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Warfare Results 09/06/2016

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:57 pm
by Ashlee

Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! We are live from Nashville, Tennessee as we witness the fallout from Summerslam!

Corey Graves: AJ Styles made a shock return to EBWF this past Sunday, and we'll hear from him later on tonight. We'll also see Kevin Owens return to action as he takes on "The Big Dog", Roman Reigns!

Joey Styles: All that and more later... up first though, we see Timothy Thatcher make his EBWF debut against "Reborn" Matt Sydal!

"Spitfire" by The Prodigy hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as the hard hitting Timothy Thatcher made his way to the ring. When Thatcher had entered the ring, "Basket Case (Instrumental)" by Green Day hit and Matt Sydal also received a mixed reaction as he headed down the ramp. Once both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Sydal ran towards Thatcher and hit him with a series of punches, but Thatcher fought back with some right hands of his own, then hit Sydal with a headbutt. Sydal staggered backwards and Thatcher took him down with a clothesline, then applied a wrist lock. Sydal fought out of it and got to his feet, but Thatcher grabbed him once more, this time applying a hammerlock.

Corey Graves: What an impressive start by Timothy Thatcher... he's not letting Matt Sydal out of his sights!

Thatcher broke the hold and whipped Sydal into the corner, then ran at him, but Sydal got his feet up and kicked Thatcher away. As Thatcher staggered backwards, Sydal went to the top rope. Sydal went for a diving hurricanrana, but Thatcher countered it with a powerbomb, then hooked both legs. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Thatcher pulled Sydal to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, then went for an uppercut. Sydal ducked out of the way, then hit Thatcher with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sydal hit a cradle suplex, then followed it up with a standing moonsault. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Thatcher kicked out!

Joey Styles: Sydal is gaining some momentum now, impressive athleticism from the high flier!

Sydal pulled Thatcher to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a shining wizard. As Thatcher staggered out of the corner, Sydal set him up for the Here We Go Driver, but Thatcher fought out of it and got behind Sydal, hitting a Saito suplex. Thatcher then applied the Fujiwar armbar! Sydal cried out in pain, but he was able to get his foot on the ropes and the referee forced Thatcher to break the hold. Sydal got to his feet and Thatcher lifted him up for a back drop, then hit a European uppercut.

Corey Graves: What an uppercut! Matt Sydal might have been knocked out cold!

Thatcher stood over the fallen Sydal, then applied the Thatcher Stretch! This time, Sydal was unable to get to the ropes, and he tapped out. The referee called for the bell, then raised Thatcher's arm in victory.

Joey Styles: Timothy Thatcher marks his EBWF debut with a victory!


"Cool" by Jim Johnston hit and Carlito made his way to the ring for the next match. The Caribbean superstar carried an apple with him in his hand as he walked down the ramp.

Joey Styles: And here comes Carlito, who goes one on one with the debuting Sheamus tonight. No doubt he's planning to spit that apple in the Celtic Warrior's face...

Corey Graves: You don't know that, Joey! Maybe Carlito just wants a pre-match snack!

Carlito placed the apple underneath the turnbuckle as he entered the ring, then awaited the arrival of his opponent. "Written in My Face" by Sean Jenness and Jim Johnston his, and Sheamus stepped out onto the stage. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Sheamus looked at the apple Carlito had brought with him, and smiled. Upon entering the ring, Sheamus stood between Carlito and the apple. The referee called for the bell and Sheamus pointed at the apple, challenging Carlito to get past him and spit the apple in his face. Carlito shrugged, acting as if he wasn't interested in the apple, then tried to catch Sheamus off guard, swinging a right hand at him. Sheamus was ready for it, and he blocked the right hand, then fought back with some right hands of his own. Sheamus whipped Carlito against the ropes, then took him down with a powerslam. Carlito got to his feet, and Sheamus dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Sheamus punched Carlito in the corner several times, then stepped back, running at Carlito and hitting a knee strike to the midsection. Carlito staggered out of the corner and Sheamus lifted him over his shoulders, hitting the White Noise. Sheamus hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A dominant start by Sheamus!

Sheamus got to his feet and stomped on Carlito several times, but Carlito rolled out of the way then exited the ring. Sheamus exited the ring and went after Carlito, but Carlito grabbed him, throwing Sheamus into the ringside barrier. Carlito punched Sheamus against the barrier several times, then threw him into the ring steps. Carlito hit a running knee, slamming Sheamus' head against the steel steps once more, then picked him up and rolled him back into the ring. Carlito hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Clever strategy there from Carlito... he can't outstrength Sheamus, but he sure can outsmart him!

Carlito got to his feet and stomped on Sheamus several times, then sat him up and applied a sleeper hold. Sheamus fought out of it, and both men got to their feet. Sheamus hit Carlito with a kick to the midsection, then set him up for a suplex... but Carlito blocked it, and countered with a jawbreaker. Sheamus went for a clothesline, but Carlito ducked out of the way and got behind Sheamus, hitting the Back Stabber! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Carlito gets the victory.

As the referee called for the bell, Carlito went to the corner, grabbing the apple he had placed underneath the turnbuckle. He stood over Sheamus, ready to spit the apple in his face, but as he went to take a bite out of the apple, Sheamus sat up and glared at Carlito. Carlito was momentarily stunned, and Sheamus quickly got to his feet, slapping the apple out of Carlito's hand. Sheamus then grabbed Carlito and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting the Brogue Kick! Sheamus exited the ring and made his way up the ramp as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returns from commercial, “The Broken” by Lit echoed throughout the arena. Boo’s filed in from the crowd as Jimmy Havoc, Seth Rollins and Baron Corbin made their way out of the curtain. The three men stood at the top of the ramp as Jimmy and Seth smiled and lifted up their titles. They began to walk down the ramp with a smug attitude, Seth did his usual nasal-like laugh at the crowd booing them. Jimmy walked up to a crowd member next to the ramp who was booing him heavily and give him a middle finger right in his face and laughed whilst Baron just looked tough. The three men got into the ring and each grabbed a microphone each. Jimmy stood in the middle, Seth to his right and Baron to his left all facing the hard camera. Jimmy stepped forward and leaned onto the ropes staring directly into the camera.

Jimmy Havoc: I said it on social media and I’ll say it again… Do we have your attention now?

Jimmy took a step back and opened his arms wide stretching across Seth and Corbin as Seth laughed again and Baron raised a smug smile.

Jimmy: But first, let me introduce you to The Broken. To my right, my literal right hand man, The Man! The newly crowned Intercontinental Champion and one half of the Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins!

Seth did that cocky grin of his as he lifted up his championships once more.

Jimmy: To my left, The Big Man, my protégé, the newest member of The Broken and the #1 Contender to the Intercontinental Championship. Baron Corbin!

Baron stepped forward and stood chin high, letting the boo’s soak in.

Jimmy: And who am i? You all pretty much know by now. My name is Jimmy Havoc, I am one half of the new Tag Team Champions and STILL your Breakout Champion! Thank you very much!

All 3 men allowed the boo’s to soak in for a few seconds as Jimmy stepped back and Seth stepped forward

Seth: Speaking of “thank you”, you’re welcome, EBWF fans and management for saving your dying tag team division and for ridding the Intercontinental Championship of a sewer rat like Enzo Amore. The Broken now hold three championships and one contendership, so even in the off chance that I lose this championship, Corbin over there could hold it for a bit.

Seth looked at Baron Corbin, and smirked, before facing the hard camera.

Seth: Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind it all that much, makes going through airports easier. But let’s be real, you guys, big boy Baron, as good as he might one day be, he’s just not there yet, there’s no way he’s taking this from me.
Baron takes a deep breath and smiles with his tongue in his cheek and points at Seth whilst laughing.

Baron: As good as I might be one day? That day is coming sooner than you think Rollins. If you're expecting an easy contest when we face each other, if are looking for me to lay down and die then you've clearly not been paying attention. I will hold a belt when I'm good and ready, you know who got me prepared for this? Jimmy did.

Baron pointed to Havoc with his thumb. Jimmy got between the two.

Jimmy: Now come on boys. I think we can all agree we got where we are together, not on our own. If anything, I just see this as a friendly competition between the two of you.

Jimmy turned to Baron.

Jimmy: Now you, you have to know I won't be there for you in that match. This will be your first big test my son, you will have to prove to me AND Seth you deserve this.

Jimmy turned to Seth.

Jimmy: Do me a favour though yeah? Don’t go easy on him, he’s a big lad and I think he’s got it, he just needs to apply himself.

Jimmy laughed to himself and turned to the camera.

Jimmy: Now enough of that, let's count how many people fell to The Broken… Karl Anderson, Enzo Amore, The Dudley Boyz, The Miz and Syxx! Now, to be honest, that’s a pretty good feat, there's some future legends and guaranteed Hall of Famers in there but they just weren't enough to beat the three of us. We know who Seth’s opponent will be but, who else is going to step up and face us?

All 3 men looked towards the rampway, as if they were waiting for someone.

Jimmy: This is normally the part where someone with big boy pants thinks he’s man enough to come out but as you can tell, no-one has the balls to challenge us.

Jimmy laughed once more as he looks at Seth.

Seth: Even if they did have the balls to challenge us, the result would be the same. So, if anyone wants to step up, anyone, even RVD as soon as he pays his fine, we’d be more than happy to show why we are carrying this place.

Jimmy looked to Baron and motioned him to wrap it up.

Baron: There isn't a force on this planet that could hope to wreck what we have started. There is nothing going to stand in our paths to outright domination. Not titles or women or management. The broken is an ideal greater than any other. These are early days but every person at the show, all of you watching at home, and to the boys and girls in the path. The sooner you accept something the easier your lives will be. You can’t break The Broken.

Seth and Baron threw their mic’s down as they left the ring followed by Jimmy. They got up the rampway as a camera followed them, Jimmy turned to the camera.

Jimmy: Oh, actually. Just wanna give a quick shout out to a few friends of mine. Miz, Jericho, Sydal. All of you that doubted us and most importantly. Parents Television Council, Fuck You!

Jimmy threw the mic down and looked into the camera and winked

Jimmy: Pay for that one.

Jimmy laughed and motioned to Seth and Baron to follow him, as they left you could hear small chatter.

Jimmy: This one is gonna be harder, she’s lost in her own mind which is what we want but, She’s in there somewhere, it’s now your job to get it out.

Warfare cut to commercial as The Broken left through the curtain.


“Here to Show the World” hit, bringing the arrival of Dolph Ziggler.

Joey Styles: Ziggler had some strong words for EBWF and the administration.

Corey Graves: There’s no telling if he’s going to end up regretting this, but the Miz is certainly looking to put him away here tonight.


“I Came to Play” hit and The Miz came to the ring accompanied by Alex Riley.

Joey Styles: And Miz isn’t alone here tonight.

Miz got into the ring, leaving A. Ri at ringside. Christy Hemme did the ring announcements and the referee rang the bell. Dolph Ziggler started with a shoulder block early and followed with a Lou Thesz Press that Miz quickly broke up. Ziggler looked a little surprised, and Miz tapped the side of his head with his index finger.

Joey Styles: Miz telling Ziggler that he’s been outsmarted.

Corey Graves: You’ve got to think on your toes, Dolph!

Ziggler hit a quick hip toss and repeated elbow drops. Miz caught Ziggler with a big boot. Miz came back with boots to the chest of Ziggler keeping him grounded. Ziggler responded with some chops to the body. Ziggler flew in with an exploding clothesline on Miz from the corner. Ziggler followed up with more clotheslines on Miz, including a corner splash. Ziggler hit a quick neckbreaker and got fired up.

Joey Styles: Ziggler might get the better of Miz here.

Corey Graves: No!

Miz countered the Fameasser, but Ziggler countered, rolling up into a close two count. Ziggler and Miz went over the top rope courtesy of another clothesline from Ziggler. Ziggler sent Miz back first into the barricade and tossed him back in the ring. Riley tripped up Ziggler on his way in and Ziggler dropped face first off the ring apron. Ziggler jawed at Riley, and Miz charged him. Ziggler caught Miz with a superkick, and went for the pin. Miz got a shoulder up after two. Miz put the Figure Four lock on. Ziggler got a shoulder up when he fell to his back in the submission. Ziggler was reaching and pulling himself to the bottom rope. Ziggler got to the bottom rope to break the submission. Ziggler hit the Fameasser, and went for the pin, Miz kicked out! Ziggler was shocked. Ziggler turned to ask the referee how many that was, and he stumbled right into the SCF!

Corey Graves: Skull Crushing Finale!

Joey Styles: That could do it!

Miz went for the pin.




Corey Graves: And the Miz gets the victory here over Dolph Ziggler tonight!


After Warfare returned from commercial, the cameras opened up with Corey Graves and Joey Styles ringside at the announce table.

Joey Styles: Welcome back, EBWF fans! As most of you witnessed at SummerSlam, Randy Orton was unsuccessful in his bid to claim the Path to Glory Championship. Ever since then, there have been rumors swirling that perhaps Randy Orton is finished with the company. We now join Justin Roberts backstage for an interview with Randy Orton, who has requested this time to talk about his future in the EBWF.

The cameras faded to backstage on to a locker room door with Randy's RKO logo on the front. The door was slightly ajar, and a shoe could be seen on the ground through the opening.

Corey Graves: What is going on? Where's Justin Roberts?!

The camera man reached out with his free hand and pushed the door open. Justin Roberts was laying on the ground, face down and laying atop a pile of wooden rubble that used to be a locker room bench.

Joey Styles: What the... Justin Roberts is unconscious! Someone get some medical help!

Medical trainers swarmed the room as chaos ensued. The medical staff tended to Roberts and attempted to wake him up as the cameras returned to ringside for the next match.


Kevin Owens was out to the ring first and the crowd was behind him, cheering. Roman Reigns was out next and the crowd gave a bit more of a mixed reaction for the big dog.

Joey Styles: I don’t even know what to make of Roman Reigns.

Corey Graves: You’re telling me. Not to mention it seems that Kevin Owens had turned over a new leaf.

After Christy Hemme’s introductions, Roman and Kevin went nose to nose before the bell rang, and they locked up. Kevin got a headlock, but Roman pushed him off the rope and they bumped into each other. Roman put on a headlock, and Kevin pushed him off the rope before they bumped into each other again, clearly neither man giving way. Kevin put on yet another headlock, pushed off the ropes, and this time Roman shoulder blocked Kevin down, forcing KO to roll out of the ring to catch a breather. He came back into the ring, but was met with offense by Reigns before being taken down with a neck breaker.

Joey Styles: Roman Reigns in control here.

Roman hit a hard kick to Kevin’s face before picking him up. He threw him into the corner, and dropped Owens with a back suplex. Kevin went to the ropes as Roman picked him up, but Owens caught him on the rope and knocked Reigns out of the ring. He followed, throwing Reigns into the barricade before slamming him again. Kevin went for the cover for a near fall. Owens went for another cover and a near fall before working on Roman some more. He laid into Roman, but was shoved into the corner as Roman hit a series of punches and a big boot to Owens for the cover and another near fall. Roman picked Kevin up, but it was countered into a back body drop and a kick to the face for a near fall by Owens.

Corey Graves: Owens getting back some momentum.

In the corner, Kevin hit a hard arm and went for the corner cannonball, but instead got a fist to the face and Roman got another cover and near fall! Roman looked for the Superman Punch, but Kevin wisely rolled out of the ring and up the ramp. Roman caught up, throwing him back into the ring…but Kevin managed to hit a German Suplex for the near fall! Owens went for another German, but Roman countered looking for the Samoan Drop, but Kevin got onto the top rope, Roman pulled him down for the superplex. Kevin got to his feet, and Roman hit the Superman Punch!

Joey Styles: This could be it!

Roman took the pin, and got the victory over the returning Kevin Owens.


The capacity crowd was still on the edge of their seats from the conclusion of the previous match only to become unglued when the words "I Am Phenomenal" appeared on the large LED screens.

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! He's here!


"Phenomenal" blasted through the speakers as the fans in attendance continued to go hysterical. A hooded AJ Styles emerged from behind the curtain and looked out to the EBWF universe, soaking in the reception for only a moment before throwing his arms out into his signature crucifix pose. He removed his hood to reveal an appreciative smile and proceeded to slapped hands with a few fans as he approached the ring. Fully dressed for competition, Styles entered the ring and hit the ropes before posing again to the delight of the crowd. Styles was given a microphone from the ring announcer and gave a slight nod as they exited the ring. Standing alone in the center of the ring his music faded out only for a very loud "AJ Styles" chant to break out. The former World Champion couldn't help but smile at the reaction of the fans.

Cory Graves: Welcome back AJ Styles!

Styles circled the ring for a few moments enjoying the moment. He couldn't even speak due to the noise.

Joey Styles: The EBWF Universe appears to have really missed this man.

Corey Graves: Of course they do! He hasn't been on Warfare since January! Listen to them!

The "AJ Styles" chant was still strong and only when Styles began to clap the fans simmered down. He spoke with a huge smile on his face.

AJ Styles: Thank you.

The crowd responded with appreciation.

AJ Styles: I been a while... Who am I kidding, it's been a long time. A very long time. Hell, it's been so long I barely recognize this place. So many things have changed around here. Like the commentary team for example. What do you guys think of Corey Graves and Joey Styles?

There was a mixed reaction for the duo.

AJ Styles: I think they miss JR and King. I'm just kidding. Corey is a cool kid. Joey, Thanks for holding down my name and keeping it relevant every week in my absence. I like the change on commentary. Just like I like the change in the locker room. Especially the Women's locker room. These new girls are gonna get me in a whole lotta trouble.

The fans laughed along with Styles due to his nature with female wrestlers.

AJ Styles: The Breakout Division has been hot. The very best up and coming superstars have brung it this year in some of the most entertaining match ups. The Intercontinental Championship has changed hands a few times and the Tag team picture has been very interesting lately. The Broken. Seth Rollins and Jimmy Havoc.

The fans showed their disproval of the tag team, very loudly.

AJ Styles: You don't like them. I don't blame you. Seth's hair incredibly greasy and Jimmy is just... disgusting. They both need showers. But they're new. Not fresh, but new!

The fans were enjoying his playful banter.

AJ Styles: It's been different for the most part. Even the people who work behind the scenes are different nowadays. Someone must've finally convinced Ikeda that change is good. But then again. I'm not so sure about that. Because even though so many things have changed. There are a still a few things that have remained the same. PJ Black, Path to Glory Champion.

The fans booed the daredevil. Styles' smile began to disappear a bit.

AJ Styles: More like the Bathroom Break Champion.

His smile reappeared after his last statement. The fans were in the palm of his hands.

AJ Styles: Let's be honest here. The only other thing that hasn't changed around here is the World Champion, Chris Jericho.

The boos ignited and the crowd instantly became ruckus.

AJ Styles: PJ Black has been so busy tryna steal my shtick he still hasn't gathered up enough courage to get his balls outta his bitch's purse and cash in his championship match. So... That's where I come in. Chris Jericho... You're beginning to crack man. You're beginning to lose your edge. What is it? Fear? Doubt? What is it? It might've surprised everyone. But it didn't surprise me. I seen it coming from a mile a way. Because you're just like me, Chris. Even though you'll hate to admit it. We are both alike. We both want to be the very best in this business and neither of us will let anything get in our way. I admire that Chris. What I don't admire, is the fact you've been dodging me for the entire year. Let me let everyone in on a little secret. The only reason I left is because Chris Jericho refused to give me the rightful Championship match I deserved. Now that he doesn't have a fucking choice in the matter, seeing as he's already beaten everyone there is to beat, why not finally beat me, Chris? How about you finally prove that you're better than the best wrestler in the world? How about you finally step into the ring with me, one on one, for the World Championship, and we settle this once and for all?

The EBWF fans were loving the idea of a match between the two veterans.

AJ Styles: Regardless, Christmas is coming early this year in the EBWF. Because I'm about to save everyone from the gift of Jericho. And trust me when I say it'll be simply... Phenomenal...

Styles dropped the microphone and climbed the top rope as his music began to fill the arena. The crowd cheered for Styles as he pointed out to them acknowledging his love for the fans as Warfare went off the air.