Only a Matter of Time...

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Only a Matter of Time...

Post by Sami »

Backstage in a promo mode, Jay Lethal is in a talking head shot with the EBWF camera crew.

He breathes in methodically, and out. "July 31st 2016 should be a great day for EBFW, not for me, but the company and its fans. If you haven't yet seen on the site or social media or even from word-of-mouth, Jay Lethal will be in a four-way match to determine the number one contendership for the Breakout Championship. It's magnificent, especially for you. You see, America is in a cross roads right now with all the political nonesense in the air, this company is very similar."

"It's similarities can be seen to the naked eye, hell I'm sure even a high-as-a-kite Matt Sydal could see it. I'm very much like a Hilary, straightjawed, lies very often, cheats to get what I want, but is logically the right person for the job. Jimmy Havoc is a dangerous, sociopath who says things that are irrelevant to his work, says things that is absolutely insane and also doesn't care. Havoc, much like the man I'm referring to, has had a real easy road to where he is and is now somehow loved by lots of people. I on the other hand will have to go through three other men, the aformentioned Matt Sydal, the tall and useless Baron Corbin who has a history with Havoc and a leftover, Karl Anderson. I'll have to go through them all, but I'm not worried. I can take them, Sydal flies but he'll hit that mat harder than any highs, Corbin is a tall guy but what happens when his legs fall? and Karl Anderson, well I'm unsure to be honest, but I know it won't be pretty for him."

"I don't worry about the road to the inevitable, I just care for that final stop. Jimmy Havoc, James, I'm a fan of yours, I truly am. But the fact is, I'm one of those guys who loves to wrestle the people I admire, it gives me a chance to prove something to myself. That no matter how good I think you are, I know I'm better. I'm the greatest wrestler this company has ever seen, let's face it why would the EBWF want somebody like you holding their championship? The way you look doesn't fit the bill, I'm sure the fans want the truth. They want a guy holding that belt that looks like a champion, a guy like Jay Lethal."

He looks down for a few moments before staring into the camera, "Jimmy! I'm coming for that belt, I don't care who I go through. You're going to have to face it, when we eventually square off in that ring, my ring, it's going to end very badly. You're either going to get a Lethal Injection and defeated in that ring, or I'm going to have a bloody, ultraviolent death inside there, because trust me when I say I won't let somebody like you defeat somebody like me....It's only a matter of time."
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Juan Ramirez
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Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:10 am

Re: Only a Matter of Time...

Post by Juan Ramirez »

I love the attitude you portray Jay Lethal with.

Sorry about no showing last week, I had this RP planned where Chuck Taylor got cornrows and cried because he looked hideous in them, but then I had a small injury and couldn't make it in time to write.

This is very entertaining and I hope we all get to read more of Mr. Lethal from you.