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Reckless and Reborn

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:04 pm
by Reborn Matt Sydal
Matt stands in the locker room, in front of the mirror, he is spray tanned moderately, not very noticeably, chiseled six pack from his muscular but slim shape, his wrists and hands are wrapped up in white tape,
he has thin shoulder bands that are white on his upper arms, his tights are black with red emblems of peace sign circles and white peace sign hand gestures. He has his black high top boots, covered by his red and white big kickpads. His jet black hair in the RVD style of the bowl cut with man bun, the sides completely shaven as we hear his voice over.

I get compared a lot to Jeff Hardy, that's really cool. We have some similarities, backyard
wrestlers turned pro, fan favorite highfliers but I have a bit of a disagreement over how
similar we are. Jeff is a risk taker, he has more guts than I ever could muster but our
in ring styles are completely different. Jeff is a pretty basic wrestler besides the hardcore
highflying, that's not a bad thing, it' s just different from what I do.

Just look at our arsenals, I am always adding 200 + arsenal, I am inspired by the likes of
RVD, Tajiri, Chris Jericho, The Harts, The Guerrero, Dean Malenko. Jeff has an arsenal of
80 at the most and those are not all well performed.

I have to point out, Jeff's never been as crisp as a performer as I have been. Over almost
16 years I've built a reputation as flawless in the ring, I am able to land on my feet if
my shooting star press is dodged or I missed, Jeff many times has his missed his target.
Jeff has one submission, I have 23. Don't get it twisted, Jeff's a fantastic performer but
although he's attempted stuff, he's never been great at lucha libre, he doesn't wrestle
a technically sound style like myself, RVD, Jericho have.

Just let's check out some clips and examples of
Jeff's flaws in the ring-

clip show begins:



back to Sydal in the locker room:

Let's compare that to how flawless I am in the ring:


In the end, Jeff is this rockstar, he's extreme, he's hardcore, he's recklesss, fear less
but he is not on the same level as the technically sound junior heavyweights like me,
I am excited to step into the ring with him, I may not beat Jeff but I know I will OUT WRESTLE him.

Re: Reckless and Reborn

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:15 pm
by Derek
That is getting much better, contrasting the personalities and careers of two high flyers in a more natural way. Remember that the best moments in wrestling are great because they affect you emotionally, keep tweaking the presentation, I think you are almost there with Evan.