Warfare Results 03/07/2016

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Warfare Results 03/07/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Warfare started with a cold open. The sound of girls screaming could be heard as a camera crew rushed through the hallways of the Bud Walton Arena. The crew clambered through the crowd of people that surrounded the area where The Mean Girls were seen beating down Alexa Bliss, yet again. Sasha Banks stood tall and barked out the orders as Summer and Eva carried them out.

Sasha Banks: You should have stayed under your bridge!! You don’t belong here troll-face!

Sasha laughed at her own jokes about Alexa’s height. Summer grabbed a handful of hair and lifted up Alexa’s head. She pounded away at Alexa’s head before she slammed her head down on the ground. Eva kicked at the left side of Alexa.

Joey Styles: This is another mass assault on Alexa Bliss. How many times are The Mean Girls going to attack Alexa?

Corey Graves: However many times it takes until Alexa realizes she’s not wanted in EBWF, Joey. However many times it takes.

Joey Styles: Alexa is allowed to be here. She signed a contract. She won the EBWF Women’s Rumble match. Alexa has earned a right to be here.

Corey Graves: Not in the eyes of Sasha Banks and the rest of The Mean Girls.

Security finally hit the scene as the pulled Summer off of Alexa and pushed The Mean Girls back down the hallway.

Summer Rae: GO HOME!!

Eva Marie: WE TOLD YOU!!

The Mean Girls turned away and finally walked away from the scene with the escort of the security guards behind them. The camera turned back to Alexa Bliss where the EBWF Medical Staff had already started to check on Alexa Bliss. The camera cut back to ringside shortly after.


"Radio" by Watt White hit and the crowd cheered as Zack Ryder made his way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! We are just three weeks away from Wrestlemania, and tonight we are live from Fayetteville, Arkansas!

Corey Graves: What a night this promises to be, Joey! Last week at Fallout, we saw Chris Jericho successfully defend the World Title against The Miz and book his place in the Wrestlemania main event! Tonight, we'll see Jericho defend the Intercontinental Title against the number one contender, Syxx!

Joey Styles: We've also got women's wrestling as Bayley takes on Paige, but up first, the Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder, takes on the Showoff, Dolph Ziggler!

When Ryder had entered the ring, "Here to Show the World" by Downstait and Dolph Ziggler came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Once both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Ziggler applied a headlock, then took Ryder down to the mat. Ryder broke free and both men got to their feet. Ryder hit Ziggler with some right hands, before whipping him against the ropes. Ryder went for a clothesline, but Ziggler ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Ryder down with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler hit a swinging neckbreaker, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Ziggler pulled Ryder to his feet and hit a series of punches, then whipped him into the corner. He ran at Ryder, hitting the Stinger splash, then as Ryder moved out of the corner, Ziggler hit the Famouser. He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start from Ziggler, but Zack Ryder isn’t done yet!

Ziggler got to his feet and stomped on Ryder several times, before picking him up and setting him up for a suplex. Ziggler lifted Ryder up, but Ryder landed on his feet behind Ziggler, countering with a reverse DDT. Both men got to their feet and Ryder whipped Ziggler into the corner, then hit a corner elbow smash. Ziggler fell to a sitting position, and the crowd cheered in anticipation. Ryder fist pumped three times, the crowd chanted "Woo woo woo!", and Ryder hit the Broski Boot! Ziggler looked dazed, and Ryder signalled for the Rough Ryder.

Joey Styles: Rough Ryder coming up... this could be it, Corey!

Ziggler got to his feet and Ryder went for the Rough Ryder... but Ziggler ducked out of the way, then hit a Superkick! Ryder got to his feet, and Ziggler hit him with the Zig Zag! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Just when Ryder thought he had it won, Ziggler came back with a vengeance!

Ziggler celebrated, then made his way to the back.


The camera cut backstage where Alexa Bliss sat atop a table in the Medical Room. Dr. Hope Clemente stood in front of Alexa as she attempted to check out Alexa.

Dr. Hope Clemente: You need to calm down Alexa.

Alexa Bliss: Calm down!! You want me to calm down?!

Alexa was obviously furious with being attacked once again by The Mean Girls earlier in the evening. Alexa kept trying to get up off the table, but Dr. Hope would continuously keep Alexa on the table. A few of the Medical Staff stood on both sides of the table and would help Dr. Hope when Alexa would attempt to get up.

Dr. Hope Clemente: You’re not going anywhere tonight except back to the hotel. Anymore trauma tonight, you might not make it to WrestleMania.

Alexa thought for a second at what Dr. Hope just said. She didn’t want to risk giving up her shot at WrestleMania, but she also couldn’t let The Mean Girls get away with attacking her. Alexa calmly took Dr. Hope’s arm and moved it away as she stood up off the table.

Alexa Bliss: Look, I’m going to WrestleMania, and I’m going to become Women’s Champion. Nothing, not even you, is going to keep me out of that match. But as for Sasha Banks and her pack of Hyenas, they aren’t going to get away with this.

Dr. Hope Clemente: You’re in no condition to compete tonight.

Alexa Bliss: I’m not stupid, I know that I don’t stand a chance against The Mean Girls, alone.

Alexa picked up the ice pack that Dr. Hope had sitting next to Alexa. She put the ice pack on the back of her neck.

Alexa Bliss: But next week, I won’t be alone. I’ve got a few friends that are looking to make a statement, and if The Mean Girls are woman enough, then they will come to Warfare next week ready to compete.

Alexa walked past Dr. Hope and exited the Medical Room. The assistants attempted to move toward Alexa, but Dr. Hope gave a signal to hold up. The camera cut away from the backstage and back to ringside where Corey Graves sat next to Joey Styles.

Joey Styles: Did you hear that Graves? Alexa Bliss is challenging The Mean Girls.

Corey Graves: I think this last attack really did it. How could Alexa think she could take on all three members of The Mean Girls.

Joey Styles: She said she has friends. It looks like Alexa might be asking for a three on three match next week on Warfare.

Corey Graves: I don’t think Alexa has any friends Joey, so this may end up being a three on one handicap match. Alexa isn’t being smart about this at all.

Joey and Corey continued to talk as the cameras turned to the stage as the show continued.


"Similar Creatures" by Peroxwhy?gen hit and the crowd cheered as Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Up next, Jeff Hardy makes his return to the ring against JBL!

Upon entering the ring, Hardy climbed the turnbuckle and posed for the crowd. He then climbed down, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. JBL headed to the ring and when he was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. JBL ran at Hardy, but Hardy was ready for him and he hit JBL with a series of punches. He then whipped JBL against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Hardy set JBL up for a suplex, but JBL blocked it, then hit a flowing DDT. After stomping on Hardy several times, JBL pulled him to his feet and set him up for a powerbomb, but Hardy countered with a hurricanrana!

Corey Graves: What a counter by Jeff Hardy!

Hardy hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Hardy hit JBL with a forearm smash, then whipped him into the corner. Hardy ran at JBL and hit the Whisper in the Wind, then as JBL staggered out of the corner, Hardy hit a sitout inverted suplex slam. Hardy hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Jeff Hardy is looking good right now, Corey!

Corey Graves: He's determined to mark his EBWF return with a win, Joey!

Hardy got to his feet and stomped on JBL repeatedly, before pulling him to his feet and setting him up for the Twist of Fate. JBL blocked it, then whipped Hardy against the ropes and hit a big boot. He followed it up with a knee drop, then pulled Hardy to his feet and lifted him up, applying a bearhug. Hardy looked dazed, and JBL whipped him against the ropes, then signalled for the Clothesline From Hell. Hardy ran back towards him and JBL went for it... but Hardy ducked out of the way, then grabbed JBL from behind and hit a reverse Twist of Fate! He then went to the top rope, and hit the Swanton Bomb! Hardy made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Jeff Hardy gets the victory!

Hardy celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Renee Young: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, one half of the Women’s Tag Team Champions and the EBWF Women’s Champion, Trish Stratus.

Trish Stratus: Thanks Renee.

Renee Young: Trish, at Fallout you regained the EBWF Women’s Championship making you the second most decorated female wrestler in EBWF History…

Trish Stratus: I’ll probably never catch Torrie, but I am still the longest reigning women’s champion of all time.

Renee Young: I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the horrible beat down of your Wrestlemania opponent, Alexa Bliss earlier tonight.

Trish Stratus: It seems The Mean Girls are a touch jealous about Alexa Bliss and her rising star. I for one, am looking forward to stepping into the ring against Alexa Bliss for the first time. In order for that to happen, The Mean Girls can’t take her out before Wrestlemania, though they seem hellbent on doing that. I know Alexa said she has friends on the way, and I can’t wait to see who they are. But just know this, Renee, if Alexa and her new friends should require a little extra backup? Nattie and I will be right here.

EBWF went to commercial.


When Warfare returned from commercial “Written in My Face” hit the PA and Sheamus entered the arena.

Joey Styles: Here comes the Celtic Warrior!

When Shinsuke Nakamura entered the arena next the crowd welcomed him with ruckus cheers.

Corey Graves: Shinsuke Nakamura has had a rough start here in EBWF.

Joey Styles: Maybe he can turn his luck around tonight.

Once both men entered the ring the bell rang and Nakamura began man-handling Sheamus. He managed to scoop him up and slammed him down to the mat. Nakamura attempted to wear Sheamus down with a couple of submissions, but Sheamus used his agility to fight his way out of them. Sheamus went for a hip toss but Nakamura blocked so Sheamus hit a DDT instead. Sheamus ran circles around Nakamura but he was caught and slammed chest first into Nakamura's knee. Nakamura picked Sheamus up and slammed him chest first right down into the ring. Nakamura buried his elbow in Sheamus's midsection repeatedly.

Joey Styles: Shinsuke Nakamura is showing no mercy on Sheamus!

Nakamura locked in a rear chin lock, but Sheamus got to the ropes. Sheamus laid in with a kick to the side of Nakamura's head, but he ate a back body drop that was good for a near fall for Nakamura. Nakamura dragged Sheamus into the corner and wore him out, smashing his face into the middle turnbuckle before sending him across the ring and hitting the inverted power slam. Nakamura went for the pin but Sheamus was still able to kick out at two. Nakamura stomped straight down on Sheamus's chest.

Corey Graves: Sheamus better do something if he wants to turn this around!

Nakamura continued to beat on Sheamus with big clubbing blows. Sheamus fought back, laying in to Nakamura with a series of stiff kicks, but Nakamura hit another DDT. Nakamura went for the powerslam again but this time Sheamus kicked straight up. Sheamus hit the double knees to Nakamura's chest, and a giant kick to the face but he was still only able to get a two count. Nakamura connected with a big boot out of nowhere and he was able to get a two count.

Joey Styles: Sheamus won’t stay down!

Sheamus went to the top and fought Nakamura off with knees to the face. Sheamus came off and planted Nakamura with a huge DDT. Sheamus went for the pin but Nakamura was still able to kick out at two. Sheamus hit a big kick to the side of Nakamura's head, then laid him out with a back heel kick. Sheamus went for the shooting star press but Nakamura moved. Sheamus landed on his feet. Nakamura went for the gut wrench but Sheamus countered into a roll up. Nakamura countered into the cross arm breaker, which sent Sheamus tapping. The bell rang.

Corey Graves: Shinsuke Nakamura wins the match! What a big win for this rising star!

Joey Styles: Japan is loving this tonight, Corey!


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, Paige was on her way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, we’ve got women's wrestling to look forward to as Paige takes on Bayley!

Corey Graves: I'm really looking forward to this one, Joey! Bayley and Paige are supremely talented and I'm sure this will be a great match.

When Paige was in the ring, "Turn It Up" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Bayley headed to the ring. Bayley looked as energetic as ever as she made her way down the ramp. Once she was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Paige applied a hammerlock on Bayley, but Bayley broke out of it, then whipped Paige into the ropes. As Paige ran back towards her, Bayley hit a Japanese arm drag. Both women got to their feet and Bayley whipped Paige into the corner, then hit her with multiple running back elbows. Paige staggered out of the corner, and Bayley hit a powerslam, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Bayley! She's dominating the early stages of this match.

Corey Graves: That may be so, but I wouldn't count Paige out just yet!

Bayley pulled Paige to her feet and set her up for a bulldog, but Paige blocked it, countering with a back drop. Both women got to their feet and Paige lifted Bayley up, hitting a fallaway slam. She dragged Bayley towards the ropes and trapped her between the ropes, hitting her with multiple knee lifts. Paige then hit a fisherman suplex, hooking the leg as she did so. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: I told you, Joey! What a turnaround by Paige!

Joey Styles: Both of these women are giving it their all tonight, Corey... it's great to see!

After Bayley kicked out, Paige tried to set her up in the PTO, but Bayley fought out of it and both women got to their feet. Paige ran at Bayley, but Bayley was ready for her and took her down with a drop toe hold. Bayley then applied the STF on Paige!

Joey Styles: Submission manoeuvre by Bayley! Oh my god!

Corey Graves: This could be it right here!

Paige cried out in pain, but she was able to reach the ropes and Bayley broke the hold. Paige then got to her feet and swung an aggressive kick at Bayley, but Bayley ducked out of the way and grabbed Paige, hitting an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle. Paige got to her feet, and Bayley hit the Bayley-to-Belly! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! What a win for Bayley!

As Bayley celebrated, the camera cut to a promotional package for Wrestlemania.


Chris Jericho was seen in the locker room area, hunched over a bench with one leg up on it. He was lacing his boot, the IC Championship and World Championship draped over the bench, on either side of him. The fans cheered as Wes Ikeda walked into the frame, slapping Chris on the shoulder. Chris lowered his leg, standing up straight.

Chris Jericho: Hey, buddy. Haven’t seen you around today. How’s Arkansas treating you.

Wes Ikeda: Absolutely beautiful here. Man, 9 months with the intercontinental title.

Chris Jericho: And still, somehow, not the record.

Wes Ikeda: Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. Tell me about it. I wanted to come by and wish you luck in your match against Syxx tonight. I heard that…

Both Wes and Jericho saw movement off camera, and they took a step back. A feminine clearing of the throat could be heard, and Symphony stepped into the camera’s view.

Symphony: Gentlemen, I beg your indulgences…

Wes Ikeda: This…this is the men’s locker room…

Symphony: By the power of Lord Syxx I have dominion wherever I go.

Chris Jericho: I don’t think that’s how any of this works.

Wes Ikeda: This is so. completely. weird.

Chris Jericho: I mean, it kind of works right? I mean, I mostly like it…

Wes moved his hand as if to say “so-so” and Symphony cleared her throat again.

Symphony: Commoners, Lord Syxx wishes to speak with you!

Wes Ikeda: Com…who are you calling a comm…

Wes was interrupted by Syxx stepping into the frame.

Syxx: I knew you’d be here Chris, but I didn’t think I’d have the pleasure of seeing your good friend, Wes.

Wes Ikeda: What do you want, Waltman?

Syxx: I just wanted to come tell Jericho to his face that his time as a double champion is about to come to an end.

Chris Jericho: We’ll see about that.

Wes Ikeda: Why don’t you and Orchestra over there go, do, whatever it is you do, and let those of us who bother to show up on the program every week, get back to our conversation.

Syxx seemed to think about that for a moment.

Syxx: Fine. I guess I can leave my trash talking for the ring, but you two…

He cracked a bit of a smile and chuckled a little bit.

Syxx: This buddy, buddy schtick is really cute, but if you really think you two are going to survive Wrestlemania. No, you both know each other too well for that. Personally, no one likes to see a good friendship implode more than I do. I’m just glad I get to chip away at some of that armor tonight. Wes. Chris.

And with that Syxx, and a very amused Symphony, turned to leave the locker room, leaving Wes and Chris to give each other an uncomfortable glance, before staring after them as they went.


When EBWF returned from commercial, Matt Sydal came to the ring first to the sounds of Basket Case by Green Day. He was full of energy, and slid in under the bottom rope. Carlito was to the ring next.

Joey Styles: We’re going to find out who will face Tyler Breeze at Wrestlemania for the Breakout Championship.

Christy announced both men. Sydal knocked Carlito to the mat and chased him into the corner. Carlito came out with punches to the head, and Sydal hoisted Carlito up into a painful looking torture rack, but Carlito wiggled right out of it. Carlito went for a clothesline and Sydal ducked, laying in with some huge blows across the back. Sydal went for a splash in the corner, but Carlito moved, so Sydal hit him with a clothesline to the back of the head instead. Carlito caught Sydal with a quick kick to the knee, and he followed it up with a boot to the face for a near fall. Sydal tried to fight back, but Carlito came up with a big side walk slam, which was good for another two.

Corey Graves: You got to love all these near falls!

Carlito locked in a rear chin lock, and Sydal fought up to his feet. Carlito went for a undertook DDT, but Sydal fought out of it, so Carlito countered into a roll up for a two count. Carlito caught Sydal with a kick to the gut, and followed up with the lifting reverse STO, for another near fall. Carlito caught Sydal with a big kick and stomped away at him in the corner. Carlito laid in with punches and kicks, catching some anger from the referee. Carlito went for a big boot in the corner, but Sydal moved and Carlito wound up hung up on the top turnbuckle. Sydal hit Carlito with three big splashes, then a fourth in the corner. Carlito tried for a splash of his own, but Sydal moved. Carlito was able to get Sydal far enough away to lay on a huge Enzuigiri, but Sydal kicked out at a two count.

Joey Styles: What a local from Carlito! It just wasn’t enough.

The crowd booed the referee, thinking this one was over, but Carlito laid into Sydal with several clubbing blows to the face. Carlito turned that into a Back Stabber!

Corey Graves: He might have done it!

Carlito got the three count, and his arm was raised in victory!

Joey Styles: There it is! Carlito will be facing Tyler Breeze for the EBWF Breakout Championship. Welcome to the grandest stage of them all Carlito!


Christy Hemme: The following is our main event, and it is for the EBWF Intercontinental Championship! Making his way to the ring first…

“F.E.” by 40 Below Summer hit.

Christy Hemme: From Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing in at 212 pounds, the challenger, Syxx!

When Syxx has entered the ring, a countdown from five began on the tron, and then the arena went dark. “Break The Walls Down” came over the PA and Jericho’s jacket lit up from the stage, before the lights went back up and Jericho was seen walking down the ramp holding the IC title over one shoulder and the World Championship around his waist.

Christy Hemme: And from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in at 227 pounds, he is both the Intercontinental and EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho…

Corey Graves: This is going to be a showstopper, Joey!

A loud “Jericho” chant broke out. Jericho and Syxx immediately locked up. Syxx hit an arm drag and did a “Suck It” taunt.

Joey Styles: Syxx is confident early on here.

Jericho hit some chops, and Syxx charged at him, running into Jericho’s elbow. Jericho kept up with the hard elbows and Syxx came back with a flying clothesline. Jericho got back to his feet, and whipped Syxx into the corner. Jericho proceeded with more chops in the corner. Then he whipped Syxx into the opposite corner.

Joey Styles: Jericho has this match well in hand here!

Syxx dodged as Jericho charged toward him, but Jericho springboarded off of the second rope and dropkicked Syxx. Jericho lifted Syxx vertically and slammed him down, covering him for a 1 count. Syxx rolled out of the ring, and Jericho followed after him. Syxx circled the ring, and when he got to the announce table, Jericho charged from behind, grabbing Syxx by the back of the head and slamming him face first on top of the announce table

Corey Graves: Jericho is a vet of this business. He can’t believe this is going to work.

Jericho was within ear shot of the announcer, and he pointed at Graves.

Chris Jericho: Shut up, Corey!

Corey Graves: That was uncalled for.

The ref had counted to 7, and Jericho rolled in under the bottom rope. Syxx was back in the ring by 9. Syxx came in quick, and hit a few hard chops against Jericho’s chest. His skin reddened as Syxx grabbed him and tossed him into the turnbuckle. Jericho bounced off onto the second rope, and hit a drop kick, using Syxx forward momentum against him.

Joey Styles: What a move from Jericho!

“Jericho” chants went up again, and Syxx came back with a dropkick of his own. Jericho rolled out of the ring. Syxx chased after and Jericho grabbed him by the ankles and slammed him down on the ring apron. The crowd cheered as Jericho took that opportunity to roll back into the ring. He helped Syxx back between the ropes by his hair. Syxx tried to fight back with a punch to the gut, but Jericho locked him in a headlock. Syxx fought out of it, and hit a strike combo, before tossing Jericho into the corner and followed up with a big splash.

Corey Graves: Syxx might be coming back here!

Syxx got Jericho on his shoulders, but Jericho slid out and countered to go for the Walls of Jericho. Syxx got to the ropes, and as he got up he surprised Jericho with a roundhouse kick. He went for the pin, but Jericho kicked out at two! On his feet, Jericho hit a huge suplex and covered, but it was Syxx’s turn to kick out.

Joey Styles: I thought it was over there.

Jericho gets Syxx in the Walls of Jericho again, but Syxx refused to tap out. He fought his way to the ropes again. Syxx hit a Pele Kick on Jericho, and then made his way to the top rope. He missed the moonsault, which gave Jericho time to charge toward the ropes. Jericho went for the Lionsault but Syxx got his knees up. Jericho was down, and Syxx hit the X-Factor! Syxx went for the pin.

Joey Styles: He did it!

Corey Graves: Syxx is the new Intercontinental Champion.

Jericho looked shocked as the referee awarded Syxx the IC Championship and raised his arm in victory. Jericho got to his feet, and tapped the referee hard on the shoulder. The ref turned around and Jericho began to berate him, holding three fingers in front of the man’s face.

Joey Styles: Jericho complaining that there was a fast count.

Corey Graves: Looked like a normal count to me, Joey.

The referee was arguing that fact, and Jericho shoved him, causing him to stumble and land on his backside on the mat. The crowd reacted with a mixed reaction and Jericho rolled out of the ring to take the World Championship. He glared up at Syxx who had climbed the nearest turnbuckle, and the two stared each other down as Warfare went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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