We return to a familiar scene, or at least one that we have seen not too long ago. The salon that Mankind had met Tyler Breeze in except now the place is dimly lit thanks to the broken bulbs in the lights overhead, mirrors are smashed, chairs toppled over, random things strewn all over the place. This little shop dedicated to making people beautiful is now nothing more than a shambled husk of its former glory. The sound of electricity buzzing and water dripping is all that can be heard until the voice of Mankind comes from somewhere deeper in the shop.
“Tyler... you think that you can make a mockery of ME?! How little you truly realize what you're getting yourself into here at Fallout. How very little you know about anyone but yourself. But that's ok Tyler, because tonight, I am going to teach you a thing or two. It's not going to be how to make yourself look more appealing to those around you... it's not going to be a lesson on revealing you inner beauty to the world... no... NO! I am going to teach you how to wear your scars with PRIDE!”
A deep chuckle echoes off the wall, the camera slowly moving deeper into the wreckage, broken glass crunching under foot.
“You want this Breakout Championship... why? Because you think it will make you into something better? Something more valued? Well let me just tell you the cold hard truth, Tyler, this belt... it means NOTHING! The belt doesn't make the man, Tyler, the man makes the belt and this one here... I couldn't care less about it. Being Breakout Champion is not something on my bucket list. It's just something I happened to pick up along the way. So tonight, I'm not going to beat you in order to retain my championship, I am going to beat you for the pure fun of it.”
Louder laughter vibrates through the building, the lights flicker and there's a bright flash of sparks as another bulb bursts nearby.
“You, like the Breakout belt mean nothing to me, Tyler. You can try to take and mold me into something that pleases you better but it will never change who I truly am. I am the monster of the EBWF and that is one lesson you are going to learn the hard way. There is no future here without me, there is NOTHING here without me. So go ahead and spout your catch phrases and pout those lips like the RBF you are, it's not going to prevent the pain about to happen. Oh, and Tyler...”
His voice drifts off, the camera turning, trying to see the entire room around it. Suddenly the bulbs around all the broken mirrors turn on bright, the image of Mankind can be seen in all the broken mirrors as he grins.
As he shouts and lets out a maniacal laugh, all the bulbs burst at once creating a shower of sparks, the scene fading out slowly.
“Tyler... you think that you can make a mockery of ME?! How little you truly realize what you're getting yourself into here at Fallout. How very little you know about anyone but yourself. But that's ok Tyler, because tonight, I am going to teach you a thing or two. It's not going to be how to make yourself look more appealing to those around you... it's not going to be a lesson on revealing you inner beauty to the world... no... NO! I am going to teach you how to wear your scars with PRIDE!”
A deep chuckle echoes off the wall, the camera slowly moving deeper into the wreckage, broken glass crunching under foot.
“You want this Breakout Championship... why? Because you think it will make you into something better? Something more valued? Well let me just tell you the cold hard truth, Tyler, this belt... it means NOTHING! The belt doesn't make the man, Tyler, the man makes the belt and this one here... I couldn't care less about it. Being Breakout Champion is not something on my bucket list. It's just something I happened to pick up along the way. So tonight, I'm not going to beat you in order to retain my championship, I am going to beat you for the pure fun of it.”
Louder laughter vibrates through the building, the lights flicker and there's a bright flash of sparks as another bulb bursts nearby.
“You, like the Breakout belt mean nothing to me, Tyler. You can try to take and mold me into something that pleases you better but it will never change who I truly am. I am the monster of the EBWF and that is one lesson you are going to learn the hard way. There is no future here without me, there is NOTHING here without me. So go ahead and spout your catch phrases and pout those lips like the RBF you are, it's not going to prevent the pain about to happen. Oh, and Tyler...”
His voice drifts off, the camera turning, trying to see the entire room around it. Suddenly the bulbs around all the broken mirrors turn on bright, the image of Mankind can be seen in all the broken mirrors as he grins.
As he shouts and lets out a maniacal laugh, all the bulbs burst at once creating a shower of sparks, the scene fading out slowly.