Not even close to a match for me

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Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

Not even close to a match for me

Post by Ian B »

A few hours before Death before Dishonor. The ring crew were in the final stages of setting the ring - tightening the ring post. Baron Corbin walked into the scene. He is wearing dark jeans and grey hoodie, the crew notice him and one of the braver members shouts to him.

Crew member: Mr Corbin. I almost hate to ask... Would you run the ropes for us? We need to check everything is kosher.

Corbin: Kosher? Do I look Jewish? For that matter do I look like an enhancement guy who will jump to any little task someone asks?

The crew looked at each other with uncertainty. Corbin walks up to the crew member who spoke up and squares up to him.

Corbin: Who exactly are you?

There was visible tension on the crew members face. Corbin's expression did not change

Crew member: My name is Jon. I'm sort of new here

Corbin: Well Jon, I'm sort of new here too & I sort of need to work some kinks out. So sure, what the hell! I'll run the ropes for you.

To everyone's surprise and to Jon's relief Corbin gave Jon a friendly tap of fist then climbed into the ring. He ran the ropes a few times then stopped in the middle and leaned over.

Corbin: Those 2 are good. The other set are...

Corbin was stopped in his tracks by the audible vibration of his cell.

Corbin: I need to get this. You're going to have to have someone else check the rest for you.

Corbin climbed out of the ring and began to walk away. He pulled out his cell and checked it continuing to pace away. After a few steps Corbin thought better of it and turned around. He walked back up to Jon.

Corbin: Since we have a connection now I wonder if you and your team would mind getting out of the ring so I could get a few things off my chest.

Jon: You have...

Jon looked at his wrist to a watch that wasn't there

Jon: ... 3 minutes. There's a lot still to do for tonight's show

Corbin: That should be doable. Don't let anyone know I did this favor for you and more importantly - you owe me one. I will be holding you to it.

With that Jon and the rest of the crew walked away leaving Corbin to it. Corbin grabbed a chair, climbed back in the ring, he then set the chair up and signaled for the camera to get closer which it did.

Corbin: So, last week I walked out of Warfare on the losing end. That has not made me a happy man. In fact, I still haven't gotten over it. I overlooked Briscoe and honestly? I am embarrassed but we aren't going to focus on that, down the line I may have my revenge but my focus is tonight. Tonight I have a so called dark match with Rob Van Dam and Matt Sydal. What can I say about these two? Well, Rob Van Dam, I already destroyed you but it seems like you are a glutton for punishment. I heard as much and I am very happy to deliver another beating. As for Matt Sydal well, anyone who has been keeping up to date with the Internet dirt sheets will know that we had a bit of a disagreement. Sydal and I have a clash of styles, a clash of personalities and most importantly a clash of ideals. Sydal claims that Baron Corbin does not respect the business? Well! In my university educated opinion it is this industry that needs to respect Baron Corbin. I have done so much outside professional wrestling that my very presence at EBWF is raising the profile of this place. Clearly I was placed before the show to sell tickets to the cheap North Carolina fans who otherwise would have stayed at home crying over how inferior their sports teams are. Anybody who wants to see real Sparta is going to have to buy a ticket to see me drive my boot through the skulls of Sydal and Van Dam. Gentlemen. We have an opportunity tonight. We could make the rest of the show look like a joke. Lets go out there and make sure we steal the show. No, wait! Screw that. Tonight's match is not going to be a show stealer it's going to be a car wreck. A three way car wreck involving three different vehicles. Matt Sydal is like a sport car, finely tuned. Clearly people care for you Matt, clearly they root for you. I imagine the owner of that sports car take real good care of it. Nice, flashy but ultimately all those additional extras aren't going to pay off. Rob Van Dam is like an old run down banger of a vehicle. For some reason VW Camper comes to mind. A decade ago Van Dam could be seen as reliable but now? Now he is run down, washed out and has that very distinctive scent. I'm afraid when the two of you are in a head on collision with that Mac Truck that I damn sure am. Well, the wreckage is not going to be pretty. When the EMTs come to rescue what they can from the mangled bodies of Rob Van Dam and Matt Sydal once I'm done with them... let's just say, I cannot guarantee there will be much salvageable of your dead end careers....

Jon (from off camera): Okay Baron. Time is up

Corbin: Works for me. I have more warming up to do. Well, not too much.

Corbin climbed out the ring and walked away.