Warfare Results 10/03/2016

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 10/03/2016

Post by Ben M »


Corey Graves: Good evening and welcome to Monday Night Warfare! I’m Corey Graves.

Joey Styles: And I’m Joey Styles.

Corey Graves: We crowed a brand new EBWF World Champion at Summerslam and we’ll here from him later tonight, but first…

Sheamus’ theme hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction for the Irish export.

Joey Styles: Sheamus takes on Matt Sydal.

Sydal was to the ring next, and after the announcements were made the bell rang. Sydal started things off with a bang after drop kicking Sheamus to the outside then hitting a splash off the apron. They struggled back into the ring, and Sydal went up top but Sheamus pushed him off and crotched him on the top rope.

Corey Graves: Sydal is going to be feeling that!

Sheamus hit an Irish Curse backbreaker and started wearing down Sydal on the mat. Sheamus hit a splash in the corner and a clothesline off the top for a near-fall. Sydal came back with a dropkick and a big swing around kick to Sheamus’ face. Sydal hit a springboard elbow and went for the DDT, but Sheamus got out and hit an Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus hit two more backbreakers for a near-fall.

Joey Styles: Not enough to keep Sydal down.

Sheamus followed up with a Texas Cloverleaf but Sydal got the ropes to break the hold. Sheamus hit another Irish Curse backbreaker and tried to follow up with a big boot, but Sydal ducked. Sydal gets Sheamus in a leg submission but Sheamus reached the ropes. Sheamus rolled outside and Sydal dropped him with a suicide dive. Sydal landed really badly on his head on the floor.

Corey Graves: That could have been bad for Matt there.

They rolled back in the ring and Sheamus hit the big boot for a two count. Sydal came back with a big boot of his own, then a clothesline and the corkscrew for another near-fall. Sydal and Sheamus started trading right hands until Sydal took control with a series of right hands. Sydal whipped Sheamus against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sydal took Sheamus down with a roundhouse kick, then went to the top rope. Sydal hit the Shooting Sydal Press on Sheamus, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Matt Sydal gets the victory!

Sydal celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When EBWF came back from commercial, Timothy Thatcher and Baron Corbin were already in the ring.

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin of course the new IC Champion!

Corey Graves: And he takes on newcomer, Timothy Thatcher here tonight.

Corbin threw Thatcher to the outside early on. Thatcher rolled back in and Corbin sent him back outside with an uppercut.

Joey Styles: Here comes the welcoming committee.

Corbin hit some right hands, but Thatcher came back with a spinning heel kick then started pummeling on Corbin once he was down. Thatcher hit a series of clotheslines, then threw Corbin into the ring post. Thatcher beat down Corbin at ringside. Thatcher threw Corbin into the ring steps, then rolled him back in with Deep Six. Corbin followed up with a series of clotheslines in the corner, then clotheslined Thatcher to the outside.

Corey Graves: Corbin is dominating here.

Corbin threw Thatcher into the ring steps, then rolled him back in the ring. Corbin went for a big boot, but Thatcher dropped him with a pair of kicks. Thatcher called for the Thatcher Stretch, but before he could lock it in Corbin jumped up and hit a big boot. It took a moment for both men to get their bearings, but Thatcher went for the Thatcher Stretch once more. Corbin fought out of it, then hit a front suplex slam. Corbin dragged Thatcher to his feet, and lifted him up once more, this time hitting the End of Days! Corbin hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Corbin's arm in victory. Corbin celebrated over the fallen Thatcher, then made his way to the back.


Joey Styles: It’s time for our final match of the evening. The former Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins takes on The Prizefighter, Kevin Owens!

Owens was first out to the ring, and the crowd seemed to be behind KO from the start, booking when Rollin’s theme kicked up, bringing The Broken member to the ring. The referee checked both men over and the bell rang.

Corey Graves: And here we go!

Owens rolled outside as soon as the bell rang to buy some time. Rollins followed him out and whips Owens into the fan barricade. They made their way back in the ring, Rollins stomped a mud hole in Owens in the corner. Owens rolled outside and Rollins hit a flying knee to the face, off the apron, on Owens. Back in the ring, Rollins hit a series of chops and a knee to the chest. Rollins hit some kicks, but Owens blocked one and dropped the challenger with a DDT. Owens took control of the match and kept Rollins grounded with stomps to the head. Owens threw Rollins outside, then followed up with a flying elbow drop off the apron onto Rollins on the floor.

Corey Graves: These men better take it back to the ring.

They did just that with Owens hitting a Senton Bomb for a two count. Owens whipped Rollins into opposite turnbuckles then kept him grounded with kicks. Rollins came back with a Slingblade and a series of running forearm strikes in the corner. Rollins hit a backbreaker then dropkicked Owens to the outside. Rollins stripped an announce table, but Owens rolled back in the ring. Rollins hit a superkick on Owens then went for a DDT, but Owens got out of the maneuver. Owens hit a kick to the knee of Rollins then a cannonball in the corner for a two count. Rollins hit a flying knee to the face, but Owens came back with a superkick right away.

Joey Styles: The crowd is loving that!

Owens went up top but Rollins hit him with a kick to the head once again. Rollins tried to superplex Owens off the turnbuckle, but Owens headbutted him off. Owens ended up hitting a fireman's carry gutbuster off the top, then a frog splash off the top, for a two count. Owens took Rollins outside and laid him on the Spanish announce table. Owens climbed on the English announce table, then went for a Senton Bomb on Rollins through the Spanish announce table. Rollins moves out of the way and Owens crashed through the table by himself.

Corey Graves: This is an impressive matchup here.

Back in the ring, Rollins hit a flying knee to the face off the top rope, then went for a frog splash. Owens got his knees up, blocking it, then lifted Rollins over his shoulder and hit the back to belly piledriver. Owens dragged Rollins to his feet, whipping him against the ropes, before hitting the Pop Up Powerbomb! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Kevin Owens has defeated the former Intercontinental Champion!

Corey Graves: Up next, we'll hear from the new EBWF World Champion, AJ Styles!

Owens celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


A video recap of the fantastic Destiny main event began to play highlighting some of the match’s most pivotal moments and ending with a shot of AJ Styles holding his new World Championship belt and celebrating with the crowd.

Corey Graves: What a match that was, Joey! One of the best I can remember this year!

Joey Styles: People are calling it a true Match of the Year candidate and I have to say I would agree with them. Those two men put on an excellent performance last Sunday.

"Phenomenal" began to blare and the crowd was instantly in a frenzy. An energetic AJ Styles made his way out from the back. He paused at the top of the ramp to unhook the World Championship belt from around his waist and hold it high for a moment before continuing down the ramp. Slowly he got into the ring using the stairs and gingerly stepping through the ring ropes, once more holding his title high before the ring announcer handed him a microphone. He paused for a long moment as his music faded. He looked out at the stands and listened to the thunderous fans. Then he gave a small smile and brought the microphone to his lips.

AJ Styles: Last week, I entered Destiny feeling like I had a lot to prove. To myself, to Chris Jericho, and to all of you. With that being said, I did just what I set out to do. Now I stand here the NEW EBWF World Champion!

Styles gave a slight smirk when another huge pop interrupted him.

AJ Styles: But of course, last Sunday was about more than just winning this World Championship. Much much more. Last Sunday night I wanted to prove that you don’t have to be best friends with the boss to be the best, to be a champion. All you need, is a little patience, perseverance, and presistance. Everything I have accomplished and achieved, I have because of those three things, so let that be a message to everyone.

Styles looked at the belt on his shoulder again for a long moment before taking a few steps forward.

AJ Styles: I want it known that, despite our differences, no matter what happens in this ring, or even outside it, I respect Chris Jericho. As a competitor I always have. Jericho pulled out all the stops on Sunday. I wouldn’t have expected anything less, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I look forward to a possible rematch.

Styles took a few moments to soak in the mixed reaction from the fans.

AJ Styles: One thing I've learned about winning this title is to not get comfortable. There won't be any celebrations or parties like in the past. I am here in this ring, READY, for whatever, or WHOEVER, is next.

He grinned, a confident spark appearing in his eyes.

AJ Styles: I welcome any challenge that comes my way, I’m ready for it. That goes for anybody in the back with a sack.

Styles' music hit and the crowd cheered as he raised his arms in his signature pose and then patted the gold plate of his belt. He slowly exited the ring to visit with the fans surrounding the ringside area.

Corey Graves: Last week that man right there called himself the “Absolute Best” and I think he proved to the world that that’s exactly what he is, Joey.

Joey Styles: I think so too. And now it seems the EBWF’s Absolute Best is looking for his next challenge!

Warfare faded off the air with the image of Styles still celebrating with the fans.