
This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Ian B
Posts: 65
Joined: Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:23 am


Post by Ian B »

The scene opens on a close shot of Baron Corbin. He is sat cross legged outside a tent in what appears to be on the edge of a wooded area. Corbin is wearing a black hoodie with an over sized The Broken tee over the top.

Corbin: A couple of weeks ago the EBWF knew me as the Lone Wolf. That is no longer the case. I was a broken man, my mind was in need of healing. I am still broken, still a work in progress. So what is it that I need to make me whole? I am on a journey of self discovery. The destination? In truth I don't know the answer to that one. All I have been told by my mentor Jimmy Havoc is that I need to purge the parts of me that are like a Lone Wolf. What better place than in the middle of a wolf den to teach me a valuable lesson. That's the theory or so I'm told.

Corbin shifts his position slightly, he shuffles forward in the cross legged position and inches near what appears to be the remainder of a fire pit. A glimmer appears in Baron's eye.

Corbin: Truth be told I know jack shit about surviving on my own. I wasn't into living a humble life, this is the 21st Century, a time when anything is available within seconds. I never saw the point in compromise. I was never the type for building character either, at least not until Jimmy has redirected my attention. I'm not going to lie, this exercise seems pointless but I have faith that Jimmy knows best. Scratch that, faith is born from believing without seeing. I have already shown with my actions that allowing yourself to be part of the broken is the path to redemption.

Corbin stands and begins to walk around a little. He gathers a few large stones from the nearby area and arranges them as he continues to speak.

Corbin: I have spent the last few months after being at EBWF in survival mode. I've moved from one match to the next without much of a purpose. No longer! I have a clear goal now. WE have a goal. Outright domination for the broken is how it is going to be from here on out. The next people who are going to suffer my wrath are Syxx and The Miz. These two have been around the scene and the business in general a lot longer than I have. There are a lot of reasons I need to be on my guard at Summerslam. Allow me to get a little off my chest. Syxx, while it's on my mind - I swear I read rumors that you were looking to retire, is that true? Well, if it was something you were considering perhaps I will make the decision easier at Summerslam.

Corbin now begins getting small branches and arranging them into a firepit in the centre of the gathered stones.

Corbin: I have recently terminated one old timer, Syxx. I see no reason why I can't leave your body broken and battered just like The Broken left Robbie Brookside. Summerslam is going to be the place for The Broken to mark their territory and display their dominance. I have every faith - there's that word again. I have every faith that Seth Rollins is going to walk out with the IC belt and it is my job to step on anybody who then wants to step up and take that belt. The Broken is an organism that is in it's infancy but much like each of it's members The Broken will grow to be a machine with all the power in the EBWF. Factions have exsisted in the wrestling industry for a long time, you know all about that subject since you were a part of many of the most influential factions but you have never seen anything like this, like us. I, Baron Corbin will not stop until I've taken on the world and won. Each and every member of our broken brotherhood is driven to succeed.

At this point Corbin finishes stacking his fire pit. He seems satisfied so sits back down

Corbin: As for Miz, if you and your little errand boy want to think you're a shoe in for a title shot too? You are going to fare badly when I'm your roadblock and I... am on fire

The glimmer starts again in Corbin's eyes at the mention of fire. He looks around then removes a zippo from his jean pocket and lights his fire. The flames grow quickly and illuminate his face. Corbin watches his handiwork for a short while before returning to his original position of sitting.

Corbin: I am a lone wolf no longer but a focused animal, a part of a savage pack on the hunt for blood, literally. I will be the number one contender for the title that Seth will by then hold and... well, I don't know what the plan is at that point. I guess it will be a case of the best man winning. All I require of you Miz and Syxx is that you don't get in the way of our plans. It's fair to say this is going to be the hottest party of the summer

Corbin crawls into his tent and seconds later returns with a jerry can. He is just about to pour the contents of the can on his already healthy flame when he is interrupted by his mentor Jimmy Havoc spraying out the carefully built fire with an extinguisher.

Havoc: Do you know where you are mate? This is a public campsite you absolute fuckwit! I may be a fucking weirdo but, can you see those kids over there?!

The camera pans out properly for the first time to show that Jimmy is correct, we are actually in the centre of a very bog standard campsite. As Havoc also pointed out there is a cluster of around a dozen child tents flying Christian red yellow and blue flags.

Havoc: Have some god damn respect will you, sure I have my way with people but at the end of the day, those kids probably look up to you. Now stop being a fucking idiot and give me that here.

Corbin hands Havoc the can without question

Havoc: Now crawl back in there and tuck yourself in. You've got a big day tomorrow, we're gonna put you to the test again. You're gonna need the sleep.

Scene fades then reopens the next morning outside of Baron's tent. The zip opens and a half asleep Baron crawls out still in his sleeping bag, as he begins to get himself turned around he notices Jimmy Havoc walking towards the tent wearing the Breakout Title around his waist. Corbin sleepily scratches his head looking confused.

Corbin: How come you look fresh as undriven yellow snow and I feel like shit?

Havoc: What the fuck did you just say to me?

Corbin: Fresh as a daisy? Fresh as a... I don't know the British expression

Jimmy turns his head to the side and approaches Baron.

Havoc: I have been out ensuring that The Broken stay dominant and what have you done? Besides play fucking camp buddies?

Corbin puts his hands in front of him palms out in mock protest

Corbin: Woah, I thought I needed caffeine in the morning. You're a serious grouch first thing. What are we doing today? Am I going to need a change of clothes and a hot shower again?

Havoc smiles as Corbin mocks him, he picks up a gasoline can and hands it to Baron.

Havoc: You like fire right? Torch it, then come with me.

Corbin takes the can and pours out most of it's content on the pre built fire. Corbin removes his light and lights the flame. He stands and and admires the flames for a second before circling around and throwing more fuel at the fire and smiling sadistically.

Corbin: That was fun. Guessing the next part, not so much?

Havoc begins to walk away. Corbin falls in line behind him

Jimmy: Oh, its going to be fun for me. You're driving by the way.

Havoc throws Corbin a set of keys. The men walk for a while before approaching a fairly non descript navy blue ford focus and climb in. The scene fades for a second as Corbin peels away

Corbin: Where are we going?

We reopen shortly later outside a gym.

Corbin: This is the place I used to come with...

Corbin catches himself before he says the name that is sure to piss Havoc off

Corbin: I've been here before

Jimmy: Yes, you know this fairly well right? See when I say you have to let go of things. This, this is one of them. You are a slave to fitness and building your outside shell whilst I need you to build your inner self before anything else. So come on, I've got a surprise for you.

The men push through the door, the lady behind the receptionist desk greets Baron by name, Baron looks at the Jimmy then chooses to ignore the lady and pushes straight through

Corbin: I'm always game for some personal development

Jimmy walks into the main area of the gym with Baron in tow. The doors open up and you find out it is completely empty.

Jimmy: Booked this place all for you, Baron. No-one to disturb us and no interruptions. Tell me, you like that receptionist? Would you say she's good looking?

Corbin: She's definitely my type, I've been working my charms on that one for weeks

Havoc: Perfect! I didn't have time to grab anyone. Tie her up, get her one of these, urm...machines. I'm going to find another.

Corbin looks unsure of this instruction but he does as he is told. The camera follows Baron as he walks into the reception area.

Corbin: Nadine, beautiful, there's a problem with the rowing machine

Nadine: I'll let the maintenance guys know.

Corbin: This is a very special problem that I think you'd be... uniquely equipped to help with. Do a guy a favor?

Nadine thinks this over for a second but agree. She gets up from behind the desk and walks beside Baron. Corbin opens the door just a crack and peeks inside.

Corbin: Ladies first

Nadine begins to walk through the door, she squeals but Baron grabs her and pushes her through the door. Baron forces Nadine to the rowing machine and provocatively lays her down on it. He wraps her hands and wrists around the machine using duct tape. He leans over her and very creepily kisses her on the forehead. Havoc bursts through the door with a rather skinny, shriveled up man. He hands him to Baron and looks in disgust, he wipes his hands on his jacket.

Jimmy: Tie him up too, he was a fighter that one, he's only knocked out.

Jimmy watches as Baron ties up the man on a separate rowing machine, smiling he pulls out a knife out of his back pocket. The knife is silver and in pristine condition, he plays about with it until..

Jimmy: This is my best knife you know, I call it Margaret. Shes a beauty isn't she?

He motions to hand Baron the knife.

Jimmy: The task is simple, the lady is a Primadonna, she only cares about her looks and what she does to make sure she looks good. I mean, come on, who wears that for a receptionist job?! Oh, and him, he's a bum, addicted to drugs and everything in between. You've probably made the connection, Miz and Syxx. Kill them, slowly and tell me how you're going to do it and why.

Corbin: Slowly you say?

Corbin circles his two future victims examining each. Eventually he stands beside the man

Corbin: A slow painful death is still a blessing when you are a lost soul like this one. Syxx is a shell of his former self. Glorious once perhaps but let's be honest, often hated. How do you end the life of one who has brought himself so close to destruction through his own action?

Corbin examines the mans arm, it is covered in needle marks. Corbin takes the blade and bores a hole into the mans flesh.

Corbin: Syxx, you are self destruction waiting to happen, a junkie, reformed or otherwise. Either way you are worthless and will be disposed of in a fashion befitting you. I will put you out of your misery permanently if you ask nicely enough.

Corbin takes the blade and slits the man's throat.

Havoc nods and takes a long deep breath as if the death of a human somehow speaks to him.

Havoc: Very good, what about her?

Corbin turns his head to Nadine.

Corbin: Miz, you are a very different matter. Your vanity and self belief are what has kept you relevant all this time but it is also your biggest downfall ask yourself. What is a pretty boy if you make him less pretty? The answer is - a boy - just a boy, one who needs schooling.

Corbin takes the blade and presses it against the face of Nadine. She screams, Corbin slaps her around the face and she goes quiet.

Corbin: Miz, you have such a big mouth but I have an answer for that too.

Corbin places the blade inside Nadine's mouth and cuts into the cheeks giving her a false 'Chelsea' smile

Corbin: You and Riley may have seen a lot of thing in your time here but you have not seen anything like me. I am an animal and I am going to unleash my blend of violence on that face of yours.

Corbin plays with the blade in his hand unsure how to act next

Corbin: You know what, I like this girl. Can't we keep her?

Havoc walks over to Corbin ripping the knife out of Corbin's hand, not caring for any cuts Corbin might get. He looks at Corbin and smiles.

Jimmy: Don't you ever fucking question me again.

Jimmy lunges at the woman and slices her throat, he watches as the blood pours out and hands the knife to Corbin.

Jimmy: Keep the knife, think of it as a gift and heed my fucking warning. Next time, you'll be the one getting that knife in your throat, okay? Clean this place up, leave no evidence.

Jimmy walks out of the gym whistling, not looking back until he's out the door. Baron begins his task. He walks over to Nadine's and picks up her lifeless body and slings it over his shoulder. A blood spattered Corbin walks closer to the camera.

Corbin: You got me in trouble Miz, I'm going to make you pay for that.

End scene