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High School Never Ends.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:09 pm
by Sam
Jimmy Havoc stood leaning on a black wooden door, Hoody raised up with a black mask covering all the way up to his eyes. He wore a black T-shirt and black jeans. Almost as if he wanted to be hidden, more than usual anyway. All of a sudden a tall man with a snapback on came over and patted him on the back, Jim Smallman was the owner of PROGRESS wrestling and someone Jimmy Havoc knew very well.

Jim Smallman: Man, you don’t realise how much we owe you. They’re going to fucking explode.

Jimmy laughed.

Jimmy Havoc: Thank Wes Ikeda, he’s the one who allowed it. Let’s just hope I don't get injured right? Always a pleasure to be back here. Glad to be apart of the first show in the US!

Smallman smiled widely.

Jim Smallman: Glad to have you back brother. You’re up.

Havoc pulled his mask back up and walked down the corridor and through a curtain, the footage then switched to that of a match between Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne.

PROGRESS Wrestling in Orlando.

RJ Singh: I can’t believe it! Pete Dunne just Low blowed Matt Riddle! He’s gonna win this one, in such fucking horrible circumstances Matt Riddle is gonna be hard done by!

All of a sudden the lights went completely dark and “Hospital for Souls” by Bring Me The Horizon started playing and stayed dark for a while. A single spotlight shined on the entranceway on a man stood there looking down. He made his way down the ramp, not raising his head at all.

Glen Joseph: Who even is that?! Marty Scurll? Mark Haskins?!

The man entered the ring and stood toe to toe with Pete Dunne, he raised his head and stared into Pete Dunnes eyes. Pete began shaking his head furiously.

RJ Singh: Pete Dunne knows who that is! Who is it!?

All of a sudden “Hospital for Souls” by BMTH sharply shifted to the chorus of “I Hope You Suffer” by AFI.

Glen Joseph: THAT CAN’T BE!

The man removed his hoody and mask revealing himself to be Jimmy Havoc!


The crowd erupted in only a way that the PROGRESS Ultra’s can. The roof was going to be torn off.

Havoc looks around the crowd as Pete Dunne goes for a clothesline which is ducked by Havoc, who doesnt turn back round. He drops a baseball bat from the inside of his sleeve, turns around and drives it into Dunne’s stomach as he falls to his knees. Havoc once again drives the bat over the back of Pete Dunne and throws it out the ring, he points to the crowd and signals for the Acid Rainmaker. He grabs Pete Dunne’s waist and spins him around for the Acid Rainmaker, dropping Dunne completely to the mat. Havoc goes over to Riddle who’s making his way to his feet, Havoc looks to the crowd and begins to signal for the Rainmaker but stops himself and drags Riddle’s body over the top of Dunne’s




RJ Singh: Jimmy Havoc has won the PROGRESS belt for Matt Riddle! Retribution finally for Pete Dunne!

Some time later, in a bar in downtown Orlando.

Jimmy Havoc is sat in a booth in a bar with several people, namely, Jim Smallman, Matt Riddle, Marty Scurll, Michael Dante and Noam Dar.

Jimmy Havoc: Thanks for having me boys. It was an honour and a pleasure.

All the men raise their drinks and toast to Havoc.

Marty Scurll: So how is experiencing Wrestlemania weekend from the other side?

Scurll directed his question to Havoc as he took a seat further into his chair. Havoc took a drink and rubbed his chin.

Jimmy Havoc: It’s hectic as fuck, you’re lucky I’m here. I’ve done alot of stuff this week and with Mania tomorrow I mean, it’s been fucking amazing but it’s been absolutely horrible at the same time. I’ve had like 4 hours sleep this past week and stuff so.
Noam Dar: A seen ye’ at tha’ Diva’s thin’ wit’ Zahra Schreiber or whateva’ she’s cawed. How’d tha’ go?

Havoc smiled to himself.

Jimmy Havoc: Is that seriously all you care about? It was fine, she’s a fucking amazing person. That’s all i’ve got to say.

Noam looked very dissapointed.

Noam: So ye dint’ bang her then?

Havoc threw a stare through Noam.

Jimmy: That’s all i’ve got to say. Women are more than just your play things you prick.

Noam took a drink and slumped back into his chair.

Jim Smallman: So, Alex Riley in a Ladder match huh? How’s that a thing?

Jimmy Havoc: Kevin is actually pretty fucking talented, i’d take that back if I were you. The programme he’s got with Miz is genuinely entertaining. Works well too, Heel vs. Heel isnt the best thing i’ve heard of at Mania but I think we can play off each other well. I mean, its basically Goth vs. Jock at the end of the day, which is always fun. It’ll be a good match, I should be taking a fucking huge bump too because you know your boy loves huge bumps.

Jim Smallman: I remember you diving off the Garage Balcony!

Havoc laughed aloud.

Jimmy Havoc: Good thing Noam caught me eh? Nah I wanna do something that’s gonna be mentioned in the papers man. Jumping off the stage, diving off the ladder whatever I’m allowed to do.

He looked to the ceiling.

Jimmy Havoc: I do miss the old days though, this is awesome and I wouldnt change it for the world but I miss performing in front of little to no people. Being stapled by fans, called a cunt by everyone. It was fun, it made me who I am.

Jim Smallman put his hand on Havoc’s shoulder.

Jim Smallman: You’re an idiot if you want that back, plus you definitely are a cunt!
The whole table laughed, Havoc smiled but knew that deep down he does miss it.

Jimmy Havoc: Plus I now earn more money that everyone combined here so, You can all eat my dick.

Marty Scurll: Then why are we paying for our own drinks you stingy prick!

Havoc smiled and got up from his chair.

Jimmy Havoc: I’ll get them in.

He walked to the bar, as he got a phone call. He answered it

Havoc: Hello?

???: Mr. Mcahren, the Promo time you asked for is now available if you and Adam want it.

Havoc: Definitely! I’ll be there.

Jimmy hung up, bought the drinks and placed him on the table.

Havoc: I have to go, drinks on me. You’ll be at Mania though right? Gotta show you the belts in person.

The table groaned.

Havoc: Look im sorry, work calls you know.

Jimmy picked up his jacket off the back of his chair and headed out.


EBWF’s YouTube Channel - Jimmy Havoc - High School Never Ends.

The video opens with a picture of a young Jimmy Havoc, same face but shorter hair and a nice blazer on.

Jimmy Havoc: That was me 20 years ago, what a lovely lad I was….What happened huh? I was a goth back then you could say, I wont argue. I listened to all the metal bands and wore all the gear but that’s nothing to no-one. Alex Riley was probably the popular boy on the Football team right? He walked around wear the School’s Team Jersey right? Always had his arm round a girl, might not have been the same one but yeah he always had one. Wait no, I’m actually explaining Miz to an exact point. Riley wasn’t the popular kid, he was the kid that the Popular one knew from childhood who’s Mum asked nicely to hang around with him. Riley was the spotty nosed tag-along, always jealous of Miz in everything that he did. Thats the peak of you Alex Riley, and its translated from School to now. How exactly do you think you can fit your feet into Miz’s big fucking boot’s? I cant wait for this little Clubhouse of your’s to backfire on you when Miz betrays you again for the 100th time but you’ll go back to your little sidekick role because its the only thing you actually know how to do well. Do me a favour and let Miz take the lead on this one, I want actual competition if that’s okay.”

The picture changed to footage showing Havoc at the top of a hospital slab. He’s wearing his usual black shirt with “KILL HAVOC KILL” and black skinny jeans. His mask, a golden knife, a wolf stuffed toy and a replica EBWF Championship belt.

Jimmy Havoc: There are 4 major events in my EBWF Career so far. The beginning, where I joined the EBWF and won the Breakout Championship within a month. My Tag with Seth Rollins and won the Tag Team Championships, my back and forth rivalry with Baron Corbin and lastly my rivalry with AJ Styles.

Jimmy held his hands over all 4 objects and picked up the mask.

Jimmy Havoc: This mask hid who I was, it was a defense mechanism to hide myself from the world. It was used to comfort myself because I was scared, scared of the big stage and scared of fucking reality. What a debut that gave me, Two matches and two losses. I was a joke, a mess and pretty much guaranteed to be like Matt Sydal, sat on the pre show begging for scraps. I changed it up, I decided to change it up and show the world my real self. The real Jimmy Havoc, the destructive anti-christ heathen that lies within. Look where that got me, EBWF Breakout Champion beating Shinsuke Nakamura of all people. That match-up should be Shinsuke’s victory all day but he underestimated me and paid the god damn price and now look where he is?! Nowhere to be found.

He picked up the mask and placed it in his pocket, he then put his hand over the Golden knife.

Jimmy Havoc: Ah, Seth. I enjoyed our time together but you had to go and fuck it didnt you? We genuinely could’ve took over this company with The Broken but you had to up and quit and for what?! To be AJ Styles’ little bitch. I know the real you Seth, I know the Seth that won the Tag belts with me. The one who took down The Dudleys with me, is still there somewhere. You’re an animal and to be honest, I miss you. You were the one person to understand me and you betrayed me. For that, you’ll pay.

He put the knife in his pocket and moved his hand over the toy.

Jimmy Havoc: Baron Corbin, you had such potential. Again, you left too. We had our battles and we had our handshakes, we were the best of friends and the best of enemies. All in all, I want to say, I enjoyed our time together because it was the most fun Ive had in EBWF. Even if you did have a strange obsession with fire.

He put the toy back down and picked up the Replica belt.

Jimmy Havoc: I was thisclose to winning the EBWF Championship, I should be facing Samoa Joe in the Main Event but i’m not. AJ Styles beat me twice at back to back PPV’s, that’s just how the world works sometimes. You have to get knocked down to rock bottom before you can start climbing again and that’s just what I’m doing.

He picked up the replica belt and draped it over his shoulder. Braun Strowman appeared out of right camera carrying a body. It was pale….dead.

Jimmy Havoc: Thank you Braun. You’re a star.

Braun placed the body on the table and left the room. Havoc placed the EBWF Championship replica belt on the bodies waist, he took the mask out of his pocket and put it on the mouth of the dead man. He took the stuffed toy and placed it under the arm of the dead body and then took the golden knife and kept it in his hand.

Jimmy Havoc: All these things have shaped me.into what Jimmy Havoc is today. The ups and the downs have all meant something whether I liked it or not. I’ve had a pretty good year but trust me, when I take those belts at Mania I will start the biggest fucking revolution this company has seen. People like Riley, Miz and AJ Styles think they have me thought out, they think they have me down. Have they fuck! Have you met the man who will give his heart, limbs, bones, blood and sweat to get what he wants. The man who welcomes any and all pain in the name of victory, the man who just….wont….stay down. You havent seen the Worst of Jimmy Havoc just yet, thats to come. At Wrestlemania I bring everyone of my tools in my arsenal and the ones I dont even have! This is the Year of Havoc, cross my heart and hope to die.

When Havoc said the word ‘die’ he plunged the Golden knife into the heart of the dead body on the table.

Jimmy took a deep sigh and a deep breath.

Jimmy Havoc: Now Alex Riley, weve met alot in the past and to my memory I came out on top in ever single exchange...right? Which is quite unlike what your kind did to me in the past, you see, In school people like you spat on people like me. You saw me as an outsider, a weirdo and a freak and well, you probably still think that. Now look at us though, we’re in the exact same spot in the exact same match going for the exact same championships. You think less of whilst i’ve stood toe to toe with AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Nakamura, Edge and Randy Orton and what have you done exactly? Piggybacked of Miz’s success and rode that pony all the way to here. I may have had friends beforehand have my back but at the end of the day and when that bell rang I did it by working and grafting. I’ve stood on my own multiple times so don’t think your numbers scare me. Bring The Miz, bring Darren and Titus because I can guarantee you’re going to need them. Anyway, you’re little clubhouse of dudes running train on each other is nothing when I’ve got backup who’s actually built like a brick house. I don’t need Braun there but you can bet he’ll be there if you try and get your Jock squad to handle your battles for you. Just like back in high school you will fail, you’ll end up with nothing but a bust lip and a black eye feeling sorry for yourself. The Miz will turn on you, Prime Time will realise you’re a joke and you’ll beg to be handing Miz his dry cleaning again. Alex Riley you’re time is up and just like in High School i’m going to have to beat some punk Jock motherfucker until he starts making sense again. Believe me when I say this Riley, you’re out of your depth in this one. You have no earthly idea what you will be facing on Sunday and do you know why? Because even I don't know what you’ll be facing, this is a new chapter in the book of Havoc.”

Havoc grabbed a small gasoline canister from under the table and a lighter from his back pocket.

Havoc: Think of all this here on the table as what made me tick.

He poured the gasoline on the body.

Havoc: What would happen if it all dissapeared?

He flicked the lighter till it came aflame and dropped it on the body engrossing it in flames.

Havoc: The old Havoc is dead. Long Live The King of the Goths.

He began to walk out of shot but turned around suddenly.

Havoc: Lastly, why don’t you make like a good little bitch like you used to and….

Havoc smirked.

Havoc: Fetch me my fucking titles.

The shot faded away, KILL HAVOC KILL appeared in fire on the screen as it slowly turned to ash and revealed the Wrestlemania logo with Riley and Havoc stood opposite each other with the words “Top Jock” under Riley and “King of the Goths” under Havoc.