’ll go to the back of the line… and I can start to focus on Wrestlemania, and beating this guy.

Jericho pointed to Wes. Miz rubbed the scruff on his face and wore a big smile.

The Miz: Terrific. I'll let you two lovebirds go back to stroking each others egos... among other things... I'll see you at Fallout... "champ."

The Miz smirked and flipped the microphone so that it made a thud on the stage as it hit. Just like that Miz was back behind the curtain and gone. Wes leaned on the ropes, watching him go.

Wes Ikeda: I guess ole Mike is under the impression that people want to see him lose the World Championship at Wrestlemania… again.

Chris Jericho: I guess they’ll just have to see him lose to me at Fallout instead. And then these fans get the rematch they’ve been waiting a long time for…

The crowd cheered, and both men smiled confidently. Jericho slapped Wes on the shoulder. “Break the Walls Down” hit once more, and Jericho held the world championship over his head, as Wes headed back to the stage area, his eye on the title until Warfare went off the air.
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