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Warfare Results 01/02/2017

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:41 pm
by Ben M

Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to the first Warfare of 2017! We are live from Boston, Massachusetts!

Corey Graves: It's a new year and we have lots of new and returning superstars in action tonight, Joey!

Joey Styles: Kicking things off tonight, we've got women's wrestling as Paige makes her EBWF return against Eva Marie!

"Out of My Mind" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie made her way to the ring. When Eva had entered the ring, "Stars in the Night" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Paige headed down the ramp. Once Paige was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two superstars locked up. Eva went for a headlock, but Paige fought out of it, grabbing Eva and dragging her towards the corner, slamming her head against the turnbuckle. Paige set Eva up in the corner and hit her with a high knee, then as Eva staggered out of the corner, Paige lifted her over her shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start by Paige!

Paige pulled Eva to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then took her down with a hip toss. Paige set Eva up in an STF, but Eva managed to get to the ropes. Paige got to her feet and stepped back, allowing Eva time to get to her feet. Eva used the ropes to pull herself up, and Paige ran at her, going for a clothesline. Eva pulled down on the top rope, sending Paige over the ropes to the outside. Eva followed Paige out of the ring and hit a DDT on the outside!

Corey Graves: What a manoeuvre! Paige might be out cold, Joey!

As Eva rolled back into the ring, the referee began counting. At the count of 7, Paige struggled to her feet. She staggered back towards the ring, rolling under the bottom rope just before the referee counted 10. Eva grabbed her, setting her up for the Sliced Red #2, but Paige countered it, shoving Eva hard into the corner, then lifting her up for a belly-to-back suplex. Paige ran against the ropes, and as Eva got back to her feet, Paige took her down with a running single-leg dropkick. She hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... Eva kicked out! Paige got to her feet and stomped on Eva several times, then turned her over, applying the PTO! Eva cried out in pain and submitted. As the referee called for the bell, Paige broke the hold, then got to her feet, smiling as the referee raised her arm in victory.

Joey Styles: It's over! "Miss Hell in Boots" Paige has got the win here this evening!

Corey Graves: Maybe I should go and help Eva Marie out, Joey, she looks like she's in a lot of pain!


Warfare returned from a commercial break and the fans were still on the edge of their seats from the last contest. "Phenomenal" blasted throughout the arena to the pleasure of the audience in attendance. AJ Styles emerged from behind the curtain. Dressed in T-shirt and jeans he made his way towards the ring, championship over his shoulder. After stepping into the ring, he'd received a microphone and began speaking.

AJ Styles: First things first, Happy New Year's EBWF Universe!

The crowd exploded into cheers.

AJ Styles: If you're wondering to yourself "Did AJ have a happy new year?" Look no further than this golden championship over my shoulder for your answer. I competed on Christmas Eve in a match that I'd never competed in before. A match critics said I'd be the underdog going in. A match that was supposed to be outside of my element. But... Here I stand... World Champion.

The crowd cheered as he held the title in the air.

AJ Styles: With that being said, I believe a certain someone promised me something and I plan on cashing in on that deal. So... JIMMY HAVOC... Come on down.

Styles took a step back and looked towards the entrance in anticipation.

"The Broken" by Lit filled the arena as Jimmy Havoc slowly walked out the curtain, he looked upset until he turned his head to go through curtain as if he was ushering someone to come with him. He turned his head back, laughed and smiled towards AJ gesturing jokingly to the crowd.

As he walked down the ramp, he did have a slight limp from the war he had been through at CEOD. He approached the ring steps and stopped for a moment, opening his arms wide towards AJ and smiling once again.

He got in the ring and was handed a microphone.

Havoc: Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for AJ Styles!

Havoc signalled to the crowd to applaud and cheer as the smile on his face widened.

Havoc: Yes! AJ Styles! Give the man a round of applause for he...

Havoc's smile disappeared.

Havoc: ...beat me. It's true! I was there! AJ Styles climbed the ladder and retrieved the EBWF World Championship whilst I was strewn across the mat after an awful Styles Clash. AJ Styles beat Jimmy Havoc and something worth applauding. Not many people beat me in that ring and so it be a feat of amazing skill, one which needs the applause of the EBWF Universe.

Jimmy pauses again and applauds AJ. Styles interrupted his applause.

AJ Styles: Jimmy, Jimmy, I didn't call you out here to patronize me. I know I beat you, these people know I beat you, we were there. Now, I called you out here because you said you'd shake my hand like a man. So...

Styles extended his hand. Jimmy looked at AJ's hand and looked at the crowd. The EBWF Universe chanted in unison

"Shake his hand! Shake his hand!"

Jimmy slyly mouthed "get fucked" and looked back at AJ's hand.

Jimmy mouthed fuck it and shook AJ's hand but pulled him in violently. Both men where nose to nose staring at each other.

Havoc: I believe we are currently 1-1. How about it AJ, Royal Rumble. Jimmy Havoc vs. AJ Styles...the rubber match. Let's face it, you haven't even pinned me.

Styles had a tight grip on Havoc's hand and didn't budge.

AJ Styles: That's sounds exciting... But let's up the ante. Seeing as I've already beat both you and Baron Corbin, I believe that puts me in line for a shot at those Tag Team Championships. How about you give me a week to find a suitable partner and we throw down next week on Warfare?

The crowd was on their feet in excitement.

Havoc laughed to himself.

Havoc: Fuck it, why not. Bring whoever you want, I want my title shot at the Rumble though. This is a give and take relationship Styles.

Styles released his grip and stepped away from Havoc.

AJ Styles: Next week, Jimmy.

Styles smiled methodically before exiting the ring and making his way up the ramp leaving Havoc alone in the ring.


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got Matt Sydal in action against the returning Finn Balor!

"Shot'Em" by [Q]Brick hit and the crowd cheered as Finn Balor stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by the Bullet Club. Balor and the Club walked down the ramp, and as Balor entered the ring, the rest of the Bullet Club surrounded the ring. "Basket Case (instrumental)" by Green Day hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Matt Sydal headed to the ring, accompanied by Mark Andrews and Daizee Haze.

Corey Graves: Look at the sight of the Bullet Club surrounding the ring, Joey. They don't even have to lift a finger to put Matt Sydal at a disadvantage; their mere presence is enough to psych him out.

When Sydal had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. As the bell rang, Sydal and Balor exchanged right hands. After gaining the upper hand, Balor whipped Sydal against the ropes, then ran at him, going for the sling blade. Sydal ducked out of the way, then turned to face Balor, hitting him with an enzuigiri. Balor staggered backwards and Sydal grabbed him, whipping Balor into the corner. Sydal ran at Balor, hitting a corner dropkick, then set him up for a cradle suplex. Balor blocked it, then lifted Sydal up, hitting a brainbuster. Balor pulled Sydal to his feet and hit a lifting inverted DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Finn Balor is taking the fight to Matt Sydal right now, Corey!

Balor got to his feet and stomped on Sydal several times, then pulled him to his feet once more, whipping him into the corner. Balor hit a series of punches in the corner, then sat Sydal on the top rope, setting him up for a superplex. Sydal fought back with some right hands, knocking Balor off the ropes, then hit him with a dragonrana! Sydal hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Sydal almost stole a victory there, Joey!

Joey Styles: How would that have been stealing a victory, Corey? That was an incredible dragonrana by Matt Sydal!

Both men got to their feet and Sydal whipped Balor against the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sydal went for a roundhouse kick, but Balor ducked out of the way, then hit him with the Pele Kick! Sydal looked dazed and Balor hit a front dropkick, sending Sydal into the corner. Balor followed it up with a corner enzuigiri, then hit the 1916 on Sydal. Balor went to the top rope... and hit Sydal with the Coup de Grace! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Finn Balor gets the victory!

Balor celebrated with the Bullet Club as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Monday Night Warfare returned from a commercial break, cameras focused on the ring with Michael Cole standing there, smiling into the camera as two stools were placed in the center of the ring. Eventually, he spoke up as fans quickly knew what was coming up next.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest to the ring…Samoa Joe.

Fans quickly started to boo, as the arena lights start to flash green and shades of yellow, with ‘Destroyer’ by CFO$ blasting the PA System. The boos then grew louder when a smug-looking Samoa Joe appeared on stage, wearing his So-Cal t-shirt and blue jeans, complete with a towel around his neck as he scouted the arena from the stage before slowly walking down the ramp as his menacing music continued to play.

Corey Graves: I couldn’t believe my eyes at Christmas Eve of Destruction, Samoa Joe from nowhere making his way to the ring and laying out Bobby Roode in the middle of the ring. I’ve heard he’s going to sue.

Joey Styles: I’m just as confused as you are, Corey. Nobody has any idea what’s going on, but let’s hope Michael can get some answers out of him in the ring.

Joe got into the ring and picked up the microphone from his stool, and stared at Cole with a deadly expression on his face, squaring up to him and breathing heavily before smirking, backing away and sitting on the stool, gesturing at Cole to sit down as well. Eventually his music stopped playing, and Cole looked nervous as he spoke.

Michael Cole: I’d just like to take a moment to look back at what happened at Christmas Eve of Destruction, when you attacked Bobby Roode.

Joe didn’t even look at the screen as replayed showed Joe hitting a huge Muscle Buster on Bobby Roode, before cutting back to the ring.

Michael Cole: I think the best question to start with is…why?

Joe took off the towel and wiped his forehead, ignoring the question as he looked down at the canvas, before speaking.

Samoa Joe: I don’t think that’s the best question. I think that’s a question the monkeys in the back told you to ask me. But, to entertain you and satisfy them, I’ll answer it. I did what I did…simply because I wanted to. That’s it. No hidden agenda. No hidden meaning. No specific target. I did…what I did…because I wanted to.

Michael Cole: But…but why Bobby Roode?

Samoa Joe: Why not Bobby Roode? Weren’t most of the crowd getting sick of the phony open challenges? Weren’t you all sick of that? If anything, all you should be thanking me, and applauding me for finally stepping in and doing something about it. For weeks, the name everyone has been talking about is Bobby Roode, which, quite frankly, I was sick to death of. He had his guard down, I was bored, and you’ve all seen what I can when a challenge has been made, I just hope someone else lays out a challenge and feels the same wrath and suffers the same consequences.

Michael Cole: So… you did it because you found it…

Samoa Joe: Fun. Yeah, I found it fun. I loved the shocked look on his face because Bobby knows me, and he knows what I’m capable of, and every step I took down that ramp, he became more and more visibly frustrated KNOWING that he’s going to be knocked out cold. I loved the havoc it caused backstage when the producers had no idea what was going on, or how to deal with the situation. I loved how my phone was blowing up when I was getting calls and texts and e-mails about asking me what the hell I’m doing on EBWF television when I’m supposed to be at Full Sail for NXT on Wednesday night. That was fun to me, everybody panicking. Nobody knowing what to do or how to deal with it, I love the panic on your face and the sweat rolling down your cheek just hoping I don’t wrap my hands around your neck and choke the life out of you. That…is what I believe defines Samoa Joe now, in 2017, panic. I am not here to sit idle and let little skinny goths take a spot I deserve. I’m not here and I’m not interested in all of the flippy shit you see these so-called athletes do either.

Michael Cole: So there’s no…

Samoa Joe: No, you’re listening now, not talking. The question you should be asking isn’t why, but why now. Why at this time, why now when people expected me to be somewhere else on Wednesday night. You know what the funny thing is, little man? The funny thing is you and all of these clueless nobodies in the crowd and at the back think I was tempted away by something, that I wanted a triumphant entrance so you pieces of crap cheer for me and I can make a top 10 list at the end of the year for the most shocking debut and be proud of it and count it as an achievement. The funny thing is you think I came here to take out Bobby Roode. I’m here to take over, and I don’t care if your name is Bobby Roode or if your name is AJ Styles or Chris Jericho…everybody on that roster, standing behind those curtains watching me…I’m not here to have three matches and disappear, I’m here to dominate like I have every place I have gone. Everybody, all of them will panic whenever they see Samoa Joe in this ring and walking backstage, and I’m here to tell you that one way or another, January 29…I’ll be in that Royal Rumble. And I’m not planning on losing either.

Joe threw the microphone as he stared at Cole as he exited the ring, with fans surprised as Joe’s intentions as his music played again.

Joey Styles: There you have it, Samoa Joe made it clear and simple. He’s here to take over, and he’s planning to start that at the Royal Rumble later this month!


Joey Styles: Up next our main event, former World Champion Sami Zayn takes on the new Intercontinental Champion, Alex Riley!

"Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn made his way to the ring. When Zayn was in the ring, "Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Alex Riley stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by The Miz.

Joey Styles: Well Corey, it seems like a lot of the fans here in Boston don't approve of the way Riley won the Intercontinental Title at Christmas Eve of Destruction.

Corey Graves: It's like I said at the time, Joey... anything goes in the Chamber of Extreme! The Miz helped out his protégé, Alex Riley, which is his role as Riley's manager.

Joey Styles: So you don't see anything wrong with Miz slipping Riley the brass knucks, Corey?

Corey Graves: Nothing whatsoever. It was a no disqualification match, for crying out loud!

There was obvious tension between Riley and Zayn as Riley entered the ring. The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Zayn went for a headlock, but Riley countered with a hammerlock. Zayn broke out of it, then whipped Riley against the ropes. As Riley ran back towards him, Zayn went for a leg lariat, but Riley ducked underneath it, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then took Zayn down with a clothesline. Zayn got to his feet and Riley whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, going for a corner forearm smash. Zayn moved out of the way, causing Riley to collide with the turnbuckle, then as Riley staggered backwards, Zayn set him up for the half and half suplex. Riley blocked it and grabbed Zayn, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. He then set Zayn up for a back drop, but as he lifted Zayn up, Zayn landed on his feet behind Riley. Zayn then lifted Riley up, hitting the Blue Thunder Bomb! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Great back and forth action so far!

Both men got to their feet and locked up once more. Zayn applied an arm twist, but Riley fought back with a kick to the midsection, forcing Zayn to break the hold. Zayn and Riley exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Riley took Zayn down with a swinging neckbreaker. Riley followed it up with a knee drop, then ran against the ropes, hitting Zayn with a running leg drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Alex Riley echoing the legendary Hulk Hogan with that running leg drop... Rileymania running wild, Joey!

Joey Styles: Corey, the only thing Hulk Hogan and Alex Riley have in common is the number of letters in their first and last names!

Riley sat Zayn up, applying a chinlock, but Zayn broke free and both men got to their feet. Zayn whipped Riley against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both superstars got to their feet once more and Zayn set Riley up for a Double pumphandle vertical suplex powerbomb, but Riley countered with a back body drop. Zayn got to his feet and Riley whipped him against the ropes, before going for a spinebuster. Zayn countered it, spinning Riley around and hitting a tornado DDT!

Joey Styles: Great counter by Sami Zayn!

Riley looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Zayn took him down with an STO, then applied the Koji clutch! Riley cried out in pain, but he managed to get to the ropes, and the referee ordered Zayn to break the hold. Zayn stepped back, allowing Riley time to get to his feet, and when Riley was up, Zayn went to whip him against the ropes. Riley was still near the ropes and he grabbed the top rope, blocking the Irish whip. He then hit Zayn with a stiff kick to the midsection, before hitting a lifting DDT.

Corey Graves: Riley Elevation!

Riley hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Zayn kicked out! Riley got to his feet and stomped on Zayn several times, before pulling Zayn to his feet and lifting Zayn onto his shoulders, hitting the Final Score! He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Another victory for Alex Riley!

Riley celebrated over the fallen Zayn as Warfare went off the air.