"Back in Japan, we 'ad some people Oo... (who) would doubt tat we could beat tis lad or tat and you know wot 'appened? We pointed our guns in teir direction and tey fell from teir pedestals. You see, ta Biz Cliz is were ta magic 'appens. We are ta best tere is and ta best tere ever will be. See we are tat reason you all 'ave forgotten ta past, tose oo came before us! We are ta future of rasslin'! We are tose men tat you will remember wen everyting's said and done! Tis rig't 'ere is all ta proof ya need to know just wot we're capable of and just as quickly as I won tis, I am very 'appy to toss it back..."
Finn Balor smirked as he spoke such words, then he continued.
"Enzo Amore... You remind me so muc'... (much) of Mackelmore, only difference between ta two of ya would be tat one 'as swag and ta otter, tries too 'ard... W'ic'... (which) one do ya tink you are, man? Actually don't even attempt to answer such a retorical question... Tose fans of yours can answer tat for ya wen we get out tere and sow tem exactly wot we're all about... I assure you Enzo, wile you find comfort in ta back of Colin Cassady, I find comfort pullin' tat trigger and watc'in... (watching) ya fall like all tose tat came before ya. So Enzo, Fallout isn't just a name of a Pay per view man, Fallout is exactly 'ow tis fig't between us will end as it'll be ta fallout of a career's end... As Enzo, tonig't... I end ya career!"
With these words spoken, the bullet club all hold their hands up for that too sweet and then the scene comes to an abrupt end.