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Warfare Results 10/17/2016

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:50 pm
by Ben M

Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! We are live from Phoenix, Arizona!

Corey Graves: What a night we have in store, Joey!

Joey Styles: Kicking things off tonight, we've got Mark Andrews in action as the Welsh superstar takes on Timothy Thatcher.

Andrews came to the ring first, followed by Thatcher. When both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Thatcher went to lock up with Andrews, but Andrews rolled out of the way, then got to his feet and hit Thatcher with a spinning heel kick. Thatcher staggered backwards, and Andrews whipped him against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Andrews hit a bridging northern lights suplex, covering Thatcher for the pin. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Strong start by Andrews!

Andrews pulled Thatcher to his feet and set him up for a DDT, but Thatcher broke out of it, then applied a hammerlock. Thatcher took Andrews down to the mat and went to put him in the Fujiwara armbar, but Andrews rolled away before Thatcher could lock it in, then got to his feet. Thatcher went for a clothesline but Andrews ducked out of the way, before hitting an enzuigiri. Andrews then hit the 180 Stunner on Thatcher, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Mark Andrews gets the victory.

Andrews celebrated in the ring, then made his way backstage.


When Warfare came back to a commercial, an electric crowd, quickly turned to a chorus of boos when they heard.


Followed by "I Came to Play" by Downstait. The Miz made his way on the entrance ramp, dressed to the nines in a three piece suit, with his hair slicked around. He had an arrogant smirk on his face, as he walked confidently down the ramp and got into the ring. He requested a microphone and was granted one by the timekeeper. He held the microphone in his hands as the boos intensified. After a couple beats they died down and he began.

The Miz: What you all saw last week, was my removing of a cancer in my life. I know CANCER is a deadly disease that inflicts the lives of many. Just think if you had the ability to eliminate a cancer that you had, or someone you loved had, would you do it? Of course you would- and that is what I did last Monday Night. Alex Riley was a CANCER- in my life. He weakened me, he held me down, he infected me with his loser-dom, and that is something that I just can't have. Someone at my level of life, at my level of success personally and professionally, can't be infected by someone that low on the totem pole of life. It's unnatural- so I made the decision last week of eliminating the one thing in my life that was keeping me from unrivaled dominance, I rid myself of that clingy, wanna-be... and now I am ready to go forward once again- and become the EBWF champion. Which is why I'm out here...

Corey Graves: What's he mean by that?

Joey Styles: He means Alex Riley is a loser, Graves, what's so hard to understand about that?

Corey Graves: I meant the other thing.

The Miz: AJ Styles is the champion... and I think that's pretty god damn pathetic... so tonight I'm issuing a chal..

Joey Styles: LOOK OUT MIZ!

Corey Graves: Is that!

It was. Alex Riley exploded from out of the crowd with a lead pipe. The crowd was going nuts as Riley delivered a blow to Miz ribs with the lead pipe. He tossed the pipe aside and began to lay into Miz with right hands. Miz was able to gain some leverage and fend Riley off, the two became tangled up in the middle of the ring with both of them flailing and kicking, before officials and security guards had to separate the two of them.

Joey Styles: These two being separated here, looks like Riley isn't taking this break up lying down.

Corey Graves: These two look like they want to kill each other!

Riley was able to shrug his security guards off as Miz yelled at his to let him go. Both men were breathing heavy as Riley demanded a microphone from the time keeper and got one. After a couple heavy deep breaths he began to talk.

Alex Riley: Miz- you think you're ready for a world title shot? REALLY BRO! You can't even win the Path To Glory Championship for god sakes, and you can blame me all you want... but the fact is... you've peaked man. You aren't AWESOME anymore, and I would argue that you never were. I used you man... and at Fanniversary- if you're man enough to accept my challenge.. I'm going to ABUSE you.

The Miz was still breathing heavy, and he got an arrogant smug look across his face. The crowd was cheering for Riley, who was definitely the lesser of two evils in this confrontation.

The Miz: Alex- you want to face me... in a wrestling match? Wow... okay... so this is how far I've fallen. That Alex freaking Riley thinks he can beat me in a match... well you know something you're on! Because it seems to me like I have to remind you, and everybody else just how the heck I am. Without me, you would be playing drums on a bucket in a subway station, hoping people put a quarter in your cup as they walk by. I accept your ridiculously stupid challenge, and I'm going to make an example out of you... just because I feel like it... "A-Ri."

The Miz flipped the microphone and began to walk out of the ring.

Alex Riley: One more thing Miz- if I beat you... I have a little bit of a stipulation, that I think you might want to stay and hear.

The Miz turned his head, and inaudibly said "what?"

Alex Riley: If I beat you... sorry... WHEN I beat you... you will not wrestle in another match... FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR!

The crowd cheered.

Joey Styles: An entire year? What? That seems a bit extreme.

The Miz picked his microphone up, he looked confused.

Alex Riley: Wait wait wait it gets better. You won't be permitted to wrestle, because you will be FORCED to sign a contact- which officially makes you... MY MANAGER. That's right Miz... you'll be my lackey... you'll carry my bags... you'll shine my shoes... so you can FINALLY know how it feels to be treated like a slave, like a sidekick... because that's all you're good enough to be!

The Miz squinted at Riley, the fans were loving it.

The Miz: What about WHEN I win?

Alex Riley: IF you win... I'll quit...

The Miz laughed.

The Miz: Well enjoy unemployment... you're on!

Riley smiled and put his hand out.

Alex Riley: Shake on it.

The Miz looked at Riley with an "are you serious" look on his face. He slapped Riley's hand away, and went for a left hand. Riley blocked it and clotheslined Miz to the ground hard. Miz quickly slid out of the ring, and began pointing and talking trash from there. Riley was fired up and yelling to the crowd who was giving him a pretty big pop.

Joey Styles: Miz vs. Riley at Fanniversary. If Riley wins Miz has to be Alex's manager for a year, and if Miz wins Alex Riley hits the unemployment line!

Corey Graves: That's going to be a good old fashioned fist fight between two former bros.

Warfare went to a commercial.


"The Broken" by Lit filtered through the arena speakers as Baron Corbin made his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos. Once Baron got in the ring he played off the boos by holding his arms out wide to the camera and mockingly brushing off the crowd. As Baron was in the ring removing his jacket, "Fight" by CFO$ blared through the PA system as Kevin Owens made his way out the curtain. As he appeared the crowd roared loudly for KO, he visibly soaked it in and made his way down the ramp.

Once Kevin was in the ring, he made little time in dealing with Baron and ran at the big man as the ref rang the bell, Baron backed up into the corner and the ref tried to separate the two men, but Baron got an eye poke in as the ref turned to face KO.

Baron dropped KO with a huge clothesline and stomped on him a few times, he threw KO into the corner and set up for a running big splash which KO countered.

Baron slumped into the corner and dropped to a seated position, KO saw his opportunity and signalled for a corner cannonball. As he reached the opposite corner for his run up...

"The Broken" by Lit played throughout the arena and Jimmy Havoc walked onto the stage, KO turned to look at him and got visibly angry. He turned once more towards Corbin and charged at him hitting a Corner Cannonball. Jimmy Havoc was at ringside at this point and hadn't taken his eyes off KO, Kevin jumped out of the ring and got in Jimmy's face and the two began to brawl around ringside, the referee called for the bell as Christy Hemme declared Baron Corbin the winner by DQ. KO threw Havoc in the ring after gaining the upper hand. Jimmy began to get to his feet as KO called for the Pop-Up Powerbomb, he kicked Jimmy in the stomach and flung him against the ropes but before Havoc could return from the ropes Corbin intervened and clotheslined KO.

Baron and Jimmy circled KO in the middle of the ring and Baron picked KO up and hit the End of Days, Baron seemingly proud of what he did turned to Havoc for approval. Havoc looked him dead in the eye, picked up KO and hit him with an Acid Rainmaker. Havoc left the ring and walked towards Christy Hemme and picked up Baron's IC Title. Eventually he entered back into the ring and held the title for a moment, looked at it, looked at Baron and nodded. He passed the belt to Baron after a while who held it up showing it to the crowd. Baron walked over to the ropes in front of Jimmy and held the belt in front of the camera as Jimmy grabbed Baron by the waist and hit him with the Acid Rainmaker. The crowd was stunned.

Corey Graves: Wait, WHAT?! THE BROKEN IMPLODES?!

Joey Styles: It certainly looks that way Corey! Broken up over jealousy by the looks of it!

Jimmy picked up the IC Title once more and held it up to the camera, he then looked down at Baron and picked him up also, wrapping the IC title around his waist and helping his fallen brethren out of the ring and carrying him up the ramp.

Corey Graves: Wait, they're friends again?

Joey Styles: I think Havoc was just sending a message, but then again, He does some weird things a lot of the time and this could be one of them!

Corey Graves: Well whatever it was, I'm sure we're gonna find out soon!

KO was left lying in the ring as the show cut to commercial.


As Warfare returned from commercial, the ring was set up for the Highlight Reel. "Break the Walls Down" hit and the crowd booed as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage, carrying the EBWF World Title over his shoulder.

Joey Styles: And here comes Chris Jericho, who stole the EBWF World Title from AJ Styles last week. We understand he requested this time to interview "an important guest", but Jericho has been tight-lipped about who the guest is...

Corey Graves: He's an entertainer, Joey! He's giving us all a gift... the gift of suspense!

Jericho made his way down the ramp and entered the ring. After his music was cut, Jericho grabbed a microphone and began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Quiet. Quiet. Quiet! I'd like you all to take a moment to appreciate the gift of Jericho. Drink it in, man...

Jericho held out his arms, causing the crowd to boo. Despite the boos from the crowd, Jericho smirked. He brought his arms back in, then continued speaking.

Chris Jericho: My guest on tonight's Highlight Reel is not just an important guest... no. My guest is the most important guest... an icon. My guest is integral to EBWF's past, its present, and its future. My guest... is the EBWF World Title!

Joey Styles: What? You can't interview a championship!

Corey Graves: He can do whatever he wants, Joey! He's Chris Jericho!

Jericho placed the World Title on one of the two chairs in the ring, then began the interview.

Chris Jericho: EBWF World Title, thank you for agreeing to be my guest tonight. It's an honor. You need no introduction of course, but I'm going to give you one anyway. For over 14 years, you have been the most prestigious title, not just here in the EBWF, but in the whole of professional wrestling. Over the past 14 years, 35 different superstars have been EBWF World Champion. How does it feel, knowing you have such prominence?

Jericho held the microphone in front of the World Title, but of course, the title didn't speak. Jericho leaned in and held his ear close to the title, as if listening intently. He nodded, then smiled.

Chris Jericho: Thank you... you're flattering me. You make a good point though, I am the only person in the EBWF that has been here as long as you have. We have been on an incredible journey together. But this isn't about me. It's about you. It's about the controversy that happened at Destiny. When you were taken from me by that no good hick, AJ Styles...

Jericho leaned in close to the title, and nodded again.

Chris Jericho: You're absolutely right, it wasn't just controversial, it was tragic. For four months, you and I were having the time of our lives. And AJ Styles, he ruined it. These people, these stupid idiots, they don't understand. They've been tweeting all week, saying "I can't believe Chris Jericho stole the EBWF World Title!" But like you said, I didn't steal you... I saved you.

Jericho leaned in again.

Chris Jericho: You're welcome. It's the least I could do after everything we've been through. And I'm going to make you a promise, EBWF World Title. I'm going to make you a promise right now in front of the world. At Fanniversary, I will get my rematch, and I will become your EBWF World Champion once again. For a record breaking tenth time. But until then, I'm not letting you out of my sight. I know AJ Styles doesn't look after you. He doesn’t respect you. He treats you like an objection, a possession. He doesn't realise that you're so much more than that, that you're...

Before Jericho could say anything more, AJ Styles hopped over the ringside barrier and slid into the ring, knocking Jericho down and pummelling him with a series of punches. Jericho fought back and got to his feet, hitting Styles with the microphone then setting him up for the Walls of Jericho. Before Jericho could lock him in, Styles kicked him away, getting to his feet and hitting Jericho with the Pele Kick. Styles then set Jericho up for the Styles Clash, but Jericho fought out of it, countering with a back body drop. Styles was able to land on his feet, and he grabbed the World Title. Jericho cried out, shouting "No!", and Styles went to hit him with the title. Jericho ducked out of the way, and he snatched the title from Styles, before quickly exiting the ring. Styles could be seen mouthing the word "coward" to Jericho, to which Jericho responded "it's mine!"

Joey Styles: Chris Jericho said that AJ Styles treats the World Title like a possession... but it seems like Jericho is getting possessive!

Corey Graves: He believes he's the rightful champion, Joey! He doesn't want AJ anywhere near the title!

Joey Styles: Well whether he likes it or not, Styles is the champ. And if Jericho wants to become a ten time World Champion, he'll have to beat Styles at Fanniversary.

"Phenomenal" by CFO$ hit, and Styles stood victorious in the center of the ring as Warfare went off the air.