A Challenge
Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:45 pm
After a 4 month reign at the top The Miz momentum was stopped dead in it’s tracks at the Royal Rumble. It was there that Chris Jericho became one of the few men to ever hold both the World Championship and Intercontinental Championships at the same time. His victory via submission over The Miz sent shockwaves through the EBWF- as it was clear to many that The Miz was no longer the man, and that many felt their original feelings that Miz was inadequate without some cronies to do his dirty work, may be entirely accurate. Throughout the EBWF, the thought of a Chris Jericho vs. Wes Ikeda main event at Wrestlemania seemed not only juicy- but eminent, which is why The Miz looking to use his rematch clause at Fallout- seemed almost like a moot point. However, The Miz, was surely not going to be letting Jericho v Ikeda happen without at least putting up a fight. The Miz would without question do whatever it took to regain the EBWF Championship just one short month after he lost it, and begin his third reign as champion going into Wrestlemania next month.
The scene opened up with Mike Mizanin sitting in his living room. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants and a white Nike t-shirt with a big Red swoosh in the middle of it. His phone ring, and Mike put the call on speaker. Rings were heard until finally Allen Jones voice was heard on the other end. Allen’s voice sounded surprised when he picked up.
Allen Jones: Mike? Did you butt dial me or some shit?
Mike Mizanin: Na man, I’m just sitting here thinking. Wanted to say sorry for all the shit that’s gone down between us.
Allen Jones: Did you finally admit you are an alcoholic, and this is like your 12 step program?
Mike Mizanin: You’d know all about those types of programs..
Allen Jones: You aren’t wrong.
Mike smiled.
Mike Mizanin: No, honestly I mean friendships in this business come and go. Personal and professional shit can get mixed together sometimes, but I know that even despite the shit that’s gone down if I ever really needed anyone to have my back, I know you’re that guy.
Allen Jones: Are you gonna ask me to go steady right now?
Mike Mizanin: Do people still say go steady?
Allen laughed on the other end and ignored the question.
Allen Jones: So what brought this on?
Mike Mizanin: I don’t know, I’ve just trusted a lot of people in this business like behind the scenes. Sometimes I feel like when you do that, you’re just asking to get boned. I think people are always going to have their real friends, and they might go to a club with you or order you a shot, but at the end of the day they are always going to look out for their true friends, their thick and thin, their blood.
Allen Jones: Right- you mean like Chris and Wes?
Mike Mizanin: I do.
Allen Jones: You mean like why even have you vs. Chris at Fallout- when every thing I’ve heard seems that Wes vs. Chris at Mania is about as sure of a thing as Mickie James after three Mike’s Hard Lemonades… speaking of which did you ever actually show her your Mike’s Hard.. um… Lemonade?
Mike laughed.
Mike Mizanin: A gentlemen never kiss.. ohhhh yeah… definitely did.
Allen Jones: Was it as demented and hot as I imagine?
Mike Mizanin: Let’s just say it was exactly like you might imagine.
Allen Jones: Crazy chicks..
Mike Mizanin: Yeah..
Allen Jones: Anyway- have you got the official word that Jericho is winning? Couldn’t be more annoying- like anyone wants to see Chris Jericho’s love handles against a fucking wanna be wrestler like Ikeda in the main event at Mania. Nothing like taking a cool thing like you had going with Vertex- and burying it so that Wes can live out his boyhood fantasies with his BFF.
Mike Mizanin: No- not yet. I’m sure I will soon.
Allen Jones: Maybe they want to make it seem like it’s going to be Chris and Wes and then bazowie! You win!
Mike Mizanin: Bazowie?
Allen Jones: Ever think of that?
Mike Mizanin: I hadn’t but let’s hope you’re right. Anyways I’m gonna run- good talk though. Let’s grab a beer or twelve tomorrow night.
Allen Jones: Well that’s one 12 step program, I suppose.. sounds good.. later dude.
Mike Mizanin: Later.
Mizanin hung the phone up, thought for a second, and then flipped on the TV as the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened to The Miz sitting center frame. He had a “Danger: I’m Awesome” T-shirt on, and the camera was zoomed in so that you could only see him from the midsection up.
The Miz: Hello- my name is The Miz. I am the EBWF Worl… excuse me.. I USED to be the EBWF World Champion. I used to have a group by my side as well- we went by the name Vertex- because Vertex means the pinnacle, and that is exactly what we were. The pinnacle, the standard of professional wrestling. However, as so often happens in this business my fellow Vertex members let envy and greed get the best of them. They couldn’t take it that I was the clear face, the clear standard, that I WAS THE PINNACLE and they were the guys who stood next to me, who carried my bags, who made me a cup of coffee… they couldn’t take that I was the true.. undeniable.. MEGA star of this business. So what did they do? They turned their back on me- they vowed that they would find success on their own.. and what happened to them? O’Reilly? Balor? What happened? Gone. Owens? DiBiase? irrelevant.. and then there is me.. The Miz. Yeah last month at Royal Rumble- we had what’s known as a fluke occur- last month at the Royal Rumble- it got a little bit chillier in hell- when Chris Jericho defeated me to become the EBWF World Championship. Now I’m not going to sit here and say that Chris Jericho isn’t a worthy champion- he’s definitely a big time star in this business- but there’s no freaking way his star has or will ever shine as bright as mine does. There’s no freaking way that he should EVER earn any kind of a victory against someone like me, and the fact that last month that is exactly what happened, has not sat right with me since.. well.. pretty much right when it happened. So that is why, I HAD to come out on Warfare and interrupt him and Wes Ikea’s little flirting time- and make use of my rematch clause. It’s why I HAD to get back in the ring with Chris Jericho AS SOON AS POSSIBLE- because the only thing worse than a fluke happening, is sitting idly and not PROVING that it was a fluke AS SOON AS YOU CAN. At Fallout, nobody will laugh, nobody will snicker, when I say that Chris Jericho beating me at Royal Rumble was luck- that it was a victory Chris pulled out of his ass, nobody will find any humor in me saying that Chris Jericho beating The Miz SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.. and WILL NOT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN. The reason why they won’t laugh at these things, is because at Fallout I am going to give Chris Jericho a beating that is “LARGER THAN LIFE” I am going to give show him that I am the "BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT I DO"- and what I do is beat the shit out of anyone who tries to belittle me, or take MY RIGHTFUL PLACE at the top of this mountain we call the EBWF.
The Miz paused for a minute and seemed almost disturbed by the thought.
The Miz: It just doesn’t sit well with me. How could it? How could someone else holding the EBWF Championship- the symbol of being the best wrestler on this planet- sit well with the BEST WRESTLER ON THIS PLANET? The answer is simple- it doesn’t.. it can’t. This isn’t even really about Chris Jericho- it’s just about what he’s trying to do- Chris Jericho is trying to take the limelight- the spotlight- the right to call himself THE MAN- away from the only one who should be doing so. I’m disgusted by the fact that I even have to sit here and talk- once again about how I have to RECLAIM this god damn championship. I’m disgusted with the fact that Chris Jericho is the EBWF Champion- I’m disgusted with myself- but I’m also hungry, I’m vicious beyond belief because of it.. and because of that the only people who are going to be disgusted are all of Chris’ Jerichoholics when they have to look at the hideous state I leave their Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla- in at Fallout. I know what’s at stake here Chris. I know that like you and Wes at your little like middle age dad cookouts where you wear like “Kiss the Chef” aprons and grill burgers for your kids and their friends- have discussed how cool it is that you guys will be main eventing Wrestlemania. I mean jeez if I didn’t interrupt I think you guys woulda like made out you were so excited about it. So I know for you, not only is your EBWF World Championship up for grabs, but that dream of main eventing the big one with your best bud is as well. Oh how sad it would be, if the Miz came in and ruined the dream of you two dad bod having jamoaks competing in the Main Event of the biggest show in our business. I mean really? Who wants to see that? Imagine if Aliens from outer space came down and someone was explaining professional wrestling to them, and the two people that in essence are the “biggest stars” as they are headlining the biggest show, is Chris Jericho and Wes Ikeda… really? Receding hairline vs. well receding hair line in the ultimate grudge match as to who can act like they are still young and talented both inside and outside of the ring. You guys both claim to care about the business, you both claim to want what’s best for it. Which is why I don’t understand why you both don’t just step aside- why are you STILL trying to make it all about you? Why don’t you just give me back my title- and take your rightful place around here- and by that I mean in your big old mansions posting 9 million instagram pics of your kids so that the millions of likes you get can continue to make you feel like people care about you. Jericho- your place isn’t the top of the EBWF mountain anymore man- it’s a parent teacher conference- let it go- because if you don’t your kids are going to have to wheel you in to career day, where you’ll tell stories of regret and how you shoulda quit sooner- you’ll tell stories of how you SHOULDA stopped when you were ahead. You’ll tell tales of how YOU SHOULDA listened to The Miz- but because you didn’t- because your ego and your pride just wouldn’t let you admit that one match up vs me pushed your luck- the second may as well have been a suicide- because you didn’t want to believe that- because your arrogance wouldn’t LET you believe that, you ended up getting taught a very valuable, a very PAINFUL message. That message is that you DON’T MESS WITH A MAN THAT IS A GOD AMONGST MEN in this business. That message is you DON’T MESS WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST.. the CREAM OF THE CROP.. you just don’t mess with THE MIZ. And Chris- you are going to be the one that needs to explain to his kids how you should have listened. How if you could just go back- you would have- so that they didn’t have to have a dad who can barely move. So that they didn’t need to have a dad with the physical capabilities of a 90 year old.. even though you’re only… well I mean you gotta be close to 90 now..so never mind..
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: I’m telling you this not as a threat- but just as a warning. Save your own life Chris, do the right thing for you and your family. You DON’T WANT TO KNOW what happens to you if you continue to try and stay in my way. YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW, what happens if you try to keep me from my DESTINY- if you try to keep me from WHAT I DESERVE. You don’t want to know what’s going to happen to you- if you try and prevent me from once again being the EBWF Champion. So I only got one word of advice for you Chris……don’t. Sleep tight pops.
The Miz winked into the camera as the scene faded to black. The scene reopened once again at a house show in New Orleans, Louisiana the site of EBWF Fallout. A match had just concluded, and the fans were restless wondering what the large pause was about. All of a sudden, a familiar word echoed through the arena.
Followed by “I Came To Play” by Downstait was heard over the PA System. Boo’s intensified as The Miz made his way out from behind the curtain. He wore an expensive dark gray armani suit, and his hair was slicked all the way around. He looked like a million bucks, as he confidently made his way down the ramp and into the ring. He was granted a microphone and confidently took the heat he was receiving in. Finally he spoke.
The Miz: The challenger… that’s what I will be announced as tonight… and INTRODUCING THE CHALLENGER..
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: The challenger.. how disgusting.. how ridiculous.. that I will need to CHALLENGE Chris Jericho for what I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LOST. It’s hard to go through your entire career, and never have one slip up. It’s hard to go from start to finish without dropping a match somewhere along the way, that you just should NEVER have dropped. Even though, New Orleans, even though I am the best professional wrestler to EVER lace up a pair of boots, I proved that very fact last month at the Royal Rumble. I proved that even a man, who is so talented, so charismatic, that it’s hard to believe he’s even a MORTAL, can have a slip up. Last month at the Royal Rumble- I did something I never should have done.. I underestimated Chris Jericho- and he beat me.
The crowd cheered at the mention of Jericho beating The Miz.
The Miz: However, the difference between the washed up nobody’s and the GREATS- is what they do AFTER they have a slip up. The difference between the elite and the scrubs is what happens NEXT- how do they respond? I have been knocked down a bunch over the course of my career, BUT WHAT MAKES ME GREAT, is that right when you think you are done dealing with me- I RESPOND. Right when you think you’ve seen the last of The Miz- I RESPOND. So what do you think I’m going to do when Chris Jericho and I step into the ring at Fallout in a rematch for MY EBWF Championship- that’s right you guessed it… well actually you probably didn’t because you’re all idiots… but I AM GOING TO RESPOND.
The crowd booed as The Miz smirked.
The Miz: I’m going to RESPOND in a way that none of you have ever seen me RESPOND before. I am going to RESPOND in a way that will GUARANTEE that after tonight- I will never be referred to as a CHALLENGER… ever AGAYNE.. I’m going to respond in a way so serious.. so severe.. that IN FACT… NOBODY.. will want to challenge me for MY EBWF title. I’m going to RESPOND in a way that will put an end to not only Chris Jericho’s EBWF World Championship reign.. but also will put an end to Chris Jericho.. period. Right now, Chris Jericho may have false bravado.. he may even seem to the average viewer like a confident man. He may seem to all of you morons, like he’s ready.. like he’s carefree… but really Chris Jericho holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.. because he knows that even though he escaped with a win at Royal Rumble- that he is in NO WAY shape or FORM ready to earn another victory over The Miz. He knows that no matter how hard he tries to portray that he isn’t threatened by me, that the only way he’s going to beat me at Fallout is if they have to carry me out in a hearse. HE KNOWS.. because if he didn’t know.. he wouldn’t have tried to act like Fallout didn’t exist.. he wouldn’t have come out on his little fruity Maury Povich talk show, and act like as the EBWF Champion he wouldn’t be defending his belt until Wrestlemania. I mean I know in "Chris Jericho Land" where you are besties with the boss- and every other decision maker in this company that you get to just hold prestigious titles and not defend them.. but the second you get your hands on the EBWF Championship- you better be ready to defend it, because if you aren’t you better be ready to lose it. Now you can love me- hate me- whatever- I obviously don’t give a shred of a crap about any one of you, but the one thing you can say about me is that I always have been a fighting champion. No matter what belt it was, The EBWF Title, Intercontinental, Path To Glory. If I had a belt.. I was defending it. It makes me sick to see Chris holding the Intercontinental Championship even though he never defends it, but it MADE ME MORE SICK, to see him act like the EBWF Championship was NOT GOING TO BE DEFENDED at Fallout. Now I know at the rate Chris participates around here, that 2 matches in 2 months may seem like WAY too many.. but he need not worry.. because after Fallout.. Chris will be lucky to be able to even count to two.. after I beat his brains in all over the Big Easy.. and more than that he won’t be participating in ANY MATCHES.. as opposed to hardly any.. which is what he does now. Champion? Pfft.. what a joke.
The crowd booed as Miz confidently paced around the ring.
The Miz: Chris Jericho as the EBWF Champion is like a guy who works once a month.. winning employee of the month. He’s like a teacher who shows up to one class in a month and expects their students to know and understand everything in a textbook. Chris Jericho as the EBWF Champion is a disgrace.. it’s an embarrassment. It’s a slap in the face to the people in the back that actually care about this business, and work their asses off day in and day out for an opportunity. While Chris sits in the board room, eats donuts all day and passes out- burping and farting in his sleep. Chris Jericho- is a once upon a time star- that obviously wished upon the right one last month to somehow find a way to beat me at the Royal Rumble.. but there’s nobody.. not Wes Ikeda.. not Jimmity Cricket.. NOONE that is going to help you keep your hands on that belt at Fallout. I’m going to end this fantasy land that you’ve got to live in over these past few weeks. I’m going to end this reign that has probably made you feel young again, this reign that has probably made you feel like you should matter again.. because that notion could NOT be more far from the truth. You will NOT be facing Wes Ikeda at Wrestlemania, Chris.. because I WILL BE FACING him. So you can tell everyone at the PTA meeting that though Wes might not be free that night, you can certainly make the meeting. Though Wes might not be around.. you can definitely host boggle night, because I will not LET you have the satisfaction of being in that match with your best bud. I care about this business to match to subject fans to what a Jericho vs Ikeda match would look like. I care about this business to much to do anything, but mutilate you tonight.. and then go to Wrestlemania and do the exact same thing to Wes. The fact that you don’t get that, that is exactly what is going to happen.. simply fuels my fire even more. The fact that you don’t respect me, and what I can do in this ring will do nothing but add to what will surely be a savage and sound beating that I will issue you come Fallout.
The Miz scratched the scruff on his face.
The Miz: Royal Rumble has come and gone- it is in the past. I can’t change what happened nor do I even want to at this point. Now I know you people are probably like well what do you mean? To which I say.. shut your moronic mouths.. and listen because I’m going to explain. I almost like that you beat me at the Rumble, because I got to watch you parade around all month showing off those famous Jericho pearly whites.. truly feeling like you are on top of the world. The World Champion- The Intercontinental Champion- what a great time to be Chris Jericho right?!….. Wrong.
The Miz was dead serious now.
The Miz: WRONG. I like that this has made your life and your career feel significant again Chris… because it’s only going to make it that much sweeter when I mercilessly rip it all away from you at Fallout. When you give a baby a lollipop and you take it away the baby cries, but if the baby never had the lollipop to begin with then you don’t get to see it suffer. Call me sick, call me twisted… but this victory that I am about to earn over you at Fallout is going to LITERALLY be like taking candy from a baby.. you can call me deranged at how much I’m going to enjoy that part of it.. but there’s one thing that you will NOT call me after Sunday Night.. and that is the CHALLENGER for the EBWF World Championship.. and even though that’s what they will announce me as at Fallout.. though technically I will be the CHALLENGER this Sunday.. there’s one thing beating you won’t be, Chris.. there’s one thing that taking that lollipop out of your hand will NOT be, Chris. There’s one thing that leaving you in a pool of your own blood, as you lie on the mat questioning EVERY career move you’ve ever made will not be, Chris….it MOST CERTAINLY will NOT BE A CHALLENGE….because I’m THE MIZZZZZZZ…
The Miz flipped the microphone to the mat, and had an intense, almost deranged look on his face. “I Came To Play” by Downstait echoed through the arena once more, as The Miz made his way out of the ring and back up the ramp. One thing was for sure, he seemed as focused as one could be to regain the EBWF World Championship.
The scene opened up with Mike Mizanin sitting in his living room. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants and a white Nike t-shirt with a big Red swoosh in the middle of it. His phone ring, and Mike put the call on speaker. Rings were heard until finally Allen Jones voice was heard on the other end. Allen’s voice sounded surprised when he picked up.
Allen Jones: Mike? Did you butt dial me or some shit?
Mike Mizanin: Na man, I’m just sitting here thinking. Wanted to say sorry for all the shit that’s gone down between us.
Allen Jones: Did you finally admit you are an alcoholic, and this is like your 12 step program?
Mike Mizanin: You’d know all about those types of programs..
Allen Jones: You aren’t wrong.
Mike smiled.
Mike Mizanin: No, honestly I mean friendships in this business come and go. Personal and professional shit can get mixed together sometimes, but I know that even despite the shit that’s gone down if I ever really needed anyone to have my back, I know you’re that guy.
Allen Jones: Are you gonna ask me to go steady right now?
Mike Mizanin: Do people still say go steady?
Allen laughed on the other end and ignored the question.
Allen Jones: So what brought this on?
Mike Mizanin: I don’t know, I’ve just trusted a lot of people in this business like behind the scenes. Sometimes I feel like when you do that, you’re just asking to get boned. I think people are always going to have their real friends, and they might go to a club with you or order you a shot, but at the end of the day they are always going to look out for their true friends, their thick and thin, their blood.
Allen Jones: Right- you mean like Chris and Wes?
Mike Mizanin: I do.
Allen Jones: You mean like why even have you vs. Chris at Fallout- when every thing I’ve heard seems that Wes vs. Chris at Mania is about as sure of a thing as Mickie James after three Mike’s Hard Lemonades… speaking of which did you ever actually show her your Mike’s Hard.. um… Lemonade?
Mike laughed.
Mike Mizanin: A gentlemen never kiss.. ohhhh yeah… definitely did.
Allen Jones: Was it as demented and hot as I imagine?
Mike Mizanin: Let’s just say it was exactly like you might imagine.
Allen Jones: Crazy chicks..
Mike Mizanin: Yeah..
Allen Jones: Anyway- have you got the official word that Jericho is winning? Couldn’t be more annoying- like anyone wants to see Chris Jericho’s love handles against a fucking wanna be wrestler like Ikeda in the main event at Mania. Nothing like taking a cool thing like you had going with Vertex- and burying it so that Wes can live out his boyhood fantasies with his BFF.
Mike Mizanin: No- not yet. I’m sure I will soon.
Allen Jones: Maybe they want to make it seem like it’s going to be Chris and Wes and then bazowie! You win!
Mike Mizanin: Bazowie?
Allen Jones: Ever think of that?
Mike Mizanin: I hadn’t but let’s hope you’re right. Anyways I’m gonna run- good talk though. Let’s grab a beer or twelve tomorrow night.
Allen Jones: Well that’s one 12 step program, I suppose.. sounds good.. later dude.
Mike Mizanin: Later.
Mizanin hung the phone up, thought for a second, and then flipped on the TV as the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened to The Miz sitting center frame. He had a “Danger: I’m Awesome” T-shirt on, and the camera was zoomed in so that you could only see him from the midsection up.
The Miz: Hello- my name is The Miz. I am the EBWF Worl… excuse me.. I USED to be the EBWF World Champion. I used to have a group by my side as well- we went by the name Vertex- because Vertex means the pinnacle, and that is exactly what we were. The pinnacle, the standard of professional wrestling. However, as so often happens in this business my fellow Vertex members let envy and greed get the best of them. They couldn’t take it that I was the clear face, the clear standard, that I WAS THE PINNACLE and they were the guys who stood next to me, who carried my bags, who made me a cup of coffee… they couldn’t take that I was the true.. undeniable.. MEGA star of this business. So what did they do? They turned their back on me- they vowed that they would find success on their own.. and what happened to them? O’Reilly? Balor? What happened? Gone. Owens? DiBiase? irrelevant.. and then there is me.. The Miz. Yeah last month at Royal Rumble- we had what’s known as a fluke occur- last month at the Royal Rumble- it got a little bit chillier in hell- when Chris Jericho defeated me to become the EBWF World Championship. Now I’m not going to sit here and say that Chris Jericho isn’t a worthy champion- he’s definitely a big time star in this business- but there’s no freaking way his star has or will ever shine as bright as mine does. There’s no freaking way that he should EVER earn any kind of a victory against someone like me, and the fact that last month that is exactly what happened, has not sat right with me since.. well.. pretty much right when it happened. So that is why, I HAD to come out on Warfare and interrupt him and Wes Ikea’s little flirting time- and make use of my rematch clause. It’s why I HAD to get back in the ring with Chris Jericho AS SOON AS POSSIBLE- because the only thing worse than a fluke happening, is sitting idly and not PROVING that it was a fluke AS SOON AS YOU CAN. At Fallout, nobody will laugh, nobody will snicker, when I say that Chris Jericho beating me at Royal Rumble was luck- that it was a victory Chris pulled out of his ass, nobody will find any humor in me saying that Chris Jericho beating The Miz SHOULD NOT HAPPEN.. and WILL NOT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN. The reason why they won’t laugh at these things, is because at Fallout I am going to give Chris Jericho a beating that is “LARGER THAN LIFE” I am going to give show him that I am the "BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT I DO"- and what I do is beat the shit out of anyone who tries to belittle me, or take MY RIGHTFUL PLACE at the top of this mountain we call the EBWF.
The Miz paused for a minute and seemed almost disturbed by the thought.
The Miz: It just doesn’t sit well with me. How could it? How could someone else holding the EBWF Championship- the symbol of being the best wrestler on this planet- sit well with the BEST WRESTLER ON THIS PLANET? The answer is simple- it doesn’t.. it can’t. This isn’t even really about Chris Jericho- it’s just about what he’s trying to do- Chris Jericho is trying to take the limelight- the spotlight- the right to call himself THE MAN- away from the only one who should be doing so. I’m disgusted by the fact that I even have to sit here and talk- once again about how I have to RECLAIM this god damn championship. I’m disgusted with the fact that Chris Jericho is the EBWF Champion- I’m disgusted with myself- but I’m also hungry, I’m vicious beyond belief because of it.. and because of that the only people who are going to be disgusted are all of Chris’ Jerichoholics when they have to look at the hideous state I leave their Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla- in at Fallout. I know what’s at stake here Chris. I know that like you and Wes at your little like middle age dad cookouts where you wear like “Kiss the Chef” aprons and grill burgers for your kids and their friends- have discussed how cool it is that you guys will be main eventing Wrestlemania. I mean jeez if I didn’t interrupt I think you guys woulda like made out you were so excited about it. So I know for you, not only is your EBWF World Championship up for grabs, but that dream of main eventing the big one with your best bud is as well. Oh how sad it would be, if the Miz came in and ruined the dream of you two dad bod having jamoaks competing in the Main Event of the biggest show in our business. I mean really? Who wants to see that? Imagine if Aliens from outer space came down and someone was explaining professional wrestling to them, and the two people that in essence are the “biggest stars” as they are headlining the biggest show, is Chris Jericho and Wes Ikeda… really? Receding hairline vs. well receding hair line in the ultimate grudge match as to who can act like they are still young and talented both inside and outside of the ring. You guys both claim to care about the business, you both claim to want what’s best for it. Which is why I don’t understand why you both don’t just step aside- why are you STILL trying to make it all about you? Why don’t you just give me back my title- and take your rightful place around here- and by that I mean in your big old mansions posting 9 million instagram pics of your kids so that the millions of likes you get can continue to make you feel like people care about you. Jericho- your place isn’t the top of the EBWF mountain anymore man- it’s a parent teacher conference- let it go- because if you don’t your kids are going to have to wheel you in to career day, where you’ll tell stories of regret and how you shoulda quit sooner- you’ll tell stories of how you SHOULDA stopped when you were ahead. You’ll tell tales of how YOU SHOULDA listened to The Miz- but because you didn’t- because your ego and your pride just wouldn’t let you admit that one match up vs me pushed your luck- the second may as well have been a suicide- because you didn’t want to believe that- because your arrogance wouldn’t LET you believe that, you ended up getting taught a very valuable, a very PAINFUL message. That message is that you DON’T MESS WITH A MAN THAT IS A GOD AMONGST MEN in this business. That message is you DON’T MESS WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST.. the CREAM OF THE CROP.. you just don’t mess with THE MIZ. And Chris- you are going to be the one that needs to explain to his kids how you should have listened. How if you could just go back- you would have- so that they didn’t have to have a dad who can barely move. So that they didn’t need to have a dad with the physical capabilities of a 90 year old.. even though you’re only… well I mean you gotta be close to 90 now..so never mind..
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: I’m telling you this not as a threat- but just as a warning. Save your own life Chris, do the right thing for you and your family. You DON’T WANT TO KNOW what happens to you if you continue to try and stay in my way. YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW, what happens if you try to keep me from my DESTINY- if you try to keep me from WHAT I DESERVE. You don’t want to know what’s going to happen to you- if you try and prevent me from once again being the EBWF Champion. So I only got one word of advice for you Chris……don’t. Sleep tight pops.
The Miz winked into the camera as the scene faded to black. The scene reopened once again at a house show in New Orleans, Louisiana the site of EBWF Fallout. A match had just concluded, and the fans were restless wondering what the large pause was about. All of a sudden, a familiar word echoed through the arena.
Followed by “I Came To Play” by Downstait was heard over the PA System. Boo’s intensified as The Miz made his way out from behind the curtain. He wore an expensive dark gray armani suit, and his hair was slicked all the way around. He looked like a million bucks, as he confidently made his way down the ramp and into the ring. He was granted a microphone and confidently took the heat he was receiving in. Finally he spoke.
The Miz: The challenger… that’s what I will be announced as tonight… and INTRODUCING THE CHALLENGER..
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: The challenger.. how disgusting.. how ridiculous.. that I will need to CHALLENGE Chris Jericho for what I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LOST. It’s hard to go through your entire career, and never have one slip up. It’s hard to go from start to finish without dropping a match somewhere along the way, that you just should NEVER have dropped. Even though, New Orleans, even though I am the best professional wrestler to EVER lace up a pair of boots, I proved that very fact last month at the Royal Rumble. I proved that even a man, who is so talented, so charismatic, that it’s hard to believe he’s even a MORTAL, can have a slip up. Last month at the Royal Rumble- I did something I never should have done.. I underestimated Chris Jericho- and he beat me.
The crowd cheered at the mention of Jericho beating The Miz.
The Miz: However, the difference between the washed up nobody’s and the GREATS- is what they do AFTER they have a slip up. The difference between the elite and the scrubs is what happens NEXT- how do they respond? I have been knocked down a bunch over the course of my career, BUT WHAT MAKES ME GREAT, is that right when you think you are done dealing with me- I RESPOND. Right when you think you’ve seen the last of The Miz- I RESPOND. So what do you think I’m going to do when Chris Jericho and I step into the ring at Fallout in a rematch for MY EBWF Championship- that’s right you guessed it… well actually you probably didn’t because you’re all idiots… but I AM GOING TO RESPOND.
The crowd booed as The Miz smirked.
The Miz: I’m going to RESPOND in a way that none of you have ever seen me RESPOND before. I am going to RESPOND in a way that will GUARANTEE that after tonight- I will never be referred to as a CHALLENGER… ever AGAYNE.. I’m going to respond in a way so serious.. so severe.. that IN FACT… NOBODY.. will want to challenge me for MY EBWF title. I’m going to RESPOND in a way that will put an end to not only Chris Jericho’s EBWF World Championship reign.. but also will put an end to Chris Jericho.. period. Right now, Chris Jericho may have false bravado.. he may even seem to the average viewer like a confident man. He may seem to all of you morons, like he’s ready.. like he’s carefree… but really Chris Jericho holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.. because he knows that even though he escaped with a win at Royal Rumble- that he is in NO WAY shape or FORM ready to earn another victory over The Miz. He knows that no matter how hard he tries to portray that he isn’t threatened by me, that the only way he’s going to beat me at Fallout is if they have to carry me out in a hearse. HE KNOWS.. because if he didn’t know.. he wouldn’t have tried to act like Fallout didn’t exist.. he wouldn’t have come out on his little fruity Maury Povich talk show, and act like as the EBWF Champion he wouldn’t be defending his belt until Wrestlemania. I mean I know in "Chris Jericho Land" where you are besties with the boss- and every other decision maker in this company that you get to just hold prestigious titles and not defend them.. but the second you get your hands on the EBWF Championship- you better be ready to defend it, because if you aren’t you better be ready to lose it. Now you can love me- hate me- whatever- I obviously don’t give a shred of a crap about any one of you, but the one thing you can say about me is that I always have been a fighting champion. No matter what belt it was, The EBWF Title, Intercontinental, Path To Glory. If I had a belt.. I was defending it. It makes me sick to see Chris holding the Intercontinental Championship even though he never defends it, but it MADE ME MORE SICK, to see him act like the EBWF Championship was NOT GOING TO BE DEFENDED at Fallout. Now I know at the rate Chris participates around here, that 2 matches in 2 months may seem like WAY too many.. but he need not worry.. because after Fallout.. Chris will be lucky to be able to even count to two.. after I beat his brains in all over the Big Easy.. and more than that he won’t be participating in ANY MATCHES.. as opposed to hardly any.. which is what he does now. Champion? Pfft.. what a joke.
The crowd booed as Miz confidently paced around the ring.
The Miz: Chris Jericho as the EBWF Champion is like a guy who works once a month.. winning employee of the month. He’s like a teacher who shows up to one class in a month and expects their students to know and understand everything in a textbook. Chris Jericho as the EBWF Champion is a disgrace.. it’s an embarrassment. It’s a slap in the face to the people in the back that actually care about this business, and work their asses off day in and day out for an opportunity. While Chris sits in the board room, eats donuts all day and passes out- burping and farting in his sleep. Chris Jericho- is a once upon a time star- that obviously wished upon the right one last month to somehow find a way to beat me at the Royal Rumble.. but there’s nobody.. not Wes Ikeda.. not Jimmity Cricket.. NOONE that is going to help you keep your hands on that belt at Fallout. I’m going to end this fantasy land that you’ve got to live in over these past few weeks. I’m going to end this reign that has probably made you feel young again, this reign that has probably made you feel like you should matter again.. because that notion could NOT be more far from the truth. You will NOT be facing Wes Ikeda at Wrestlemania, Chris.. because I WILL BE FACING him. So you can tell everyone at the PTA meeting that though Wes might not be free that night, you can certainly make the meeting. Though Wes might not be around.. you can definitely host boggle night, because I will not LET you have the satisfaction of being in that match with your best bud. I care about this business to match to subject fans to what a Jericho vs Ikeda match would look like. I care about this business to much to do anything, but mutilate you tonight.. and then go to Wrestlemania and do the exact same thing to Wes. The fact that you don’t get that, that is exactly what is going to happen.. simply fuels my fire even more. The fact that you don’t respect me, and what I can do in this ring will do nothing but add to what will surely be a savage and sound beating that I will issue you come Fallout.
The Miz scratched the scruff on his face.
The Miz: Royal Rumble has come and gone- it is in the past. I can’t change what happened nor do I even want to at this point. Now I know you people are probably like well what do you mean? To which I say.. shut your moronic mouths.. and listen because I’m going to explain. I almost like that you beat me at the Rumble, because I got to watch you parade around all month showing off those famous Jericho pearly whites.. truly feeling like you are on top of the world. The World Champion- The Intercontinental Champion- what a great time to be Chris Jericho right?!….. Wrong.
The Miz was dead serious now.
The Miz: WRONG. I like that this has made your life and your career feel significant again Chris… because it’s only going to make it that much sweeter when I mercilessly rip it all away from you at Fallout. When you give a baby a lollipop and you take it away the baby cries, but if the baby never had the lollipop to begin with then you don’t get to see it suffer. Call me sick, call me twisted… but this victory that I am about to earn over you at Fallout is going to LITERALLY be like taking candy from a baby.. you can call me deranged at how much I’m going to enjoy that part of it.. but there’s one thing that you will NOT call me after Sunday Night.. and that is the CHALLENGER for the EBWF World Championship.. and even though that’s what they will announce me as at Fallout.. though technically I will be the CHALLENGER this Sunday.. there’s one thing beating you won’t be, Chris.. there’s one thing that taking that lollipop out of your hand will NOT be, Chris. There’s one thing that leaving you in a pool of your own blood, as you lie on the mat questioning EVERY career move you’ve ever made will not be, Chris….it MOST CERTAINLY will NOT BE A CHALLENGE….because I’m THE MIZZZZZZZ…
The Miz flipped the microphone to the mat, and had an intense, almost deranged look on his face. “I Came To Play” by Downstait echoed through the arena once more, as The Miz made his way out of the ring and back up the ramp. One thing was for sure, he seemed as focused as one could be to regain the EBWF World Championship.