Warfare Results 06/20/2016

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Warfare Results 06/20/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Joey Styles, and tonight, we are live from Las Vegas, Nevada!

Corey Graves: Great to be here in Sin City, Joey!

Joey Styles: Up first tonight, we've got Cactus Jack in action against "The Eater of Worlds", Bray Wyatt!

Wyatt came to the ring first, followed by Cactus Jack. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. Once they were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Cactus and Wyatt charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. Cactus was able to gain the upper hand, and after whipping Wyatt against the ropes, Cactus took him down with a clothesline. Wyatt got to his feet and Cactus grabbed him, taking him down to the mat with a two-handed bulldog. Cactus punched Wyatt against the ring mat several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a swinging neckbreaker. Cactus ran against the ropes and hit a leg drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... Wyatt kicked out!

Corey Graves: A dominant start by Cactus Jack! He's taking Bray Wyatt to the extreme!

Cactus got to his feet and stomped on Wyatt several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Cactus ran at Wyatt, going for the corner clothesline, but Wyatt moved out of the way, causing Cactus to collide with the corner. Cactus staggered out of the corner and Wyatt whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a running crossbody. Wyatt got to his feet and ran against the ropes, hitting Cactus with a running senton. Wyatt hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time Bray Wyatt gets a two count!

Wyatt pulled Cactus to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a body avalanche. Cactus stumbled forwards, and Wyatt hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope. Wyatt followed Cactus out of the ring, then threw him against the ringside barrier. After punching Cactus against the barrier several times, Wyatt dragged him towards the ring post. Wyatt went to slam Cactus Jack's head against the ring post, but Cactus blocked it, slamming Wyatt head first into the ring post. Cactus then threw Wyatt into the ring steps, before charging at him and hitting a running knee to the face!

Corey Graves: Did you hear Bray Wyatt's head collide with the steel steps?! He might have been knocked out cold!

The referee had reached the count of five, so Cactus re-entered the ring. The referee continued counting – 6... 7... 8... 9... Wyatt rolled into the ring just before the 10 count! Wyatt looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Cactus grabbed him, hitting a Double Arm DDT! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Cactus Jack gets the victory!

Cactus celebrated, then made his way to the back, leaving Wyatt laid out in the ring.


The second match of the night saw Raven taking on Jimmy Havoc. Once both men made their entrances, the match broke out in a vicious start as Raven startled Havoc with stick knee shots to the head and then a head lock.

Joey Styles: Raven starting out strong here!

Havoc took control with a series of leg drop kicks in the corner to Raven. Havoc continued his offensive control with an arm bar lock with variations to a dragon sleep. Jimmy then drove Raven out of the ring with a knee shot. Jimmy took a swing at Raven, and dropped him down. Raven attempted a Raven Effect as Havoc then attempted a super kick, but Raven caught it and locked in an ankle lock. Havoc was able to break out and deliver a DDT that received a near fall!

Corey Graves: Raven kicks out!

Raven got to his feet and hit the Raven Effect on Havoc. He went for the pin.

Joey Styles: Raven may have done it. Two amazing hardcore legends here…




Corey Graves: And a big victory for Raven!


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Superhuman" hit and the crowd booed as Baron Corbin made his way to the ring, accompanied by Robbie Brookside.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, we've got "The Lone Wolf", Baron Corbin, in action as he takes on "The Showoff", Dolph Ziggler!

Corey Graves: Under the guidance of a legend like Robbie Brookside, Corbin could go far Joey... I look forward to seeing how the Lone Wolf does against Ziggler here tonight!

Once Corbin had entered the ring, "Here to Show the World" by Downstait hit and the crowd cheered as Dolph Ziggler headed to the ring. When Ziggler was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Corbin ran at Ziggler, going for a clothesline, but Ziggler ducked out of the way, then turned to face Corbin and hit him with a series of punches. Corbin fought back, blocking a right hand from Ziggler and hitting him with an elbow smash. Corbin then took Ziggler down with a clothesline, before stomping on him repeatedly. He pulled Ziggler to his feet and hit him with a knee to the midsection, then dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Corbin punched Ziggler in the corner several times, then pulled him out of the corner, whipping him against the ropes and taking him down with a big boot. Corbin hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Baron Corbin!

At ringside, Brookside shouted words of encouragement to Corbin. Corbin grabbed Ziggler and applied a nerve hold, but Ziggler fought out of it, then got to his feet. Corbin tried to grab Ziggler again, but Ziggler hit a shoulder jawbreaker, causing Corbin to stagger backwards. Ziggler then hit a dropkick, and as both men got to their feet, Ziggler hit a snap suplex. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Ziggler pulled Corbin to his feet and hit him with some right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Ziggler ran at Corbin, going for the Stinger splash, but Corbin moved out of the way, causing Ziggler to collide with the turnbuckle. Corbin put Ziggler in the tree of woe, then stomped on him repeatedly in the corner. Ziggler fell to the mat and Corbin pulled him away from the ropes, then lifted him up and hit a front suplex slam. Corbin hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Corbin close to a three count once again!

Joey Styles: Ziggler still has some fight left in him, Corey!

Corbin pulled Ziggler to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, then went for another big boot. Ziggler ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then hit Corbin with a leaping clothesline. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler jumped on Corbin from behind, applying a sleeper hold. Corbin broke free and spun Ziggler around, hitting the Deep Six! Ziggler looked dazed as he got to his feet and Corbin lifted him up, hitting the End of Days! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Baron Corbin picks up the win!

As the referee called for the bell, Robbie Brookside entered the ring and raised Corbin's arm in victory. Corbin celebrated, standing over the fallen Ziggler, then the two men made their way to the back.


Joey Styles: We’ve still got the King of the Ring qualifiers coming up, but right now the newcomer Will Ospreay will take on Matt Sydal!

Both men made their entrance, and then the bell rang. The two locked up. Ospreay came in hot with a kick. Sydal floated over into a leg lock. Ospreay sent Sydal to the ropes and followed up with a shoulderblock. Sydal went to the ropes, tried a hip toss, but countered, and shoved Ospreay out of the ring through the ropes. The two got back inside now and Ospreay with a double leg takedown but Sydal wiggled out. Ospreay went for an Octopus Stretch but Sydal got to the ropes.

Corey Graves: Sydal is scrambling there!

The two broke and Sydal put up his hands for a test of strength. Sydal kicked Ospreay and sent him to the ropes. Ospreay came back with an elbow to Sydal and Ospreay placed Sydal on the ropes, seated. He delivered Sydal two knife-edge chops and climbed. Sydal dropped backward off the post to the floor to get out of trouble. He slid back in now and kicked Ospreay in the back and went for a pin, getting a two count.

Joey Styles: Sydal almost had it there.

Sydal went for a clothesline and Ospreay ducked it. He then hitsthe trifecta of German Suplexes. The crowd was on fire, for the Reborn one, as Ospreay climbed the ropes. Sydal got up and tripped Ospreay up. Sydal climbed the ropes now with Ospreay and set up a superplex and hit it!

Corey Graves: Sydal is going for the pin! Wait, no!

He floated over, but Ospreay caught his leg and Ospreay actually pinned Sydal!

Corey Graves: Only two!

Sydal tried to slam Ospreay now. Ospreay floated over and pulled down the arm, attempting the Octopus Stretch again. but Sydal battled out. Sydal scoop slammed Ospreay and hit the Aftershock.

Joey Styles: That’s only good for a two count!

Sydal sent Ospreay to the corner and Sydal charged for a big boot, Ospreay moved then latched onto Sydal and hit a German Suplex, and another. Sydal blocked the third and executes a standing switch. Sydal then went to the rope and went for a clothesline, Ospreay ducked under. Ospreay now hit the Essex Destroyer again. Ospreay climbed the ropes and hit the 630 senton. He got the three count!

Joey Styles: There’s the win for the newcomer Will Ospreay!


Joey Styles: It’s time to see who else is moving forward in the King of the Ring tournament.

Corey Graves: This is an interesting bracket, Joey, both of these men are in the conversation of toughest wrestler in EBWF. The other competitors are likely glad to see that one of them will get knocked off here tonight.

Cesaro stepped out to the “1812 Overture” and shot off his arm cannons to a huge pop. He marched down the ramp. The stylish opening riff of Pop Evil’s “Trenches” called out Roman Reigns at the top of the arena. The crowd swarmed around him as he made his way down to hop over the barricade. The two men shook hands when they met in the center of the ring.


Cesaro shot in to grapple but got caught by the right hand of Reigns. The Big Dog pushed his advantage with several more heavy punches, backing Cesaro into the ropes. Roman whipped him across the ring and swung for a clothesline, Cesaro ducked. He hopped onto the second rope and sprung off, connecting with a spinning uppercut. Cesaro deadlifted Roman off the ground and slammed him with a gutwrench suplex. He covered for a quick two count. Reigns fought his way back to his feet with more punches and grabbed Cesaro by the waist for his own belly to back slam, followed by a lateral press for a two count.

Joey Styles: Both men trading bombs and huge moves right from the start in this contest.

Corey Graves: Each is fully aware of how tough the other is, this is truly a clash of the titans.

Reigns whipped Cesaro into the corner and delivered multiple clotheslines across the chest. Cesaro pushed him off, whipped him into the opposite corner and hit a hard running uppercut. He lifted Reigns onto his shoulders and performed an airplane spin with no hands before slamming him backfirst over a knee. Cesaro posed as the crowd acknowledged his physical feat, allowing Reigns to stack him into a schoolboy and lift him for a one armed powerbomb. Reigns struck his own pose, slamming a fist into the mat.

Corey Graves: The Big Dog is cocking his fist, that means he is looking to make it rain in this bitch!

Reigns leapt up for his punch, Cesaro caught him in midair with a dropkick. He grabbed Reigns by the legs and started to spin him again, this time the crowd counted along.





















Cesaro dropped Reigns to the mat and stepped over his legs to put him in a sharpshooter. He sat deep down into it and Reigns cried out in pain. He teased tapping but made it to the ropes. Cesaro released but rushed at Reigns while he was pulling himself up, nailing him with a facewash kick between the ropes. The Swiss Superman picked him up and whipped him into the ropes.

Joey Styles: Cesaro looking for that popup uppercut that helped him finish the Rock!

Corey Graves: Reigns being sent into the air…SUPERMAN PUNCH!

Joey Styles: Roman Reigns caught Cesaro off guard with that reversal, he is stumbling.

Corey Graves: Reigns hitting the ropes on his own this time...SPEAR!

Joey Styles: It connects, and Reigns throws an arm across Cesaro!





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, ROMAN REIGNS!

Joey Styles: Another hard-fought victory for the Handsome Prince, Roman Reigns moves on into the quarterfinals of the King of the Ring tournament.

Corey Graves: Where he will have to overcome former world champion The Miz, so things are not going to be getting any easier for Reigns.

Joey Styles: Queen of the Ring action coming up next!


Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon signaled the entrance of New Jersey born AJ Lee to the ring.

Joey Styles - Another Queen of the ring match coming up now Corey. The winner of this one advances to the semi final to face off with the doctor of huganomics, Bayley.

Corey Graves - That’s right Styles, the final is getting within touching distance now and I think we’re in for a treat right now, especially with the arrival of this lady.

With that, the Legit Boss Sasha Banks came to the ring and after the formal ring introductions the match was underway.

As the match started both ladies locked up and AJ Lee forced Sasha Banks into the corner. The referee forced himself between the two and broke the hold. Lee broke the hold cleanly and both of them went back to the centre of the ring and locked up again. This time Sasha forced Lee to the opposite corner. Once again the referee broke the hold, however this time Sasha took advantage nailing AJ with a stiff right forearm, sending her to the floor.

Corey Graves - See that Styles, life is too short to break holds cleanly!

Sasha went to stomp on the fallen Lee, however AJ rolled out of the ring just in time and took her time to recover outside from the shot from Banks. After a count of 4 Lee rolled back in and as Sasha approached her she delivered a boot to the mid section and yanked her to the floor by her vibrant hair. On the mat AJ pinned Banks, 1..2.. kick out.

Joey Styles - The first pinning attempt there.

Banks got to her feet and was immediately knocked down with a dropkick. AJ Lee picked Sasha Banks up and Irish whipped her into the ropes, as she came charging back towards AJ Lee hit a perfect Hurricanrana, and rolled into a pinning situation 1...2.. And another kick out from Banks with a fraction of a second left.

Corey Graves - Close call there for Sasha. AJ was nearly on her way to the semi final there!

AJ continued to argue with the referee about the near fall as she approached Sasha the legit boss delivered an elbow to Lee’s midriff, then springing to her feet and threw AJ to the mat with a Japanese arm drag. As AJ got to her feet from nowhere Sasha hit the Bank Statement, rolling through to the crossface and almost immediately AJ Lee tapped out, leaving the referee to call for the bell.

Corey Graves - And this one is over Styles! Sasha advances and sets up a match with Bayley in the semi final!


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Fight" by CFO$ hit and Kevin Owens came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, Kevin Owens is in action against a mystery opponent, to be chosen by the General Manager, Stone Cold Steve Austin. If Owens wins, he'll face Chris Jericho for the World Title at King of the Ring!

Corey Graves: I can't wait to see who Austin has lined up, Joey!

Once Owens had entered the ring, he grabbed a microphone and signalled for his music to be cut.

Kevin Owens: You know what Steve, feel free to send out whoever you want right now, it really doesn’t bother me who it is. I know this is just another one of these hoops set up to stop me from getting my hands on Jericho and that title belt. I can assure you that Austin has spent the entire day trying to convince someone to step in the ring with me tonight. NOBODY wants a piece of this right now. Everyone knows I’m the master of the headlock and stepping in the ring--

“Glass Shatters” by Disturbed hit and the crowd cheered as Stone Cold came out, interrupting Owens. Austin made his way down the ramp, microphone in hand, and upon entering the ring, he addressed Owens.

Steve Austin: Master of headlocks? Son, the only thing you’re the master of right now is boring me to death. I didn’t have to convince anyone to fight you, Kevin. In fact, the opponent I’ve chosen is feeling pretty confident. With good reason. Because the last time he was in the ring with you, he beat you and took your Intercontinental Title!

“SAWFT is a Sin” hit and the crowd cheered as Enzo Amore stepped out onto the stage. Enzo held the Intercontinental Title in the air at the top of the ramp, taunting Owens. In the ring Owens’ previously smug look was now a mixture of annoyance and panic. He was pacing the ring shouting at the referee, although he did not have his microphone his words could be heard.

Kevin Owens: Are you kidding me? I said I’d fight anyone tonight, anyone. And this is who gets sent out? Someone who managed to pick up a lucky win over me? This is ridiculous.

At the top of the ramp Enzo was clearly enjoying Owens’s reaction to his appearance. As Enzo began to make his way down the ramp, Austin exited the ring. As Austin passed Enzo on the ramp, he patted him on the shoulder. Upon entering the ring, Enzo began talking smack to Owens. Just as the referee was about to call for the bell, “Break the Walls Down” hit, and the crowd cheered once more as the World Champion, Chris Jericho, headed to the ring.

Corey Graves: What is Chris Jericho doing out here, Joey? I bet he’s up to no good… his presence is sure to distract Owens in what’s arguably the biggest match of his EBWF career thus far!

Joey Styles: Maybe he just wants to scout the man who could be the next number one contender for his title, Corey!

As Jericho approached the ring once again Owens grabbed the referee and was shouting at him furiously.


Jericho smirked, walking past the ring and making his way to the announce table. He took a seat next to Joey Styles and picked up a headset.

Chris Jericho: Hey Joey, Corey. I thought I’d join you guys for this one, take a closer look at the "Master of Headlocks".

In the ring, the referee called for the bell and Owens took his frustrations out on Enzo, pummelling him with a series of right hands. Owens whipped Enzo against the ropes, then went for a clothesline, but Enzo ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Owens down with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Enzo hit Owens with a series of punches, before hitting a kick to the midsection and setting Owens up for a DDT. Owens fought out of it, then threw Enzo into the corner. Enzo fell into a sitting position and Owens ran at him, hitting the cannonball. Owens pulled Enzo away from the ropes and made the cover, but Enzo kicked out at two.

Corey Graves: Well Chris, what are your thoughts on Owens so far? I'd say he's off to a good start!

Chris Jericho: Owens is a talented guy, Corey. I've never doubted that. But Enzo is a talented superstar too, and he's got a lot of heart. He's beaten Owens once before, and I wouldn't be surprised if he beats him again tonight.

Owens got to his feet and stomped on Enzo several times, then pulled Enzo to his feet and lifted him up for a scoop slam. Enzo wriggled free, then as Owens turned around, Enzo hit an enzuigiri. Owens staggered backwards and Enzo grabbed him, whipping him against the ropes before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Enzo hit Owens with a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time Enzo Amore gets the two count!

Chris Jericho: Like I said, Enzo has a lot of talent. He might look crazy, he might sound delirious, but when he steps into that ring he always stays focused.

Enzo pulled Owens to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, trying to set him up for a tornado DDT. Owens fought back, grabbing Enzo and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Owens then lifted Enzo up, hitting a German suplex. Both men got to their feet and Owens hit a superkick, then went to the top rope. Owens hit Enzo with the frog splash! He made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... Enzo kicked out just before the referee counted 3!

Corey Graves: Owens was so close there!

Chris Jericho: Enzo's not done yet, Corey!

Owens got to his feet and turned his attention to the announce table. He yelled at Jericho, "watch this!", then turned his attention back to Enzo. Owens grabbed Enzo by the legs, applying the Walls of Jericho! Enzo cried out in pain, but he was able to reach the ropes, and the referee forced Owens to break the hold. Owens stepped back, allowing Enzo time to get to his feet. Enzo used the ropes to pull himself up. Once Enzo was on his feet, Owens hit a series of punches, then whipped him against the opposing set of ropes. As Enzo ran back towards him, Owens went for the Pop-Up Powerbomb... but Enzo countered with a hurricanrana!

Joey Styles: Oh my god! What a counter!

Both men got to their feet, and Enzo rolled Owens up with a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... Owens reversed it with a small package of his own, and grabbed the tights! The referee didn't noticed and counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: There you have it, Chris! You have a new number one contender, and his name is Kevin Owens!

Chris Jericho: An underhanded victory... why am I not surprised?

The referee called for the bell and raised Owens' arm in victory. As Owens celebrated, Jericho ran into the ring. Owens turned to face him, and Jericho hit a Codebreaker!

Corey Graves: Now who's being underhanded?!

Joey Styles: Chris Jericho sending a message to the new number one contender to the World Title!

Jericho offered some words of support to Enzo Amore, then rolled out of the ring and grabbed his World Title from the announce table. He held it in the air, then made his way to the back.


Joey Styles - Syxx and Sami Zayn facing off right now to progress in the King of the Ring tournament. Two of the biggest names in the EBWF right now and clearly two of the favourites to win it all.

Both men started the match by locking up and after some back and forth pushing they broke the hold. Syxx took an early advantage by bouncing off the ropes and knocking Sami Zayn to the mat with a shoulder tackle. As Zayn recovered Syxx showed off to the crowd.

Joey Styles - Syxx showing his veteran skill there, getting in an early knock down.

As Zayn got back to his feet they locked up again and this time Sami applied a headlock to Syxx. He was bounced off the ropes to break the hold and this time Syxx was knocked to the canvas this time with a shoulder. Sami bounced off the ropes again, but this time was caught by an elbow from Syxx who had speedily returned to his feet. Once again Syxx played to the crowd.

Corey Graves - Seems like Syxx is feeling pretty confident tonight, but this could be his undoing Styles.

And Graves was right, as distracted by his showboating to the crowd Sami Zayn sent Syxx over the top rope with a clothesline. As Syxx was on the outside daze Zayn took advantage by diving over the top rope and landing on his opponent.

Joey Styles - HUGE move there already from Sami Zayn, if they were in the thing this one would be over!

Zayn crawled back into the ring and the referee began to count out Syxx. As he dragged himself to the apron Sami Zayn sent him to the outside again with a drop kick. This time Zayn followed him outside and hit his suicide dive through the turnbuckle into a tornado DDT much to the delight of the crowd.

Joey Styles - Sami Zayn is on top of his game here tonight!

As Syxx rolled back into the ring to beat the referee’s 10 count Sami pinned him for a close 2 count. Zayn Irish whipped Syxx into the corner and readied himself to hit the Helluva kick. At the last moment Syxx moved out of the way and Sami crashed into the turrnbuckle. In one fluid movement as Zayn staggered back Syxx hit a perfect spinning heel kick to knock him to the mat.

Corey Graves - Nothing but instinct there Styles from Syxx!

Syxx climbed to the top rope and flew through the air with a moonsault and landed on Zayn and went for the cover, 1...2… and Sami’s shoulder just moved at the very last moment. Wasting no time Syxx pulled Zayn to his feet and picked him up for a powerbomb, however Sami flipped over Syxx’s back and dropping to his knees hooked Syxx arms and brought his shoulders to the mat with a back slide, 1...2… and yet another kick out.

Both men got to their feet and traded blows, each shot greeted with loud cheers from all the fans in attendance. Both men landed a final blow and staggered to the ropes to support themselves from collapsing to the floor. As they both tried to catch their breathe Syxx charged towards Sami and Zayn done the same and both men hit each other with flying cross bodies leaving them both down as the referee counted them both.

Joey Styles - If neither man makes the 10 count here Corey, both men could find themselves out of the King of the ring!

As the referee reached an 8 count both men had made it to their knees. They stood facing each other Syxx went to deliver a big right hand Sami Zayn ducked and out of of nowhere hit the Blue Thunder Bomb and the referee counted, 1..2..3!

Joey Styles - What a finish Corey, Sami progresses to the next round of King of the ring!

Corey Styles - That’s right Styles. Syxx put up a good fight, but Sami Zayn’s march towards that crown continues!


“You think you know me.” The greatest entrance theme in wrestling history blared over the speakers and the crowd popped in appreciation for the EBWF legend coming out onto the stage and lifting his arms to signal his pyro.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a part of the King of the Ring tournament, and is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Rated R SUPERstar, EDGE!

The unholy mess of PJ Black’s theme encourages boos as he runs out of the entryway.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Cape Town, South Africa, PJ BLACK!


Black started off with kicks to Edge’s legs and some martial arts-styled strikes, staying out of Edge’s reach. He bounced off the ropes and caught him with a drop kick. When Edge managed to get ahold of him, he flipped and rolled out of his grip to lay into him with more kicks.

Joey Styles: The younger Black managing to exasperate the veteran.

Corey Graves: The Darewolf can seem to attack from every direction at once.

PJ Black hopped onto Edge’s shoulders looking for a victory roll. The Ultimate Opportunist countered with an electric chair front drop. He retreated into the corner and waited for Black to get to his feet.

Joey Styles: SPEAR! And the cover!





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, the Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

Joey Styles: Edge did not come here to play games tonight. That may have been the quickest King of the Ring qualifier in EBWF history!

Corey Graves: Edge is the greatest strategist in the history of our sport, Joey. He knew that he couldn’t keep up with Black, so he shut him down early and that’s earned him a bye into the semifinals.


Renee Young was backstage in front of a backdrop with the EBWF logo emblazoned in the corner. She smiled into the camera, gripping the microphone with both hands.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce Trish Stratus.

The sound of the crowd cheering in the arena was audible as the camera zoomed out and Trish Stratus approached Renee, dressed in her wrestling attire.

Renee Young: Trish, your match in the Queen of the Ring tournament is next. I would imagine you have a lot on your mind going into this match with Natalya. Natalya turned her back on you some time ago, embracing what she calls her Ikeda name. I just wanted to find out where your head is at going into your match with Natalya tonight?

Trish looked at Renee like she had three heads.

Trish Stratus: Where is my head at? Do you need me to tell you what color the sky is? Or maybe I should let you know if water is wet? Where do you THINK my head is at?! I'm --

Trish lurched forward as a black clad forearm clubbed her in the back of the neck, sending her to the ground. The camera recoiled backward and revealed Natalya as the aggressor. She dove onto Trish and mounted her, assaulting her with hard elbows and forearms. Trish had her hands up to block the barrage as best she could. Nattie was a flurry of blonde hair as she stood up, grabbing Trish by the hair and throwing her into the backdrop which collapsed from the impact. Nattie looked at the wreckage and smirked.

Natalya: See you out there, bitch.

She winked and exited the scene, heading towards the gorilla position.


EBWF returned from commercial. "Closer" by Lacuna Coil blasted out of the PA system. The crowd gave a mixed reaction to Natalya, who was wearing an all black wrestling outfit. She ignored the reaction to the crowd as she got into the ring.

Corey Graves: Well, I'm not sure what to make of what we just saw, but I just can't believe that Natalya has picked up this new attitude. She's basically thrown aside everything that made her who she is.

Joey Styles: Gotta tell you Corey, I don't think she really cares. She's fully embraced her ties to the Ikeda family, and she's become so much more vicious because of it.

Natalya went to her corner, a malicious smile on her face as she waited for her opponent. The crowd erupted as "Bossy" by Kelis hit, and Trish Stratus appeared from behind the curtain. She was gripping the back of her head, a wince on her face as she made her way down the ramp.

Corey Graves: Trish looking like she already fought a match after the attack by Natalya.

Joey Styles: Definitely looking a little worse for wear. She-- oh here we go!!!

Halfway down the ramp, Trish broke into a full on sprint and dove underneath the bottom rope, sliding into the ring. She immediately charged at Natalya and attacked her furiously. The referee called for the bell as the two women exchanged blows back and forth. Trish got the upper hand amongst a flurry of rights and lefts. Nattie stumbled into the corner, trying to fend off Trish's onslaught. The referee stepped in and started counting and stepped in, forcing Trish to break. Trish backed away begrudgingly, and Nattie exploded out of the corner with a lariat. She picked Trish up off the mat and hit a snap vertical suplex, rolling into a pin. She got a two count off the pin attempt, then followed up with multiple strikes aimed at the Quintessential Diva's forehead. Trish lifted her knee up and connected with a hard strike to Natalya's temple. Natalya rolled away, dazed from the shot. She stood back up on wobbly legs.

Corey Graves: Natalya doesn't look like she knows where she is!

Trish kipped up and went for a Chick Kick, and Nattie telegraphed it, catching her leg. She swept Trish's other leg and stepped in, turning Trish over into the sharpshooter.

Joey Styles: Oh my god! Natalya reversed the Chick Kick into the Sharpshooter! Is Trish going to tap?!

Trish pushed herself up on her palms and tucked in her head, rolling Natalya backward. Trish then grabbed a handful of Trish's tights and small packaged her, getting the quick 1...2....3!

Corey Graves: Trish wins! She advances!

Joey Styles: Trish took advantage of how well she knew Natalya to pick up the win!

Trish gripped her neck and winced in pain as the referee raised her other arm in victory. She angrily stomped Natalya out of the ring and stormed away, heading up the ramp.

Corey Graves: Trish advances to the next round and gets a small measure of revenge against of Natalya!


Dalton Castle came to the ring first with his usual theatric entrance and “The Boys” in tow.

Joey Styles: The winner of this match will go on to the Elite Eight, and will face Randy Orton next week on Warfare!

“Cult of Personality” hit the PA and the crowd moved to their feet for the Straight Edge Savior. The bell sounded and Punk and Castle locked up. The crowd started a “Let’s Go Dalton!” “CM Punk!” chant.

Corey Graves: This crowd is into this match here in Las Vegas.

Castle backed Punk up and then shoved him in insulting fashion. Punk shoved him right back and Castle laughed, throwing his hand up with a flourish. The two hit a series of amateur wrestling reversals on each other before Punk started to slowly take control of the offense. Castle and Punk traded chops before Castle attacked Punk in the corner and stomped away at him repeatedly. Punk tried for a tornado DDT out of the corner, but Castle tossed him away and sent him to the outside over the top rope. Castle hit the ropes and dropped Punk with a baseball slide to the outside. Punk got back to the apron and caught Castle throat first across the top rope.

Joey Styles: That’s dangerous.

Punk headed to the top and hit Castle with a double axe handle smash that was good for two. Punk continued to work on the arm, trapping it and wrenching away in an attempt to wear down Castle. Castle fought over and hit Punk with a series of punches off the side of the head to break the hold. Castle hit Punk with a big knee, but then ran right into a big boot from Punk. Punk headed to the apron and went for a springboard clothesline, but Castle ducked it and Punk crashed to the mat.

Corey Graves: Punk getting the bad end of that gamble!

Punk hit Castle with a knee to the gut before sending him into the corner and following with a knee to the face. Punk went for the bulldog, but Castle pushed him off and hit a pele kick for a two count. Castle kicked Punk in the shoulders, then the ribs. Punk got up and shouldered Castle but Castle fought out. Castle tried for the Bangarang, but Punk kicked out two. The two men scrambled on the mat, and Punk grabbed him into the Anaconda Vice on Castle. Castle slowly began fading. Castle got his feet on the ropes to force a break.

Joey Styles: Dalton Castle stays alive!

Punk got to his knees and called for the Go To Sleep. Punk shouldered Castle, but Castle blocked it and countered, trying for the Everest German Suplex. Punk called him off with a big kick, and shouldered Castle. He got the GTS, and went for the pin, but Castle kicked out. Dalton Castle tried to return to his feet, and Punk hit Castle with a wild kick and both guys are down. Out of nowhere, Castle nails Punk with the Fairy Tale. 1-2....kickout.

Corey Graves: That double knee facebreaker couldn’t keep Punk down!

The match continued. Punk began to fight back with rights and kicks before sending Castle into the ropes for a heel kick to the face. Punk hit the running knee in the corner before sending Castle to the mat and heading to the top rope. Punk looked over his shoulder before pointing to the sky and dropping the elbow. Punk hit the GTS on Castle for a near fall. Punk looked shocked.

Joey Styles: Punk can’t believe it! The crowd wants more!

Indeed, the fans were asking for an encore. Punk hoisted Castle up for another GTS but Castle slid out. Castle tried hitting the Bangarang, but Punk avoided that. Punk knocks Castle out of the ring and to the floor. Punk followed that up with a big dive onto the floor on Castle. Punk threw Castle back into the ring. As he headed back in, attempting a springboard move, Castle caught him coming down with the Bangarang!

Corey Graves: That has to be it!

Dalton Castle went for the pin.




Joey Styles: Dalton Castle has done it! Dalton Castle goes on to face Randy Orton in the elite eight!

Corey Graves: We’re going to find out if he can make it to the final four next week on Warfare.

Joey Styles: Thank you for joining us!

Dalton Castle celebrated in the ring with The Boys as Warfare went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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