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Warfare Results 7/25/2016

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:22 pm
by Ashlee

Warfare started with the triple threat match that would determine the finalists in the Tag Team Classic tournament.

The match ended when Shinsuke Nakamura hit the Bomaye on Bray Wyatt and took the pin for the victory.


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got "Reborn" Matt Sydal as he takes on Alex Shelley!

Sydal came to the ring first, followed by Alex Shelley. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Shelley went for a clothesline, but Sydal ducked out of the way and hit Shelley with an enzuigiri. Sydal then whipped Shelley against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sydal hit a cradle suplex, then followed it up with a standing moonsault. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start from Matt Sydal!

Sydal pulled Shelley to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then sat him on the turnbuckle, setting him up for a frankensteiner, but Shelley fought back, countering with a tornado DDT. Shelley stomped on Sydal several times, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Sydal blocked it, then countered with a belly-to-belly suplex. Sydal moved onto the ring apron, before hitting Shelley with a springboard 450 splash!

Joey Styles: Matt Sydal shows off his high-flying prowess once again! This could be it, Corey!

Sydal hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Shelley kicked out! Sydal pulled Shelley to his feet, then went to whip him against the ropes, but Shelley reversed it, sending Sydal into the ropes. As Sydal ran back towards him, Shelley kicked him hard in the midsection, then lifted him up, hitting a strait jacket scoop brainbuster.

Corey Graves: It Came From Japan!

Shelley made the cover – 1... 2... kickout! Shelley got to his feet and stomped on Sydal repeatedly, then dragged Sydal to his feet and set him up for the Sliced Bread #2. Shelley ran towards the corner, but Sydal broke free and shoved Shelley into the turnbuckle. Shelley hit the turnbuckle hard and stepped back, clutching his chest. Sydal took full advantage, hitting a half nelson suplex then going to the top rope. Sydal went for the Shooting Sydal Press... and hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Matt Sydal gets the victory!

Sydal celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


The show cut to the back with Renee Young standing outside a locker room, she picked up the mic and knocked on the door.

Renee Young: ”Thanks Corey, I'm here outside the locker room of the newest Superstar to join the EBWF Universe!"

The door opened and revealed….

RVD! Rob Van Dam!

RVD: ”Woah, who are you?"

Renee Young: ”I’m Renee Young, I do the interviews and stuff for EBWF. I was hoping to ask you a question or two.”

Rob folded his arms and smiled.

RVD: ”Alright Remee, You wanna ask Mr. Monday Night a few questions? Sure, hit me."

Renee Young: ”Its Renee...anyway, more to the point. How does it feel to be in EBWF right now?"

RVD: ”You know, I was at my gym just hanging about and I switched on the TV to see my old pal Raven get his ass kicked and I thought, 'Hey, I could do that. If Raven can supposedly do it, anyone can really' So I told Sonya that I wanted to get back in the ring and she was all for it. Called up JR and told him I wanted in and he said that I would be perfect for EBWF and they need someone like me I am. Isn’t that awesome?"

Renee Young: ”Uhhh, Yeah! It sure is Rob, listen is there anything you'd like to say to the other guys in the locker room?"

RVD: ”Of course. Look, I cant wait to work with all of you guys, from the guys I’ve never worked with like Jimmy Havoc and Chuck Taylor to my old stomping buddies like Raven and Jack. There's only one thing for sure though, when I go to that top rope and hit that Five Star Frog Splash, no-ones getting up from that."

Rob went to walk away and seemed to remember something and turned back.

RVD: ”I almost forgot something, gotta get my schtick in..."

Rob cleared his throat.

RVD: ”No-one gets higher than...ROB...VAN...DAM!"

Rob did the RVD pose, smiled at Renee and shut his door.


Rollins and Havoc were in control for a couple of minutes early on. Then Sami and Corbin took over. Zayn did a slingshot elbow while Corbin held him in a backbreaker position. Some quick tags let Zayn and Corbin continue to switch out as they worked over Rollins. Then Rollins created space with a kick to the head on Zayn and a kick to Corbin as well. Jimmy got the hot tag, kicks for both and electric chair dropped both guys as well. Jimmy followed up with a running hip attack in the corner for two as Zayn made the save. Zayn kicked Rollins out of the ring. Jimmy kicked him and Zayn got a nearfall with a DDT. Rollins put Zayn on his shoulders, Jimmy went up top and Corbin saved his partner. Jimmy with a cross body off the top took out both guys. Corbin with a big kicked knocked Jimmy to the floor. Jimmy came back with a superkick on Zayn as well. Jimmy went up top, Corbin grabbed his leg. Rollins distracted Corbin while Havoc followed up with a crossbody, cradling Corbin for the win.


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, Raven was on his way to the ring for the next match. Once Raven had entered the ring, "Trenches" by Pop Evil hit and the crowd booed as Roman Reigns made his way to the ring, accompanied by Paul Heyman.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Still to come, The Miz takes on Enzo Amore in our main event, but first, Roman Reigns takes on the veteran superstar, Raven.

Upon entering the ring, Reigns gave Raven a cold, hard stare. The referee called for the bell and Raven charged towards Reigns, pummelling him with a series of lefts and rights, but Reigns quickly overpowered Raven and threw him into the turnbuckle. Reigns hit Raven with multiple corner clotheslines, then pulled him out of the corner and whipped him against the ropes, before lifting him up, hitting a Samoan drop.

Corey Graves: Look at the strength Roman Reigns is showing, Joey. He's tossing Raven around like he's a cruiserweight!

Reigns got to his feet and stomped on Raven several times, then pulled Raven to his feet and hit him with a stiff uppercut. Raven staggered backwards and Reigns whipped him against the ropes once more, this time hitting a tilt-a-whirl slam. Raven got to his feet and Reigns jumped up, hitting him with the Superman punch! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Roman has dominated this match so far... he was so close to a three count right there!

Reigns pulled Raven to his feet and set him up for a powerbomb, but Raven countered with a back body drop. As Reigns got to his feet, Raven whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting a corner clothesline. Raven followed it up with a bulldog, before pulling Reigns to his feet and setting him up for the Raven Effect. Reigns fought out of it, pushing Raven against the ropes, before charging towards him and hitting the Spear! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Roman Reigns gets the victory and an impressive performance from the Samoan powerhouse!

Reigns celebrated with Heyman, then the two men made their way to the back as Raven was tended to.


Joey Styles: And now it's time for our main event... the former World Champion The Miz takes on the Certified G, Enzo Amore!

Corey Graves: Enzo and his new tag team partner, Big Cass, were stunned by a loss to Cactus Jack and Doink the Clown last week. Enzo will be hoping for a return to winning ways tonight... he's beaten The Miz before, can he do it again?

"Party Up" by DMX hit and the crowd cheered as Enzo and Cass headed to the ring. Once Enzo was in the ring, "I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and the cheers quickly turned to jeers as The Miz made his way to the ring, accompanied by Alex Riley. As Miz entered the ring, Big Cass pointed at Alex Riley and said something, presumably warning Riley that there would be consequences if he tried to get involved in the match. The referee called for the bell and Enzo and Miz began circling the ring. The two men locked up and Enzo went for a headlock, but Miz fought out of it, then whipped Enzo into the ropes. As Enzo ran back towards him, Miz went for a clothesline, but Enzo ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Miz down with a running crossbody. Both men got to their feet and Enzo hit Miz with a series of punches, before hitting a kick to the midsection and setting Miz up for a suplex. Enzo lifted up The Miz... but Miz countered with a neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Great counter by The Miz!

Miz pulled Enzo to his feet and hit him with a series of right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Miz ran at Enzo, hitting the corner clothesline! Enzo staggered out of the corner and Miz grabbed him, hitting a snapmare driver. Miz hooked the leg once more - 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Another near fall! Miz is close to getting the three count, but Enzo won't quit!

Miz tried to pull Enzo to his feet, but Enzo rolled him up in a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Enzo took Miz down with a Russian legsweep, then stomped on him repeatedly, trying to keep Miz grounded. Enzo pulled Miz to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, setting him up for a tornado DDT. Miz fought back, hitting Enzo with multiple punches to the midsection. Miz then climbed the turnbuckles and lifted Enzo up, hitting a superplex. Both men were down for several seconds, they then slowly got to their feet. Enzo ran at Miz, going for a clothesline, but Miz ducked out of the way and grabbed Enzo from behind, hitting the Skull Crushing Finale!

Joey Styles: Skull Crushing Finale out of nowhere... this could be it!

Miz hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Miz's arm in victory. Alex Riley entered the ring and celebrated with Miz, while Big Cass pulled Enzo out of the ring and helped him to the back.