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Things are Forming/Old Friends Reunite

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:59 pm
by Phillip II
::In the last week have been quite interesting, especially after the new supposed unexpected team of Slyck Wagner Brown and James Ellsworth. Now, with Survivor Series tonight, The Master of "No Chin Music" has his biggest test since coming to EBWF and that is in the form of Alex Riley::

:Scene opens up backstage in the locker-room of Slyck Wagner Brown, he is sitting on his couch having a drink, when suddenly he has a knock on the door and then it swings open and in pops the head of Slyck's new partner...James Ellsworth. Slyck stares at James, shakes his head and then speaks in a very annoyed tone:

SWB: James...what the hell do you want?

:Ellsworth comes sliding in the room, all amped up and smiling ear to ear and plops down on the couch right next Slyck and put his arm around Brown:

Ellsworth: What do I want? My brotha...tonight is a huge night for EBWF and an even bigger night for me! I get my first pay per view match against Alex Riley! I am happy as hell...tonight we get to show -

:Brown interrupts Ellsworth as he shoves Ellsworth's arm off him:

SWB: Us? What do you mean us? Last I seen...I am not on the card. Which I find very stupid...I have come back to this company and put fools on they back and what do I get? I get to watch my no chin partner, face off against a guy that runs around with some reality TV joke. I just don't get it, but hey...I guess that means it will be more people on the Hit-List till I get the respect I deserve! You understand me?

:Ellsworth looks at Slyck, pauses and then proceeds to give Slyck a huge hug...Slyck pushes Ellsworth to the ground and then looks at him with anger::

SWB: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Ellsworth: *with a glimmer in his eye and a crack in his voice* You called me your partner.

:Brown shakes his head in frustration, before extending his hand and lifting up Ellsworth. SWB pats James on the head and then walks towards the door and at that point he stops and shaking his head...the camera pans to the door and standing there is Slycks old buddy...Joey Styles:

SWB: Joey MuthaF'n Styles...

Styles: Slyck Wagner the hell are you doing?

:The 2 men shake hands and hug it out. The 2 men have a seat and begin reminiscing:

Styles: So, I see you're back here. Who would've ever thought you would've come back after all the stuff in the past with April and those others.

SWB: Yeah, after all that crap...I had to go travel and get my head right before I went off the script and truly hurt one of these folks.

Styles: yeah I hear you.

SWB: Enough about me...what brings you here?

:Styles points over to Ellsworth, who is smiling like a chess cat:

Styles: Yeah, James hit me up last week and told me to swing by to talk to you about teaming up with him.

SWB: Oh really?

Ellsworth: Yup! I figured you would be more willing to team up if Joey was on board.

:Slyck face palms and shakes his head:

Ellsworth: Well, hey since Joey is here lets go throwback right now.

Styles: Meaning?

SWB: I think I know where he is going with this...

Styles: I'm lost.

:SWB points to the video camera on the tables, Joey pick it up and fires it up towards Ellsworth:

Ellsworth: So tonight I have a match with Alex Riley, now sure I don't know much about him except he must really love The Real World, since he has that damn Miz guy following him everywhere. I guess if that's a popular thing...okay. All I know is that tonight I will be taking "A-Ry" to school and showing him that I am more than a man with a less than flattering chin, but I also am a man that is not to be taken lightly. As long as I have my big homie, Slyck with me...nothing can go wrong. So Alex Riley, I pray that you learned something more than Reality TV stuff from the Miz. Your ass is grass!

:Ellsworth is hyped as Styles shuts off the camera: