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Phenomenal? Please...

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:04 am
by Seige


The streak has come to an end but there was still time to celebrate for the men known as the Bullet Club since this week the one, the only Finn Balor would go toe to toe with that has been AJ Styles who at this moment held the coveted EBWF World Heavyweight Championship. So as the scene opened up inside what looked like a hotel room where the boys of the Bullet Club stood around with empty beer bottles left around, each one of them held a bottle of beer in their hands and among them was Finn Balor himself as he stood before the camera holding up the TOO SWEET sign as he began to speak.

”Everyting around ‘ere was earned true blood, sweat and tears… Everyting tat I’ve ever done in my career has been because I am ta best, I am bettah ten every single one of tose men who stepped foot inside tat squared circle against me, I’ve held gold around my waist back in Japan, I’ve been around ta World and proved I am ta best… Now I ‘ave come ‘ere to prove tat I am still ta best and tonite I get tat chance when I face off against ta World Champion! Ya see AJ, back in Japan, you were one of us… You truly proved to us tat you belonged among the greats, among the BEST and ten you turned ya back on us to come ‘ere where you became teir best, teir champion, ‘owever all ya’ve done is put a target upon ya back tat a real shooter like me could get tat bullseye no matter ‘ow bad mah shot is. Jus’ say ta word and I will pull tat trigger and ten we get ta witness jus’ ‘ow Phenomenal ya really are!”

At this point, Karl Anderson began to speak up as the camera panned across to locate him.

“AJ STYLES! We once called you a brother and this… This is how you repay us? You turn your back on the club, you stand there with your gold and you act all superior to us? Well AJ, you might be the big man around here but one thing you have forgotten is, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is bigger than the club… See you at Warfare, AJ, mark my fucking words AJ, your time is about to come to an end and your end, AJ… Your end is going to be dragged in front of us… You see AJ, we are the firing squad and you’re next in line to face us!”

After Karl stated such words, he bent both of knees and crouched a little as he brought both of his arms forward and began to make the motions and sounds as if he was firing off two machine guns. Then Kenny Omega began to speak up.

“AJ Styles… You do realize that I NEVER liked you and pretty soon, you’re going to meet your demise, we’re gonna make sure of that kid and when your time is up…!”

Kenny brought his hand forward, pointing his index finger at the camera lens as if he was aiming a hand canon at AJ Styles and then as he made the noise of a hand canon being fired, Kenny continued.

”You’ll rest inside a wooden box and these people you parade in front of, boasting about being the champion of the world to, will forget you ever existed, in fact AJ, I’ll clean your clock myself but for now, you should thank your lucky stars that you avoided the One Winged Angel, although then again, you are about to meet your maker when Finn delivers the Coup de Grace!”

Once Kenny Omega has finished speaking such words, Finn Balor began to speak once again.

“Warzone… Monday Night Warzone… Tat name couldn’t ring any truer tan it does as ye and I both know that once tat bell rings, AJ tat you and I will not be ‘avin’ one of tose matches tat turn into an all-out slugfest, oh no, we won’t be ‘avin’ one of tose average matches where tey trow each utter down with slams, tis is gonna be a bloody war! We are about to hit ta battlefield on Monday, AJ and yew are about to find out tat ya truly not who ya say ye are… Ye ain’t no Phenomenal One… But ye about to get ya arse kicked!”

Luke Gallows would step up to bring this to a close as he stated.

“The fact is AJ, you messed with the wrong sons of bitches and you’re gonna pay for it! Come Monday Night AJ, the beat down of the EBWF World Champion will commence and it’s gonna be Phenomenal and that AJ… That’s what I call…”

Once the big bad Luke Gallows spoke, the entire club spoke in unison as they all said together in a high pitched voice.


With that every member of the club threw up their ‘Too Sweet’ hand signs before they all turned around and went back to whatever it was that they were doing.

words: Enough || AJ Styles [Closed] || notes: Good luck mate
Annie || caution


OOC Note: Sorry for the lateness, been a busy week work wise and today when I was about to put this up, I got called in and just got home.