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Guilty Conscience

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:09 pm
by Sam
“Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again, and again. It has to happen. To feel the air empty out the lungs, to feel the soul leave the body. It’s a one of a kind feeling, it’s almost a gift. A gift to the one that’s taking a life, to be able to free that person from the hell on earth and return them to where they first came. People call me crazy, demented, like something must have happened to be as a child that made me this way. Was I beaten? Abused? No…none of that. I’m just acting on my true human nature. The animalistic need to tear another apart, to kill…is love. Poe once said ‘Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, and dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.’ And he was chastised because of it; Poe knew what the very nature of us humans is. The need to survive, the need to show that we as a human are the best, the need to kill above all else. We’ve replaced the core instinct of making sure we’re on top and only the strong survive and the weak fall to the bottom to have the scraps of their carcass picked apart, we’ve replaced this with iPhones and Tablets and Pumpkin Spiced fucking everything. You call me crazy while I stay to my roots and you complain that the barista at Starbucks spelt your name slightly wrong…No…Tonight’s the night. Tonight’s the night that I once more take control of my inner urges. A psychiatrist might announce me as a psychopath and that these urges are the cause of my insanity but in this world, who wants to be sane? Who wants to be normal? If normality is getting in line with the rest of the dreaded sheep whose greed has been subsided by the conglomerates of today then I say…no more. No more can I stand idly by whilst the big men condense everything into their little bubble where they can contain everything. I will fight and claw and kill my way to the top and set free humanity from the clutches of materialism and let their greed flow. There human god damn nature of greed, we want more and we want it now but you’re all just too damn nice and willing to wait. Patience is a sin and it always will be, strike now and fast and have it all for yourself I say. Take what is yours and don’t look back, try and call me crazy then. You haven’t even seen crazy yet.”

Jimmy Havoc stared into the camera as he finished his monologue, breathing heavily as though the words he said lit a fire deep inside. He stood there with his usual blood soaked black mask, black trench coat, black bottoms and white “The Broken” Tee. The only difference between this and the usual Jimmy Havoc look is the newly won EBWF Intercontinental Championship belt that was hanging over his right shoulder, alongside the EBWF Tag Team Championship on his left shoulder. He wore them with pride; some would say he hadn’t earned the right to wear these but do you think he’d care? He’d prefer you to say it to his face so you could learn how he responds. No-one ever does, sure they’ll talk there talk but they all know in the end that Jimmy Havoc is someone to be feared.

The camera panned over his right shoulder past the IC Championship to notice a marble slab, a tall slab with a body wrapped in cellophane. Jimmy Havoc’s usual MO, cellophane everywhere to stop the blood from getting anywhere. Keep the scene clean, and no traces of it ever even happened. Jimmy smiled and walked towards the slab, dropping his 2 Championship belts on the counter beforehand, he began to take off his trench coat and carefully folded it up and placed it neatly on the counter also. He walked over to the slab and stood over it, staring down at the body below him. He picked up a cup of water, drank a small amount of it and threw the rest over the man on the slab, which woke him up all of a sudden. Cotton was jammed inside his mouth so all the noise he was making was completely muffled and broken. Havoc laughed, and punched the man on the chest to stop him from moving.
The man stopped dead, ironic really, considering his inevitable fate. He lied still, looking at Havoc and with his eyes he asked for mercy.

“Thank you, this truly is the greatest gift of all. I’m going to set you free”

The man jolted, was it true? Has his life been spared? A muffled sound came from his mouth, still filled with cotton. Havoc removed the cotton.

“oh my god, thank you, thank you so much”

Havoc looked suddenly confused and tutted.

“No! You tit, im definitely killing you. You know, setting you free from this world and all that. Did you not just listen to a word I just said? How bloody rude.”

Jimmy stuffed the mans mouth back up with cotton and picked up a large golden knife. He looked at it with love and care and caressed it between his fingers. With one fell swoop he impaled the blade in the mans right lung and slowly he put the knife in deeper. As the knife went deeper and deeper into the mans skin Havoc got closer to his face, he placed his ear next to the mans nose and listened for that one final breath. It was done, another body released and its soul cleansed.

Something wasnt right, Havoc was not satisfied. This usually fills the void, he’s let out his anger like this in the past but this is not doing the trick. It was not anger Havoc had felt, it was guilt. Pure guilt. Havoc had done some ill mannered things before but, this time was different. He had betrayed a friend, a colleague, a ally. Someone who was willing to do anything for him and he may have ruined everything. Everything he had been fighting for, up in smoke. He had no time to dwell on these emotions and he certainly wasnt going to express them, not a chance.

EBWF Warfare. Backstage. ANOTHER Interview.

Havoc stood by Renee Young for the 2nd Warfare in a row, he acts menacingly like he always does. You have to keep up a persona in this business no matter what’s going on deep down.

Renee Young: “Thanks Joey! I’m stood here with the new EBWF Intercontinental Champion...Jimmy Havoc! Jimmy, whats your plans going into tonight?”

Jimmy Havoc: ”I requested to speak to Mr. Cole...where is he?”

Renee Young look flustered, she hadnt planned to be here but after the last incident with Michael Cole, he asked not to be put on Havoc duty.

Renee Young: “I believe he’s on vacation...why?”

Jimmy grinned from ear to ear.

Jimmy Havoc: “Likely story, I think he’s avoiding me...poor Michael. Anyway, what was the question?”

Renee Young: “Do you have any plans going into your matchup tonight?”

Jimmy Havoc: “Oh ofcourse. Well...yes! Obviously I have a plan. I wouldnt be Jimmy fucking Havoc otherwise would I? Look, its simple. Baron is my boy, hes my friend and my work of art. Everything he is, is because of me. I have sculpted him in the image that I see as the perfect Baron Corbin he was destined to become. Him and me, we’re bloody unstoppable. I’m the mastermind, the brain if you will. He’s the damage, the braun...obviously.”

Renee Young: “Im surprised to hear you say that Jimmy, after what happened at Fann..”

Jimmy Havoc: “What happened at Fanniversary was a good deal for both of us, I feel. Yes, i no longer hold the EBWF Breakout Championship, a belt I truly care for. Seen as though I did elevate it 10 fold, Its a belt I will cherish. No-one should take that championship for granted, it will boost your career here. Now though, I have to move on, bigger and better things I suppose. EBWF Intercontinental Champion and still one half of the Tag Champs, its a true honor to be bestowed upon. I honestly couldnt have picked a better person to beat me for the Breakout though, I love Baron to bits. He knows I did what I had to do to protect The Broken. To protect him and me. Alright?”

Renee Young: “Okay, What about your opponents tonight? Sami Zayn and Alex Riley?”

Jimmy shook his head.

Jimmy Havoc: “first things first. Why is Alex Riley now relevant? Because he beat The Miz? Jesus christ! Two weeks ago he was a straight up arsehole and did everything thinking he was a ‘bad boy’. Now, he pins The Miz once and everyone is cheering him? Give me a fucking break, for real. Those EBWF fans are so fickle its not even funny. The slightest bit of someone looking their way and they go mad for them, Alex Riley is a straight up liar. If he thinks he’s doing this because its now his ‘destiny’ or whatever, then hes lieing to himself outright. He wants to treat Miz the way Miz treated him, but somehow Riley is the good guy? All I do is win at all costs and I’m the bad guy? I dont make people my slaves for goodness sakes! Listen Riley, ive beaten you once and I can certainly do it again, you werent relevant then and you certainly arent relevant now. I’ll make damn sure of that, go back to your hole you call home and have Miz order you a Latte or whatever you ‘bros’ drink because thats the only satisfaction you will get.”

Renee Young: “And what about Sami Zayn?”

Jimmy laughed out loud.

Jimmy Havoc: “Another liar! Sami Zayn is the biggest liar of them all. I 100% bet you he’s gonna go into that ring and tell those fans he loves them and how much he’s gonna beat me. He’s then going to climb the ladder again and beat Chris Jericho for the EBWF World Championship but the whole problem with that is...he’s not going to do any of it. I beat him a few weeks ago, I then went on to beat another Liar in PJ Black and it was all plain sailing from there. I beat a former World Champion and the PTG Champion in 2 straight weeks and I shocked everyone. Everyone apart from me, I knew i was going to beat everyone I said I was going to. How is Alex Riley and Sami Zayn now a match for me? Did they need something to do? Did the higher ups think me and Baron wouldnt co-operate? You’re all so far from wrong, me and Baron are stronger than ever. Riley is too high on winning and whatever his new deodorant is too even be a problem and Sami Zayn, well. Sami Zayn is too caught up in his little fucking bubble to even be considered a threat anymore. Bring everything youve got boys because I damn know you’re gonna need it.”

Jimmy pushed the mic away and walked off camera. Was the void still there? Of course it was, this guilt wasnt going away easy.