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Time to get "Pissed" Off

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:05 am
by D.J
If nothing else- Alex Riley's rise to the spotlight- and Miz's fall to obscurity- has been fun, especially for those who had despised him for so long. With regards to in ring success, it seemed almost as if Riley was having more fun abusing his former employer, than he was making his mark on the company. He was however, staring down the barrel of an opportunity that could change all of that in an instant. At Christmas Eve of Destruction, Alex would be competing in a match that would surely not be for the faint of hart. He would be stepping inside the Chamber of Extreme- with 3 other men- all with the goal of becoming the EBWF Intercontinental Champion. Aside from Riley's match with Miz- that got him his contract- this would be the biggest night of Riley's young EBWF Career.

The scene opened at a shopping mall in New York City. The camera panned around the mall, which was understandably busy, being that we were just a few days away from Christmas. The camera quickly cut inside a store, where it zoomed into a sign that said MEET SANTA! Sitting at a table wearing a huge smile on his face and Elf's hat on his head was Alex Riley. He sat next to the always beautiful Renee Young who also was in the Christmas spirit donning the same elf hat. Behind them was a man in a Santa suit, that at first glance nobody really thought much of. It wasn't until this man came over to Riley, that things got interesting.

Santa: Alex this is freaking ridiculous, I'm a two time world champion.. I shouldn't be..

Alex Riley: (whispers) What do you think you're doing Miz.. there are children here! Get back up there.. now!

Miz put his head down, and did as he was told.

There was a line of children ready to meet Santa. One kid in the front row was curious.

Timmy: Hey Mr. Elf- what did Santa just say to you?

Alex Riley: Well little boy- he was just saying how... "AWESOME" it was going to be to met all of you. He was saying how Christmas.. truly is your FAVORITE HOLIDAY's FAVORITE HOLIDAY!

The kids all cheered with delight. Alex winked at Renee who smiled. The first kid went up to see Santa. We could see this in the background as Renee and Alex sat together at the table, and the camera panned in on them.

Renee Young: So how you feeling going into CEOD? Chamber of Extreme is no joke, especially not with Sami, Kevin, and Roman in there with you?

Alex Riley: You know what Renee- you're right about that, it is no joke. I mean they don't call it the Chamber of Extreme because of all of it's pretty pink ribbons.

She smiled, he continued.

Alex Riley: And you're right- I'm not exactly going into this match against any slouches either.. but one thing that is extremely important to me, is finally making my mark around here. It's been a blast to step into the forefront, and to give that douche back there what was coming to him.. but it's winning time. It's time to take an opportunity around the neck, and take advantage. This match is for the Intercontinental Championship this weekend Renee. It's a chance to cement the fact that Alex Riley- is here- and he's more than just someone who is going to play pranks on his old boss. It's a chance to cement the fact that I can actually compete in that ring with the best names in this business, we both know I can, and it's time to prove it this weekend. So yeah, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Roman Reigns, Chamber of Extreme all not going to be an enjoyable experience, I'll give ya that, but it IS going to be enjoyable to hear the people go nuts, when Alex Riley is crowned the NEW Intercontinental Champion!

The camera panned back towards Miz who had a young blonde boy on his lap.

The Miz: So what do you want for Christmas little boy?

Brendan: I peed..

The Miz: You what? You.. AHHHH! Gross..

The Miz got up and throw the kid off his lap. Brendan fell to the floor, laughing, a stain in his sweatpants. Miz had a wet spot that was showing on his Santa suit. Riley saw this, and could not stop laughing. He finally regained his composure and motioned for Miz to get back up there. Miz stared at Riley while he grabbed multiple paper towels and wiped himself off, returning to his Santa Throne.

Alex Riley: Oh man, classic. Anyways Renee, I look at a guy like Sami Zayn. He's a guy who's had a ton of success in this company, and he started off kinda like me, unknown. I see myself, being able to rise to the top quickly, and unlike Sami- actually stay there. He's a guy that I look at and it gives me a lot of hope.. because quite frankly if Sami Zayn can get to the top of the business, why can't I? I'm better than that guy in virtually every single way. Better in the ring, better looking, don't have red hair, have more charisma, can bench press more than 80 pounds, can drink more than 2 beers without getting drunk, can make love to a woman without yelling OLE when I finish. I'm just better.. so if that guy can do it, than I most certainly can. Why do you think, even the guy who is wearing a piss covered Santa suit right now was able to have success for the better part of this year? Its because of me Renee, I helped him get to where he was, which is why I was so confident that I would be able to beat him, and look what happened. I knew his weaknesses, I know what made him vulnerable. And with Sami Zayn- I know these things as well. Sami Zayn has a deep deep fear of being forgotten. Of being a guy who was a flash in the pan success story, but just wasn't good enough or interesting enough to continue to matter. That's why he's always popping up like.. "hey remember me?! I'm still here guys OLE.. OLE" He knows that in the blink of an eye, all that potential and all that promise, could be gone JUST LIKE THAT. So he sees someone like me coming in, with his spotlight in his my sights.. and I know it scares him. It terrifies him, because he knows that I'm more than good enough to take it away from him. He knows that I'm more than good enough to be the guy that makes him realize his biggest fear of fading out, of having to go back and start from the bottom once again. In this business Renee, there is no remorse, feelings can be hurt, and only the strong survive. I'm going to take great pleasure in making Sami Zayn have his biggest fear become a cold hard reality, on Christmas Eve.

The scene popped back to Miz. Who this time had a little brunette girl on his lap.

The Miz: Now what would you like for Christmas little girl?

Anna: I peed..


The Miz got up, this time placing.. Anna in the arms of her mother. He ran to get more paper towels, as Riley and Renee continued to laugh at The Miz bad day.

Renee Young: Well what about, Kevin Owens? I mean he kinda got his start around here with Miz and the Vertex, but he's kind of an up and comer himself.

Alex Riley: Exactly, he did what any of us do, when it comes to The Miz. Prayed off his insecurities to get themselves in the door. Kevin was smart to join up with Miz, and do his dirty work for him. Look where it's gotten him, and look where it's gotten me.

Renee Young: And look where it's gotten Miz.

Alex Riley: Totally- I'd say he's pretty "pissed" right now.

Renee and Alex shared a chuckle.

Alex Riley: The point is, you do what you have to do. Kevin is another guy though, Renee, that the pressure is on. He knows that people are waiting to see what happens with him, he knows that in a few more months, if nothing major happens, he's out. This business can eat you up, and spit you out- if you let it. Kevin Owens is a desperate man right now. He has to make it, he has to matter, and because of those things, he won't make it and he won't matter. With each passing minute in the chamber of extreme, the doubt is going to creep into Owens head. He's going to know that there's just no way he can outlast a competitor like me. He's going to start to wish, that I never had beaten The Miz, because I'm 3000 times better than him. He's going to wish that he didn't have to get by Alex Riley, to reach all of his hopes and dreams. Unfortunately for him, that wish is NOT going to come true. Alex Riley, is here to stay Kev, and I get that that is very VERY bad news for you and everybody else in this match. The fact is, it's kill or be killed in the EBWF- and A-Ri plans to be the one doing the killing. You say your a prize fighter Kev, well that's a good thing, I know the circus is always hiring.. and if you aren't a good enough fighter to travel with them, you could always serve as "the man who will eat anything.." you get it Renee?

Renee Young: Because he's fat right?

Alex Riley: Bingo.

The two fist bumped with an explosion and a "BOOOOSH" sound on said explosion.

Alex Riley: Kevin Owens is brash, he's tough, he shows no remorse for his actions.. so though the Christmas ham is in trouble- I know that I'm just as brash, just as tough, and won't have any remorse as I step over him, or on his fat belly, to become the Intercontinental Champion- so I sure won't be.

Renee Young: Do you think if you stepped on his belly, it would make a squeeky sound like a stuffed animal?

Alex Riley: Either that or he'd go.. "hoooo hooo" like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

The two laughed. The scene cut back to The Miz. He had a heavy set toddler on his lap.

The Miz: What would you like for Christmas, young man?

Kenny: Uh OH!

The Miz: Oh don't tell me you peed!

The Miz lifted Kenny to see that he had not peed. A couple of beats went by, and the Miz caught a vicious odor.

The Miz: Oh my god disgusting!

Kenny: UH OH!

The Miz got up again. He had had it. He ran out to the bathroom.

Alex Riley, smiling, delivered the news to the crowd.

Alex Riley: Santa is just going to take a short break kids! He will be back in a flash!

Renee Young: "Uh oh!" Oh my god, I love it. This really couldn't be going any better.

Alex smiled.

Alex Riley: Ahh man, I know.

Renee Young: So what about Reigns? He's always been an interesting guy too. Really seems like all 4 of you have something to prove.

]Alex Riley: Well Roman has been- unsuccessfully- trying to prove that he can form an original thought in his head. He's been a bit more vocal lately, which I think we all wish he wouldn't. Less is more big guy, less is more. As far as in the ring, he is a force, I'll give him that. He's a lame force- but a force none the less. He's an expert at pretending to be a super hero, an expert at spearing dudes, and an extra at wearing cool contact lenses to make himself seem more interesting. He's also an expert at being a guy, that people think could be a big threat... but then like forget to be a big threat. Most importantly Renee, he's just another guy in this match that is going to try- unsuccessfully- to stand in my way of becoming the Intercontinental Champion. So whether he is a mute, or whether he tries to get through a sentence like the cave man that he is, doesn't really matter in the scope of this match. The point is simple, any kind of Roman Reigns.. is not going to be enough to stop Alex Riley. This is my destiny, and Christmas Eve of Destructions match inside the Chamber of Extreme is where my story is going to truly begin in this business. Renee, it is going to be a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS for A-Ri, because I'm going to treat all 3 of these dudes like these kids have treated Santa's Lap today... trust me.

Renee nodded and Alex smiled. The two of them adjourned to the bathroom to go get Miz back to work, as the scene faded to black.

Re: Time to get "Pissed" Off

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 8:26 pm
by Ashlee
Well, so much for interviewers being used an unbiased fashion. :scared