Warfare Results 10/24/2016

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 10/24/2016

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to EBWF Warfare!

Corey Graves: We are less than one week away from Fanniversary!

Joey Styles: That’s right, Corey! All week long we’ll be celebrating 15 years of EBWF!

Corey Graves: Our first match tonight Baron Corbin of The Broken takes on Matt Sydal.

Sydal was out to the ring first, followed by Corbin who got a barrage of boos. The bell rang and they went at it as Corbin struck first. They ended up on the floor and Sydal turned it around. Sydal's hand was between the steps and the ring post, and Corbin booted it. Corbin floored him with a clothesline and brought it back in the ring, focusing on Sydal's arm and hand. Corbin talked trash to Sydal and kept him down.

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin showing everyone why The Broken is the most dominate force in EBWF.

Sydal made a comeback. He got fired up again and went for a DDT. He hit it and covered for a 2 count. Corbin blocked a submission and went after the hand again. Corbin hit the End of Days and took the pin. Getting the win!

Joey Styles: There it is! Baron Corbin gets the win!


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Gionna Daddio was making her way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, we've got women's action as Gionna Daddio takes on the number one contender for the Women's Title, Carmella!

Once Gionna had entered the ring, Carmella made her way down the ramp. When both women were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Carmella took Gionna down with a snapmare, then stomped on her several times. She pulled Gionna to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then took her down with a Thesz press. Carmella punched Gionna against the mat several times, then pulled her to her feet once more, this time hitting a reverse STO. Carmella hooked the leg, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Carmella went to apply the Code of Silence on Gionna, but Gionna fought out of it and got to her feet. Gionna hit Carmella with a hip toss, then as Carmella got to her feet, Gionna ran against the ropes and hit a two handed bulldog. Carmella got to her feet once more and Gionna went for a reverse roundhouse kick, but Carmella ducked out of the way, then hit Gionna with a big boot. Gionna got to her feet and Carmella hit a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Carmella gets the victory.

Carmella celebrated, then made her way to the back.


Corey Graves: This one could very well be my dark horse match of the night.

Joey Styles: Indeed, we're about to see Jimmy Havoc of The Broken take on the unbeatable, PJ Black.

After entrances and introductions were made, the bell rang signaling the start of the match. Both men missed big shots early on. Havoc took an easy pin, where Black kicked out at two. Havoc went out but ran right back in with a dropkick. He sent Black to the floor and into the barrier. Black turned it back around in the ring and kept Havoc down as fans did dueling chants for both. Black made a point to keep Havoc grounded.

Joey Styles: This is smart from PJ Black! Keeping Havoc down will force him into a ground game with The Darewolf!

Havoc reversed a hold but Black nailed a big clothesline. He came at Havoc with a running boot to the face and covered for two. Black stomped on Havoc and slingshot him under the bottom rope. PJ went to work on Havoc's knees, and dropped his own knee to the back of Havoc. Havoc tried to get up, but was met with a neckbreaker combo for a 2 count. PJ Black nailed a running dropkick. Havoc blocked a second dropkick, and came back with one of his own. Both men struggled to get up, PJ Black missed a clothesline, and Havoc nailed one on Black, who fell into the corner. Havoc hit a corner splash, followed up with a neckbreaker, and then a big elbow drop which was only good for two.

Corey Graves: I thought it might have been over there.

PJ Black caught Havoc for a powerbomb, but Havoc rolled him up for a two count. Black hit a big boot for a 2 count, and used the ropes for leverage. The referee caught him and warned him, but Black argued back. They traded pin attempt, and Black nailed a DDT for a two count after taking Havoc out at the knee again. PJ Black hit a big clothesline into the corner. Havoc crotched Black and climbed up for a superplex.

Joey Styles: What a huge move from Jimmy Havoc, can he end it here?

PJ Black came back and beat on Havoc. He went for the Black Diamond, but Havoc caught him up, reversing the move into the Acid-Rainmaker.

Corey Graves: Are you kidding me?!

Joey Styles: It can't be!

1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: Havoc! Havoc just beat the Path to Glory Champion.

Joey Styles: What does this mean for Fanniversary?

Corey Graves: Unbelievable, Joey!



"Phenomenal" blasted throughout the arena and the EBWF fans went wild.

Joey Styles: Here comes the EBWF World Champion! I don't believe he's going to be in the best mood tonight!

Corey Graves: Can you blame him?

AJ Styles emerged from behind the curtain wearing a very frustrated expression. Fully dressed for competition, Styles entered the ring and was given a microphone from the ringside.

AJ Styles: I'm gonna cut straight to the chase. Chris Jericho has something that belongs to me and I'm not leaving this ring until it's been returned. Get your ass down here, Jericho.

The fans were anticipating an entrance but moments passed without anything happening.

AJ Styles: I know you're backstage, Chris. I'm pretty sure your shitty rock band isn't on tour so there isn't anywhere else you could be. You're walking around backstage with my World Championship, the same World Championship I beat you for, acting as if it never happened. No, Chris. It happened. You lost dude. And I don't have a problem making it happen again. You want a rematch? I'm right here. Let's do this.

Styles waited, but there was no sign of Jericho. The fans were upset.

AJ Styles: I knew you were a coward.

Styles was visibly upset as he paced the ring.

AJ Styles: More like best in the world at being a little bitch.

The audience loved that last insult thrown at the former champion. Styles continued to pace the ring.

AJ Styles: I was going to stay out here and hold the show hostage but I'm not the guy I was a year ago. Nah, you people paid to see a show and I'm going to give you just that. Since Chris Jericho won't man up and bring the fight to me, I'll just bring the fight to him.

Styles made his way ropes and began to exit the ring, but just before he could...


Jericho's music hit, and the crowd booed as the former World Champion stepped out onto the stage. Jericho wore the World Title over his shoulder, carrying the championship as if he had never lost it. Jericho stayed at the top of the ramp, keeping his distance from Styles. As his music was cut, the crowd began chanting "little bitch". Jericho had a microphone with him, and he tried to shout over the crowd.

Chris Jericho: Quiet! Shut the hell up you stupid idiots. And you, AJ... you're the biggest idiot of them all. You stole the World Title from me, you know I'm the rightful champion. And this Sunday at Fanniversary, I'm going to prove it to you. I'm going to beat you and prove once and for all that I am the best in the world at what I do.

Styles didn't waste time talking anymore. Without a moment's notice he bolted out of the ring, sprinting towards Chris Jericho.

Corey Graves: Styles wants his belt back!

Joey Styles: He doesn't want to wait until Fanniversary!

As Styles ran up the ramp, Jericho ran back through the curtain. The camera cut to the backstage area and followed Styles chasing Jericho. The cameras followed Styles as he chased Jericho to the parking lot, but as Styles got there, Jericho was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Jericho attacked Styles from behind and began beating Styles down. Jericho then grabbed a tire iron, and was about to hit Styles with it, but Styles grabbed the tire iron and snatched it from Jericho. Styles swung the tire iron at Jericho, but Jericho ducked out of the way and hit Styles with a knee to the midsection. Jericho then tried to get into his car, but Styles stopped him, pulling him out of the car and setting him up for the Styles Crash on the asphalt. Jericho countered with a back body drop, then quickly got into his car. As Styles got to his feet, Jericho tried to run him down with his car... but Styles managed to move out of the way just in time!

Joey Styles: Oh my god! Jericho just tried to hit AJ Styles with his car!

Corey Graves: And he's still got AJ's title! It looks like he's taking it to Fanniversary!

Jericho sped off, leaving Styles in the parking lot as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Joey Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen it is time for our main event!

"Trenches" brought the arrival of the leader of the Roman Empire.

Corey Graves: Roman will take on the crowd's favorite underdog from the underground!

Zayn's music kicked up and the crowd went wild for the one and only Sami Zayn.

The bell rang and the two went at it to start and ended up on the floor early on. Zayn hit a knee from the apron, and the two traded off punches until they brought it back into the ring. Zayn covered for a two count, but Reigns kicked out, and they went back and forth with punches. Reigns dropped Zayn over the top, but got kicked when he bounded back in. Reigns set Zayn to the apron. Reigns dropped Zayn with a DDT for another two count. Zayn rolled to the floor, and clutched his knee, but Reigns picked him up and launched him into the barrier.

Corey Graves: Roman Reigns man handled Zayn there!

Reigns kept control and beat Zayn around. Zayn managed to fight back with strikes. Reigns nailed a big elbow to the forehead for a 2 count. Zayn went to the floor in pain, and Reigns nailed a big elbow from the apron. The referee counted Zayn but he made it back into the ring at a 7 count. Reigns kept control and kept Zayn down with a headlock.

Joey Styles: Reigns just won't let up here!

Reigns launched Zayn into the corner. Zayn made a comeback and hit the reverse STO. He mounted more offense and pinned Reigns for a two cout. Zayn rolled out and began to take apart the Spanish announce table, and then he came back in. There was another close two count, and Reigns blocked the Helluva kick, and kicked Zayn into the corner. Reigns ran at Zayn in the corner and Zayn fell out for another close two count. Reigns went for a big powerbomb, but Zayn blocked it and the two traded shots. Zayn dropped Reigns with big kicks to the midsection, and he went for the half and half suplex, but Reigns got out just in time. Zayn ran at Reigns, but Reigns caught him dropped him over his knee for a two count. Reigns went up top for the Superman Punch but Zayn got the Helluva Kick in mid-flight!

Joey Styles: Are you kidding me!

Both men seemed broken in half. The kick having taken everything out of Zayn. Zayn struggled to crawl for the pin, and hooked the leg. 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Sami Zayn just defeated Roman Reigns!

Joey Styles: And now we head to the biggest show of the fall season. We'll see you Sunday for Fanniversary!