
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Ben M
Posts: 1191
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
Location: UK


Post by Ben M »

The scene in a private gym. In the centre of the shot was an old photograph of one of the EBWF's newest female superstars, Charlotte. The image was one of Charlotte in a wrestling ring, her arm raised in victory. It appeared to be around three years old. The camera panned out, revealing Charlotte, who was looking at the photo.

Charlotte: June 19th, 2013. After almost a year of competing in tag matches and battle royals, I got my first singles victory as a professional wrestler. It seems strange to me when I think about it, reminding myself that I've only been doing this for three years. It feels like a lot longer. But what's even stranger is knowing that my opponent tonight, Eva Marie, has been wrestling almost as long as I have. You wouldn't think it to look at us, would you? I don't want to disrespect Eva, but to anyone who knows anything about this business, it's obvious who the superior talent is. I considered becoming a professional wrestler for years before I decided to go for it; I was so afraid of being in my father's shadow. But eventually I realised that I couldn't carry on living in fear. I had to bite the bullet, and take the chance. Since then, I haven’t looked back, and here I am now, in the biggest wrestling company in the world. Now that I've made it here, I don't ever want to leave. And the best thing about it all? I know I got to where I am because of my hard work, not because of who I am or because anyone else put a good word in for me. Can you say the same, Eva? Because from what I know about you, it seems like you're more interested in being a reality TV star than becoming a professional wrestler. The only reason you've achieved anything in the EBWF is because you've had the help of your fellow "Mean Girls", Sasha and Summer. Well tonight, Eva, no one else can help you. It's going to be you and me, one on one... and that's when I'll show you how hungry I am to succeed in this business.

Charlotte walked away and the screen faded.