He's Buzzin' for Tonight Lads

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Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

He's Buzzin' for Tonight Lads

Post by Ian B »

The scene opens in the reception area of a tattoo parlor presumably in Vegas. The black and red walls are covered in various designs & price lists. Three men are in the centre of the shot sat in comfortable seats. Baron Corbin is dress in a sleeveless Lone Wolf shirt & dark jeans and New Rock boots,. Corey Graves has a cream custom short sleeved shirt and burgundy dress pants and finally Robbie Brookside dressed in blue tracksuit bottoms and a red coat. The sounds of the guns are buzzing in the background of the chat.

Graves: Corey Graves here with an EBWF exclusive. At this time I'm joined by Baron Corbin and Robbie Brookside, his new... what do we call you?

Brookside: I think we settled on adviser.

Graves: Adviser! Welcome gentleman. Baron, clearly a tattoo studio is an environment we are both more than comfortable with. How are you feeling about the start you've made in EBWF? So far you seem to be adjusting pretty well.

Corbin: Comfortable is a good word for this environment. Backstage at EBWF, not so much.

Graves: You've made few friends so far, that much is apparent.

Corbin: True. I've said before and I will probably say it a hundred more times, because for some reason some don't understand it yet, also it's a good sound byte, which I'm beginning to understand, the grapple fans need spoon feeding to them. Baron Corbin does not play well with others. I don't expect to make friends, I expect to make a name for myself. People have been talking a lot about my lack of respect. Well, my respect has to be earned, last week Havoc came close. Much closer than any of my previous opponents. Nakamura on the other hand, if that man wants my respect he will have to do more than some strange Michael Jackson stuff. I'm more Maiden than Jacko.

Graves: It's safe to say a message was sent last week. Congratulations on that. Onto more pressing matters, what are your feelings on this week's match with Dolph Ziggler.

Brookside: Oh, come on Corey. We don't need to get down to the meat of the convo just yet do we? At least dance around the issue a bit first. You need to chat someone up a bit before going in for the kill, surely a smart dressed young man like yourself gets how this works. Seduce me. Well, don't but, you get my drift

Graves laughs a little then composes himself

Graves: I guess I do. Robbie Brookside, of all the superstars you could have aligned yourself with why Baron Corbin?

Brookside: Of all the dumb arse questions. Why ask such an obvious question. Only joking, I suppose that skirts the issue a little. A better question Corey is - why would I not align myself with the lad? Baron has the potential needed to make it massive in this industry and that is the sort of stallion I like to back in a race. God knows if I'm backing anything this week it's not going to be my home nation in the footie. Baron is a monster but not in your traditional way, he's dangerous, calculated, violent and intelligent all at the same time. I've not seen that combination in some time and never from someone this new to the business, I could name a certain third generation star but I am not the type to blow smoke up people's arses. I admit some of Baron Corbin's motivations are questionable but honestly? He has raw talent. A smart man knows his weaknesses. I'm smart, I realize I'm an old git. Baron Corbin is smart too, he's also green as grass. Well, guess what? I'm not, I have been around this business my entire life. With that sort of knowledge a finely tuned machine can become much more focused, much more dangerous. I may be past it, but dammit I can point the lad in the right direction and that is what I will do, Baron likes to make money and frankly, a few bob in my pocket doesn't go amiss.

Graves: I suppose I should ask you the same question. Baron, why Robbie?

Corbin: As he already said, my main concern is getting paid generously and after I ran Robbie's numbers I realized I was looking at this wrong. I have gone record saying that I will step over anybody who gets in my way. I've realized that if I leave all of the competition completely mangled then that is not going to draw money in the long term. My business plan is to mess them up just a little bit, have it so that I don't do permanent damage too often, at least not to the ones who matter. In my short time in the EBWF there are already four men in this business I have marked as ways to make more money out of. I won't name them but if you're smart you can work it out. Alternatively, if you're stupid enough to read the dirt sheets, to devote your time into reading up on the lives of athletes like myself then I'm sure you can find an opinion you can pass off as your own. Oh, PS. Buy my shirt, I get a cut of the money.

Graves: Nice plug! So, Dolph Ziggler. Ready to comment?

Brookside: See, doesn't it feel so much better now you've put in a bit of groundwork? Hasn't it caused a bit of anticipation, now people are going to be more excited to hear it. What can you say about Dolph Ziggler that hasn't already been said? Well, nothing. Ziggler has been round the block more times than Summer Rae and that's saying something. I'm a fifty year old bloke and even my ugly mug is more fresh faced and appealing than the so called show off. Baron Corbin is going to rip you a new one Dolph and that's actually a challenge because you have quite a lot of old new ones already ripped out of you.

Corbin: Look at the caliber of the talent I have already taken out and ask yourself. How can Dolph Ziggler manage to take me down when an acrobat like Sydal couldn't? A maniac like Havoc fell to me, I have slain Raven and Van Dam so there is no chance Ziggler is going to cause me to falter. The others have been steps on my road to greatness. Dolph isn't even that. He's a pebble in my shoe, a minor irritant who will unquestionably be swatted. I said earlier that I wouldn't do permanent damage too often. Dolph is an example of a time that rule can be broken. He has nothing to offer anybody anymore so there is no harm in me doing everyone a favor and ending him then moving on to bigger and better things. The end.

The scene fades on...

Brookside: Hope neither of yous are getting a tattoo from this place. It's a dive.