Warfare Results 01/16/2017

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 01/16/2017

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and we would like to welcome you to EBWF Warfare!

Corey Graves: We are two weeks away from the Royal Rumble, and tonight we’ll get a peek at some of the men who will take part in that fabled matchup.

Joey Styles: It starts right now!

“SAWFT is a Sin” brought out Enzo Amore who got a mixed reaction from the crowd. Once he’d entered the ring, Baron Corbin came out holding his Tag Team Championship Belt. Once both men were checked over the bell rang and the matchup was under way. Circling, Enzo ducked a lariat and threw right hands, backing Corbin in the corner. Enzo tried for the Stinger splash, Baron caught him, popped him up, but Enzo was on his feet. Enzo went for the superkick, but Baron caught his foot, and ducked another lariat. Corbin slapped a dropkick away! Corbin with boots against the ropes, drew Enzo to his feet for a knee lift before stepping on his head against the bottom rope.

Corey Graves: The strength of Corbin here!

Corbin laid on punches in the corner and then hammer whipped Enzo across the ring.

Joey Styles: The Certified G is certifiably hurting here.

Corbin hit the Disdainful stomp and Enzo fired body blows in return. Enzo ran off the ropes into a back elbow that goy a two count for Baron. Corbin stepped on Amore’s face in the corner before choking him with a guillotine over the ropes as the referee counted. Corbin let Enzo out of the corner, and he followed up with big rights, but Corbin knocked him to the outside with one big chop of his own.

Joey Styles: My God! Enzo isn’t going to be able to get up from that.

Baron rammed Amore into the apron before heading back in the ring. Forearms followed, sending Enzo stumbling but he was able to fire an uppercut on a charge and got a boot up on a second. Enzo stumbled and walked right into The End of Days, and Baron went for the cover.

1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: That’s going to do it! Baron Corbin takes the victory over Enzo Amore.


JTG came to the ring first, followed by Matt Sydal. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. JTG went for a clothesline, but Sydal ducked out of the way, then grabbed JTG and whipped him against the ropes. As JTG ran back towards him, Sydal hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Sydal hit a sitout jawbreaker. He followed it up with a standing moonsault, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Sydal pulled JTG to his feet and went to set him up for a cradle suplex, but JTG blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. JTG stomped on Sydal several times, then ran against the ropes, going for a leg drop. Sydal rolled out of the way, then hit JTG with a shining wizard. He then whipped JTG into the corner and sat him on the top rope, before hitting a frankensteiner! Sydal went to the top rope once more, and hit the Shooting Sydal Press! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Matt Sydal with the victory!

Sydal celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Shot'Em" by [Q]Brick hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Finn Balor made his way to the ring, accompanied by the Bullet Club. Once Balor was in the ring, "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn headed to the ring. When Zayn entered the ring, Balor taunted him, forming a gun with his fingers and pretending to fire at his opponent. The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Balor applied a headlock takedown, keeping the headlock locked in as Zayn hit the mat. Zayn broke free and as both men got to their feet, Zayn whipped Balor against the ropes. As Balor ran back towards him, Zayn went for a back body drop, but Balor countered with a sunset flip and rolled Zayn up. Zayn rolled out of it, and hit Balor with a low dropkick. Balor got to his feet and Zayn lifted him up, hitting the Blue Thunder Bomb! He hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Zayn and Balor got to their feet, then exchanged right hands back and forth. Zayn gained the upper hand and he went to take Balor down with a clothesline, but Balor ducked out of the way, then hit Zayn with the Pele Kick!

Corey Graves: Incredible athleticism shown by both men in this match so far!

Both men got to their feet and Balor hit the Reverse 1916 on Zayn, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Balor pulled Zayn to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, but Zayn fought back with some punches of his own. Zayn applied a wrist lock on Balor, then hit a springboard tornado DDT. Zayn hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... Balor kicked out! Zayn pulled Balor to his feet and hit an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles, then went for the Helluva Kick... but as Zayn ran towards him, Balor ran out of the corner and took Zayn down with a sling blade! Balor set Zayn up for the 1916, but before he could hit it, Zayn countered with a northern lights suplex. Both men got to their feet, and Zayn hit a reverse STO, then applied the Koji Clutch! Balor cried out in pain, but he was able to get to the ropes.

Joey Styles: Intense back and forth action here, Corey... both of these superstars as giving it their all tonight!

As Balor got to his feet, Zayn went to grab him, but Balor fought back, hitting an enzuigiri. Balor then hit a brainbuster on Zayn, and went to the top rope, signalling for the Coup de Grace. Balor jumped from the turnbuckle... but Zayn rolled out of the way! He grabbed Balor and hit another exploder suplex into the corner, then followed it up with the Helluva Kick! This time, Zayn hit it, and he hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! What a match!

Zayn celebrated in the ring, then made his way up the ramp, nodding respectfully at Finn Balor before walking through the curtain.


Joey Styles: Up next, our main event as the Intercontinental Champion, Alex Riley takes on Jimmy Havoc!

Riley came to the ring first, accompanied by The Miz. Once Riley had entered the ring, Jimmy Havoc came out, accompanied by Baron Corbin.

Corey Graves: Well this is interesting, Joey. We haven't seen much of Baron Corbin recently, but it looks like he has Havoc's back here tonight.

When Havoc was in the ring, the referee called for the bell, and Havoc began exchanging right hands with Alex Riley. Riley was able to gain the upper hand and he whipped Havoc into the corner, then hit a kick to the midsection. Riley punched Havoc in the corner several times, which caused him to fall into a sitting position. Riley then stepped back, hitting Havoc with a running knee to the face.

Joey Styles: An aggressive start by Alex Riley!

Riley pulled Havoc to his feet and dragged him out of the corner, then hit a neckbreaker. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Riley pulled Havoc to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, then went for a spinebuster, but Havoc countered with a DDT. He stomped on Riley several times, then sat him up, applying a sleeper hold. Riley broke out of it and got to his feet. He went for a clothesline, but Havoc ducked out of the way, then grabbed Riley from behind, lifting him up and hitting a back drop. He followed it up with a double foot stomp, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Havoc got to his feet and moved to the corner of the ring, where he began untying the top turnbuckle pad. The referee intervened, ordering Havoc to stop. As the referee retied the turnbuckle pad, Havoc put his foot on Riley's throat!

Corey Graves: Clever ring strategy there from Jimmy Havoc!

As the referee turned around, Havoc took his foot of Riley's throat and hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... Riley kicked out! Havoc pulled Riley to his feet and went to whip Riley against the ropes, but Riley reversed the Irish whip, sending Havoc into the ropes. As Havoc ran back towards him, Riley hit a leg lariat. Riley went for a figure four leglock, but Havoc broke free before Riley could lock it in, then got to his feet. The two men exchanged right hands back and forth furiously, and this time, Jimmy Havoc gained the upper hand. He lifted Riley up, hitting the Death Valley Driver. Havoc pulled Riley to his feet and went for the Acid Rainmaker... but Riley ducked out of the way, then grabbed Havoc from behind, hitting a German suplex. When Havoc got to his feet, Riley hit a high knee, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: So close to a three count!

Riley pulled Havoc to his feet and lifted him onto his shoulders, setting him up for the Final Score. Havoc broke free, countering with a reverse DDT. As Riley got to his feet, Havoc went for the Acid Rainmaker again... and this time, he hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Another win for Jimmy Havoc!

As Havoc celebrated, "Phenomenal" by CFO$ hit, and the crowd cheered as AJ Styles stepped out onto the stage. Styles stood at the top of the ramp, taunting Havoc by holding the World Title in the air and shouting "I've still got this". Styles the walked back through the curtain, smirking to himself. Havoc watched on angrily as Warfare went off the air.