Warfare Results 06/27/2016

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Warfare Results 06/27/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Warfare! I am Joey Styles.

Corey Graves: And I am Corey Graves. In just one week we will be determining the King of the Ring. Tonight eight men become four!

Joey Styles: We will learn who will take on Shinsuke Nakamura for the Breakout Championship.

Corey Graves: And Charlotte, Summer Rae and Torrie Wilson will compete tonight to take on Alexa Bliss for the Women’s Championship.

Joey Styles: It’s shaping up to be a crazy King of the Ring Show. Right now, the icon Cactus Jack will take on Reborn Matt Sydal!

Matt Sydal came to the ring first. The crowd cheered as he did his usual entrance. The roar grew a bit louder as Cactus Jack came to the ring. He didn’t play to the crowd at all though as he headed to the ring. The referee checked the two men over, and the bell rang.

Joey Styles: Away we go!

Sydal sent Cactus Jack to the mat quickly and then backed off as Cactus got back to his feet. Sydal locked on the waist lock which Jack escaped by grabbing the ropes. Sydal hit Cactus Jack with some closed fists and then was sent over the top rope, but he grabbed onto the ropes and with Jack's back turned hit him with a flying body press.

Corey Graves: Matt Sydal takes to the air!

Both men were working on each other in the corner, exchanging knife edge chops. Cactus Jack got the advantage but only briefly as he got rolled up but was able to kick out. Now Sydal ducked out to the outside, Jack followed and Sydal decked him! Jack got the upper hand and then used an illegal chokehold to ground Sydal.

Joey Style: The referee has to get this match under control!

Jack then hit a nice neck breaker, but Sydal was able to kick out. He then locked on another illegal choke hold which kept Sydal in the middle of the ring and down on the mat. Cactus Jack was still working on Sydal by smacking him on the back of the head and taunting him in the middle of the ring. Shelton finally reversed and sent Cactus Jack into the corner and down to the mat. The referee began a 10 count as both men were down on the mat.
Sydal was now back up and running full steam, but as he went for a bodysplash in the corner, Cactus Jack moved and then swung around to lock on the mandible claw.

Joey Styles: Cactus Jack! I think he might have it here!

Indeed, Sydal was sent tapping, and Cactus Jack’s arm was raised in victory.


Corey Graves: Baron Corbin is coming into this match with an extra chip on his shoulder. He staked his claim on the number one contendership and even got Shinsuke Nakamura to agree to the match, but Steve Austin isn’t a fan of how he does his business, so he is making him defend his spot in what should be a rowdy brawl.


The bell seemed to set off Wyatt like some sort of beast, and he ran roughshod over the other three men, catching them each by surprise with his speed as he bowled them over one by one. He hit his knees in the middle of the ring and opened his arms to call in the crowd. The other three men got back up and jumped him in unison, beating him down with punches and stomps. Baron picked him off the mat and went to throw him over the top rope when he was distracted.

Joey Styles: Look by the entrance, the champ is here! Shinsuke Nakamura is strutting down the ramp to see his challengers up close.

Corey Graves: Corbin is yelling at the Breakout champion to come into the ring, that would of course be completely legal in this four way match up, I don’t know if you were aware of that, Joseph.

Joey Styles: Of course I was. But it looks like Nakamura isn’t interested in entering this fray.

Nakamura walked around the ring, seemingly oblivious to Baron's yelling. Wyatt recovered and punched Corbin in the throat. They brawled in the corner while Raven and Jimmy traded blows in the middle of the ring. The younger man got the advantage and knocked Raven down with a dropkick. Corbin turned Bray around with a huge right hook, and Wyatt charged straight at Havoc with a lariat. Baron followed behind to lay him out with a big boot.

Joey Styles: There is nothing pretty about this match, these are four of the most rough and tumble athletes on the roster.

Corey Graves: But the crowd is enjoying the chaos all the same. And it looks like the champ is taking a seat.

Shinsake dragged a folding chair across the cement floor, emitting a consistent scraping noise to the chagrin of Corbin. He set it up in the center of the ramp and watched the action in the ring. Raven kicked Baron in the gut and signaled for the Evenflow. Corbin pushed him off and he stumbled backwards into Havoc, who lifted him up and nailed a DVD. Corbin charged but Jimmy hit a drop toe hold. Jimmy ran the ropes and drove a knee into the side of Corbin's skull. He bounced up and hit the opposite side of the ring but on the rebound Bray caught him and spiked him into the mat with an STO slam.

Corey Graves: Sickening! Jimmy Havoc just folded up like an accordion! He may be out of this match!

Bray whipped Corbin into the corner and followed him with a splash. He teased dancing Corbin out of the corner when he was pulled out from under the ropes by Raven.

Joey Styles: Evenflow! Raven driving Bray Wyatt’s head into the concrete with that DDT!

Raven posed over the body of Bray Wyatt. Corbin rolled out of the ring and drilled him with the Deep 6 on the floor. He rolled Raven back into the ring and turned to jaw at Nakamura on the ramp, but found the chair empty.

Corey Graves: Nakamura is coming around the corner, look out Corbin! KINSASHA!

Shinsuke laid Baron out with the running high kick and soaked in the cheers of the crowd. He wagged his finger at Baron and sauntered up the ramp, disinterested in who his opponent would end up being. In the ring, Havoc recovered and picked Raven off the mat. He locked him up by the wrist and swung him out.

Joey Styles: ACID RAINMAKER! Jimmy Havoc with the pin!




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, JIMMY HAVOC!

Joey Styles: Jimmy Havoc will face Shinsuke Nakamura for the Breakout Championship!

Corey Graves: The smallest man in the fight is the last man standing, and Baron Corbin will not be happy to hear that when he recovers.


“I came to play!” The Miz strutted down the ring to boos, stopping to pose for pictures as if surrounded by paparazzi. “Trenches” by Pop Evil erupted to mostly cheers for Roman Reigns as he marched to the ring.


Roman started off with some heavy strikes, catching the Miz off guard from the jump. He whipped Miz across the ring, ducked a clothesline and popped Miz up into a Samoan drop. He stomped the former champion and kept up his attack. Miz took a wild swing that the Big Dog dodged, and he slammed him to the mat with a spin out back belly to back. Reigns roared to the cheers of the capacity crowd.

Joey Styles: Roman Reigns coming into this round like a house on fire.

Corey Graves: And the Miz smartly is trying to find the exit.

Miz rolled onto the apron to catch his breath. Reigns gave chase, reaching for Miz and trying to toss him back into the ring. Miz grabbed Roman’s left arm and draped it across the top rope, letting it snap as he jumped off the apron. Reigns came up holding his shoulder. Miz quickly rolled back into the ring and targeted the limb with a running boot to the shoulder. He trapped Reigns in an armwringer and threw elbows at the joint.

Corey Graves: The Miz is a master of focusing on an opponent’s weak spot.

Joey Styles: And weakening the arm negates Reign’s strength advantage.

Corey Graves: What strength advantage? The Miz told me he deadlifts 800 pounds.

Joey Styles: I’m sure he did.

Miz transitioned into a hammerlock and pushed Roman down to the mat to apply more torque. Reigns crawled across the ring and reached for the bottom rope to score a break, but Miz stomped on the arm as he let go. He sized Reigns up and charged for another boot. Reigns caught him with a one-arm tilt-a-whirl into a backbreaker that sent Miz scurrying across the mat. He stood up and Reigns caught him with a jumping clothesline, and then a second one. Miz crawled to the ropes and clung on, telling the ref that Reigns couldn’t touch him in the ropes. Roman quickly slid out to the floor and nailed Miz with the Drive-By drop kick to the delight of the fans. He rolled back into the ring and pulled Miz off the mat, but Miz yanked on his hurt arm. Reigns stumbled to one knee and Miz hit a snap DDT. He whipped Roman into the corner to hit the Awesome Clothesline and then climbed to the top rope.

Joey Styles: The Miz is in unfamiliar territory, Corey.

Corey Graves: I’ll have you know that The Miz is the master of the 720 Splash.

Joey Styles: Did he tell you that, too?

Corey Graves: Yes, he did.

Reigns didn’t wait to see what Miz had in mind, he rushed the corner and yanked Miz onto his shoulders to hit a sit out powerbomb, but his bad arm gave out and he couldn’t hook it for a pinning combo. Reigns nailed Miz with the Superman punch with his good arm and posed in the corner to call for the spear.

Joey Styles: Here comes the end for the Miz, Reigns closing in with the spear!

Corey Graves: Miz kicks him in the injured shoulder! Brilliant defense, that’s why he’s been world champion!






Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, THE MIZ!

Joey Styles: A huge win for the Miz as he punches his ticket to the King of the Ring pay per view!

Corey Graves: For all the Miz has done in this business, he still has not been crowned King, but he is one step closer here tonight!


Summer Rae was to the ring first.

Joey Styles: Summer is out here tonight representing the Mean Girls!

Corey Graves: We’ll find out which of these three women will take on Alexa Bliss for the Women’s Championship.

Torrie Wilson was to the ring next with a big pop from the crowd. Charlotte came out to her iconic theme to round out the competitors.

Joey Styles: This is just the second match for Charlotte here in EBWF.

All three women went back and forth with takedowns and pins in the opening moments. Charlotte hit a Rude Awakening on Summer off the top rope for a 2 count.

Corey Graves: Charlotte trying to make this a quick match here.

Summer came back and got Charlotte in an arm bar, but Torrie broke it up. Summer threw Torrie to the outside, then Charlotte dropped Summer and put her in the Figure Four. Torrie came out of nowhere with a Frog Splash on Charlotte for a 2 count.

Joey Styles: That’s why she’s the most decorated women’s champion of all time!

Summer hit a big German suplex on Torrie that sent her to the outside. Summer hit a side slam on Charlotte for a 2 count. Torrie somersaulted through the middle ropes onto Charlotte on the outside. Summer came out of nowhere with a suicide dive on Torrie through the ropes. Charlotte hits a moonsault off the top rope onto Summer and Torrie all the way down on the ringside floor.

Corey Graves: Look at the athleticism of Charlotte.

The three women took their time getting back into the ring. Once they did, Charlotte hit a double Natural Selection on both women for a 2 count on each of them. Summer came back and got Charlotte in another arm bar. Torrie broke it up with a backbreaker. Charlotte came up with a Figure Four on Torrie. Summer pulled it apart and all three women exchanged right hands. Summer hit a fisherman suplex on Charlotte off the top. Torrie got Summer in the stretcher, but Charlotte threw Torrie to the outside and got Summer in the Figure Four. Summer tapped out!

Joey Styles: Look at that! Charlotte! Charlotte is the number one contender for the Women’s Championship!


Corey Graves: And we’re ready for another King of the Ring Qualifier.

“Hey Sandy” blared in the arena and Chuck Taylor made his entrance.

Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a King of the Ring qualifying match! Introducing first, from Raccoon City, weighing in at 184 pounds he is Chuck Taylor!

“Worlds Apart” brought massive cheers and the arrival of the #1 Contender for the Path to Glory Championship, Sami Zayn!

Joey Styles: PJ Black lost his bid for King of the Ring last week and this man, Sami Zayn, may be coming for his Path to Glory Championship sooner, rather than later.

Christy Hemme: From Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 205 pounds. He is your 2015 King of the Ring, Sami Zayn!

Taylor and Zayn looked fired up and ready to go as the bell rang signaling the beginning of this match. Zayn nailed a couple of arm drags and then a pinfall attempt got two.

Joey Styles: Chuck Taylor kicks out!

Zayn fired back with a kick to the head, then a headscissors takedown and Zayn wanted to do a dive, but Chuck Taylor rolled out of the way. Zayn bailed out onto the floor, and Taylor went after him, but Zayn came back with a moonsault off the guardrail to take him down. The crowd was appreciative with chants of “Sami” Zayn was really intense as he sent Taylor into the barricade two times. The referee yelled for the men to bring it back into the ring, not content to let a King of the Ring match end in a double count out.

Corey Graves: Zayn s getting back in the ring here.

Taylor followed Zayn in and Zayn was in control until Taylor gave him a back body drop over the floor with Zayn’s face hitting the steps at ringside. Taylor nailed a boot to the face for two. Taylor hit a snap DDT for two.

Joey Styles: Sami Zayn’s dream is still alive.

Zayn hit a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Zayn slammed Taylor and went up top. Taylor avoided an attack, landed a dropkick to Zayn’s knee and followed up with the Cross Crab. The crowd applauded the nice sequence as Zayn fought out of it. Zayn countered with a sunset flip, Taylor fought out of it, sat on top and held the rope for a two count, but the ref saw it and made him break it. Zayn came back with an Exploder Suplex into the corner. Zayn nailed Taylor with the Helluva Kick, and went for the pin.




Joey Styles: Sami Zayn did it! He’s in the Final Four! He takes on Edge next week.

Corey Graves: And if he’s lucky streak continues, he just might go on to take the crown!


Joey Styles: Still to come, we've got Trish Stratus versus Blue Pants, and in our main event, Dalton Castle takes on Randy Orton! Up first though, we'll see Sasha Banks in action as she takes on Bayley!

Corey Graves: The first of our 2016 Queen of the Ring finalists is about to be confirmed... I can't wait to find out who it is!

"Turn it Up" hit and the crowd cheered as Bayley stepped out onto the stage. Bayley's wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men rose up on both sides of the stage, their arms flailing from side to side as Bayley danced to the ring. After hugging some of her fans at ringside, Bayley entered the ring, awaiting the arrival of her opponent. "Sky's the Limit" hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Sasha Banks headed to the ring.

Joey Styles: Look at these two women, Corey... could they be any more different? Bayley is all about having fun, Sasha looks like she doesn't know what fun is!

Corey Graves: Do you know what Sasha considers fun, Joey? Winning. That's why she looks so serious... this match is important to her!

Upon entering the ring, Sasha began mouthing off to her opponent, but Bayley shrugged it off, refusing to let Sasha intimidate her. The referee called for the bell and Sasha charged towards Bayley, hitting her with a flurry of punches. She whipped Bayley into the corner then went for a corner clothesline, but Bayley blocked it, hitting a back elbow smash. Bayley then hit a springboard corkscrew arm drag, and as both women got to their feet, Bayley speared Sasha down to the mat. Bayley punched Sasha against the ring mat several times, but Sasha fought back, rolling Bayley over and hitting some right hands of her own. Sasha then turned Bayley over and slammed her head against the ring mat! As Bayley clutched her head in pain, the referee ordered Sasha to step back.

Joey Styles: That was vicious from Sasha!

Corey Graves: I told you, Joey... this match is important to her! She'll do whatever it takes to win.

Sasha gave Bayley a moment to recover, then when Bayley was on her feet, she took her down with a roundhouse kick. Bayley got back to her feet and Sasha went for a snapmare, but Bayley blocked it, countering with a reverse DDT. Sasha got to her feet and Bayley hit a body slam, before running against the ropes and hitting a knee drop. Sasha sat up and Bayley kneed her in the back, then ran against the ropes once more, hitting Sasha with a running back elbow. She then ran against the opposing set of ropes, this time hitting Sasha with a sliding clothesline. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Bayley with a near fall!

Bayley pulled Sasha to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Sasha reversed it, sending Bayley into the ropes. As Bayley ran back towards her, Sasha hit her with a clothesline. Bayley got back to her feet and Sasha whipped her into the corner, before charging towards her and hitting a high knee. Bayley staggered out of the corner and Sasha lifted her up, trapping her between the turnbuckles. She went to the top rope and hit a diving double knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Another near fall! This time Sasha Banks with a two count!

Sasha got to her feet and stomped on Bayley several times, then pulled Bayley to her feet and lifted her onto her shoulders, setting Bayley up for a fireman's carry slam. Bayley wriggled free and landed on her feet behind Sasha, lifting her up for a German suplex. Both women got to their feet and Bayley went for the Bayley-to-Belly, but Sasha blocked it, countering with a jawbreaker. Bayley went for a clothesline but Sasha ducked out of the way, getting behind Bayley and hitting a double knee backbreaker, transitioning it into the Bank Statement! Bayley cried out in pain and tried to reach the ropes, but when she realised she was unable to do so, she tapped out. The referee called for the bell and as Sasha got to her feet, he raised her arm in victory.

Joey Styles: It's over! Sasha Banks gets the victory!

Corey Graves: What a performance from "The Boss", Joey!

Sasha celebrated, then made her way to the back as Bayley recovered in the ring.


"Do My Thing" from Estelle hit and the crowd cheered as Blue Pants made her way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: What an intriguing match this is, Corey. Blue Pants, who stunned Velvet Sky in the Queen of the Ring quarter finals, takes on the 2015 Women's Wrestler of the Year, Trish Stratus!

Corey Graves: Can you imagine what an upset it would be if Blue Pants beat Trish here tonight, Joey?

Joey Styles: Well Corey, she's already beaten one former Women's Champion in Velvet Sky... Blue Pants deserves to be treated with respect!

When Blue Pants had entered the ring, "Bossy" by Kelis hit, and the crowd continued to cheer as Trish Stratus headed to the ring. Once Trish was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Trish applied a headlock, but Blue Pants countered with a hammerlock. Trish fought out of it, then whipped Blue Pants against the ropes. She went for an arm drag, but Blue Pants blocked it, then took Trish down with a clothesline. Trish got to her feet, and Blue Pants went to whip her into the corner, but Trish reversed the Irish whip, sending Blue Pants into the turnbuckles. Trish hit Blue Pants with the Stratusphere, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Trish pulled Blue Pants to her feet, and set her up for a DDT, but Blue Pants countered with a bridging northern lights suplex! She covered Trish and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Great back and forth action so far!

Joey Styles: Trish Stratus has started this match strongly, but Blue Pants is holding her own!

Blue Pants pulled Trish to her feet and hit her with multiple forearm clubs, then whipped her against the ropes. As Trish ran back towards her, Blue Pants went for a leg lariat, but Trish ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Blue Pants down with a flying clothesline. Both women got to their feet, and Trish hit a spinebuster, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Trish got to her feet and stomped on Blue Pants several times, then pulled her to her feet and set her up for a neckbreaker. Blue Pants blocked it, countering with a neckbreaker of her own. Both women got to their feet once more and Blue Pants hit a big boot to the midsection, which caused Trish to fall onto her knees. Blue Pants rolled her up in the Oklahoma roll – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: So close to a three count!

Corey Graves: Trish and Blue Pants have been neck and neck so far in this match, Joey... I'm impressed!

As Trish and Blue Pants got to their feet, Blue Pants hit Trish with a superkick! She went to the top rope, going for the Winner Winner Chicken Dinner... but Trish moved out of the way! Both women got to their feet and Trish took Blue Pants down with a Thesz press, before hitting her with multiple punches. After dragging Blue Pants to her feet, Trish grabbed her opponent ran towards the ropes, hitting the Stratusfaction! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Trish Stratus wins, setting up a match with Sasha Banks in the final!

Joey Styles: What a match that will be! You have to give Blue Pants credit though, she put in one heck of a fight!

Trish celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Joey Styles: Still to come, Randy Orton takes on Dalton Castle in our main event, to determine the final semi finalist for the King of the Ring tournament. Up first though, we have a contract signing for the World Title match between Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens!

Corey Graves: You know as well as I do Joey, contract signings in EBWF never seem to run smoothly. Given that there’s no love lost between Jericho and Owens, I’m expecting high tension here tonight!

The camera cut to the ring, which had been covered with black carpet. There was a table in the center of the ring with two chairs, one placed on either side of the table. Michael Cole was stood next to the table, with the contract for the World Title in his left hand and a microphone in his right hand. Cole brought the microphone to his lips, then began to speak.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, this Sunday at King of the Ring, the EBWF World Champion Chris Jericho will defend his World Title against the number one contender, Kevin Owens. Tonight, both superstars will meet in this very ring to sign the contract for that match. First of all, allow me to introduce the nine time EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho!

“Break the Walls Down” hit and the crowd cheered as Jericho made his way to the ring. Jericho was wearing a shirt that said “Nine Times the Glory” on the front, with an image of Jericho holding the World Title. On the back, the shirt listed the dates and places where Jericho had won each of his EBWF World Championships. Jericho had the World Title draped over his shoulder, and upon entering the ring, he nodded at Cole. Jericho then sat down at the table for the contract signing, placing his title on the table as he did so. As the crowd finally started to die down after the arrival of the current EBWF champion the familiar guitar riff to “Fight” by CFO$ filled the arena and immediately boos filled the arena.

Corey Graves: It looks like we’re getting the arrival of the smashmouth number one contender now Joey. The fans might not like it, but he’s been causing quite a stir lately, especially after beating Enzo Amore last week.

The music played for a while, but the challenger never came out. Instead, Owens appeared

Kevin Owens: Cut my music.

Joey Styles: What on earth is going here Corey? I thought we were having a contract signing.

Kevin Owens: Now after you cheaped shotted me last week Jericho after my match do you think I’ll be stupid enough to come down to the ring for a contract signing? I’m not stupid! Everyone knows you want me to come out there, talk some trash then after I’ve signed that piece of paper you’ll put me through that table. Well sorry to spoil your party, but I’m not falling for that. So I’d like to introduce to you my lawyer who will be acting on my behalf, Horatio Montague!

Corey Graves: Smart move by Owens there Joey! He knows how these things always end up going!

With that to even more boos out stepped a weasley looking man in a black pin striped suit. He looked in his 50s and barely weighed 120lbs. He strode to the ring with a confidence that looked very out of place for a man of his size. He rolled under the bottom rope and stepped towards Jericho, extending his hand to the champion.

Kevin Owens: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MORON?! You do not shake hands with him, you have no business even touching him!

Owens closed his eyes and rubbed his temples as if trying to soothe a headache. Jericho smirked as the lawyer took his seat. There were two microphones on the table; Jericho picked one up and addressed the lawyer.

Chris Jericho: Horatio Montague… I guess your parents really liked Shakespeare, huh?

The lawyer scowled, then picked up the second microphone with some reluctance. After clearing his throat, he began to speak; he had an upper class British accent which suggested he was both wealthy and well educated.

Horatio Montague: For your information, Mr Jericho, I’ll have you know that I was named after Horatio Nelson. Not that you’d know who he is, I’m sure. Now can we proceed with the signing?

Owens, on screen, looked on aghast, his mouth open.

Kevin Owens: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD Montague I’m not paying you to talk, I’m paying you to sign a document on my behalf. If you want to have a Mother’s meeting with Chris Jericho and tell him your life story then do it in your own time, not mine.

Despite his confidence when dealing with Jericho, Montague seemed intimidated by Owens. He could be seen shrinking in his chair as Owens yelled.

Chris Jericho: He has a point, Horatio… lawyers aren’t cheap! Pass me the contract, Michael, and let’s get this over with.

Cole went to pass the contract to Jericho, but before he could do so, Montague intervened.

Horatio Montague: Excuse me, Mr Cole! Before anyone signs the contract, I’d like to read it for my client in case any amendments are necessary.

Kevin Owens: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Horatio you pencil pushing pip squeak I sign these contracts all the time. We both know what Chris was trying to pull with this contract signing, he just wanted to get me in the ring to try and ambush me because he knows I’m the better man, and he wants to get every advantage he can before our match. I’m right aren’t I Chris?

Montague turned to face his client, looking apologetic.

Horatio Montague: Sorry, Mr Owens. I like to be thorough. You know this, especially after the incident in Tijuana…

Kevin Owens: HEY! I told you we NEVER mention what happened in Tijuana. I mean what sort of promotion books matches against dwarves in this day and age…

Owens was staring off into the distance as he spoke but seemed to snap out of it and realised everyone was hanging on his every word.

Kevin Owens: Anyway get on with signing the contract for my match. Chris make sure you dot those i’s and cross those t’s on the champions side because believe me it’ll be the last time you will.

Chris Jericho: You know Kev, you seem awfully confident for a guy that’s getting a lawyer to do your dirty work. I gave you a Codebreaker last week because you deserved it; and this Sunday, I’ll give you a beating so bad, I might be the one needing a lawyer. Read the shirt, Kevin; I’m a nine-time EBWF World Champion. I’m the best in the world at what I do, and you don’t have what it takes to beat me. So as soon as your Eton mess of a lawyer is done pretending to read that contract, I’d be happy to sign it and make the match official.

Horatio Montague: Everything appears to be in order here. After you, Mr Jericho. And for the record, I went to Westminster School, not Eton.

Chris Jericho: Do I look like I give a damn?

Kevin Owens: Who’d have thought this would happen, but I’m in agreement with Jericho. No one gives a damn. Get this thing signed now!

Montague passed the contract to Jericho, who quickly flicked through it and signed without a moment’s hesitation. Jericho passed the contract back to Montague, who took a fountain pen out of his shirt pocket and signed the contract.

Michael Cole: Well there you have it, the match is now official. This Sunday at King of the Ring, in our main event, Chris Jericho will defend the EBWF World Title against…

Montague cleared his throat, interrupting Michael Cole. Even Cole seemed to be getting annoyed by Westminster’s finest lawyer.

Michael Cole: What?!

Horatio Montague: Yes, Mr Cole, you are correct. My client, Mr Owens, will compete against Mr Jericho this Sunday. But I almost forgot… Mr Jericho, I have a message for you from my client.

Montague dropped the microphone then climbed over the table, attacking Jericho! Jericho quickly fought the lawyer off, and after throwing him down onto the mat, he applied the Walls of Jericho!

Joey Styles: I don’t believe it, Corey! Kevin Owens’ lawyer just tried to attack the World Champion!

Corey Graves: Wait a minute Joey! Look who just hopped over the ringside barrier!

The number one contender Owens flew over the barricade and slide under the ring behind Jericho who still had the submission hold applied to Montague. He delivered an elbow to the back of the champion’s head, immediately breaking the hold to a chorus of boos. The lawyer rolled out of the way and Owens shot him an annoyed look and raised his eyebrows at him. Kevin shouted over at the cowering Horatio.

Kevin Owens: If you want a job done properly you have to do it yourself. I have no clue what I pay you for.

Owens climbed on top of Jericho and hit him with a flurry of blows. The crowd continued to jeer as Kevin pulled Y2J to his feet and threw him into the ropes.

Joey Styles: No Corey, not this!

In one swift motion Owens slammed Jericho through the table with his trademark Pop Up Powerbomb. The sturdy table smashed into hundreds of pieces, leaving the champion in a crumpled heap. Owens look all around the audience who continued to boo as he picked up the contract and microphone. He looked over the document.

Kevin Owens: Seems like everything is in order Chris. See you on Sunday.

Just as Owens was about to leave he spun on his heels as his lawyer was now standing gingerly and had touched his client on the shoulder. He held out his for KO to shake it. Pausing for a moment he smiled then Owens put his hand out and shook it vigorously. As Horatio went to walk away Kevin Owens didn’t release his grip and jerked the lawyer towards him, throwing him into the air and Pop Up Powerbombing Montague directly on top of Jericho.

Owens’ music hit the speakers and the challenger rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp leaving the champion and lawyer laid out in the ring.

Joey Styles: What carnage!

Corey Graves: Kevin Owens has one-upped the EBWF World Champion here tonight… they’ll meet again this Sunday for the title!


"How it Starts" by The Features hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Dalton Castle made his way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Finally, it's time for our main event! Dalton Castle has made an impressive start to his EBWF career thus far... but can he beat the two-time King of the Ring, Randy Orton, to ensure a place in the tournament semi-finals!

When Castle had entered the ring, "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle hit and the crowd cheered as Orton walked slowly down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Orton gave Castle a cold, hard stare, then smirked at him deviously. The referee called for the bell and Orton charged at Castle, taking him down with a clothesline before stomping on him several times. Castle got to his feet and Orton dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle before punching him in the corner several times. Orton pulled Castle out of the corner and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a snap scoop powerslam.

Corey Graves: A dominant start from the Viper! He's dismantled so many opponents in his EBWF career, and he wants to add Dalton Castle to that list!

Orton pulled Castle to his feet and hit a European uppercut, then set him up for a suplex. Castle blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own, then as both men got to their feet, Castle whipped Orton into the corner. Castle ran at Orton, hitting a running high knee, then as Orton staggered out of the corner, Castle lifted him over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. As Orton got to his feet, Castle got behind him, hitting a pumphandle drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Castle with a near fall!

Castle pulled Orton to his feet and went to whip him against the ropes, but Orton reversed it, sending Castle into the ropes. Orton hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Orton hit a side belly-to-belly suplex. Orton followed it up with a leaping knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Orton got to his feet and stomped on Castle several times, then pulled him to his feet and dragged him towards the ropes, hitting the rope-hung DDT. Orton then began punching the mat, signalling for the RKO. The crowd cheered in anticipation, and as Castle got to his feet, Orton hit it! Orton hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Randy Orton is in the semi-finals of the King of the Ring tournament once again!

Joey Styles: Can he become a three time King of the Ring, Corey? We'll find out this Sunday!

"Counting Bodies Like Sheep" hit and Orton celebrated his victory as Warfare went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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