Warfare Results 02/22/2016

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Warfare Results 02/22/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Joey Styles, and tonight, we are live from Indianapolis, Indiana!

Corey Graves: Fallout is just six days away, and last week we had it confirmed that our main event will be a rematch from the Royal Rumble... the new World Champion Chris Jericho will defend his title against the man he defeated three weeks ago, The Miz.

Joey Styles: Tonight, Corey, we'll find out another match that will take place this Sunday, as we have a triple threat match to determine the number one contender for the Path to Glory Championship. Three former World Champions collide as "The Viper" Randy Orton takes on Solomon Crowe and Ted DiBiase!

Corey Graves: That's our main event Joey, and we'll also see three EBWF veterans go head to head later on tonight as Syxx, Bret Hart and Shane Helms compete in a triple threat match, with the winner earning a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Up first though, Bray Wyatt takes on Carlito!

Wyatt came to the ring first, followed by Carlito. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men began circling each other. Carlito swung a right hand at Wyatt, but Wyatt blocked it then pummelled Carlito with a series of punches. He then grabbed Carlito and pulled him towards the corner, slamming his head against the top turnbuckle. As Carlito clutched his head in pain, Wyatt whipped him into the opposite corner, before running at him and hitting a bodypress. As Carlito staggered out of the corner, Wyatt went for a clothesline, but Carlito ducked out of the way then hit a dropkick. Wyatt fell backwards into the corner, and Carlito hit a running knee lift, then took Wyatt down with a flowing DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Carlito with a near fall!

Carlito sat Wyatt up and applied a sleeper hold, but Wyatt broke free and both men got to their feet. Carlito and Wyatt began exchanging right hands, and after gaining the upper hand, Wyatt went to whip Carlito against the ropes. Carlito reversed the Irish whip, sending Wyatt into the ropes, then hit a Japanese arm drag. Carlito stomped on Wyatt several times, trying to keep him grounded, but Wyatt rolled away and got to his feet. Carlito ran at Wyatt, but Wyatt took him down with a shoulder block, then hit Carlito with a scoop slam. Wyatt ran against the ropes and went for a running senton, but Carlito moved out of the way! Carlito hit Wyatt with a knee drop, then pulled him to his feet and hit a reverse STO. He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Another near fall! The Caribbean superstar is putting in a strong performance here tonight, Joey!

Carlito tried to set Wyatt up in a figure four leglock, but Wyatt kicked him away and got to his feet. Wyatt ran at Carlito, taking him down with a running crossbody. He then set Carlito up for Sister Abigail, but Carlito broke free and got behind Wyatt, hitting the Back Stabber! Carlito hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Another victory for Carlito!

Carlito celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


After the previous match ended, the EBWF cameras took us backstage at the Banker’s Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana where Warfare was taking place. Sasha Banks entered into the frame, leaving Hair and Makeup. While she wasn’t scheduled a match, she was there to support her girl Eva Marie in her match against AJ Lee, and looking fly as hell while doing it. Not long after Sasha turned the corner to head back towards the locker room, she was attacked suddenly from behind. Alexa Bliss was quickly revealed to be the attacker and she smiled viciously after she shoved Sasha down to the floor, proud of herself for getting some revenge for the previous week’s attack.

Alexa: You think you can just attack me and get away with it? Huh? Do you?!

Alexa stepped forward and kicked Sasha a couple of times. Sasha yelped out in pain and held her sides. Alexa grabbed a handful of Sasha’s bright burgundy hair and ran her into the concrete wall of the arena backstage.

Summer: Hey!!

Summer yelled out suddenly as her and Eva appeared out of the locker room and ran over towards them.

Alexa: This is FAR from over, Sasha!

Alexa yelled down towards Sasha before high tailing it down the hallway in the opposite direction. She knew she couldn’t stand her ground against all three of them and there was no telling where Kharma was.

The cameras panned back to Eva and Summer who checked on Sasha and helped her back to her feet. The three girls didn’t look pleased one bit as the camera faded out to another segment.


Joey Styles: Up next the first of three Triple Threat Matches tonight, are you excited Corey?

Corey Graves: Of course! I am excited, Joey. You know how exciting Triple Threat matches are. This one is shaping up to be an all out brawl.

Subconscious Entry Version by Kay Suzuki played as Shinsuke Nakamura entered the arena to a pop from the crowd. He was followed by Matt Sydal who came out to Basket Case by Green Day, then followed by Fight by CFO$ which signaled Kevin Owens entering the arena. As all men stood in their respective corners, the referee rang the bell and the match began.

Kevin Owens immediately went for Shinsuke Nakamura as Sydal watched on. Owens hit a couple of jabs before being countered and Nakamura hit Owen's back. Sydal went to the top turnbuckle and waited for his chance, as Nakamura and Owens stopped the repeated jabs to one another Sydal leaped from the turnbuckle and hit a double cross body on them, knocking them both to the ground.

Joey Styles: Great tactical thinking from Matt Sydal there, Corey.

Corey Graves: That's what we have come to expect from Matt Sydal, Joey, his high flying ability is what he is known for.

Matt Sydal picked up Nakamura and delivered multiple standing kicks to him, knocking his competitor to the ground. Sydal turned around to see Kevin Owens bouncing off the ropes delivering a crushing clothesline to him. He picked him up and threw him into the turnbuckle where he shouted abuse from across the ring before running at him, but Sydal lifted his leg and caught Owens on the chin.

Nakamura got up and ran at Sydal using Owens' fallen body as a springboard before hitting Sydal with a leg lariat into the turnbuckle. Nakamura hit Sydal who was sitting in the corner with some kicks to the chest. Getting out of the ring Nakamura spun Sydal's legs around putting one on either side of the ring post, he grabbed one of Sydal's legs smashing it against the ring post, Owen's got up and saw Nakamura outside the ring and ran at the ropes before sliding along the ring hitting Nakamura with a baseball slide, Nakamura hit his head on the barricade as he and Owen's were outside the ring.

Joey Styles: Nakamura is knocked out cold.

Owen's lifted Nakamura up before picking him up and hitting him with a Fallaway Slam onto the barricade. Sydal got up and waited for Owen's to get up onto his feet before running to the apron and diving over the top of the rope into a corkscrew suicide dive hitting Kevin Owen's to the ground Sydal picked up Nakamura and pushed him into the ring, Nakamura rolled into the ring, still knocked out.

Joey Styles: Matt Sydal looks in control now, Corey.

Corey Graves: It looks it, Joey.

Sydal got up on the turnbuckle and posed to the crowd before leaping off of the turnbuckle hitting Nakamura with a Shooting Sydal Press but he landed hard on his arm and he rolled around in pain. Sydal put his arm over the lifeless body of Nakamura. The referee hit the floor and started the count, 1... 2... Kickout by Nakamura.

Corey Graves: I was not expecting Nakamura to kickout of that one.

Kevin Owens rolled into the ring and looked at the two wrestlers on the floor. He started shouting at them to get up and stamping his feet. Sydal got up first and stumbled to the ropes, helping himself get up, he turned around and was hit by a Superkick by Owens. Owen's taunted the fallen Sydal, before turning around and seeing Nakamura run at him, he avoided it by ducking under the arm of Nakamura. Nakamura bounced off the ropes and collided with Owens who picked him up and hit him with a Pop-up Powerbomb.

Owens kicked Sydal on his way to the corner and climbed the turnbuckle, looking down at Sydal. Owens shouted at him before jumping off and hitting him with a high angle senton bomb. He went for the cover, 1... 2... 3... It's all over!

Corey Graves: What a match, Kevin Owen's has shown what a force he is to be reckoned with.

Joey Styles: Exactly, Corey. Nakamura and Sydal have shown their strenghts tonight, it just wasn't enough to take the win.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Can You Feel My Heart" by Bring Me The Horizon hit and AJ Lee made her way to the ring to cheers from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, we've got divas action as AJ Lee takes on Eva Marie!

After AJ had entered the ring, "Out of my Mind" hit and Eva Marie came out to a chorus of boos. When Eva was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Eva took AJ down with a snapmare, then stomped on her several times, before pulling her to her feet and whipping her against the ropes. After AJ had hit the ropes, Eva went for a clothesline, but AJ ducked out of the way and grabbed Eva from behind, taking her down with a reverse DDT. Eva got to her feet and AJ took her down once more, this time hitting a spin kick. AJ picked Eva up and hit a swinging neckbreaker, then made the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: AJ Lee with a near fall! A fast-paced start to this match thus far, with both divas going at it strongly.

AJ pulled Eva to her feet and hit a kick to the midsection, then went to whip her into the corner. Eva reversed it, sending AJ into the corner, then ran at her and hit a dropkick. AJ staggered out of the corner and Eva hit a big boot, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Eva sat AJ up and applied a chinock, but AJ broke free, then both divas got to their feet. Eva swung a right hand at AJ, but AJ blocked it, before hitting a clothesline. Eva got to her feet and AJ hit a hurricanrana, then rolled Eva up. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! AJ was just milliseconds away from a three count there, Corey!

Corey Graves: I wouldn't count Eva Marie out just yet, Joey... she is a two-time Women's Tag Champion, don't forget!

AJ went to pull Eva to her feet, but Eva shoved her away, then got to her feet and ran at AJ, taking her down with a spear. Eva punched AJ against the mat several times, then dragged her to her feet and set her up for the Sliced Red #2. Eva ran towards the corner, but AJ broke free, pushing Eva into the turnbuckles. Eva staggered out of the corner and AJ grabbed her from behind, applying the Black Widow! Eva tried to reach the ropes but when she realised she was unable to do so, she tapped out.

Joey Styles: What were you saying, Corey?

Corey Graves: Shut up, Joey! Eva put in a good performance, and if she'd hit that Sliced Red #2, she would have got the win here tonight!

Joey Styles: Maybe... but she didn't, and AJ Lee walks away victorious!

AJ celebrated, then made her way to the back.


“…Cause I’m a Boss”

Bossy by Kelis brought the arrival of the Quintessential Diva and the fans cheered.

Joey Styles: And here comes Trish Stratus.

Corey Graves: She lost a hard fought match against Velvet Sky at The Royal Rumble and lost the EBWF Women’s Championship.

Trish continued into the ring and took a microphone from Christy Hemme. She waited for the cheers to die down before she spoke.

Trish Stratus: It’s been a few weeks since you last saw me, and unfortunately things didn’t go quite the way I wanted them to. Velvet Sky came into The Royal Rumble and she took the women’s championship from me. I might have underestimated her. I might have taken for granted that since I ended Sasha Banks’ reign, that I was unstoppable. Velvet stopped me. And I’ll tell you this. She earned it. At Wrestlemania the women’s champion will take on Alexa Bliss for the title, but before that happens - Velvet. I’m challenging you to a rematch at Fallout. So you let me know what it’s going to be.

She motioned to the crowd all around her.

Trish Stratus: We look forward to hearing from you.

“Bossy” hit once more. Trish gave Christy back the microphone, and then Trish left the arena, fixated on her mission rather than the crowd around her.


Christy Hemme: This following contest is a triple threat match, and will determine the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship!

Jim Johnston’s classic track “Hart Attack” brought out Bret ‘The Hitman Hart’. The crowd popped in appreciation as he high-fived fans around ringside and presented his shades to a lucky child. The lights went dim and green pyro accompanied the start of “F.E” by Below Summer, signaling the arrival of Syxx. A mostly positive reaction followed him to the ring, especially when he threw crotch chops in the direction of Bret Hart. “Ladies and Gentlemen” by Saliva was greeted by a more negative reaction as Shane Helms entered and avoided the reaching hands of the fans, remaining focused on the task at hand.

Joey Styles: This should be quite the chess match, Corey. All three of these men are the wiliest of veterans.

Corey Graves: And all three men know what it means to wear gold, and none are afraid to get their hands dirty to get it.

The three men circled each other, all unsure about making the first move. The two younger competitors shot each other a glance and both rushed the older Hart but he ducked under their advances and caught Helms with a dropkick as they turned back around. Syxx was on him and they traded punches, with the Hitman getting the advantage and following that with a kick to the gut and snap suplex. Helms rushed him again, but Bret hiptossed him into an armbar and sunk deep into it. Helms fought his way back to his feet and broke the hold with some hard shots to the gut before hitting a superkick that spun Hart around into a second kick by Syxx.

Joey Styles: I would call that a super kick party but I believe that is trademarked!

Corey Graves: Hey, it’s your ass not mine, Joey, so go ahead. Bret Hart may have opened the door for smaller wrestlers, but he just can’t match the speed of his opponents here tonight.

Joey Styles: Don’t count The Hitman out just yet. There may just be no greater strategist in the history of wrestling than Bret Hart.

Corey Graves: Syxx and Shane may have had a moment of unity there, but it looks like that has gone flying out the window.

With Hart momentarily out, Helms pulled a double leg takedown and mounted Syxx with punches. Syxx managed to cover up and took minimal damage while the referee gave Helms a five count. Upon breaking, Syxx was quick to his feet and let loose a short flurry of kicks to the legs and gut of Helms, who fell to his knees just in time for Hart to swing over his head and connect with a clothesline to Syxx. He tried to capitalize and wrap Syxx into the Sharpshooter, but Helms had already recovered and grabbed him from behind to hit the Nightmare on Helms Street.

Corey Graves: The Hitman is taken down by Shane Helms with that elbow across the throat! And now the lateral press, that’s a pinfall for the layman like you, Styles.

Joey Styles: 1! 2! No, it’s broken up by Syxx as he grabs Shane by the head and lifts him off of Bret!

Syxx slammed Helms’ face to the mat with the Syxx-Factor. Noticing Hart struggling back to his feet, he waited for the Hitman to stand up and then nailed him with the Syxx Kick.

Corey Graves: Syxx Kick! That’s the martial arts training coming into play, Joey, just a devastating strike with pinpoint accuracy.

Joey Styles: The Hitman falling back to the mat, and Helms still recovering from that facebuster, Syxx makes the cover on Bret Hart!

1! 2! 3!

Joey Styles: And with that, Syxx becomes your new number one contender for the Intercontinental Title!

Corey Graves: As if Chris Jericho didn’t already have enough problems, now he has the Degenerate on his tail. That’s the price of being a double-champion.

Joey Styles: And your main event is still to come!


The titantron lit up as cameras once again returned backstage. This time, they were following Sasha Banks. She was on the hunt. The HBIC finally found the blonde-head she was looking for, and tapped her on the shoulder pointedly until she turned around.

Renee Young: Oh… Sasha. Glad to see you. What’s going on?

Sasha Banks: Don’t test me Renee, I know you know what happened earlier. And I have PLENTY to say about that. So do you mind?

Renee had to shrug and go with it. She was handed a microphone accordingly and turned to the camera with her familiar smile and took it away.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, what a Warfare we’ve had so far, a lot has gone--

In seconds Renee was hijacked, but she still managed to hold on to the microphone. Sasha butted in, keeping Renee’s hand up so she could speak.

Sasha Banks: Like Alexa Bliss’s troll self crawling out from the bridge I probably built for her, since she likes to take credit for things she doesn’t do. Tuh. Well ya know what BOO BOO, don’t go around tellin’ people you took me out because you didn’t hurt me, okay? You think you’re slick tryna knock me down like that. Maybe it’s because I need to get down to your flunky level so you have a chance. You most definitely aren’t gonna be the one to bring me down, and I’ll prove it. If you’re all big and bad like you want to act, then you’ll step into the ring with me this Sunday.

Renee Young: So you’re challenging Alexa bliss to a match at Fallout this Sunday?

Sasha Banks: Did I st-stutter, Renee? I don’t think so. The BOSS wants to set that midget Alexa Bliss straight at Fallout… If she isn’t scared. Let’s hope she heard me from her little hideout, wherever that may be.

Banks rolled her eyes and pushed Renee’s hand out of the way, before putting her own hand in the interviewers face and leaving. Renee took her place back in the middle of the frame.

Renee Young: For anyone just tuning in, moments Sasha Banks sent a challenge to Alexa Bliss for a match at Fallout, this Sunday. As of right now we don’t know Alexa’s response, so be sure to stay tuned!

The scene faded out to commercial break.


As Monday Night Warfare came from a commercial break, the camera panned a shot from the side of the ring. The bell rang three times as the ever so gorgeous EBWF Announcer Christy Hemme stood in the center of the ring, her perfect smile in display as she pulled a microphone to her cherry lips.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, the winner will compete for the Path to Glory Championship at Fallout!

"Heroes" By Shinedown hit first and out came the son of the Million Dollar man, Ted DiBiase. He paid no attention to the booing Indiana crowd, he made his way to the ring and waited in a corner. Up next was Solomon Crowe, the former World Champion walked out to Muse's "Space Dementia". Impervious to the booing of the crowd, he made his way to the ring, he stood on his corner, piercing a hole through Ted's humanity. Last, but definitely not least, "Bodies like Sheep" blasted over the PA System, the crowd popped for Randy Orton, who spread his arms open as he stood on top of the ramp, he walked down the ramp and occupied a free corner of the squared circle.

Before the match began, the sound of static and a familiar guitar riff blew the roof off the Banker's Life Fieldhouse, fans reciprocated with cheers.

Corey Graves: What the--. Could it be?


The curtains swung open as the very familiar face of the Chicago Native, clad in a very unfamiliar choice of clothes; a Black shoes, black pants, black jacket, black tie and a crisp white shirt. Punk smirked as he made his way down the ramp, around the ringside area and eventually on to the announce table, where he found a seat next to Joey Styles and Corey Graves. He grabbed a couple of headphones after stretching the announcers hand.

CM Punk: Welcome to EBWF, gentlemen. Let's watch some wrestling.

The bell rang and Ted DiBiase charged against Solomon Crowe and tried to level him down with a clothesline, but Crowe ducked under the attack and countered with a body shot and an Irish whip to the corner. Crowe ran to the corner and followed with an elbow to the face, all of this while Randy Orton watched from his corner.

Joey Styles: Randy Orton is by far the most experienced superstar in this match up! He's just waiting for the best moment to strike!

Corey Graves: He is the longest reigning EBWF World Champion for a reason, Joey.

Joey Styles: We have three former World Champions in this match! What a way to end this action packed Warfare!

CM Punk: Ted doesn't count.

Joey Styles: Why do you say that?

CM Punk: Because I am CM Punk.

Solomon Crowe tried to position Ted on the top of the turnbuckle for a superplex, but Ted countered by shoving Crowe as he climbed the second rope. Ted dove off the top rope and connected an elbow across the forehead! Orton turned DiBiase around and brought him down with a fast snapmare and a kick to the back of DiBiase!

CM Punk: Vintage Orton! Ahem, I mean...

Corey Graves: What a Manneuver?

CM Punk: That's it.

Joey Styles: Oh, Grow up!

As Orton stood up, DiBiase went for a headlock, Orton elbowed Ted's Ribcage and tossed him over the top rope! Crowe was regaining his vertical base as Orton turned around, both men began trading lefts and right in the center of the ring. Orton got the hand with an Uppercut, he locked Solomon in a headlock and positioned him for his signature apron DDT, But DiBiase pulled Crowe down onto the apron. Crowe and Ted Traded blows in the ringside area, with Crowe gaining the upper hand, he grabbed Ted by the back of his neck and slammed him against the barrier!

Joey Styles: Solomon Crowe is relentless, ruthless... You know it more than anyone here, Punk. Weren't you teaming up a few months ago?

CM Punk: Everything is a blurr... Watch out Crowe!

As Solomon turned around, Orton had already bounced off the ropes to nail a Baseball Slide, hitting Solomon across the skull!

Joey Styles: And Orton cleaning house!

CM Punk: Now that's how you use baby oil for an advantage!

Orton slid from the bottom rope and grabbed Solomon, whipping him back into the ring, he wasted no time setting Crowe for his apron DDT. Solomon's head crashed against the canvas to a thunderous ovation from the crowd. Orton went for the cover 1...2... DiBiase pulled Orton from his boot!

Corey Graves: Orton looking to end this as soon as he can, but DiBiase just won't have any of it.

CM Punk: I have a feeling this match with end sooner than any of these three would cash in the PTG title...

DiBiase pulled Orton out of the ring and went for a suplex, Orton blocked it and shoved DiBiase into the turnbuckle post! Orton slammed Ted's skull against the steel steps and rolled him into the ring, but before he could cover Ted, Crowe went for the Headlock Driver, but Randy blocked it and hooked his arms around Solomon's neck.

Joey Styles: RKO! RKO! This is it!

Randy Orton slammed his fists on the mat after connecting his signature move, he knelt up and circled Ted as he slowly stood back up, he connected another RKO on Ted DiBiase, dropping to his knees to hook DiBiase's leg.

Corey Graves: He's got it! 1...2...3! Randy Orton did it! Randy Orton is the number one contender for PTG title!

CM Punk: This deserves a slow clap.

Punk stood from his seat and clapped slowly, almost condescendingly for the winner of the match. Randy Orton got his hand raised as Warfare went off the air.
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