Robbie's Plea

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Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am

Robbie's Plea

Post by Ian B »

[[OOC: This is not a great showing from me I'm afraid. Long hours at work blah, blah, excuse, excuse. This was meant to go another direction but I am posting what I've got written so I don't no show. Sorry to the other 3 involved in this match especially Raza]]


Robbie Brookside is seen sat in an armchair. He is wearing his trademark EBWF navy tracksuit and a stern look on his face.

Brookside: Alright guys and girls, Brookside here. Baron Corbin wants me to let everyone know that he's too busy hitting the gym to be doing any self promotion. I wasn't supposed to mention that we are on about the Pokemon gym. On that note - has anyone else noticed Summer Rae kinda looks like Jinx? Anyway, the lad has prepared a brief statement which he's asked me to read.

Brookside puts on his reading glasses and reads from a small notebook in a monotone voice

Brookside: Anyone who has any interest in my career.... which I imagine is about three of you.... will be asking the same question - how does the Lone Wolf feel about having a pack mate to hunt with? The simple answer is - I couldn't really care less who I am in the ring with. I suppose, if I had to be teamed with anyone the current King of the Ring is a decent choice. Two guys to take down are better than one. I look forward to destroying Rated RKO and moving onto the next stage with Sami Zayn. Prepare to meet the End. Of. Zayn

Brookside removes the glasses and addresses the camera.

Brookside: End of Zayn? That's awful! I suggested Team Corbinerico but Baron didn't get the reference, also it sounded a bit too much like Jericho apparently. It was just a suggestion! Right, I need to level with you all, I can't pretend. This stuff is not great. Baron is a good student when it comes to the in ring stuff he has natural talent, he truly is the best athlete in EBWF but his mic skills need some work. I'm glad the lad has decided to chase Butterfree's so I can have my penny's worth in. Here's the situation folks, Corbin and Sami are going to mess Randy and Edge up tonight at Warfare - not because they have better chemistry, Baron barely has the patience to listen to me, I doubt there is going to be any collaboration. No, the reason I have belief in the young pups is because they have more raw talent than the other two ever had, it's bad that someone with as little passion as Baron Corbin has taken to the industry in ways that a third generation talent like Randy didn't in his early days. It goes to show, it's not all in the blood. I've got to be truthful though, on the topic of passion - I am hoping Sami is going to be a good influence on Baron. God knows I've tried to instill a sense of pride in the boy about what he's doing. I've tried all sorts to inspire the lad but he's the most stubborn person I've ever come across. Anyway, I'm going to stop being down on Baron. He's a future champion in the making. It's just that, a veteran like me has seen a lot and I suppose it's possible I have become a bit... hardened to the business myself.

Brookside fidgets in the chair looking a little uncomfortable, maybe even embarrassed

Brookside: So, Orton, Edge, you guys are veterans of this game, well guess what so is Sami. You have the passion that Baron lacks. So does Sami. Know what you don't have? The absolute raw intensity and drive that Baron Corbin has. Randy, there was a point where you were out for blood. Those days are gone, you became a family man, I respect that but your focus is elsewhere now. Edge, ditto! Where has your drive gone? You boys have become far too pally with the higher up and it's about time you got knocked off your pedestals. Baron Corbin is as anti establishment as it gets. He will tear you both a new one. As for Sami Zayn...

Brookside loses his composure.

Brookside: PLEASE SAMI. God dammit. Help me with Baron. Make him care about this business and not just beating people up. Please? I'll owe you one.