What Will It Take?
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:17 pm
An enormous thanks to Ashlee for collaborating on this one with me! I can't tell you how much fun this one was to write. We see a return of the "Wes of old" and find out what the repercussions for John's actions on Warfare will be. My apologies that it is not more "aesthetically pleasing." Webs.com and I are having a little spat at the moment it seems. Not exactly seeing eye to eye tonight.
"I think that we're all mentally ill. Those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better - and maybe not all that much better after all." - Stephen King
"I think that we're all mentally ill. Those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better - and maybe not all that much better after all." - Stephen King