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Tour: Cancelled

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:31 pm
by Cory Exclusive

Renee Young smiled brightly as the camera faded in on her. She stood in front of a Warfare backdrop, microphone grasped with both hands.

Renee Young: Hi there, EBWF fans! I'm Renee Young and tonight I have the pleasure of being able to talk to one of the up and coming superstars in the EBWF. His name is Roman Reigns!

Reigns stepped into the view of the camera, adjusting his wristguard. Reigns was wearing his flak jacket armor with his signature "RR" logo emblazoned on the front. He looked down at Renee and smiled out of the corner of his mouth.

Roman Reigns: Hey there, babygirl.

Renee Young: Roman, you had a really interesting development at Wrestlemania, when you fought AJ Styles and the Miz in an impromptu tag team match with your partner, Brock Lesnar. In that match, we saw the unthinkable happen. Paul--

Renee fell silent as Paul Heyman stepped into view. His hands were up, gesturing for the mic. Renee acquiesced without so much as a chirp.

Paul Heyman: Renee, if I may.

Paul inserted himself in between Renee and Roman. Roman looked at him stoically, not reacting much to his presence.

Paul Heyman: When EBWF fans tuned into the pay per view extravaganza known as Wrestlemania, they were treated to something they did not expect. They got to see AJ Styles. The Miz. Paul Heyman. Roman. Reigns.

Renee Young: I think you missed one person in that list, Paul.

Paul Heyman: Au contaire, Renee. I missed no one. Because when Roman Reigns and I left Wrestlemania, leaving AJ Styles and The Miz with a "hard fought" victory, I made a statement. I made a statement that I was no longer going to represent a man who was trying to relight a flame that had long fizzled out. I was no longer going to be an advocate for a man who represented a past era of wrestling. When I look at Roman Reigns, I see strength. I see intensity. I see ferocity, Renee! I see everything that my former client, Brock Lesnar, used to possess. Roman Reigns wants to to climb the ladder. Roman Reigns wants to dominate. Roman Reigns wants to cut a swath across the EBWF like a hurricane!

Renee Young: Didn't Brock Lesnar also want those things?

Paul Heyman: That he did, Renee, that he did. The difference between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, however, is the fact that Roman Reigns is willing to put the work in. He's an unsculpted masterpiece, just waiting for the right manager to come in and form him into the perfect living weapon. The perfect harbinger of justice! Brock Lesnar? He was in it for money, Renee. For the paycheck. Roman Reigns is a true warrior, and he wants to be on the front lines, constantly engaged in battle. That hunger, that drive is what made the decision so easy. Roman Reigns is the future. Brock Lesnar is the past.

Renee Young: Roman, you have a match tonight against another superstar looking to continue some forward momentum in Dolph Ziggler. What are your thoughts about the Show off?

Paul Heyman: Dolph Ziggler?! Let me tell you something about Dolph Ziggler. I...

Heyman couldn't finish his sentence, as his new protege reached forward, and slowly took the mic out of Heyman's hands. Paul turned and looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. Roman looked right back at him, an intense gaze meeting him.

Roman Reigns: I know you're used to your boy, but If you're going to be my manager Paul, there's one thing you're gonna need to know about me. I ain't like that big bitch you used to "advocate" for. I can talk for myself from time to time.

Heyman put his hands up in surrender and fell silent, allowing Roman to speak. Reigns turned to face Renee.

Roman Reigns: I'm sure that Paul here was about to talk about how Dolph Ziggler can't hold a candle to me. How the DZ Destruction Tour is nothing but a cheap tag line for a low rent athlete like Ziggler. I'm sure he was about to say somethin' about Dolph being a show off, which means nothing when you're in the ring with a living, breathing war machine like Roman Reigns. Maybe some of that is true. But unlike that giant white ape that Heyman used to manage, I actually have a little respect for this business. I have respect for anyone who goes out there, night after night, and puts their body on the line to become a champion. Dolph Ziggler is one of those guys, so I respect him for that. He wants to be a champion here. He's a talented dude, no question. But that's where it stops, Renee. Just because I have respect for the guy, doesn't mean I'm not going to step into that ring, cock my fist back, and knock his ass out in front of 18,000 people. It doesn't mean that he's not going to be picking up his teeth while Warfare is on commercial break.

Roman pressed the mic into Heyman's chest, and Heyman scrambled to grab it. Reigns smirked as Heyman adjusted himself, maintaining composure.

Paul Heyman: At Wrestlemania, I made a trade Renee. I decided to pull my resources out of a falling stock, and put them into something that can only climb in value. Roman Reigns is a wellspring of untapped potential. His ceiling is limitless. Now, while Roman and I may need to work on our communication a bit...

Heyman glanced over at his new client.

Paul Heyman: It changes nothing. Tonight Roman Reigns is going to walk into Warfare, and walk out one step closer to championship gold. The "DZ Destruction Tour" takes a stop in Roman Reigns' home, and if Dolph Ziggler isn't careful, it may never start back up again.

Reigns grinned and leaned towards Renee, speaking into the mic that Paul pointed in his direction.

Roman Reigns: Believe. That.

Reigns and Heyman walked off the camera, leaving Renee with a deer in the headlights expression as the scene faded to black.

Re: Tour: Cancelled

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:07 am
by Dotty
"He's an unsculpted masterpiece, just waiting for the right manager to come in and form him into the perfect living weapon."

Can we email this line to Vince McMahon in real life and the WWE main event scene might be a billion times better!? Very cool promo! I do like the idea of Reigns and Heyman together.