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Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 10:43 pm
by Ashlee
OOC: I don't even know what this mess is. Sorry. lol



The Toyota Center erupted as Carmella came onto the stage in her slim fit parachute pants and white crop top. A leapord print jacket completed her ensemble as she moonwalked across the stage.

Joey Styles: You’re live here on the Destiny pre-show!

Corey Graves: Carmella won her debut matchup at Summerslam, and she’s heading back to the ring tonight to compete for a #1 contendership for the EBWF Women’s Championship.

Joey Styles: She’s got a mic! I love this part, Corey!

Carmella: My name is Carmellllllaaaaa.

She dragged out her name, putting emphasis on the A sound.

Carmella: And I am the Princess of Staten Island. EBWF is about to get fab-

Carmella dipped down, swinging her hips on every syllable.

Carmella: -u-lous. I am the moon walkin’, smack talkin’ chick, always ready to go. So grab your popcorn, I’m about to put on a show. Bada Bing… hottest chick in the ring…

It was at this point Carmella popped up onto the ring apron and hung off the top rope, winking as she did.

Carmella: How you doin’?

The crowd replied with the “How you doin’?” chants.

Carmella: My second match in is tonight, and already I’m one win away from getting a shot at the EBWF Women’s Championship. Now I could start right in on Sasha Banks, and tell yas all about who she is, but I’ll wait until I win tonight.

Let’s face it, this match shouldn’t even be a fatal fourway, because I’ve already beaten Eva Marie, and to tell the truth I’m pretty sure Charlotte and Velvet have too. There’s the real competition, the three of us, me, that walking dumpster fire Charlotte, and the #1 Stunna, Velvet Sky. I don’t even care what Velvet has to say about me. She’s the realest diva in the locker room. I got mad respect for Velvet Sky.

I don’t know what it is about EBWF Divas walking around here thinking they’re queens. Trish Stratus is the Queen Diva. Eva is the Queen of All Red Everything. Charlotte thinks she’s the Queen of EBWF. It’s a lot to digest. Charlotte is behemoth. You think there’d be more talent in such a big package. Tonight I’m going to give it my all. Tonight I’m going to become the #1 contender for the Women’s Championship, and when I do, I’m going to prove to all those ladies in the locker room that I’m simply…

Carmella winked.

Carmella: Fabulous.

Her theme hit again as she dropped the mic and exited the ring, as the announcers hyped the upcoming event.