I Remember
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:58 pm
Chris Jericho had done it again. At Fallout- he once again outlasted The Miz and what was a match of the year candidate. Though this would surely be an honor for The Miz- it didn’t provide any solace in the sense that he was no longer the EBWF Champion- and it would likely be awhile before he ever earned himself another opportunity at the gold. It had been a good run for The Miz- as his 4 month reign as EBWF World Champion had established him once again as one of the companies top dogs. However, as it often is, it would be interesting to see how Miz would react to two heartbreaking losses in a row. As EBWF continued on it’s road to Wrestlemania- The Miz would go head to head with Jay Briscoe. Normally that sentence wouldn’t mean much- but The Miz had not forgotten that in the King of the Ring tournament a few years back- he was UPSET in round 1 vs. Briscoe. It was a loss that really sent Miz down a path that it took a long time for him to recover from. He would certainly be determined to not encounter a similar fate- this time around.
The scene opened up in a private workout facility. There was nobody present except for The Miz and one other gentleman. The man who was with Miz was in a blue tank top, and was extremely well built. He wore white shorts, and stood next to Miz as Miz was finishing a couple of reps on the bench press.
Ryan The Trainer: Let’s go Miz, push it! Two more!
The Miz obliged his trainer, Ryan, and pushed through a couple of reps, screaming as he finished the last rep. It was clear that it took all he had to finish. He spoke his first words while breathing heavily.
The Miz: Damn man- it’s been awhile since I’ve really refocused like this.
Ryan The Trainer: You’re killing it man.
Miz wiped his sweaty face with a towel that was resting on the bench next to him.
The Miz: Thanks man- the reason is quite simple. At Fallout, I lost… again. This business is all about momentum and right now, nobody has more of it than Chris Jericho. It’s my experience that the only way you get that momentum back is to work for it. The fact of the matter is- even when you’re as amazingly talented as I am- sometimes momentum can override talent, and that has what happened over the last two months- plain and simple. We are on the road to Wrestlemania now though Ry- and I’ll be damned if I fall into obscurity because of these last two losses to Jericho. I’m still The Miz- I’m still the best wrestler in this business- I’m still as good as it gets- and there’s no way I’m going to let anyone forget that because I’ve fallen short at Royal Rumble and Fallout. The only way to do that- is to remind people in a loud, clear, and for Jay Briscoe PAINFUL way. You see Ry, a couple of years back, I was feeling pretty unbeatable. I was feeling like it wasn’t IF I would win King of the Ring- but WHEN. My first round opponent, seemed underwhelming, he seemed like a waste of time, he seemed like a nobody. His name was Jay Briscoe- and he was and is all of those things.. but you see I made a mistake. I took him lightly… and I don’t mean like I looked past him and he was good enough to win, with even a slight lack of focus on my end. I mean I looked at Jay Briscoe like he was a sandwich and I was Ryback. I thought there was no way he had any chance of putting up any kind of fight whatsoever. I went in barely even thinking about the match, and he beat me. This time around- I don’t want to win- I need to win. I need to take out my frustrations on someone, and much to my delight that someone is going to be Jay Briscoe. I haven’t forgot about our match, Jay, I have thought about it often since that night, and I have hoped and prayed you’d bring your country bumpkin ass back to the EBWF so I could show you- just how much of a fluke that night was. So I could show you just how much your win over me defied all logic. Now I know you Jay, I know for the last 3 years you’ve been sitting at dive bars down south, bragging about that night, bragging about that victory through slurred speech to your friends Jim Bob and Bobby Joe- Cindy Sue and whoever the hell else- with 18 empty shot glasses in front of you. If I was you- I would have stayed with that. It’s way more fun to be drunk, and stuck in the past- then it is to be sober and getting your ass kicked in the present- and trust me Jay- even if you come into the match drunk off your ass- the beating I will give you at Warfare will sober you quickly to the realization that maybe wrestling, maybe the EBWF is something you shoulda stayed the hell away from. A match against me is the WORST thing that could have happened to you Briscoe- I’ve been waiting for this moment since that night you beat me- and I will NOT let it pass me by without beating you to the point where I feel better about it- and trust me Jay THAT IS A LOT OF BEATING.
Ryan The Trainer: Let’s go for another set here Miz.
The Miz nodded he benched for seven reps before slamming the bar down.
Ryan The Trainer: What’s wrong?
The Miz: Another thing about this Briscoe guy- honestly Ryan- why the hell did he come back? Why does he continue to do that? Here for a month- gone for 2 years- here for a month- gone for 2 years. It’s like he goes home and ends up at the country version of woodstock and just forgets that he has a career in the EBWF. Two years later after he comes down off his bender of jack daniels- easy mac- and screwing his cousins- he’s like “well hot diggity dog- I gots to get back to the wrasslin ring- i aint been there in weeks.” Then someone else is like “Jay it’s been years bro.” Then Jay is like “Well shoot that there is even worse..” and then this jamoak shows back up in the company- and for whatever reason- he also shows back up in my way. Chris Jericho is probably my least favorite person right now, because he’s the reason why I’m not main eventing Wrestlemania- but if Jericho is first- Jay Briscoe is second. Over the course of the last 2-3 years I have woken up in cold sweats where I’m lying in a corn field and a bunch of toothless morons are pointing and laughing at me yelling things like “Hey Miz remember that there team when you lost to Jay Briscoe—ooh wheeeeee shuck a muck” It’s horrible- Jay Briscoe’s win over me- has got to be the lowest point of my career- and that includes when I had frosted tips and hosted WWE Smackdown.. and let me tell you Ryan- that was a pretty low point. I got heckled and ridiculed at bars more than my cast of Real World did.
Ryan started laughing and nodded.
The Miz: Jay Briscoe is a piece of white trash- and I haven’t gotten the nasty smell out of my nose since he beat me. Can you imagine that feeling Ryan? I’ve been to the best parties, eaten the finest foods, been in the company of the most beautiful women in the world.. and trust me bro.. they all smell REALLY good. Yet every time that Briscoe name comes into the fold- my senses kick back into overdrive- and I can smell that piece of crap- I can see that night- I can feel the shock that overcame my body when the referees hand hit the mat for three. So no matter how good things have gotten for me over the past 2-3 years- that night has stayed with me. It has haunted me- I’ve been like Randy Orton hearing voices in my head. Those voices saying “So what you’re the Intercontinental Champion- you lost to Jay Briscoe- so what you’re a multi millionaire- or your the EBWF Champion- or you got models falling all over you- you freaking lost to Jay Briscoe.” So after losing the EBWF Championship- I can’t think of anything that will make me feel better- more than silencing those voices in my head once and for all. I can’t think of another way I’d rather start my road back to the top- then getting over a speed bump that my car has been stuck on for the past 3 years. At least at that point Ryan, the voices in my head can say “yeah you lost to Jay Briscoe that one time- but you also ended his career and sent his ass back to the hayfields to die.” That would give me some much needed solace- and make no mistake about it- I will stop at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING- to do just that Jay- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Normally I’d say that you’re in trouble because I’m in a bad mood over losing the title, but the second I saw you were my Warfare opponent- I stopped thinking about the EBWF Title- and I started thinking about you, Jay. I started obsessing over how amazing it was going to be to see YOU come into Warfare confident, how amazing it was going to be to see your smug face across from me, knowing what your victory over me has done to me over these past few years.. and the reason why it’s going to be amazing to see those things is because of how much MORE amazing it’s going to be to see that confidence evaporate within seconds of the bell ringing, how much MORE amazing it is going to feel to beat that smug look right off your face for the duration of what is going to be a blood bath for you Jay Briscoe. Tick tock, Briscoe, that mental edge, that bragging that you’ve enjoyed will come to an abrupt end in just 4 days.. tick tock ya old son of a gunnn.. enjoy them last few days as best ya can- ride your tractor, shuck some corn, or whatever it is you people do, have some fun, because on Warfare Jay Briscoe will be no more, on Warfare The Miz gets his retribution, and will show why I’ve been a god damn constant in the EBWF- and you are like a tumbleweed rolling through a scene in the only types of movies that probably make it to your five seat movie theaters that exist in butt fuck USA where you’re from. There one minute… gone the next. Tick tock Briscoe- see you soon buddy.. yee haw.
The Miz went back to benching as the scene faded out. The scene reopened at an EBWF House Show. The fans were lively and excited to be at an EBWF event. Michael Cole made his way out from the back with no theme music. When the fans saw him- they began to boo right away. Cole played it off by waving and shaking his fist as if they were giving him a raucous ovation. He entered the ring and was granted a microphone from the time keeper.
Michael Cole: Greetings ladies and gentlemen- may I have your attention please!?
The crowd booed Cole out of the building.
Michael Cole: Tonight- you are all in for a real treat- because you are all going to get to witness an EXCLUSIVE- Michael Cole interview- with a man that needs no introduction, but I’m going to give him one anyway. He is a GRAND SLAM CHAMPION- including a TWO TIME EBWF CHAMPION- He is the GREATEST OF THE GREAT- THE CREAM OF THE CROP- He is YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER’S- FAVORITE WRESTLER. The best wrestler on planet earth! Ladies and gentlemen- he is- THE MIZ.
“AWEEEEEEEEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEE” Followed by “I Came To Play” boomed from the PA System and the capacity crowd hit a new level of heat. The Miz emerged from the back in his brand new “Your Favorite Wrestler’s-Favorite Wrestler” T-Shirt and dark blue fitted jeans. His hair was slicked all around- and he looked extremely sharp. He confidently made his way down to the ring, when he entered Michael Cole offered a fist bump to Miz. Miz looked at it and then at Cole- and then back at it- and made the decision to ignore it. He too was granted a microphone from the time keeper. During Miz walk- an attendant ring side had set up two chairs in the ring. Cole sat in one, and The Miz the other.
Michael Cole: Hey Miz! How’s it going?!
The crowd booed this nerdy first question.
The Miz: It’s going, Cole. Let’s get on with it.
Michael Cole: Very good. So Miz- tomorrow night you will go head to head with Jay Briscoe- as we really kick off the Road to Wrestlemania. You got to be excited about this match. Tell us a little bit about your plan to defeat Briscoe this time around.
The Miz: My plan? This time around? What are you saying Cole?
Michael Cole: Well I mean you did lose to Jay in your only meeting with him at the King of the Ring Tournament in 20…
The Miz cut him off.
The Miz: Shut it Cole- I know- I know what happened the last time I was in the ring with him. I also know what’s going to happen THIS time I’m in the ring with him. I’m going to hurt him Cole- I’m going to beat his brains in to the point where he thinks he’s one of the chickens on his farm- even though he might think that already. My plan is to show up and to pay attention this time Cole. I think doing that will not only ensure my victory but it will ensure that Jay Briscoe isn’t going to show up in an EBWF ring anytime soon- which I think is something that would be to the benefit of EVERYONE in the EBWF. We shouldn’t be teaching kids to be hillbilly’s- or idiot country bumpkins- we should be giving them someone to look up to, someone who they can strive to be like, someone like me Cole.
The crowd booed and the camera cut to a couple of young children who had their thumbs down as Miz talked. The camera cut back into the ring where Miz had a smirk on his face.
The Miz: I am the image that the EBWF should be portraying to our youth. I am the person to look up to, the EBWF doesn’t need to market a filthy, disgusting moron who hasn’t seen a shower since the last time we faced off in the squared circle, like Jay Briscoe. So since the EBWF higher ups don’t seem to have the infinite wisdom that I have Cole.. and I mean really.. who does? I will do their job for them- I will get rid of this grotesque pig Jay Briscoe and send him back to live with his pigs.. his goats.. and whoever the hell else.. and I’ll do it Cole.. I’ll do it for the children.. I’m a hero really.
Michael Cole: You absolutely are!
More boos from the capacity crowd- they were not buying any of this. A ‘Y2J’ chant broke out- this didn’t seem to get to Miz as the crowd was hoping.
Michael Cole: I for one, Miz, cannot wait until you embarrass Jay Briscoe on Monday Night. Anything else you’d like to share with regards to your thoughts on this match?
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: I guess the nice thing to do- would be to paint as much of a picture as I can- so that both Jay Briscoe and all these people can decide whether it’s something they want to even be a part of. At Warfare on Monday Night- I am going to tear apart limb by limb- similar to the way his family does to the rats that they find in their kitchen before they eat them. I’m going to dance around on his lifeless body like I was Ellen Degeneres opening a show. I’m going to make Jay Briscoe wish that he’d never met me, that he’d never beat me, because on Warfare I’m going to abuse Jay Briscoe like all of his neighbors abuse their children at the local market. I’m going to end Jay Briscoe’s career before it can really even get started again. I’m going to give him a good old down home ass kicking- Jay Briscoe may be a lot of things. He may be country, he may be smelly, he may be an alcoholic, he may be illiterate, but one thing he won’t be is the guy who beat The Miz twice- what he won’t be is someone who after Monday remembers our first match or any of his other matches- what he won’t be after Monday is a guy who can eat biscuits and fried chicken through anything but a straw. The reason Michael is because today and everyday I AM THE MIZ.. and today and everyday Michael I’MMMMMMMMMMM AWEEEEEEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE
The Miz stood up and held his hands in the air- soaking in the boos from the capacity crowd. Michael Cole stood up and applauded The Miz. As “I Came To Play” was heard once again over the PA System. Would Miz be able to avenge his loss to Jay Briscoe? Time would certainly tell!
The scene opened up in a private workout facility. There was nobody present except for The Miz and one other gentleman. The man who was with Miz was in a blue tank top, and was extremely well built. He wore white shorts, and stood next to Miz as Miz was finishing a couple of reps on the bench press.
Ryan The Trainer: Let’s go Miz, push it! Two more!
The Miz obliged his trainer, Ryan, and pushed through a couple of reps, screaming as he finished the last rep. It was clear that it took all he had to finish. He spoke his first words while breathing heavily.
The Miz: Damn man- it’s been awhile since I’ve really refocused like this.
Ryan The Trainer: You’re killing it man.
Miz wiped his sweaty face with a towel that was resting on the bench next to him.
The Miz: Thanks man- the reason is quite simple. At Fallout, I lost… again. This business is all about momentum and right now, nobody has more of it than Chris Jericho. It’s my experience that the only way you get that momentum back is to work for it. The fact of the matter is- even when you’re as amazingly talented as I am- sometimes momentum can override talent, and that has what happened over the last two months- plain and simple. We are on the road to Wrestlemania now though Ry- and I’ll be damned if I fall into obscurity because of these last two losses to Jericho. I’m still The Miz- I’m still the best wrestler in this business- I’m still as good as it gets- and there’s no way I’m going to let anyone forget that because I’ve fallen short at Royal Rumble and Fallout. The only way to do that- is to remind people in a loud, clear, and for Jay Briscoe PAINFUL way. You see Ry, a couple of years back, I was feeling pretty unbeatable. I was feeling like it wasn’t IF I would win King of the Ring- but WHEN. My first round opponent, seemed underwhelming, he seemed like a waste of time, he seemed like a nobody. His name was Jay Briscoe- and he was and is all of those things.. but you see I made a mistake. I took him lightly… and I don’t mean like I looked past him and he was good enough to win, with even a slight lack of focus on my end. I mean I looked at Jay Briscoe like he was a sandwich and I was Ryback. I thought there was no way he had any chance of putting up any kind of fight whatsoever. I went in barely even thinking about the match, and he beat me. This time around- I don’t want to win- I need to win. I need to take out my frustrations on someone, and much to my delight that someone is going to be Jay Briscoe. I haven’t forgot about our match, Jay, I have thought about it often since that night, and I have hoped and prayed you’d bring your country bumpkin ass back to the EBWF so I could show you- just how much of a fluke that night was. So I could show you just how much your win over me defied all logic. Now I know you Jay, I know for the last 3 years you’ve been sitting at dive bars down south, bragging about that night, bragging about that victory through slurred speech to your friends Jim Bob and Bobby Joe- Cindy Sue and whoever the hell else- with 18 empty shot glasses in front of you. If I was you- I would have stayed with that. It’s way more fun to be drunk, and stuck in the past- then it is to be sober and getting your ass kicked in the present- and trust me Jay- even if you come into the match drunk off your ass- the beating I will give you at Warfare will sober you quickly to the realization that maybe wrestling, maybe the EBWF is something you shoulda stayed the hell away from. A match against me is the WORST thing that could have happened to you Briscoe- I’ve been waiting for this moment since that night you beat me- and I will NOT let it pass me by without beating you to the point where I feel better about it- and trust me Jay THAT IS A LOT OF BEATING.
Ryan The Trainer: Let’s go for another set here Miz.
The Miz nodded he benched for seven reps before slamming the bar down.
Ryan The Trainer: What’s wrong?
The Miz: Another thing about this Briscoe guy- honestly Ryan- why the hell did he come back? Why does he continue to do that? Here for a month- gone for 2 years- here for a month- gone for 2 years. It’s like he goes home and ends up at the country version of woodstock and just forgets that he has a career in the EBWF. Two years later after he comes down off his bender of jack daniels- easy mac- and screwing his cousins- he’s like “well hot diggity dog- I gots to get back to the wrasslin ring- i aint been there in weeks.” Then someone else is like “Jay it’s been years bro.” Then Jay is like “Well shoot that there is even worse..” and then this jamoak shows back up in the company- and for whatever reason- he also shows back up in my way. Chris Jericho is probably my least favorite person right now, because he’s the reason why I’m not main eventing Wrestlemania- but if Jericho is first- Jay Briscoe is second. Over the course of the last 2-3 years I have woken up in cold sweats where I’m lying in a corn field and a bunch of toothless morons are pointing and laughing at me yelling things like “Hey Miz remember that there team when you lost to Jay Briscoe—ooh wheeeeee shuck a muck” It’s horrible- Jay Briscoe’s win over me- has got to be the lowest point of my career- and that includes when I had frosted tips and hosted WWE Smackdown.. and let me tell you Ryan- that was a pretty low point. I got heckled and ridiculed at bars more than my cast of Real World did.
Ryan started laughing and nodded.
The Miz: Jay Briscoe is a piece of white trash- and I haven’t gotten the nasty smell out of my nose since he beat me. Can you imagine that feeling Ryan? I’ve been to the best parties, eaten the finest foods, been in the company of the most beautiful women in the world.. and trust me bro.. they all smell REALLY good. Yet every time that Briscoe name comes into the fold- my senses kick back into overdrive- and I can smell that piece of crap- I can see that night- I can feel the shock that overcame my body when the referees hand hit the mat for three. So no matter how good things have gotten for me over the past 2-3 years- that night has stayed with me. It has haunted me- I’ve been like Randy Orton hearing voices in my head. Those voices saying “So what you’re the Intercontinental Champion- you lost to Jay Briscoe- so what you’re a multi millionaire- or your the EBWF Champion- or you got models falling all over you- you freaking lost to Jay Briscoe.” So after losing the EBWF Championship- I can’t think of anything that will make me feel better- more than silencing those voices in my head once and for all. I can’t think of another way I’d rather start my road back to the top- then getting over a speed bump that my car has been stuck on for the past 3 years. At least at that point Ryan, the voices in my head can say “yeah you lost to Jay Briscoe that one time- but you also ended his career and sent his ass back to the hayfields to die.” That would give me some much needed solace- and make no mistake about it- I will stop at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING- to do just that Jay- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Normally I’d say that you’re in trouble because I’m in a bad mood over losing the title, but the second I saw you were my Warfare opponent- I stopped thinking about the EBWF Title- and I started thinking about you, Jay. I started obsessing over how amazing it was going to be to see YOU come into Warfare confident, how amazing it was going to be to see your smug face across from me, knowing what your victory over me has done to me over these past few years.. and the reason why it’s going to be amazing to see those things is because of how much MORE amazing it’s going to be to see that confidence evaporate within seconds of the bell ringing, how much MORE amazing it is going to feel to beat that smug look right off your face for the duration of what is going to be a blood bath for you Jay Briscoe. Tick tock, Briscoe, that mental edge, that bragging that you’ve enjoyed will come to an abrupt end in just 4 days.. tick tock ya old son of a gunnn.. enjoy them last few days as best ya can- ride your tractor, shuck some corn, or whatever it is you people do, have some fun, because on Warfare Jay Briscoe will be no more, on Warfare The Miz gets his retribution, and will show why I’ve been a god damn constant in the EBWF- and you are like a tumbleweed rolling through a scene in the only types of movies that probably make it to your five seat movie theaters that exist in butt fuck USA where you’re from. There one minute… gone the next. Tick tock Briscoe- see you soon buddy.. yee haw.
The Miz went back to benching as the scene faded out. The scene reopened at an EBWF House Show. The fans were lively and excited to be at an EBWF event. Michael Cole made his way out from the back with no theme music. When the fans saw him- they began to boo right away. Cole played it off by waving and shaking his fist as if they were giving him a raucous ovation. He entered the ring and was granted a microphone from the time keeper.
Michael Cole: Greetings ladies and gentlemen- may I have your attention please!?
The crowd booed Cole out of the building.
Michael Cole: Tonight- you are all in for a real treat- because you are all going to get to witness an EXCLUSIVE- Michael Cole interview- with a man that needs no introduction, but I’m going to give him one anyway. He is a GRAND SLAM CHAMPION- including a TWO TIME EBWF CHAMPION- He is the GREATEST OF THE GREAT- THE CREAM OF THE CROP- He is YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER’S- FAVORITE WRESTLER. The best wrestler on planet earth! Ladies and gentlemen- he is- THE MIZ.
“AWEEEEEEEEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEE” Followed by “I Came To Play” boomed from the PA System and the capacity crowd hit a new level of heat. The Miz emerged from the back in his brand new “Your Favorite Wrestler’s-Favorite Wrestler” T-Shirt and dark blue fitted jeans. His hair was slicked all around- and he looked extremely sharp. He confidently made his way down to the ring, when he entered Michael Cole offered a fist bump to Miz. Miz looked at it and then at Cole- and then back at it- and made the decision to ignore it. He too was granted a microphone from the time keeper. During Miz walk- an attendant ring side had set up two chairs in the ring. Cole sat in one, and The Miz the other.
Michael Cole: Hey Miz! How’s it going?!
The crowd booed this nerdy first question.
The Miz: It’s going, Cole. Let’s get on with it.
Michael Cole: Very good. So Miz- tomorrow night you will go head to head with Jay Briscoe- as we really kick off the Road to Wrestlemania. You got to be excited about this match. Tell us a little bit about your plan to defeat Briscoe this time around.
The Miz: My plan? This time around? What are you saying Cole?
Michael Cole: Well I mean you did lose to Jay in your only meeting with him at the King of the Ring Tournament in 20…
The Miz cut him off.
The Miz: Shut it Cole- I know- I know what happened the last time I was in the ring with him. I also know what’s going to happen THIS time I’m in the ring with him. I’m going to hurt him Cole- I’m going to beat his brains in to the point where he thinks he’s one of the chickens on his farm- even though he might think that already. My plan is to show up and to pay attention this time Cole. I think doing that will not only ensure my victory but it will ensure that Jay Briscoe isn’t going to show up in an EBWF ring anytime soon- which I think is something that would be to the benefit of EVERYONE in the EBWF. We shouldn’t be teaching kids to be hillbilly’s- or idiot country bumpkins- we should be giving them someone to look up to, someone who they can strive to be like, someone like me Cole.
The crowd booed and the camera cut to a couple of young children who had their thumbs down as Miz talked. The camera cut back into the ring where Miz had a smirk on his face.
The Miz: I am the image that the EBWF should be portraying to our youth. I am the person to look up to, the EBWF doesn’t need to market a filthy, disgusting moron who hasn’t seen a shower since the last time we faced off in the squared circle, like Jay Briscoe. So since the EBWF higher ups don’t seem to have the infinite wisdom that I have Cole.. and I mean really.. who does? I will do their job for them- I will get rid of this grotesque pig Jay Briscoe and send him back to live with his pigs.. his goats.. and whoever the hell else.. and I’ll do it Cole.. I’ll do it for the children.. I’m a hero really.
Michael Cole: You absolutely are!
More boos from the capacity crowd- they were not buying any of this. A ‘Y2J’ chant broke out- this didn’t seem to get to Miz as the crowd was hoping.
Michael Cole: I for one, Miz, cannot wait until you embarrass Jay Briscoe on Monday Night. Anything else you’d like to share with regards to your thoughts on this match?
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: I guess the nice thing to do- would be to paint as much of a picture as I can- so that both Jay Briscoe and all these people can decide whether it’s something they want to even be a part of. At Warfare on Monday Night- I am going to tear apart limb by limb- similar to the way his family does to the rats that they find in their kitchen before they eat them. I’m going to dance around on his lifeless body like I was Ellen Degeneres opening a show. I’m going to make Jay Briscoe wish that he’d never met me, that he’d never beat me, because on Warfare I’m going to abuse Jay Briscoe like all of his neighbors abuse their children at the local market. I’m going to end Jay Briscoe’s career before it can really even get started again. I’m going to give him a good old down home ass kicking- Jay Briscoe may be a lot of things. He may be country, he may be smelly, he may be an alcoholic, he may be illiterate, but one thing he won’t be is the guy who beat The Miz twice- what he won’t be is someone who after Monday remembers our first match or any of his other matches- what he won’t be after Monday is a guy who can eat biscuits and fried chicken through anything but a straw. The reason Michael is because today and everyday I AM THE MIZ.. and today and everyday Michael I’MMMMMMMMMMM AWEEEEEEEEEEESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE
The Miz stood up and held his hands in the air- soaking in the boos from the capacity crowd. Michael Cole stood up and applauded The Miz. As “I Came To Play” was heard once again over the PA System. Would Miz be able to avenge his loss to Jay Briscoe? Time would certainly tell!