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Mystery Caller

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:03 pm
by Thomas N.

I hope this finds you well. I know the last time we spoke you attempted to hammer into my head that you were just doing your neighborly duty by agreeing to watch after my dog while I was on the road but you know I'm stubborn so that's why I'm sending you this email, also because my therapist said I need to open up more but mostly the first one. My dog is incredibly important to me, he is a pillar of stability in an other wise hectic life. It's nice knowing that no matter how long I've been gone there is someone excited to see me regardless, that kind of unconditional love is hard to come by in this world. I've confided in you before about how hard the split was so I appreciate you caring for Sasha while I try to find a solution. I've talked to my mother and she would be fine with keeping Sasha for the time being but my father isn't much of an animal person I fear the situation is going to be need a bit more convincing. Words can't express how much you are helping me out so when I get back beers on me?

- Tim

I shut the laptop, open up more I thought to my self. What a joke. I pay my therapist a nice chunk so I have someone to open up to and he tells me to open up to other people? Sounds like a scam to me. Although sending Artie an email was a good idea and it's not like anything I wrote wasn't true. Such is the life of someone who follows their passion. Sometimes I wonder to my self if the people in the crowd really know how much we sacrifice. Sure you've got your "smarks" who love to read the dirt sheets, they THINK they know. They read about our drug problems, run ins with the law and backstage fight and that makes them think they understand what this life really is. The cold hard reality is that for most of us this life means low pay, time away from loved ones and nothing but broken bones and torn muscles to show for it. Very few actually make what one could consider a stable living. A paycheck isn't even promised at the end of the night, I don't know how many times I had been screwed over by shady promoters on the indy scene. I guess that's why I busted my ass so hard, honed my craft. I wanted a better life, I wanted a better life for the people I loved. What son doesn't want to pay off his father's house? So, another city and another opponent I thought to my self. Sydal one week, Sheamus the next. Beating Sydal was great and all but it didn't make an impact. You know what does make an impact? Beating a former WWE Champion and showing that out of all the new signings, I was the one to watch. So I'll train like usual, find gym time where I can but I'll bring one thing to the ring with me you can't find in a gym. The one thing that you can only find through failure and that's heart.

Later that day.....

As the camera pulls back we see Thatcher standing straight with one arm behind his back, all while projecting a smug look from his face. Michael Cole stood next to him and raised the mic to his face.

)(Michael Cole)(

Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to grant an exclusive interview. Rumor has it that you are doing some special things in your training sessions. From the outside it would appear you are training for Sheamus harder then you would your average opponent. Are you worried you could pick up your first loss against Sheamus?


My my Mr. Cole, you've proven to be quite the sleuth haven't you? You want the truth? Yeah, I very well could lose to Sheamus. You know his name for a reason, the guy is not a pushover. Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, that is no easy task to accomplish. He is bigger, stronger and faster but the one thing I possess that he doesn't is skill and I'm going to put that skill to good use against Sheamus.

)(Michael Cole)(

Well you certainly have the attention of the fans after your win over Matt Sydal. Do you think that win got the attention of the front office?


I think if it did get their attention we wouldn't be standing here talking about Sheamus. For all the great things I have to say about Sheamus and his work ethic, he isn't the man to beat in the EBWF. Matt Sydal is no push over, he can do things in the ring a lot of men couldn't even dream of attempting, but he was no match for my pure in ring skill. He was no match for the aggression I brought. Let the front office keep putting me in these matches, I'll keep knocking them down. I'll keep going until I get a title shot or there is no one left in front of me, let's find out which one happens first shall we?


Muffled voiced can be heard in the distance. As the camera moves to the corner of a doorway we see it peak around to show the back of Timothy Thatcher inside what appears to be a dressing room. As the camera moves in closer we can make out that Thatcher is having a conversation on the phone.

I get where you are coming from. You don't think I have things going on as well? I've got Sheamus next week, this is a big match. You don't get a win over a guy like this without preparation. Look all I'm saying is that we could do something big here. You see what we are up against right? Okay then, what's the problem? Look....let's get through this week then talk about it. There is no rush, we've got plenty of time before Warfare. Sleep on it and we will talk more tomorrow okay? Alright man, bye.

Thatcher moved the phone away from his ear with a smile on his face as the screen faded to black.