Settling In
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 9:25 pm
OOC- Good luck everyone.
The scene opened up in a theater that we had seen in the past. We were in the home of The Miz. On the big screen was clips from Alex Riley's past month in the EBWF. We saw him capturing the EBWF Intercontinental Championship, as well as battling other various opponents. It had been an up and down ride so far for Riley since stepping into the lime light and out of the shadow of The Miz. At first you could tell he was having fun with ordering The Miz around, and getting some retribution for the poor treatment he received as The Miz' manager. Lately, it seemed as though Riley had been drifting down the path of becoming exactly like Miz was once. A self centered ego maniacal man, who's MO was that his bark was a lot louder than his bite. Riley sat in one of the seats of this theater room, wearing a dark blue button up, and light blue jeans. He studied the images on the screen before finally putting his hand in his hands and moving his hands from the top to the bottom of his face. He seemed deep in thought. Finally, Miz came into the scene. Miz was dressed in a Red short sleeve shirt, and black pants. He sat down next to Riley. Riley looked at him, and then back at the screen. Their brief interaction, had a different feel to it than we'd seen in recent weeks. Miz patted Riley three times on the back. The camera panned out and picked up that the Intercontinental Championship sat on the seat next to Riley. He looked down at it briefly, and then once more returned his eyes to the screen. After several beats, Alex broke the silence.
Alex Riley: I need your help.
The Miz smirked, for the first time in months, you could almost recognize him.
The Miz: I thought you'd never ask.
Alex Riley shook his head.
Alex Riley: The landscape of this business, well I underestimated it. This company is serious, the competition- serious, you gotta be ruthless, you got to truly be willing to step on someones head if it means you ascend with that step. I'm learning so much so fast about what it takes to be the best in this business. I'm seeing what it takes to be the most talked about, the most must-see, the most captivating man in it.. but you.. you Miz.. you already were that. For as much as I used to shake my head and question deep down, how you were able to do what you did- it's hard to argue with the results. It's hard to argue with the success that you had. So- Miz.. I took a hard long look in the mirror. Though it's been fun to kind of torment you and make you run errands, and treat you the way that you once treated me. The fun in that has run out- the reality that this is my shot, is setting in. The fun and the games are over. I need you to help me. At Fallout- I have the biggest match of my life. It's a chance to become the EBWF Champion and the EBWF Intercontinental Champion at the same time. A feat that not even you have accomplished. It's the chance of a lifetime, and I know I'm not going to win this match by making you do my dry cleaning. You know each and every man in this match, you've battled them a lot more than I have over the years. Look, I know I'm talented. I know I have the ability to be the man around here- what I need is your guidance- your insight- to help me get there. Styles, Jericho, Havoc, Cesaro, Black- they all want the same thing. They all go about it the same way. Brash confidence. False bravado, puffing out their chest saying that they aren't even going to be challenged in this match. That is the way I've approached things here over the past couple of weeks as well. I don't think that is going to win the match at Fallout- I think to win at Fallout is going to take a man who not only brings it physically but mentally as well. Guys like Havoc, Cesaro, AJ Styles, they all have mean streaks, they all are physically gifted.. but let's just say if I was starting a math team I wouldn't pick any of them. To win a match like this inside an Elimination Chamber- you got to be able to out think your opponent. Strageically find a way to out last the competition to ensure that you are going to be the last man standing. You can't just run out guns blazing like Cesaro will, or throw your body into harms way like Styles, Black, and Havoc will. You got to play the game- you got to think- and that's what I know you can help me with.
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: Alex first- I just want to say that it took you longer than it should of.. but what you just said- is probably the smartest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth besides- "we should go" when those two strippers in Miami asked us to follow them into the back room.
Alex Riley: Holy fuck that was sweet.
The Miz nodded knowingly.
The Miz: Indeed.
Somewhere Funaki smiled.
The Miz: I was wondering how you were going to go into this week. The mindset you would take. I was going to watch disappointed if you came into this match, which like you said, is the biggest one you've had to date, over confident and quite frankly delusional. Leave that to idiots like Chris Jericho, AJ, and Havoc. You go in with a quiet confidence. A confidence that says, I'm Alex freaking Riley. I'm the EBWF Intercontinental Champion. I've slept with girls- puts you ahead of Cesaro. I shower- puts you ahead of Styles. I can do more than 5 minutes of cardio- puts you ahead of Jericho. I can speak for 2 minutes without putting an audience to sleep- puts you ahead of Black. I own clothes that aren't black- puts you ahead of Havoc. The fact that you are realizing what it takes to make it in this company- is the exact reason why you are going to MAKE it in this company. Shit bro, you already have. You have picked up a handful of big victories including one that has put me on the sideline for an entire year. You've won the Intercontinental Championship, and now you are going to win the EBWF Championship. I know I was hard on you over the years, but it was only so you could see the things you're seeing right now. I'm me and you're you, Alex. Sometimes I can get a bit over the top in my confidence. It's been one of the things that helped me succeed, but it has also led to some of my biggest disappointments as well. That doesn't have to be you. You need to go into this match, not THINKING, but KNOWING you can win it. However, also understanding that it doesn't just happen. You have to want it more than these other guys, every second you are in the ring. That's why you beat me that night Alex. You wanted it more, it MEANT more to you that night. You went in knowing you could win, and I went in thinking I couldn't lose.
Alex Riley: That's the thing Miz. I feel the same way right now going into this match, as I did that match with you. I know I can beat these guys. I know I can become the EBWF Champion- and that is exactly what is going to happen at Fallout. When I was in the ring the other night, and that brawl escalated the way that it did. That's when it hit me. Everyone of these guys in this match are scared. They are desperate. Sometimes being desperate can make a man rise up.. but not these guys Miz. These guys are desperate in a different way, a less productive, less intimidating way. AJ Styles is the EBWF Champion- he's desperate not to lose it. He comes out arrogant, he comes off confident, but really he's scared of once again becoming a guy people talk about as being the PICTURE of inconsistency. AJ Styles is scared that once again he is going to have to tuck his tail between his legs and leave, so that people will care when he returns again after yet another hiatus, on vacation, in rehab, or whereever the hell he goes. AJ Styles is terrified, I could tell even in the time I spent with him last week going into the six man tag. You can tell he looks down on me, he still sees the guy that you and him used to boss around. He doesn't look at me as a threat, he looks at me the same way you looked at me going into that match that made you my manager. AJ Styles doesn't respect me, but god damnit he will after Fallout. AJ you are scared to lose your title, and you know what bro.. you should be. However, you shouldn't be scared of Chris Jericho, PJ Black, Cesaro, or Havoc being the one to take it. No. You should be worried about the one guy that you are probably not worried about- and that's me. AJ incase you have been living under a rock- or passed out from smoking one- things have changed when it comes to Alex Riley. The only errand I'll be running after fallout is visiting you at the hospital with my newly won EBWF Championship strap, to go along with this EBWF Intercontinental Championship that I already have.
The Miz nodded, nobody knew AJ better than he did.
The Miz: Look nobody knows AJ Styles better than I do.
The Miz: The thing about AJ is this is how he gets you. He lulls you into thinking that he's not worried about you, or that he doesn't respect you. When really he knows everything about you. He knows what he does and says is going to do to your mind and your psyche. He knows how to push your buttons, to make you think that he's talking down to you, or underestimating you.. when really he sees you for exactly what you truly are. AJ Styles knows you can bring it, Alex. He knows that even just a victory over me, tells him everything he needs to know about you. AJ and I have gone back and forth over the years, and we've both won our fair share. He knows what he's getting into with you. He knows that you are a guy who could EASILY take his title at Fallout, and if he doesn't than maybe its me who's OVER estimating the intellect that he has. AJ Styles isn't the biggest guy, he's not the fastest, but what's gotten him to where he is- is that very thing that we discussed earlier. He has an understanding about how to get results. You have to beat him at his own game at Fallout. You can't let him rattle you. If he hits a big move, you have to move into the next moment, and not let him get into your head.
Alex thought for a moment and nodded.
Alex Riley: It has to be true. There's no way this guy could be as dumb as he comes off, and still be so successful in this company. It's just not possible. One minute he's clowning around, and the next he flips into psychopath mode where he is digging dudes up from graves and stuff. To that end AJ- we aren't so different you and I. I like to have fun too, I like to go out, and party and hang loose. However, like you, I also know when it's time to get down to business. I know when it's time to lock in, and crush anything that stands in my way of getting what I want. Miz says that you know what type of competitor I am, and for your sake you better hope he's right.. because if you underestimate me even for a second, I'm going to beat the living hell out of you and take your title faster than you could "puff puff pass." I know you have been around this company longer than me, you've had more matches, but the one thing about you- that you will never see in me AJ- is that you are a front runner. When it's going well for you- you are here- you are confident- you are filming thoughtful bits where you actually do come off looking kind of cool. Everything is hunky dory. However, when it's not going well, when you're dropping matches, when you aren't getting opportunties. You whine. You bitch. You complain. You leave. Sure you always come back, because well your lifestyle isn't cheap. As an onlooker who wanted nothing more than to get my chance in the spotlight, I always saw it as a slap in the face how you based your work ethic on how well things were going for you. When I knew that the second I had my chance, I would work, I would fight, I would grind day in and day out to reach the pinnacle of this business. If I got knocked down once or twice like I already have, I'd pop back up I'd reassess and I'd come back and fight and grind some more. That's ME- AJ. That's not you. That's never been you- and THAT is why I think.. NO- I KNOW- that come Fallout in a match like this- in a match of this magnitude there's going to be moments where it looks like the chips are down. In that moment, I know you are going to fold. I know you are going to give in, I know you are going to CHECK OUT. When that happens- there's going to be one man waiting at the front desk ready to CHECK IN to the big SUITE.. ready to CHECK IN.. to the responsibility of being "THE MAN" and that man ready to do that is yours truly- A-RI! ALEX MOTHER EFFIN RILEY.
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: Never took you to be so perceptive Al. Pretty much got Styles pegged. Stay persistent. Fight through the rough patches, and let him know you aren't backing down. He will be cooked- and not the way he likes to be cooked.
The two men shared a laugh.
The Miz: That is exactly why Jimmy Havoc- has just had absolutely no luck with AJ. Havoc is just like AJ. Shot out of a cannon. Tries to be a little eery, a little mysterious, to distract everybody from the fact that he's kind of a little bitchy, and a little overated-y.. hah. Havoc fights on all emotion. He's in his own world literally and figuratively. He keeps coming back, week in and week out trying to go a little bit further to the dark side. Trying to get a little bit scarier, a little bit creepier, so that we think he's a little bit crazier, and a little bit more dangerous.. but really he's still the same fired up little troll that he was to start with. Styles- lives off beating people like that. It drives Havoc crazy, that AJ can play his own game better than he can. If AJ wants to get eery and dark, he can do that better than someone who prides themself on it. Once that happens to a guy like Havoc, forget it. Throw in the fact that Havoc kind of sucks, and then REALLY forget it.
Alex laughed.
Alex Riley: Exactly- that is the mistake I've been making. I looked at a guy like Havoc- and kind of fill prey to his games. Deep down I saw him as a bit of a wildcard. However, I'm seeing now that he's as scared and desparate as any of the guys in this match. A guy like Jimmy Havoc isn't supposed to make it in this business. A guy like Jimmy Havoc looks at a guy like me, and thinks "if I just looked like that, I would have it all, but I don't so now I'm going to listen to Slipknot and threaten him." That's why Jimmy has such a problem with me. I'm the guy who banged the chicks, and he's the guy who whacked it to Marilyn Manson posters when Marilyn got tits. I'm the symbol of everything Jimmy Havoc isn't and instead of being tough and persevearing- despite what he thinks- that eating away at him causing him to crumble. It's like with AJ Styles- the one thing that Jimmy tries to be and do better than anyone else- AJ tops him. He beats him at his own game. Leaving Jimmy in a puddle of mediocrity and black eye liner. Jimmy Havoc is hanging my a thread. He's had this opportunity already- he's had the chance to step up- and he's blown it like it was a load of Cesaro while he's watching the World's Strongest Man competition. Jimmy after Fallout- it'll be time for you to crawl back into your little hole to die. It's not Halloween and your little Trick or Treat scary "BOO AHH I'm Scared." Thing that your trying to do is getting older than Chris Jericho. You may hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm charismatic, hate me because I'm the guy your parents wished was their son. After Fallout- you are going to hate me even more- when I successful do what you couldn't and take the EBWF Championship right off the waist of AJ Styles.
The Miz: Be Jealous!
Alex Riley: Fuck Me Jimmy? No bro.. Fuck you.
The Miz smirked once more. He was enjoying this new focused Riley.
The Miz: The wild card in this whole thing really is Cesaro. I mean like you said earlier. Physically he's pretty strong, but mentally you could probably give him a crossword puzzle and his head might explode into little pieces scattered in the ring. He's a guy though that I feel has kind of been waiting in the wings for this kind of a chance. Another guy that you need to make sure you keep an eye on. You can't be the guy in this match, Alex that underestimates anybody. In the past Cesaro would DEFINITELY be a guy who I would laugh at, as having any relevance inside or outside of the ring. He's just kind of blah. Not blah like PJ Black blah... but blah like he's just kind of around. Like if you saw him eating lunch alone at the only table that wasn't full- you'd probably eat in the bathroom. Like I just don't have much interest in him, but he never seems to go away. He always seems to pop back into the mix just when you think he's about to go away for ever, like everyone in the business wishes he would. This Elimination Chamber match is perfect evidence. He finds a way to win it, and now we're sitting here talking about him. It's unreal.
Alex Riley: I hear ya. I kind of admire that about him though. No matter what you got to hand it to a guy who literally has nothing interesting about him, no wow factor, and continues to matter even if it's in some small way. Cesaro might be the winner if we were having a who can pick a tire up and swing it around contest.. but unfortunately this is an Elimination Chamber match for the richest prize in our business. Cesaro you may be able to toss toddlers out of the pool area when they ask you to "throw them" but that's not going to pay any dividends at Fallout. The only thing you're going to do is "Throw" up on yourself because we all know that no matter how much you manage to hang around- that you just aren't ready for this type of moment. I have been preparing myself for this match, for this chance, for this moment, since the first day I ever laced up a pair of boots. You on the other hand, are a pompous douche, who couldn't take advantage of this chance even if you wanted to. You are ill equipped, and in case you aren't sure what that means, it means you suck- you aren't ready for this- and come Fallout- out of anybody in this match- you are going to embarrass yourself the most because of that fact. There's a reason you had to win your way into this match, a reason why your name didn't come out of Stone Cold's mouth right from the get go.. and the reason is.. even that drunken rattlesnake knows that you are way out of your league in a match of this stature, a match of this magnitude. Even Stone Cold knows that there's no way you should be given this chance. At Fallout- Cesaro, I swear if you try to stand in my way, I'm going to make you wish that you had just done what everyone expected you to do on Warfare- so that you didn't have to be in the spotlight, when clearly that spotlight is way too bright for someone like you.
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: Speaking of people that CONTINUE to linger around the spotlight, when they should be in obscurity. You can't forget about PJ Black- even though I'm sure everybody wishes that they could.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: Ah yes- PJ Black. Another guy who has gotten the best of me, but I'm still not convinced he tried to talk trash to me which made me feel like I overdosed on Nyquil which allowed him to get the victory. PJ Black- the same PJ Black who is STILL the Path To Glory Champion. I honestly don't know what to make of this guy. I don't think I ever have been. I don't think you ever have been either, is that accurate Miz?
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: Honestly- yeah it's pretty accurate. He just reminds me of the guy in high school who hugs your girlfriend too long and you're like "OK bro relax." He's the guy who's just kind of there. The guy who didn't play a sport, wasn't a loser, but wasn't cool. Didn't get an A ever, but also got like an 82 on every test. He just existed. He's the guy who like years later he shows up to the reunion and you're like "oh right that guy's a person, I kinda remember him." Normally it'd be easy to forget a guy like that and not give it a second thought.. but now picture that same guy shows up to your job every day and just says a bunch of words that mean absolutely nothing- and every time you want him to stop talking, there's another 50 minutes to listen to. That's what PJ Black is. The kid you can't just wipe away from your memory, because he never shuts the hell up. Alex- I'm going to ask you to do me a favor... please for the love of god.. SHUT THIS GUY UP.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: That's the plan Miz. PJ Black, is as good as finished in the EBWF. He may be the Path To Glory Champion, but there's no way in hell, I'm going to stand by and let him become anything more than that. He's not going to be the guy that represents the EBWF. Hash tag NOT MY CHAMPION. Neither is Chris Jericho. Transitioning from one guy who won't shut the hell up, to a guy that asks people to- yet doesn't himself either. Chris Jericho has been in the EBWF since dinosaurs roamed the earth. He's one the title 400 times.. and while that's all well and good.. Fallout is not going to be time 401. Chris you're like the dude that's too old to be at the summer camp. It's time to become a camp counselor buddy, if you catch my drift. Take a step back and leave camp to the new kids. Your days of climbing the rope and playing on the go karts are over. I know that you can't see that. I know that it's hard to let go... of the donuts you eat.. you're fat.. but seriously Chris... I know it's a difficult realization to come to. We all have to come to them. I mean look at me, on this very day. I know as well as anyone that sometimes your ego gets in the way of doing the things that make sense. I realized that was happening to me, so I fixed it. Chris THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU.. FIX IT.. call it quits. What more do you have to prove or do? You've already done more than anyone thought someone like you could do. It's just sad now seeing you be a shell of your former self.
The Miz: I've said that Alex- but as much as I hate this mother canucker... he can still go. You have to be ready for him, it's not like being ready for PJ Black to be entertaining, because that's never going to happen.. you really need to lock in for Chris. He is a master of the mind games, a master of finding ways to get it done. He's the definition of a crafty veteran.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: I know- you're right Miz. Chris has had one of the best careers in the history of the business. He's a legend. It's one of the reasons that if I'm being honest I'm glad he's in this match. It's going to be so sweet, when I'm holding the EBWF Championship up over my head, knowing that to do it, I didn't have to beat only nobodies like Cesaro, Jimmy Havoc, or PJ Black, but that I also had to out last, out smart, out compete a guy like Chris who has done everything there is to do in the EBWF. Though I respect what he's accomplished, and what he can still bring to the table.. there's one thing that I don't think he's capable of, and that is STOPPING me from reaching my destiny of becoming the EBWF Champion. I want it TOO MUCH.. I need it TOO MUCH.. and because of that.. IT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE.
Which leaves me with just one question for all my opponents- for when I BECOME EBWF CHAMPION.
The Miz: What question is that A-Ri?
Alex Riley: You Mad Bro?
Alex winked into the camera as he clicked the film back on. He and Miz continued to study the clips as the scene faded out to black.
The scene opened up in a theater that we had seen in the past. We were in the home of The Miz. On the big screen was clips from Alex Riley's past month in the EBWF. We saw him capturing the EBWF Intercontinental Championship, as well as battling other various opponents. It had been an up and down ride so far for Riley since stepping into the lime light and out of the shadow of The Miz. At first you could tell he was having fun with ordering The Miz around, and getting some retribution for the poor treatment he received as The Miz' manager. Lately, it seemed as though Riley had been drifting down the path of becoming exactly like Miz was once. A self centered ego maniacal man, who's MO was that his bark was a lot louder than his bite. Riley sat in one of the seats of this theater room, wearing a dark blue button up, and light blue jeans. He studied the images on the screen before finally putting his hand in his hands and moving his hands from the top to the bottom of his face. He seemed deep in thought. Finally, Miz came into the scene. Miz was dressed in a Red short sleeve shirt, and black pants. He sat down next to Riley. Riley looked at him, and then back at the screen. Their brief interaction, had a different feel to it than we'd seen in recent weeks. Miz patted Riley three times on the back. The camera panned out and picked up that the Intercontinental Championship sat on the seat next to Riley. He looked down at it briefly, and then once more returned his eyes to the screen. After several beats, Alex broke the silence.
Alex Riley: I need your help.
The Miz smirked, for the first time in months, you could almost recognize him.
The Miz: I thought you'd never ask.
Alex Riley shook his head.
Alex Riley: The landscape of this business, well I underestimated it. This company is serious, the competition- serious, you gotta be ruthless, you got to truly be willing to step on someones head if it means you ascend with that step. I'm learning so much so fast about what it takes to be the best in this business. I'm seeing what it takes to be the most talked about, the most must-see, the most captivating man in it.. but you.. you Miz.. you already were that. For as much as I used to shake my head and question deep down, how you were able to do what you did- it's hard to argue with the results. It's hard to argue with the success that you had. So- Miz.. I took a hard long look in the mirror. Though it's been fun to kind of torment you and make you run errands, and treat you the way that you once treated me. The fun in that has run out- the reality that this is my shot, is setting in. The fun and the games are over. I need you to help me. At Fallout- I have the biggest match of my life. It's a chance to become the EBWF Champion and the EBWF Intercontinental Champion at the same time. A feat that not even you have accomplished. It's the chance of a lifetime, and I know I'm not going to win this match by making you do my dry cleaning. You know each and every man in this match, you've battled them a lot more than I have over the years. Look, I know I'm talented. I know I have the ability to be the man around here- what I need is your guidance- your insight- to help me get there. Styles, Jericho, Havoc, Cesaro, Black- they all want the same thing. They all go about it the same way. Brash confidence. False bravado, puffing out their chest saying that they aren't even going to be challenged in this match. That is the way I've approached things here over the past couple of weeks as well. I don't think that is going to win the match at Fallout- I think to win at Fallout is going to take a man who not only brings it physically but mentally as well. Guys like Havoc, Cesaro, AJ Styles, they all have mean streaks, they all are physically gifted.. but let's just say if I was starting a math team I wouldn't pick any of them. To win a match like this inside an Elimination Chamber- you got to be able to out think your opponent. Strageically find a way to out last the competition to ensure that you are going to be the last man standing. You can't just run out guns blazing like Cesaro will, or throw your body into harms way like Styles, Black, and Havoc will. You got to play the game- you got to think- and that's what I know you can help me with.
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: Alex first- I just want to say that it took you longer than it should of.. but what you just said- is probably the smartest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth besides- "we should go" when those two strippers in Miami asked us to follow them into the back room.
Alex Riley: Holy fuck that was sweet.
The Miz nodded knowingly.
The Miz: Indeed.
Somewhere Funaki smiled.
The Miz: I was wondering how you were going to go into this week. The mindset you would take. I was going to watch disappointed if you came into this match, which like you said, is the biggest one you've had to date, over confident and quite frankly delusional. Leave that to idiots like Chris Jericho, AJ, and Havoc. You go in with a quiet confidence. A confidence that says, I'm Alex freaking Riley. I'm the EBWF Intercontinental Champion. I've slept with girls- puts you ahead of Cesaro. I shower- puts you ahead of Styles. I can do more than 5 minutes of cardio- puts you ahead of Jericho. I can speak for 2 minutes without putting an audience to sleep- puts you ahead of Black. I own clothes that aren't black- puts you ahead of Havoc. The fact that you are realizing what it takes to make it in this company- is the exact reason why you are going to MAKE it in this company. Shit bro, you already have. You have picked up a handful of big victories including one that has put me on the sideline for an entire year. You've won the Intercontinental Championship, and now you are going to win the EBWF Championship. I know I was hard on you over the years, but it was only so you could see the things you're seeing right now. I'm me and you're you, Alex. Sometimes I can get a bit over the top in my confidence. It's been one of the things that helped me succeed, but it has also led to some of my biggest disappointments as well. That doesn't have to be you. You need to go into this match, not THINKING, but KNOWING you can win it. However, also understanding that it doesn't just happen. You have to want it more than these other guys, every second you are in the ring. That's why you beat me that night Alex. You wanted it more, it MEANT more to you that night. You went in knowing you could win, and I went in thinking I couldn't lose.
Alex Riley: That's the thing Miz. I feel the same way right now going into this match, as I did that match with you. I know I can beat these guys. I know I can become the EBWF Champion- and that is exactly what is going to happen at Fallout. When I was in the ring the other night, and that brawl escalated the way that it did. That's when it hit me. Everyone of these guys in this match are scared. They are desperate. Sometimes being desperate can make a man rise up.. but not these guys Miz. These guys are desperate in a different way, a less productive, less intimidating way. AJ Styles is the EBWF Champion- he's desperate not to lose it. He comes out arrogant, he comes off confident, but really he's scared of once again becoming a guy people talk about as being the PICTURE of inconsistency. AJ Styles is scared that once again he is going to have to tuck his tail between his legs and leave, so that people will care when he returns again after yet another hiatus, on vacation, in rehab, or whereever the hell he goes. AJ Styles is terrified, I could tell even in the time I spent with him last week going into the six man tag. You can tell he looks down on me, he still sees the guy that you and him used to boss around. He doesn't look at me as a threat, he looks at me the same way you looked at me going into that match that made you my manager. AJ Styles doesn't respect me, but god damnit he will after Fallout. AJ you are scared to lose your title, and you know what bro.. you should be. However, you shouldn't be scared of Chris Jericho, PJ Black, Cesaro, or Havoc being the one to take it. No. You should be worried about the one guy that you are probably not worried about- and that's me. AJ incase you have been living under a rock- or passed out from smoking one- things have changed when it comes to Alex Riley. The only errand I'll be running after fallout is visiting you at the hospital with my newly won EBWF Championship strap, to go along with this EBWF Intercontinental Championship that I already have.
The Miz nodded, nobody knew AJ better than he did.
The Miz: Look nobody knows AJ Styles better than I do.
The Miz: The thing about AJ is this is how he gets you. He lulls you into thinking that he's not worried about you, or that he doesn't respect you. When really he knows everything about you. He knows what he does and says is going to do to your mind and your psyche. He knows how to push your buttons, to make you think that he's talking down to you, or underestimating you.. when really he sees you for exactly what you truly are. AJ Styles knows you can bring it, Alex. He knows that even just a victory over me, tells him everything he needs to know about you. AJ and I have gone back and forth over the years, and we've both won our fair share. He knows what he's getting into with you. He knows that you are a guy who could EASILY take his title at Fallout, and if he doesn't than maybe its me who's OVER estimating the intellect that he has. AJ Styles isn't the biggest guy, he's not the fastest, but what's gotten him to where he is- is that very thing that we discussed earlier. He has an understanding about how to get results. You have to beat him at his own game at Fallout. You can't let him rattle you. If he hits a big move, you have to move into the next moment, and not let him get into your head.
Alex thought for a moment and nodded.
Alex Riley: It has to be true. There's no way this guy could be as dumb as he comes off, and still be so successful in this company. It's just not possible. One minute he's clowning around, and the next he flips into psychopath mode where he is digging dudes up from graves and stuff. To that end AJ- we aren't so different you and I. I like to have fun too, I like to go out, and party and hang loose. However, like you, I also know when it's time to get down to business. I know when it's time to lock in, and crush anything that stands in my way of getting what I want. Miz says that you know what type of competitor I am, and for your sake you better hope he's right.. because if you underestimate me even for a second, I'm going to beat the living hell out of you and take your title faster than you could "puff puff pass." I know you have been around this company longer than me, you've had more matches, but the one thing about you- that you will never see in me AJ- is that you are a front runner. When it's going well for you- you are here- you are confident- you are filming thoughtful bits where you actually do come off looking kind of cool. Everything is hunky dory. However, when it's not going well, when you're dropping matches, when you aren't getting opportunties. You whine. You bitch. You complain. You leave. Sure you always come back, because well your lifestyle isn't cheap. As an onlooker who wanted nothing more than to get my chance in the spotlight, I always saw it as a slap in the face how you based your work ethic on how well things were going for you. When I knew that the second I had my chance, I would work, I would fight, I would grind day in and day out to reach the pinnacle of this business. If I got knocked down once or twice like I already have, I'd pop back up I'd reassess and I'd come back and fight and grind some more. That's ME- AJ. That's not you. That's never been you- and THAT is why I think.. NO- I KNOW- that come Fallout in a match like this- in a match of this magnitude there's going to be moments where it looks like the chips are down. In that moment, I know you are going to fold. I know you are going to give in, I know you are going to CHECK OUT. When that happens- there's going to be one man waiting at the front desk ready to CHECK IN to the big SUITE.. ready to CHECK IN.. to the responsibility of being "THE MAN" and that man ready to do that is yours truly- A-RI! ALEX MOTHER EFFIN RILEY.
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: Never took you to be so perceptive Al. Pretty much got Styles pegged. Stay persistent. Fight through the rough patches, and let him know you aren't backing down. He will be cooked- and not the way he likes to be cooked.
The two men shared a laugh.
The Miz: That is exactly why Jimmy Havoc- has just had absolutely no luck with AJ. Havoc is just like AJ. Shot out of a cannon. Tries to be a little eery, a little mysterious, to distract everybody from the fact that he's kind of a little bitchy, and a little overated-y.. hah. Havoc fights on all emotion. He's in his own world literally and figuratively. He keeps coming back, week in and week out trying to go a little bit further to the dark side. Trying to get a little bit scarier, a little bit creepier, so that we think he's a little bit crazier, and a little bit more dangerous.. but really he's still the same fired up little troll that he was to start with. Styles- lives off beating people like that. It drives Havoc crazy, that AJ can play his own game better than he can. If AJ wants to get eery and dark, he can do that better than someone who prides themself on it. Once that happens to a guy like Havoc, forget it. Throw in the fact that Havoc kind of sucks, and then REALLY forget it.
Alex laughed.
Alex Riley: Exactly- that is the mistake I've been making. I looked at a guy like Havoc- and kind of fill prey to his games. Deep down I saw him as a bit of a wildcard. However, I'm seeing now that he's as scared and desparate as any of the guys in this match. A guy like Jimmy Havoc isn't supposed to make it in this business. A guy like Jimmy Havoc looks at a guy like me, and thinks "if I just looked like that, I would have it all, but I don't so now I'm going to listen to Slipknot and threaten him." That's why Jimmy has such a problem with me. I'm the guy who banged the chicks, and he's the guy who whacked it to Marilyn Manson posters when Marilyn got tits. I'm the symbol of everything Jimmy Havoc isn't and instead of being tough and persevearing- despite what he thinks- that eating away at him causing him to crumble. It's like with AJ Styles- the one thing that Jimmy tries to be and do better than anyone else- AJ tops him. He beats him at his own game. Leaving Jimmy in a puddle of mediocrity and black eye liner. Jimmy Havoc is hanging my a thread. He's had this opportunity already- he's had the chance to step up- and he's blown it like it was a load of Cesaro while he's watching the World's Strongest Man competition. Jimmy after Fallout- it'll be time for you to crawl back into your little hole to die. It's not Halloween and your little Trick or Treat scary "BOO AHH I'm Scared." Thing that your trying to do is getting older than Chris Jericho. You may hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm charismatic, hate me because I'm the guy your parents wished was their son. After Fallout- you are going to hate me even more- when I successful do what you couldn't and take the EBWF Championship right off the waist of AJ Styles.
The Miz: Be Jealous!
Alex Riley: Fuck Me Jimmy? No bro.. Fuck you.
The Miz smirked once more. He was enjoying this new focused Riley.
The Miz: The wild card in this whole thing really is Cesaro. I mean like you said earlier. Physically he's pretty strong, but mentally you could probably give him a crossword puzzle and his head might explode into little pieces scattered in the ring. He's a guy though that I feel has kind of been waiting in the wings for this kind of a chance. Another guy that you need to make sure you keep an eye on. You can't be the guy in this match, Alex that underestimates anybody. In the past Cesaro would DEFINITELY be a guy who I would laugh at, as having any relevance inside or outside of the ring. He's just kind of blah. Not blah like PJ Black blah... but blah like he's just kind of around. Like if you saw him eating lunch alone at the only table that wasn't full- you'd probably eat in the bathroom. Like I just don't have much interest in him, but he never seems to go away. He always seems to pop back into the mix just when you think he's about to go away for ever, like everyone in the business wishes he would. This Elimination Chamber match is perfect evidence. He finds a way to win it, and now we're sitting here talking about him. It's unreal.
Alex Riley: I hear ya. I kind of admire that about him though. No matter what you got to hand it to a guy who literally has nothing interesting about him, no wow factor, and continues to matter even if it's in some small way. Cesaro might be the winner if we were having a who can pick a tire up and swing it around contest.. but unfortunately this is an Elimination Chamber match for the richest prize in our business. Cesaro you may be able to toss toddlers out of the pool area when they ask you to "throw them" but that's not going to pay any dividends at Fallout. The only thing you're going to do is "Throw" up on yourself because we all know that no matter how much you manage to hang around- that you just aren't ready for this type of moment. I have been preparing myself for this match, for this chance, for this moment, since the first day I ever laced up a pair of boots. You on the other hand, are a pompous douche, who couldn't take advantage of this chance even if you wanted to. You are ill equipped, and in case you aren't sure what that means, it means you suck- you aren't ready for this- and come Fallout- out of anybody in this match- you are going to embarrass yourself the most because of that fact. There's a reason you had to win your way into this match, a reason why your name didn't come out of Stone Cold's mouth right from the get go.. and the reason is.. even that drunken rattlesnake knows that you are way out of your league in a match of this stature, a match of this magnitude. Even Stone Cold knows that there's no way you should be given this chance. At Fallout- Cesaro, I swear if you try to stand in my way, I'm going to make you wish that you had just done what everyone expected you to do on Warfare- so that you didn't have to be in the spotlight, when clearly that spotlight is way too bright for someone like you.
The Miz thought for a second.
The Miz: Speaking of people that CONTINUE to linger around the spotlight, when they should be in obscurity. You can't forget about PJ Black- even though I'm sure everybody wishes that they could.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: Ah yes- PJ Black. Another guy who has gotten the best of me, but I'm still not convinced he tried to talk trash to me which made me feel like I overdosed on Nyquil which allowed him to get the victory. PJ Black- the same PJ Black who is STILL the Path To Glory Champion. I honestly don't know what to make of this guy. I don't think I ever have been. I don't think you ever have been either, is that accurate Miz?
The Miz shook his head.
The Miz: Honestly- yeah it's pretty accurate. He just reminds me of the guy in high school who hugs your girlfriend too long and you're like "OK bro relax." He's the guy who's just kind of there. The guy who didn't play a sport, wasn't a loser, but wasn't cool. Didn't get an A ever, but also got like an 82 on every test. He just existed. He's the guy who like years later he shows up to the reunion and you're like "oh right that guy's a person, I kinda remember him." Normally it'd be easy to forget a guy like that and not give it a second thought.. but now picture that same guy shows up to your job every day and just says a bunch of words that mean absolutely nothing- and every time you want him to stop talking, there's another 50 minutes to listen to. That's what PJ Black is. The kid you can't just wipe away from your memory, because he never shuts the hell up. Alex- I'm going to ask you to do me a favor... please for the love of god.. SHUT THIS GUY UP.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: That's the plan Miz. PJ Black, is as good as finished in the EBWF. He may be the Path To Glory Champion, but there's no way in hell, I'm going to stand by and let him become anything more than that. He's not going to be the guy that represents the EBWF. Hash tag NOT MY CHAMPION. Neither is Chris Jericho. Transitioning from one guy who won't shut the hell up, to a guy that asks people to- yet doesn't himself either. Chris Jericho has been in the EBWF since dinosaurs roamed the earth. He's one the title 400 times.. and while that's all well and good.. Fallout is not going to be time 401. Chris you're like the dude that's too old to be at the summer camp. It's time to become a camp counselor buddy, if you catch my drift. Take a step back and leave camp to the new kids. Your days of climbing the rope and playing on the go karts are over. I know that you can't see that. I know that it's hard to let go... of the donuts you eat.. you're fat.. but seriously Chris... I know it's a difficult realization to come to. We all have to come to them. I mean look at me, on this very day. I know as well as anyone that sometimes your ego gets in the way of doing the things that make sense. I realized that was happening to me, so I fixed it. Chris THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU.. FIX IT.. call it quits. What more do you have to prove or do? You've already done more than anyone thought someone like you could do. It's just sad now seeing you be a shell of your former self.
The Miz: I've said that Alex- but as much as I hate this mother canucker... he can still go. You have to be ready for him, it's not like being ready for PJ Black to be entertaining, because that's never going to happen.. you really need to lock in for Chris. He is a master of the mind games, a master of finding ways to get it done. He's the definition of a crafty veteran.
Alex nodded.
Alex Riley: I know- you're right Miz. Chris has had one of the best careers in the history of the business. He's a legend. It's one of the reasons that if I'm being honest I'm glad he's in this match. It's going to be so sweet, when I'm holding the EBWF Championship up over my head, knowing that to do it, I didn't have to beat only nobodies like Cesaro, Jimmy Havoc, or PJ Black, but that I also had to out last, out smart, out compete a guy like Chris who has done everything there is to do in the EBWF. Though I respect what he's accomplished, and what he can still bring to the table.. there's one thing that I don't think he's capable of, and that is STOPPING me from reaching my destiny of becoming the EBWF Champion. I want it TOO MUCH.. I need it TOO MUCH.. and because of that.. IT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE.
Which leaves me with just one question for all my opponents- for when I BECOME EBWF CHAMPION.
The Miz: What question is that A-Ri?
Alex Riley: You Mad Bro?
Alex winked into the camera as he clicked the film back on. He and Miz continued to study the clips as the scene faded out to black.