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Warfare Results 07/18/2016

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:03 pm
by Ashlee

Pyro went off to kick of Warfare and the crowd was cheering over the intro music.

Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Warfare!

Corey Graves: I am Corey Graves. My colleague is Joey Styles. Tonight it is all about the Tag Team Classic.

Joey Styles: That’s right Corey. Every EBWF tag team you can think of, and some you wouldn’t expect are going to compete tonight on their quest to win the EBWF Tag Team Championships.

Cactus’ theme hit and he and Doink the Clown were first to the ring.

Joey Styles: I know that Cactus isn’t playing with a full deck but why? Why on earth would he choose Doink the Clown as his partner.

Corey Graves: I think he could try to explain it and it would never make sense to me.

“Party Up” hit and the crowd was on their feet for Enzo and Cass.

Joey Styles: It looks like Enzo & Cass aren’t in the mood for talking tonight!

The two of them got into the ring, and the referee checked both teams over before ringing the bell.

Joey Styles: And here we go with the first match!

Enzo Amore and Cactus Jack started things out. Cactus threw Enzo over the top onto the apron. Enzo recovered and whipped Cactus in the corner. Cactus did a handstand and sent Enzo out to the lumberjacks. Doink tossed Enzo back in. Cactus took the opportunity to pin Enzo for a two count.

Joey Styles: Whoa! Cactus almost stole one from the Certified G.

Cactus and Doink got a double leg drop on Enzo over the ropes for a two count. Cactus followed Doink back over to the corner and got the tag. Enzo was able to get to his corner and tagged in Cass. He threw Doink to the outside. Doink got back in and got a two count on Enzo. After the recovery, Cass and Enzo hot shotted Doink on the top rope. A cover was made for another two count.

Corey Graves: A lot of near falls here!

Cass covered Doink for another two count. Cass kneed Doink then tagged in Enzo. Enzo went for the cover he got a two count.

Joey Styles: What incredible tag team action!

After Doink kicked out, Enzo roled him up again and got another two count. Doink caught Enzo off the top rope. Electric Chair Drop and Cactus tagged in. Cactus landed a kick to the lower body of Cass. Cass got the blind tag to Enzo. Enzo clotheslined Cactus and got a two count.

Corey Graves: These two competitors struggling to their feet now and Mankind is up first, wait a minute…

Enzo turned and walked right into a double arm DDT! Cactus Jack went for the pin.




Joey Styles: Cactus Jack and Doink the Clown just… how is this…

Corey Graves: The first team through tonight in Cactus Jack and Doink the Clown.


Joey Styles: Up next, match two of our Tag Team Classic!

"Scorched Ops" by Scott Reinward hit, and Jay Lethal stepped out onto the stage. Lethal waited at the top of the ramp until he was joined by his partner Raven, then the two men made their way to the ring. "Let It Go" by Jim Johnston hit, and Leo Kruger came out. "Subconscious Entry Version" by Julia Claris hit and the crowd cheered as Shinsuke Nakamura joined Kruger on the stage. Nakamura and Kruger could be seen talking to one another as they headed down the ramp.

Corey Graves: Well Joey, we have two interesting teams here that have been thrown together by chance. You've got Raven, a 28 year veteran... this guy has been wrestling longer than our EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho! He's teaming with Jay Lethal who is twenty years his junior. Then on the other hand, you've got Japan's greatest export, Shinsuke Nakamura, teaming with the South African warrior, Leo Kruger.

Joey Styles: Well looking at Nakamura and Kruger together, Corey, it looks like they have the better chemistry. It will be interesting to see if that gives them the upper hand in this match.

When Nakamura and Kruger had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Raven and Nakamura moved onto the ring apron, allowing Lethal and Kruger to start the match. The two men locked up and Kruger applied a headlock, but Lethal broke out of it, then whipped Kruger against the ropes. As Kruger ran back towards him, Lethal went for a leg lariat... Kruger ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes and took Lethal down with a lariat. Lethal got to his feet and Kruger hit him with a kick to the midsection, then set him up for a snapmare driver. Lethal blocked it, countering with a reverse DDT. Both men got to their feet and Lethal whipped Kruger against the ropes, before taking him down with a hip toss. Lethal followed it up with a cartwheel, then as Kruger got to his feet, Lethal hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet once again and Lethal hit a snap suplex, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Lethal with a near fall! A strong start from the man who calls himself the greatest first generation wrestler in the world.

As Lethal got to his feet, Raven held out his hand, signalling for the tag. Lethal obliged, and as Raven entered the ring he charged towards Kruger, stomping on him several times, trying to keep him grounded. Raven pulled Kruger to his feet and hit a series of right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Raven ran at Kruger, going for the corner clothesline, but Kruger got his foot up and kicked Raven away. As Raven staggered backwards, Kruger went to the top rope. He hit Raven with a diving crossbody and covered him – 1... 2... Raven kicked out!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Impressive aerial skill there by Leo Kruger.

Kruger pulled Raven to his feet and hit him with repeated punches, then whipped him against the ropes and hit a spinebuster. Kruger then tagged in Shinsuke Nakamura, and as Nakamura entered the ring, Kruger lifted Raven onto his shoulders. Kruger then threw Raven towards Nakamura, who hit Raven with a knee to the face!

Corey Graves: Great teamwork by Nakamura and Kruger! Raven might have been knocked out cold!

Nakamura hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Jay Lethal interrupted the count! Kruger attacked Lethal and threw him out of the ring, then went after him. In the ring, Nakamura pulled Raven to his feet and hit him with a knee to the midsection, then whipped him into the corner. Nakamura kicked Raven in the corner several times, then placed him on the top rope. Nakamura rolled backwards, then ran at Raven, hitting him with a knee strike. Raven struggled to his feet and Nakamura hit an inverted powerslam, then charged towards him, hitting the Boma Ye! Nakamura hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Nakamura gets the three count, and he and Kruger advance!

As the referee called for the bell, Kruger entered the ring and raised Nakamura's arm in victory. "Subconscious Entry Version" hit and Kruger celebrated with Nakamura as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got women's action as Torrie Wilson takes on Velvet Sky. Torrie revealed earlier today that after tonight, she's retiring... so this will be her final match.

Corey Graves: What a career Torrie has had in EBWF, Joey. A two-time winner of both the Women's Royal Rumble and the Queen of the Ring tournament, not to mention a ten-time Women's Champion! She will be missed.

"Angel on my Shoulder" by Dale Oliver hit and the crowd cheered as Velvet headed to the ring. When Velvet had entered the ring, "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit, and Torrie came out to a huge reaction from the crowd. As Torrie entered the ring, Velvet nodded respectfully at her. The referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Torrie took Velvet down with a snapmare, then as Velvet got to her feet, Torrie whipped her against the ropes. As Velvet ran back towards her, Torrie hit her with a dropkick. Both women got to their feet and Torrie hit a snap suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Torrie! She's giving it her all in the final match of her career!

Torrie pulled Velvet to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then ran at her, hitting a corner clothesline. As Velvet staggered out of the corner, Torrie set her up for a bulldog, but Velvet blocked it, then hit a reverse DDT. As Torrie got to her feet, Velvet whipped her against the ropes, then took her down with a shoulder block. Torrie got to her feet once more, and Velvet hit a northern lights suplex. She covered Torrie and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Velvet pulled Torrie to her feet, applying an octopus stretch, but Torrie countered it, hitting Velvet with a fireman's carry slam.

Corey Graves: Great counter by Torrie!

Both women got to their feet and Torrie hit a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Torrie pulled Velvet to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Velvet reversed it, sending Torrie into the ropes. Velvet took Torrie down with an arm drag, then as Torrie sat up, Velvet hit a shoot kick to the back of the head. She pulled Torrie to her feet and set her up for In Yo' Face, but Torrie countered with a back body drop. Velvet got to her feet, and Torrie hit her with the Nose Job! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Torrie Wilson ends her career with a hard fought victory over Velvet Sky.

Torrie looked emotional as the referee raised her arm in victory. Velvet got to her feet and hooked Torrie, then raised her arm in victory once more. As Torrie celebrated, she was joined in the ring by a number of EBWF divas, including Trish Stratus, Stacy Keibler, Bayley and Charlotte. The women of EBWF celebrated with Torrie as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Renee Young: I am joined at this time by the EBWF’s newest superstar acquisition from Japan – Karl Anderson!

“Machine Gun” Karl Anderson walked into shot, looking solemn.

Renee Young: First off, Karl – Welcome to the EBWF! How does it feel?

Karl took a moment to look Renee in the eye.

Karl Anderson: I’m glad of the opportunity.

There was an awkward pause. Renee broke the silence.

Renee Young: …With a talent pool full of stars with experience of working in Japan such as Jay Lethal, Will Ospreay, Matt Sydal and of course a man you know very well, Shinsuke Nakamura – how well do you think you’ll fit in here? What sort of impact are you hoping to make?

There was another awkward pause as Karl stared a hole into Renee Young. He seemed to snap out of it.

Karl Anderson: Impact? Fitting in? It’s professional wrestling, Ronnie. It’s not high school.

Having finished answering that question, Anderson took a moment to look around, taking in the lavish set complete with a large flatscreen TV and EBWF graphics all around. Renee looked a bit lost as to what to do.

Renee Young: …you must be looking forward to your first match-

Karl Anderson: First match? I’ve wrestled at least 100 already this year.

Renee looked affronted.

Renee Young: But you’re here on the grandest stage now after over 10 years in Japan. There must be some excite-

Anderson got right in Renee’s face.

Karl Anderson: Do NOT make me regret this.

He backed off.

Karl Anderson: …a lot has changed in 10 years.

He took a deep breath, looked Renee up and down, then left.


Joey Styles: This matchup is sure to be a classic!

Corey Graves: Four amazing superstars in this matchup. Matt Sydal and Alex Shelley against Cesaro and Bray Wyatt. We could analyze the athleticism in this one all day.

Joey Styles: Both of these teams were thrown together for the Tag Team Classic.

Corey Graves: And what a decision it has been.

All four men made separate entrances before meeting in their respective corners. The bell rang and the match got underway. Bray Wyatt and Alex Shelley started things out. Wyatt backed Shelley into the corner and landed an open-handed chop to Shelley' chest. Wyatt picked Shelley up and threw him half-way across the ring then out of the ring. Wyatt picked Shelley up from the inside head first but Shelley countered and tagged in Sydal. Sydal got in and was taken out by Wyatt. Cesaro tagged in and he and Wyatt double teamed Sydal. Cesaro landed an elbow to the face of Sydal. Cesaro bounced Sydal off the foot of Wyatt. Bray Wyatt tagged in and delivered a headbutt to Sydal. Wyatt tagged Cesaro and they double teamed Sydal. Cesaro got a two count on Sydal. Sydal tagged in Shelley.

Corey Graves: Both of these teams are working very well together.

Joey Styles: But who can get the win?

Cesaro got a two count on Shelley. Sydal took Cesaro out of the ring by lowering the ropes from the apron. On the outside, Sydal took out Cesaro with the referee's back turned. Shelley went to the outside and took out Cesaro then rolled him back in. Shelley tagged in Sydal who went at Cesaro. Another tag and Shelley and Sydal double teamed Cesaro. Sydal got a two count on Cesaro then tagged in Shelley. Cesaro tries to counter but Shelley applied a headlock to Cesaro. The fans get behind Cesaro as he got back to a vertical base. Shelley attempted a tag when Cesaro tried to roll him up but doesn't get it. Shelley went to the outside and took Cesaro out. Sydal tagged in with Cesaro in their corner and stompped away. Shelley choked Cesaro with the referee not looking as Sydal worked with him in the ring. Cesaro went for a tag to Bray Wyatt but Sydal isolated him and tags in Shelley. Cesaro started to counter on Shelley with right hands. Cesaro whipped Shelley into the corner. Shelley countered with a moonsault and a two count. Cesaro countered on Shelley but Shelley got a tag and Cesaro didn’t. Sydal rolled Cesaro up for a two count. Cesaro went off the ropes, but Sydal countered with a powerslam and a two count.

Joey Styles: I thought Sydal had it there!

Sydal ran at Cesaro in the corner, Cesaro countered. Cesaro went for the European Uppercut. Bray had Shelley distracted on the outside, and Cesaro connected.

Corey Graves: This could be it!

Cesaro went for the pin and got the 1…2..3!

Corey Graves: Another unbelievable match! Cesaro and Bray Wyatt advance to the next round.

Joey Styles: Still to come, Rated RKO take on Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin in our main event... up first though, former World Champion The Miz teams with Alex Riley to take on Jimmy Havoc and Seth Rollins!

"The Second Coming" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Rollins and Havoc headed to the ring. Once Rollins and Havoc were in the ring, "I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and the crowd booed as The Miz and Alex Riley made their way down the ramp.

Corey Graves: Miz came close to winning the King of the Ring tournament, losing to Sami Zayn in the final... I'm sure he'll want to return to winning ways here tonight!

Upon entering the ring, Miz and Riley began mouthing off at their opponents. The referee called for the bell and Miz moved onto the ring apron, ordering Riley to start the match. Across the ring, Rollins and Havoc talked to each other and Rollins nodded, then moved onto the ring apron, allowing Havoc to start things off.

Joey Styles: Even in these opening exchanges, you can see a clear difference between these two teams Corey... Rollins and Havoc are equals!

Corey Graves: They're equals alright, Joey... but neither of them are in Miz's league, and nor is Alex Riley. That's why Miz gets to call the shots!

Riley hit Havoc with a series of right hands, but Havoc fought back with some punches of his own. He whipped Riley against the ropes, then as Riley ran back towards him, Havoc took him down with a discus elbow smash. Havoc stomped on Riley several times, then pulled him to his feet, dragging him towards the corner. Havoc tagged in Rollins, then held Riley in place as Rollins entered the ring. Rollins hit Riley with a kick to the midsection, then grabbed him from behind and lifted him up, hitting the Paroxysm. As Havoc exited the ring, Rollins hooked the leg of Riley. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Rollins pulled Riley to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner forearm smash. As Riley staggered out of the corner, Rollins went for a superkick, but Riley ducked out of the way, then tagged in Miz. Upon entering the ring, Miz ran at Rollins, going for a clothesline, but Rollins ducked out of the way, then grabbed Miz from behind and hit a belly-to-back suplex. Rollins stomped on Miz several times to keep him grounded, then went to the top rope, hitting a frog splash! He covered Miz and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Rollins and Havoc are dominating this match in the early stages!

Rollins got to his feet and tagged in Havoc, who ran at Miz and took him down with a high knee. As Miz sat up, Havoc applied a sleeper hold, but Miz broke out of it and both men got to their feet. Havoc went for a right hand, but Miz blocked it, then fought back with some right hands of his own. Miz hit Havoc with a kick to the midsection, causing Havoc to fall to a kneeling position, then hit a snap DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz tagged in Riley, then pulled Havoc to his feet and whipped him against the ropes. As Havoc ran back towards them, Miz and Riley worked in unison, hitting Havoc with a double dropkick.

Corey Graves: That's more like it, Joey! Great teamwork by The Miz and Alex Riley!

As Miz exited the ring, Riley pulled Havoc to his feet, hitting a kick to the midsection then following it up with a lifting DDT. Riley stomped on Havoc several times, then grabbed him by the legs, going for a figure four leglock. Havoc kicked Riley away, then got to his feet. Riley ran at Havoc, going for a leg lariat, but Havoc ducked out of the way, then as Riley turned to face him, Havoc lifted him over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. Havoc tagged in Rollins, who charged towards Riley, taking him down with a sling blade. Rollins stomped on Riley several times, before picking him up and hitting a turnbuckle powerbomb! Rollins hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! As Rollins got to his feet, Miz began yelling at him from the ring apron. Rollins walked over to Miz, and to the delight of the crowd, hit him with a right hand, knocking him off the ring apron! Riley took advantage of the distraction and rolled Rollins up. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Alex Riley almost stole one!

Both men got to their feet and Riley lifted Rollins onto his shoulders, setting him up for the Final Score. Rollins wriggled free and hit Riley with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. He then stepped back, before charging towards Riley and hitting him with the Curb Stomp! As Rollins hooked the leg, Havoc ran around the ring, grabbing The Miz and throwing him into the ring steps to prevent him from interrupting the count. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! What an upset!

The referee called for the bell and raised Rollins' arm in victory. Rollins then exited the ring and celebrated Havoc, before the two men made their way up the ramp.


Joey Styles: And now it's time for our main event... Rated RKO return to action against Baron Corbin and the 2016 King of the Ring, Sami Zayn!

Corey Graves: What an exciting match this should be, Joey... I've been waiting all night for this one!

"Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle hit and the crowd cheered as Rated RKO headed to the ring. Orton looked cold and calculated as he made his way down the ramp, while Edge had a confident smile on his face. When the two men had entered the ring, "Superhuman" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Baron Corbin stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Robbie Brookside. Upon entering the ring, Corbin locked eyes with Orton, trying to intimidate him, but Orton stared back at him, refusing to show any fear.

Joey Styles: You can already feel the tension between the Lone Wolf and the Viper, Corey. I'm expecting a collision between these two superstars!

The referee stood between Corbin and Rated RKO, making sure there was no trouble before the start of the match. "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the Calgary crowd went wild as Sami Zayn walked out. As Zayn headed down the ramp, the Scotiabank Saddledome sang along to his music.

Joey Styles: Well, Sami Zayn might have grown up on the other side of Canada, but he certainly seems to be popular here in Calgary!

Corey Graves: It's Sami Zayn, Joey... he's universally popular! He's one of the most likeable superstars I've ever met, it's a little annoying actually.

Upon entering the ring, Zayn slapped Corbin on the back. Corbin looked at him, and both superstars seemed uncertain of one another. The referee called for the bell and Corbin and Orton moved to the ring apron.

Joey Styles: To the delight of the crowd, the two Canadian natives will be starting this match!

Zayn and Edge nodded respectfully at one another, then locked up. Zayn took Edge down to the mat with a headlock, but Edge broke out of it and both men got to their feet. They locked up once more and this time Edge got behind Zayn, applying a hammerlock. Zayn fought out of it, then turned around and whipped Edge against the ropes. Zayn went for a clothesline, but Edge ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, and took Zayn down with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Edge hit Zayn with a bridging northern lights suplex, covering him. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Edge pulled Zayn to his feet and hit him with a series of punches, then went to whip him against the ropes. Zayn reversed the Irish whip, sending Edge into the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Zayn got behind Edge, lifting him up for a bridging German suplex. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Great back and forth action so far in this match!

As Zayn got to his feet, Corbin slapped him on the back, tagging himself in. The crowd booed, but Zayn shrugged, moving onto the ring apron. Corbin stomped on Edge repeatedly, then pulled him to his feet and lifted him up, hitting a front suplex slam. Edge got back to his feet and Corbin went for a big boot, but Edge ducked out of the way, then grabbed Corbin from behind and hit the Edge-o-matic. As Corbin sat up, Edge applied a sleeper hold, but Corbin fought out of it and both men got to their feet. They exchanged right hands back and forth, but Corbin was able to overpower Edge. After hitting Edge with a series of punches in quick succession, Corbin lifted him up, hitting the Deep Six! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Corbin looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and after punching Edge repeatedly against the ring mat, he pulled him to his feet and threw him against the ropes. As Edge ran back towards him, Corbin went for the End of Days... but Edge countered with a DDT!

Joey Styles: Great counter by Edge! That could have been it right there!

Edge crawled towards the corner, and tagged in Randy Orton. Orton entered the ring, and as Corbin got to his feet, Orton pummelled him with several punches in quick succession, knocking him back with a European uppercut. Orton then grabbed Corbin, hitting an inverted headlock backbreaker. Corbin rolled towards the edge of the ring, but before he could exit the ring Orton grabbed him, pulling him through the ropes and hitting an elevated DDT. Corbin looked dazed, and Orton began pounding the mat, signalling for the RKO. Corbin got to his feet... and Orton hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Zayn interrupted the count!

Corey Graves: Sami Zayn gets there just in time!

Edge entered the ring and went after Zayn, but the referee intervened and ordered both superstars out of the ring. The melee allowed Corbin time to recover, and as Orton pulled him to his feet and set him up for a belly-to-belly suplex, Corbin blocked it, then hit Orton with a headbutt. Orton staggered backwards, and Corbin took him down with a big boot. Corbin then ran against the ropes, going for a running leg drop, but as he did so, Sami Zayn tagged himself into the ring. After Corbin hit the leg drop, Zayn went to the top rope. He hit Orton with a Swanton Bomb, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... Orton kicked out! As Corbin exited the ring, Zayn pulled Orton to his feet. He hit Orton with a series of right hands, then went for an exploder suplex. Orton blocked it, countering with an exploder suplex of his own. Both men got to their feet, and Orton went for an RKO... but Zayn blocked it, then hit the Blue Thunder Bomb! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Orton kicked out!

Joey Styles: So close to a three count! What is it going to take to end this match!

Both men got to their feet and Zayn went for a reverse STO, but Orton blocked it, then hit a swinging neckbreaker. After stomping on Zayn repeatedly, Orton hit a leaping knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Orton pulled Zayn to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a snap scoop powerslam. Orton signalled for the RKO, but Corbin entered the ring, attacking him from behind. Edge then intervened, charging towards Corbin and taking him out with a Spear! As Edge got to his feet, Zayn grabbed him from behind, hitting the half and half suplex. Edge and Corbin both rolled out of the ring, and Zayn turned his attention to Randy Orton. Orton hit Zayn with a kick to the midsection, then tried to set him up for a gutwrench elevated neckbreaker, but Zayn broke out of it, and hit an exploder suplex into the corner. As Orton struggled to his feet, Zayn charged towards him, hitting the Helluva Kick! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: I can't believe it! Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin just beat Rated RKO!

Joey Styles: They didn't do the best job of working together, Corey, but they did enough, and that's what counts!

Corbin re-entered the ring, and he and Zayn both celebrated as Warfare went off the air.