Warfare Results 03/14/2016

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Warfare Results 03/14/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to EBWF Monday Night Warfare! We are just 13 days away from Wrestlemania, and tonight we are live from the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma!

Corey Graves: What a night this promises to be, Joey! Kicking things off tonight, we've got one of Japan's biggest stars in action as Shinsuke Nakamura takes on the veteran Mankind! Nakamura has started his EBWF career strongly, and will be wanting to pick up another win here tonight.

"Subconscious Entry Version" by Julia Claris hit and the crowd cheered as Nakamura headed to the ring. When Shinsuke had entered the ring, "Wreck" hit and the crowd booed as Mankind made his way down the ramp. Once both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Mankind charged at Nakamura, going for a clothesline, but Nakamura ducked out of the way, then hit a roundhouse kick. Mankind staggered backwards, and Nakamura hit him with several more kicks, then hit a knee to the midsection. Nakamura took Mankind down with a DDT, and followed it up with a leg drop. Nakamura hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Nakamura pulled Mankind to his feet and hit him with some more kicks, then whipped him into the corner. Nakamura ran at Mankind and hit a running knee strike, then as Mankind staggered out of the corner, Nakamura set him up for a double underhook piledriver. Mankind blocked it and countered with a back body drop, then as Nakamura got to his feet, Mankind hit him with a series of right hands. Mankind then lifted Nakamura over his shoulders, setting him up for a scoop slam, but Nakamura wriggled free and landed on his feet behind Mankind, before lifting him up for a German suplex.

Joey Styles: Great counter by Nakamura!

Nakamura hit a springboard moonsault, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Nakamura pulled Mankind to his feet and went to whip him against the ropes, but Mankind reversed it, sending Nakamura into the ropes. As Nakamura ran back towards him, Mankind took him down with a clothesline. Mankind stomped on Nakamura repeatedly, trying to keep him grounded, before pulling him to his feet and hitting a gut wrench powerbomb. Mankind ran against the ropes and hit Nakamura with a running leg drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Mankind with a near fall! The veteran superstar isn't going down without a fight, Joey!

Mankind pulled Nakamura to his feet and set him up for a double arm DDT, but Nakamura fought out of it and hit a reverse STO. Both men got to his feet and Nakamura lifted Mankind up, hitting the Death Valley Driver. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Mankind looked dazed, and Nakamura stood up, stalking him. As Mankind started to get up, Nakamura ran at him and hit the Bomaye! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Another victory for Nakamura!

Nakamura celebrated, then made his way to the back.


"Here to Show the World" by Downstait blasted over the speakers as the Oklahoma crowd gave a mixed reaction to Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler walked out onto the stage, wearing a blazer over a pink t-shirt and jeans, and had his hair in a ponytail. Ziggler lingered around the stage, with a microphone in his hand. The reaction wasn't getting any more defined.

Dolph Ziggler: The reason why I'm not wearing my wrestling attire is because... Well, I guess I just don't draw enough. I'm not a big draw, I'm a nobody, some would say. I have no championship around my waist. I have, right now, nothing to my name, but my past accomplishments. I'm going into Wrestlemania with nothing. That's right guys! Wrestlemania is coming up, aren't you excited?!

The crowd pops for the mentioning of Wrestlemania.

Dolph Ziggler: I thought you would be! But, as it stands, I'm not feeling it. Then again, I could just... Go through the motions, right? That's a thing. So I could just drag my ass down this ramp...

Ziggler slowly walks down the ramp.

Dolph Ziggler: Just to get to this ring.

"The Showoff" walks up the steps, and through the ropes.

Dolph Ziggler: And put on an alright match, just for the paycheck. Which, by the way, is ridiculous, it's why some guys come back to work Wrestlemania, I'd assume. However, as I was saying, I could just go through all this, and give you little to no spectacle. Leave you... Without your money's worth.

The crowd boos at this prospect.

Dolph Ziggler: I could, but I won't. I won't, but not just because I'm "The Showoff", or the greatest thing to run the ropes, anywhere. But because YOU, the fans, deserve the best, nothing less! Because you pay your hard-earned money to see "The Show of Shows", not a half-assed crap-fest!

The crowd starts cheering for Ziggler's remarks.

Dolph Ziggler: SO! I am issuing a challenge. Not a challenge to a wrestler, nor an open challenge to the locker room. It's going beyond that! I am officially challenging management to give me an opponent at Wrestlemania! Anyone at all, I don't care! Give me anyone, and I'll put on a show like never before! I may not walk out as well as I walked in, but on Sunday, March 27th at Wrestlemania XV, at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas, I won't just show off. I'll back it up.

"Here to Show the World" by Downstait played over the speakers again, as Dolph Ziggler made his way to the back greeting some fans along the way.


Corey Graves: It is time for Diva’s Action!

Joey Styles: Coming up, Alexa Bliss and two of her unknown friends are going to take on the Mean Girls! I can’t wait to see that.

“Turn it Up” by CFO$ hit.

Corey Graves: But that sound means that first we’ll be seeing Bayley take on AJ Lee!

The sensational new diva made her way to the ring and the fans were cheering her arrival. Their cheers turned to boos when AJ’s music hit.

Corey Graves: And here comes AJ Lee, what a turn she’s taken, Joey.

Joey Styles: I can certainly say that I’m not loving this attitude.

The bell rang and the women started off working at a slow pace in the first few minutes with AJ hitting an arm drag. AJ hit a face breaker over her knee, and Bayley was down. AJ helped Bayley up by the hair, and Bayley took control with shoulder tackles. Bayley went for an Alabama Slam, but AJ fought it off and Bayley nailed a clothesline.

Joey Styles: Bayley is trying to take AJ down early here.

There was more ground work from Bayley having AJ in a chinlock, then AJ grabbed a sleeper and Bayley dropped to her butt to break it up with a jawbreaker. Boyley put on the leg lock. AJ nailed a running knee attack against the ropes followed by a forearm to the face for two.

Corey Graves: AJ almost took the win right there!

Bayley nailed some big chops, then a neckbreaker and AJ pulled a sloppy rollup for two. Bayley came back with a boot to the face. AJ sent Bayley out of the ring. A running dropkick from AJ sent Bayley down. AJ whipped Bayley back in. AJ went to the top rope and she hit a missile dropkick. AJ grabbed her left leg.

Joey Styles: AJ Lee might be hurt here.

AJ bounced back, getting some big kicks in to Bayley’s side and then she piled on with a facebuster. AJ scrambled for the pin.

Corey Graves: And a near fall for AJ.

Bayley went for the Neck Wrench, but AJ applied the Black Widow. Bayley threw her weight, so the two women rolled and the hold was broken. AJ turned their new position into a single leg crab. Bayley kicked AJ into the ropes and on the return hit a big Bayley-to-Belly Suplex! Bayley went for the pin.


Corey Graves: That’s it! Bayley gets a big victory over AJ Lee!


“Trenches” hit and Roman Reigns made his arrival through the crowd. They slapped his shoulders and arms as he walked past.

Corey Graves: Roman Reigns is certainly trying to make a big impact here in EBWF.

Joey Styles: Right now, he faces another newcomer eager to make a statement.

“Basket Case” brought out Reborn Matt Sydal, and the fans were ready for action.

Corey Graves: Who’s going to win this epic battle of David and Goliath?

When the bell rang, Sydal was aggressive out of the gate, attacking Reigns with high kicks to the midsection which pushed Reigns to the ropes. The two me broke slowly and Reigns took Sydal down in a headlock. Sydal countered with a head-scissors, which Reigns broke out of. Sydal connected with a flying uppercut from the middle rope for a favorable reaction. Reigns charged Sydal in the corner and missed. Sydal kicked him through the ropes and into the post. Reigns went to ringside and sold his shoulder. Sydal went after him and connected with a running uppercut.

Joey Styles: A big, unexpected move from Sydal.

Back in the ring, Reigns hit a series of clotheslines in the corner and the crowd counted to four along with him. Sydal came back briefly, but Reigns put him down with a clothesline to some cheers. Reigns followed up with a suplex. Sydal avoided a Reigns kick from the floor, then dragged him back inside and performed the Aftershock.

Corey Graves: Got to love that Gory neck breaker. Sydal trying to keep Reigns on the Matt here.

Sydal put on the Muta lock, but Reigns powered up and slammed Sydal down with a Samoan drop for a two count. Both men slowly got to their feet. Sydal charged at Reigns, who backdropped him over the top rope. Sydal came up selling his elbow. Reigns performed a running kick on Sydal on the floor and rolled him back inside the ring. When Sydal got up, Reigns hit a clothesline when he went for a second, Sydal blocked it. Sydal applied an arm lock, but Reigns powered him up for a powerbomb and got another two count.Reigns went to the corner and signaled for his finisher, when Sydal powered up Reigns hit the Superman Punch and went for the pin.

Joey Styles: And that’s a three count. Roman Reigns gets another victory here tonight.


Renee Young and Tyler Breeze were seen standing in front of an interview backdrop backstage.

Renee Young: Ladies and Gentlemen, joining me at this time, the Breakout Champion, Tyler Breeze. Tyler, later tonight you take on Sami Zayn and…

Renee was cut off as Carlito stepped to her right, leaving her in the middle of the two men. Carlito was chewing on an apple, and Breeze looked annoyed. Carlito reached out and stroked the Breakout Title with two fingers, and Tyler reached up to grab his wrist. Tyler pushed his arm away, just as Carlito spit apple in his face! Renee let out a yelp.

Joey Styles: Unbelievable.

Tyler frantically tried to remove the residue from his face as Carlito smirked and walked out of the frame. Warfare went to commercial.


The lights dimmed in the arena as Sasha Banks theme song cued over the PA system. The crowd booed and cheered the trio as Sasha, Eva, and Summer walked out onto the top of the ramp. They all did their signature Mean Girls snap taunt in unison before heading down to the ring. Once all three were inside, Summer signaled for a microphone from Christy Hemme. Summer yanked the microphone from Christy and yelled at her to get out of the ring. Summer rolled her eyes and looked back at Eva and Sasha who also shook their heads at Christy Hemme. Christy shot a look back at them before walking back to her seat near the announcer's table.

Summer: So I’m sure all of you are curious to find out who Alexa’s so called “mystery partners” are going to be tonight, right?

The crowd cheered which made Summer sneer.

Summer: NEWS FLASH! It’s not going to be anybody. No one would dare align with that troll to take on me and my girls!

The crowd now booed her which made the three laugh. Sasha took the mic from Summer.

Sasha: Who ya finna try, Alexa? Bet it ain’t us, boo boo! We run this motha’ and there is no stopping us. So come on out here, we wanna see what bogey partners you got from the back for us.

Eva then took the mic and flipped her fabulous vibrant red hair before she spoke.

Eva: Even on the off chance that you got anyone, who could possibly beat us? In case you forgot the past, we’ve already beaten you and your old friends, Becky Lynch and Emma. Two Divas who aren’t even around anymore. So c’mon, don’t keep us all waiting you miserable little hobbit, come out here!

The Mean Girls stood waiting on Alexa. After a minute or two, Alexa’s theme song “Crushed (instrumental)” by Parkway Drive blasted over the PA System. The crowd cheered as the tiny beauty from Ohio walked out onto the top of the ramp and stopped. Once her music cut off, Summer once again took the microphone.

Summer: Alright, Alexa, we don’t have time to waste, our time is valuable. So out with it, who are these mystery partners? Huh?!

Alexa smirked as her theme hit once again. The audience kept looking for the two partners to walk out but no one came. Alexa walked down to the middle of the ramp with her arms crossed over her chest.

Summer: See I was right! Your mystery partners bailed on you!! I told you no one would be that stupid!

Sasha: You think you scare us? Get in this ring, a match is a match! Partners or not.

Suddenly the camera panned out as two figured hopped the guardrail. The two Divas had hoodies on and moved quickly. The two mystery partners shed their hoodies, revealing it was Zahra Schreiber and Gionna Daddio, the two newest Diva signings in EBWF.

Corey Graves: Who the hell are these two?!

Joey Styles: It looks like Zahra and Gionna, Graves!! Alexa Bliss does have partners!!

Corey Graves: This can’t be… How?

Joey Styles: I don’t know, but it looks like Alexa Bliss has just aligned herself with two of the hottest new signings for the EBWF Women’s Division.

They slid into the ring behind the Mean Girls and instantly jumped them from behind, laying fists down on Eva and Summer. Alexa took this opportunity to slide in the ring and went right for Sasha Banks. The Divas began to brawl with one another and the match hadn’t even officially started yet. EBWF TV went to a quick commercial break.

Once the cameras had returned, The referee managed to get control of the ring as he got Gionna, Alexa, Summer, and Sasha all out on the apron. Eva Marie stood over Zahra as she bad mouth toward Gionna and Alexa. Zahra held her midsection as she crawled up to her knees. Eva walked over and slapped Zahra on the back of the head. She then grabbed at the hair and pulled Zahra's face up to her. Eva bent over and got in Zahra's face and started screaming at her. The referee stood behind Eva and warned her about pulling the hair.


Just then Zahra brought her hand back and threw it forward, slapping Eva right across the face. Eva stumbled backward which allowed Zahra to get back to her feet and regain some composure. Zahra pushed forward and took Eva down with a strong clothesline. The EBWF Universe popped with the changing of momentum.

Joey Styles: Here we go Graves, Zahra is taking control.

Eva quickly got back to her feet only to be taken down again with another strong clothesline. Eva crawled her way over the corner, only to look up and see Alexa and Gionna stare back at her. The two waved before Eva turned around and met with a right hand from Zahra. Eva fell back into the corner as Zahra continued to rain down the forearms. The referee pulled on Zahra's shoulder and started to count.

Referee: One... Two... Three..

Eva dropped down and sat in the corner. Zahra reached up and made the tag to Gionna. Zahra stepped back as Gionna pulled on the top rope. She bounced on the ropes and springboards herself into the ring. She brought her feet together and dropped them into Eva's chest. Eva groaned in pain and rolled into the ropes. Gionna turned and jumped around in the center of the ring. She cheered out and spun around. Eva sat back up into the corner just as Gionna rushed at Eva. Gionna jumped and dove into a splash into Eva in the corner. She pulled Eva away from the robes and climbed on top as she hooked the near leg. The referee dropped down to the mat.

Referee: One... Two.

Eva quickly threw her shoulder into the air. Gionna got up as Eva rolled toward her partners. Gionna quickly tagged out to Alexa Bliss. Alexa got into the ring and ran to Eva and cut her off before she could get to The Mean Girls. Alexa dropped her elbow across the back of Eva. Sasha and Summer both looked annoyed at Eva as she got cut off.

Joey Styles: Alexa Bliss and her teammates have really kept Eva at bay in that ring.

Corey Graves: They're getting lucky in there right now. The Mean Girls are THE dominating team in EBWF. This little match-up of misfits Alexa has with her, they can't get the job done.

Joey Styles: They seem to be working good together so far.

Alexa bent down and grabbed Eva by the head. She picked Eva off the mat and lifted her to her feet. Eva kneed Alexa in the midsection. Sasha and Summer were the only two in the arena to cheer as Eva hit Alexa with a right forearm. Alexa responded with her own forearm. The two divas battled back and forth, one right forearm after the other. The Universe cheered every time Alexa connected with one and booed with every connection from Eva. Alexa pulled her arm back as she was about to deliver another forearm, however, Eva reached up and yanked back on the red and blonde of Alexa's hair. Alexa crashed down to the mat as her head bounced off the canvas. Eva fell forward, closer to her own corner. Summer reached out with her long arms as Eva extended her arm. Eva slowly inched up and made the tag. Alexa held on to the back of her head as she got back to get feet. Alexa turned and was met with Summer's boot as she connected squarely with a Side-Leg Lariat.

Joey Styles: Here comes Summer Rae!!

Corey Graves: I told you it was only a matter of time before The Mean Girls took back control.

Summer quickly got on top of Alexa. The referee dropped down to the mat. His hand barely connected with the mat for a one count before Alexa got her shoulder quickly up. Summer pushed the shoulder back down. The referee went for another count, but again Alexa quickly got her shoulder into the air. Aggravated, Summer stood up and begun to kick away at Alexa freely. Alexa rolled to the side, however, she rolled herself closer to the corner of The Mean Girls. Summer continued to kick the side of Alexa, inching her closer to The Mean Girls. Summer reached up and tagged in Eva Marie once again. Eva got into the ring as Summer choked Alexa with her long legs. Eva switched positions with Summer and replaced with Summer's foot with her own and continued the choke. Alexa arched her back as the referee begun the count to get Eva's release.

Referee: One... Two... Three... Four...

Eva made use of her entire count before she reached up and tagged in Summer. The two exchanged positions again quickly. Summer put her foot back on Alexa's throat. She screamed out as she forced Alexa's head into the bottom turnbuckle. The referee pulled on the shoulder off Summer and pulled her off of Alexa. Summer strutted to the center of the ring as she kept the referee's attention. Eva Marie dropped off the apron and pulled Alexa's head over the bottom rope and begun to pull downward, Alexa's throat over the rope. Summer kept the attention of the referee longer, which allowed the attack on Alexa last longer, until out of nowhere, Gionna rounded the corner and lunged at Eva with a flying forearm. Eva and Gionna battled back and forth as Alexa moved her head back into the ring.

Corey Graves: Eva and Gionna are going at it Joey!!

The referee turned around and noticed the two women as the fought on the outside. He rushed over to the ropes and screamed at the two to stop. Just then from behind, Zahra laid a clubbing blow on the back of Summer's neck. Summer stumbled forward to the ropes where behind the back, Sasha Banks tagged herself in. Zahra ran at Summer and clotheslined her over the top rope to the outside, taking herself with her. The two crashed to the ground below as Sasha cockily gets into the ring. She walks around the ring and taunts as Alexa laid in the corner. Sasha casually walked over to Alexa and picked her up by her hair. She walked Alexa to the center of the, talking trash the whole time. Alexa looked out of it as she coughed from being choked. Summer and Zahra crash into the commentator table.

Joey Styles: We have Gionna and Eva battling to the side, Summer and Zahra just crash out here at our feet, and Sasha is trash talking the number one contender.

Corey Graves: Things are picking up quickly Joey!!

Sasha turned Alexa around and lined her up. She fell backward and brought Alexa down onto her knees. Sasha rolled over and pulled back on Alexa.

Joey Styles: IT'S THE BANK STATEMENT!!! Sasha Banks has Alexa Bliss locked into the Bank Statement in the middle of ring!!! This could be it!!

Gionna on the outside Irish Whipped Eva Marie into the barricade. Gionna looked back into the ring where Alexa was bent nearly in half by Sasha. The referee finally turned and dropped to the mat to check on Alexa. Alexa shook her head as she wasn't going to tap. Gionna quickly walked to the The Mean Girls corner where she grabbed Sasha Banks rings and glasses off the apron. She put on all the articles of jewelry and then started to dance and prance around the outside, pretending to be Sasha Banks. Sasha got notice of Gionna and released the hold and stood up. She walked to the ropes and started to scream at Gionna. Gionna smiled as she continued to mock Sasha.

Corey Graves: What is Gionna doing!! She can't mock the Boss!!

Alexa recovered behind Sasha while Gionna distracted her. The referee talked to Sasha to get her attention back into the match. Gionna walked over to the crowd handed out Sasha Bank's glasses to one of members of the EBWF Universe. Sasha was irate in the in the ring as Alexa came up behind Sasha and rolled her up. Alexa stacked on top of Sasha as she pinned her shoulders to the mat. The referee quickly dropped to the mat.

Referee: One... Two... Three!!!

Corey Graves: How can this be!!!

Joey Styles: Alexa did it!! Alexa beat The Mean Girls!!!

The bell rung out as "Crushed" by Parkway Drive blasted on the sound system. Alexa Bliss quickly rolled out of the ring as Gionna smirked and ran over to Zahra. She helped Zahra to her feet as the two walked around the ring and met with Alexa the base of the entrance way. The newly formed group hugged as they walked backwards up the ramp. Sasha Banks quickly begun to storm around the ring even more upset than ever. Eva and Summer slowly joined their friend in the ring as the three Mean Girls looked up at Alexa, Gionna, and Zahra in complete shock.


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, Tyler Breeze was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, Tyler Breeze takes on Sami Zayn!

Once Breeze had entered the ring, “World’s Apart” by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Zayn headed to the ring. Zayn was his usual happy-go-lucky self as he made her way down the ramp, however upon entering the ring, his expression turned serious as he looked across at Breeze. The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Breeze went for a snapmare, but Zayn blocked it and whipped Breeze against the ropes. Zayn went for a clothesline, but Breeze ducked out of the way, then hit Zayn with a spinning kick. Zayn got to his feet and Breeze whipped him into the corner, before going for a corner clothesline. Zayn blocked it, then as Breeze staggered backwards, Zayn went to the top rope. He hit a diving crossbody, and went for the cover. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Zayn with a near fall... Great back and forth action so far!

Zayn pulled Breeze to his feet and set him up for an exploder suplex, but Breeze blocked it and countered with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men got to their feet and Breeze whipped Zayn against the ropes, before hitting an arm drag. Zayn got to his feet once more and Breeze tried to apply the Single Leg Boston Crab, but Zayn blocked it, lifting Breeze over his shoulders and hitting a fireman's carry slam. Zayn then applied an armbar, but Breeze was able to get his foot on the ropes. Both men got to their feet and Zayn went for a DDT, but Breeze countered with a northern lights suplex, bridging and covering Zayn. The referee counted - 1... 2.... kickout!

Corey Graves: Another near fall! This match could go either way, Joey!

They got to their feet once more and Breeze grabbed Zayn, setting him up for the Shiranui. He ran towards the corner, but Zayn broke free, shoving Breeze into the corner. He sat him up on the top rope, and hit the hurricanrana!

Joey Styles: Oh my god! Incredible athleticism from Zayn!

Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Zayn pulled Breeze to his feet and whipped him back into the corner, this time hitting him with a series of running back elbows. Breeze looked dazed as he staggered out of the corner, and Zayn set him up for a suplex. Breeze blocked it, then got behind Zayn and hit a reverse DDT. Breeze then went to the top rope, and hit a moonsault. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: More incredible athleticism there, Joey, this time from Tyler Breeze. What a match this has been so far!

Joey Styles: Both of these men are giving it their all tonight, and the crowd are fully behind them!

Breeze got to his feet and stomped on Zayn several times, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for a headlock bulldog. Zayn blocked it, countering with a back drop. Both men got to their feet, and Zayn hit the Helluva Kick! of nowhere! She hooked the leg, and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Sami got to his knees after the match clearly tired after a great match with the Breakout Champion, Tyler Breeze. He grabbed the ropes as he slowly got up, a little dazed from all of the shots he took in the match as the referee helped him to his feet, asking if he’s okay. Sami gave a thumbs up to the referee for helping him onto his feet as the fans started the ‘Ole!’ chants for him as he looked around the BOK Centre at all of the fans.

Joey Styles: A sign of appreciation from the fans for Sami Zayn! He gave it his all here tonight!

Corey Graves: I agree, I spent some time with him earlier today, and Sami was as determined as ever to put on a good performance, and that’s exactly what he did!

As he did that, he was approaching the ropes to exit the ring, but the fans started to boo, as out of nowhere Solomon Crowe ran through the crowd and jumped over the barricade and into the ring. He ran towards Sami, who still had no idea, before laying him out with a forearm to the back of the head.

Joey Styles: What the hell is Crowe doing here? Why did he attack Sami Zayn? He has no business here!

Corey Graves: Really, Joey? You’re going to ask why a maniacal, twisted individual is going to run amok? Let’s hear what he has to say…after he’s finished with Sami.

Crowe continued to stomp on Sami as the boo’s poured in, but Crowe showed no signs of stopping. Eventually, he stopped and composed himself, approaching the corner and crouching down, staring at Sami and laughing like a maniac. He stood back up and slowly walked over towards Sami’s body, he grabbed his head and shouted right to his face.

Solomon Crowe: You asked for this Sami! You asked for this!

He slapped his face a few times to embarrass him, standing up with his arms out wide, shutting his eyes as he begged the fans to continue booing him.

Joey Styles: This monster needs to be stopped, that’s just uncalled for!

Crowe grabbed a microphone and was about to speak, but before he could he dropped it and picked Sami up again, hitting him skull-first with the vicious Headlock Driver before sitting next to him and laughing.

Corey Graves: Finally! Now we can hear what he has to say!

Joey Styles: This man is a despicable human being, no explanation will excuse what he has done out here to Sami Zayn.

Solomon Crowe: Keep going, keep going, boo me because I have all damn night! Haha, Sami….this is déjà vu. Remember that night? That night I arrived here and caused havoc…I did the exact same thing. I took you out, and I’ve done the same here tonight, but why? I’ll tell you why you pasty son of a bitch. Time and time and time and time again all I hear is you crying and bitching about WrestleMania, how you want a match and the way I see it…nobody wants to have anything to do with you. So I’m here, giving you what you want. We’ve come full circle Sami; you wanted your WrestleMania match, so you’ve got it. Me and you, finally! I’ve been aching to get my hands round your throat and what better way than to take you out of the picture once and for all by making sure your WrestleMania moment is you flat on your back while I paint Dallas red with your blood. It looks like you’re in no position to say no right now, so I’m taking that as a yes. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, now you pay.

Corey Graves: Well that explains that, Joey!

Joey Styles: There you have it, folks! Solomon Crowe has laid down the challenge to Sami Zayn, a match at WrestleMania!

Crowe left the ring and wiped his hands as he smiled, waving the microphone in his hands as he slowly walked up the ramp. As he approached the stage, fans started to cheer as they saw Sami scrambling to his knees, trying to stay straight.

Sami Zayn: W…wait! Stop you son of a bitch!

Fans cheered as Sami showed his fighting attitude, not giving up as Crowe turned around with a disgusted look on his face.

Joey Styles: That’s the Sami Zayn we know!

Corey Graves: There’s the heart he’s famous for, some call it heart, others call it stupidity, don’t act surprised if Crowe comes down here and finishes the job.

Sami Zayn: You’re right…I did want a WrestleMania match…and there’s no way I’m turning down your challenge. I accept your challenge; I’ll do anything to get you in the ring and end this once and for all.

Sami winced in pain as Crowe looked down from the stage, laughing at the state Sami was in.

Solomon Crowe: Okay…well seeing as though you need me right now Sami, how about we make it a bit more interesting. I have nothing to lose here, this is all on you, if you want a match at WrestleMania then you’re going to have to do it in…a falls count anywhere match! I mean…you wanted your WrestleMania moment…right? Surely you can’t back out. Are you afraid? I’m not, you of all people know I’m not afraid of anything and I know I’m taking you down on the 27th.

Joey Styles: This just gets worse and worse for Sami, falls count anywhere? Things don’t look too good for him here.

Sami Zayn: I’ll accept any challenge you throw my way, Crowe. But I’ve had enough, these cheap shots, these attacks from behind…all to keep me down when I’m doing well? No, it stops at WrestleMania because I accept your condition, so it’s only fair you accept mine. Next week, you and me in the middle of this ring…I want you to face me man to man, no cheap shots or anything, and that’s when you’ll find out. If you want to finish the job, you’ll have to wait.

Corey Graves: I don’t see the point of playing games here, he’s digging himself into a bigger hole every time he opens his mouth.

Crowe smiled as Sami looked on, as fans were left wondering what condition Sami would place in front of Crowe as the two would potentially meet face to face in the middle of the ring.


Paul Heyman was seen walking through the hallway backstage and he stopped in front of a door that showcased the smoking skull logo and the name “Stone Cold Steve Austin”. He knocked, and then barged in.

Steve Austin: What is the meaning of this?

Paul Heyman: Well, Steve, as the advocate for Brock Lesnar…

Austin had stood up from his couch, standing in front of it. Heyman met him there.

Paul Heyman: I couldn’t help but notice that Brock isn’t exactly on the road to Wrestlemania, and I think that’s grossly unfair. Brock Lesnar…

Voice: Unfair! You think that’s unfair!

The camera panned to find Miz walking into the frame.

The Miz: I am a Wrestler of the Year nominee. I spent most of 2015 as EBWF World Champion, and you want to talk about NOT being on the Road to Wrestlemania!?

Paul Heyman: Mike, this isn’t about you…

The Miz: Not about me? At least they have the common decency to not parade Brock out here in low profile matches. Do you know that I have to face Jay Briscoe tonight?

Paul Heyman: That’s unfortunate, but you did…

Steve Austin: What. in the hell. are you two doing here? You want matches? You want “high profile” matches. Fine, Brock Lesnar and The Miz will take on Chris Jericho and Wes Ikeda next week on Warfare.

Miz and Heyman glanced at one another, then back to Austin. It seemed Heyman was about to make an argument.

Steve Austin: Now, you both get out of my office.

The scene faded and Warfare went to commercial.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first..

"Awwwwsome!" The Miz marched down to the ring with purpose to the tune of "I Came to Play" by Downstait

Christy Hemme: From Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 231 pounds, THEEEE MIZ!

Joey Styles: Main event time, and this is our first time seeing Miz since his lose to Chris Jericho at Fallout.

Corey Graves: You have to think it is a very dangerous time to be going against this man, Joey. After a big loss, a competitor like The Miz will always be out to prove himself and get back on track.

"Give Me Back My Bullets" by Lynyrd Skynyrd brings out the heavily-bearded Jay Briscoe.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Sandy Fork, Delaware, weighing 234 pounds, JAAAAY BRISCOE!

Joey Styles: Briscoe also coming off a loss to the returning CM Punk, so a lot of momentum is on the line here this evening.


The two men faced off in the center of the ring, nose to nose. Miz scoffed and started to walk away, then fired back with a sneaky right hand. Briscoe blocked it and nailed Miz with his own, then another, and another, beating him back against the ropes. He whipped him across to the other side and ducked down for the backdrop, but Miz grabbed the rope and stopped his momentum, then bailed out to ringside.

Corey Graves: Smart move by the former world champion, you can’t let Briscoe pick up steam this early in the contest.

Joey Styles: Miz taking a moment to check his jaw and face, he does call that his “Moneymaker”, which for the girls of ECW was an entirely different body part.

The Miz shook off the cobwebs as he walked around the ring, not noticing that Jay Briscoe had slid out on the other side. Briscoe caught Miz with a lariat as he came around the corner, then lifted him up and dropped him face first on the barricade. Miz stumbled towards the ring and Briscoe pushed his head into the corner post.

Joey Styles: The Miz tumbling onto the floor, this is just not a good day for his face, Corey.

Corey Graves: Briscoe knows how much their King of the Ring match eats at Miz, and it is giving him the edge here tonight.

Joey Styles: Miz trying to fight back and regain his footing, it is blocked by Briscoe who just nails him with a palm strike and thrust kick combo, showing off that redneck kung fu!

The referee reached a count of seven, reminding Briscoe to roll Miz into the ring, but Miz kept rolling and exited out the other side.

Corey Graves: Maybe this time Briscoe will show some respect for a more decorated competitor, and let him catch his breath.

Joey Styles: Don’t count on it, Corey, Jay hits the ropes and goes low with the baseball slide.

But Miz dodged the kick and showcased keen reflexes by grabbing a leg and slamming it against the apron. Briscoe howled in pain and tried to crawl away from the ropes, but Miz kept hold and dragged him over to the corner, where he wrapped his leg several times against the post.

Corey Graves: Another genius move from the Most Must-See Champion in Wrestling History, Joey.

Joey Styles: I’m not a fan of the method, but I can’t argue with the results. Take out the leg and you affect balance, speed, core support, it’s a classic strategy.

Corey Graves: Not to mention he now is vulnerable to the move Ric Flair personally bestowed upon him, the Figure Four.

The Miz followed Briscoe into the ring, stomping on the targeted limb and kicking it out Owen Hart-style when Briscoe tried to stand up. He rolled him onto his back and teased going for the figure four but was kicked off by Jay’s good leg. He went for it again, but Briscoe managed to pull him in to a small package.



Miz kicked out but Jay shifted his weight to end up at Miz’s torso. He climbed into a side mount and threw wild strikes at Miz’s face. Miz rolled away to his feet and Jay struggled to follow him. Miz hit his running big boot to the head before he could find his footing, sending him crawling into the corner. Briscoe tried to use the ropes to pull himself up, but found himself in position for the Awesome Clothesline!

Corey Graves: Look at the smile on Mizanin’s face, Joey. He is exorcising his demons as this match goes on.

Joey Styles: Briscoe shoved back to the mat. He refuses to stay down, though, you have to credit him with that.

Corey Graves: The Miz sizing him up for another running boot, he’s just having fun with him now.

Miz charged with the kick but Briscoe caught his leg and gave him a death glare as he finally made it to his feet.

Joey Styles: Dragon Screw Leg Whip! Briscoe saying that two can play at this game!

Corey Graves: He is slamming Miz’s knee into the mat like he’s trying to put a hole through it!

Miz rolled over trying to kick away Briscoe, but Briscoe caught the leg again and rolled him back into a single leg Boston crab. Miz crawled across the ring, aided by Briscoe’s inability to fully put pressure down on his own legs, but the look of agony on Miz’s face was clear. He reached the ropes and Briscoe sunk down on the hold deeper for a full four count before breaking. Both men struggled to pull themselves up.

Corey Graves: We now have two one-legged men in an ass-kicking contest.

The two tried to take swings at each other, hobbling in and out of range. Miz’s injury being fresher, he was on the losing end of the exchange, with Briscoe knocking him down with a hard forearm, guided on by the chants of “Man up!” from the crowd.

Joey Styles: He’s got Miz down! He is calling for it, butterflying the arms, he’s looking for the Jay Driller!

Corey Graves: But the knee buckles! The knee buckles! He can’t get Miz up!

Miz managed to land back on his feet, and he drove Jay’s head into the mat with his snapping DDT. He hobbled over to Briscoe’s legs and rolled him over. Ignoring Jay’s attempts to kick him away, he wrapped the legs, grimacing at his own pain all the while.

Corey Graves: Figure Four! The Figure Four is applied!

Joey Styles: I can’t tell who is hurt more by this, both men are screaming.

Corey Graves: Briscoe taps!


Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, THEEE MIIIIIIZ!

Joey Styles: The Miz toughed it out here tonight, Corey, and proved that he is still a threat to any title holder.

Corey Graves: And with Wrestlemania only two weeks away, who knows who those title holders are going to be? The whole landscape is about to change, I love it!

Miz celebrated in the ring as Warfare went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote