The Last of Hugs
Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 2:39 pm
OOC - Hi all. Sorry for the rubbish role play this week. I ran a marathon on Sunday and normally role play during the day Monday when my daughter is at preschool, but I’ve been shattered today so just bashed this together so I wasn’t a no show!
I’ve even cheated a bit and combine both Bayley and Kevin Owens into the same one. Which is annoying as it seems like it could be a good idea if I’d done it properly!
Good luck all!
Justin Roberts - Hi I am here with EBWF Diva Bayley who tonight has a match against Velvet Sky in what should help shape the landscape Divas division. What do you think of your chances tonight?I’ve even cheated a bit and combine both Bayley and Kevin Owens into the same one. Which is annoying as it seems like it could be a good idea if I’d done it properly!
Good luck all!
Bayley - Justin I’m always confident when I go into my matches. I’ve been working hard to get to the top and I’m going to carry that on tonight.
Justin Roberts - You’re record since joining the EBWF hasn’t been great, what do you put that down to?
Bayley - Have you looked around here? All of the ladies here are the best of the best. No one walks into the EBWF and dominates it. These are amazing athletes and give 110% every single night. I’m no different and neither is Velvet Sky. You only need to look at the career she has had here in the EBWF to know you can’t just step in the ring and expect an easy ride. But tonight I’m going to prove that I am working that little bit harder than and going that little bit further in order to win the Divas title. And I can show all of my fans………
Suddenly Bayley was interrupted by the sound of a slow clap from the EBWF Intercontinental champion Kevin Owens.
Kevin Owens - All you worry about is showing your fans, and doing things for the fans. It’s a waste of your time and theirs. Because you know what, soon you’ll be forgotten about like that (Owens clicked his fingers in her Bayley’s face).
Justin Roberts - Well it seems we have been joined by Kevin Owens from the Last of Us….
Immediately Owens became annoyed and grabbed Roberts around the throat.
Kevin Owens - Excuse me Justin but I’m pretty sure you are not one of ‘us’. You have not devoted your blood, sweat and tears to getting where you are today. You are just some pathetic idiot in a suit who stands here holding a microphone asking inane questions to be broadcast to the millions of EBWF viewers who will cheer and boo when they are told to. A monkey could be trained to do what you do, and he'd probably do it better. So Justin do your job properly, stand here with that dumb look on your face and hold the microphone still and never EVER use the phrase the Last of Us in my presence again or I promise you it will be the last thing you ever do.
Owens let go of Justin Roberts, shoving him back.
Kevin Owens - Now I’ve got a match with Syxx now. What is the usual nonsense I’m meant to say? Oh yeah that's right, I’m the best, yadda yadda yadda. It’s pointless me even bothering to say anything. We all saw at Wrestlemania I won his title and he’s probably been crying into his plastic crown or whatever it is he wears now a days ever since then. At one point in his career he was good. But that was a loooooong time ago and I’m going to do what I do best and step out there and kick his ass again.
Kevin Owens went to walk away, but paused on his heels and turned back.
Kevin Owens - Oh and this (he point to Justin and Bayley). I’ll let you know how this goes. Bayley gives you a sob story about being knocked down and getting back up again. Says she’s doing it for the fans then gives you a hug. It’s a more feminine version of a Sami Zayn promo and as predictable as Nakamura talking a load of nonsense.
Owens rolled his eyes at Bayley as he stormed through the curtain for his match.