The best way to learn from somebody is to have them around. If every waken moment is spent with somebody then it is to be completely expected that one would inherit similar traits, learn habits, and strategies to reach a similar level of success. This is a fact of life, you are the company you keep. In the case of Alex Riley- he was slowly but surely in the eyes of many blossoming into someone who had CLEARLY learned from the man who mentored him in the business of the EBWF. Riley though often portrayed the goofy sidekick in the past with more with more brown nose traits than talent or intelligence, but perhaps the entire world had underestimated just how much Alex was absorbing. Perhaps the world did not give Alex enough credit with regards to what exactly he was capable of. When Riley defeated The Miz- to step into the spotlight- it was clear that many felt Alex would return the favor and bully and belittle Miz just like Miz had done to him. At first- people were right. Riley took full advantage of his new position in the company, and made Miz feel miserable for dropping a match that could have ended Alex's career had The Miz been victorious like he had been so many other times. However, as time rolled on Alex started to understand that momentum and desire can only take you so far. He knew that the secret to success was staying one step ahead of the competition. So Alex did what many considered the unthinkable, and that is he invested in the help of the man that had already taught him so much, without even trying. He invested in the services of The Miz. Riley and Miz-together- was a formidable duo even with the role reversal. Riley captured the Intercontinental Championship- and bulldozed his way into becoming the Path To Glory Champion as well, and he did so in a way that The Miz had made famous over the years. Strength in numbers- the formation of an alliance that imposed their will on the rest of the company. With the addition of Titus O'Neil and Darren Young to The Miz and Riley- The Varsity Club was born, the controversy itself would make way to a NEW title being born as well with the unification of the two belts that Riley currently possessed. The man who would challenge Riley for that new title- was no stranger to Alex. He had bested him on a couple of occasions since Alex stepped into the limelight, so Alex knew that if he was going to walk out of Wrestlemania with any gold- it was going to take an effort, worthy of the grand daddy of them all. He knew it was going to take a physical, and perhaps even a mental effort unlike any he had ever given. One thing was for sure- Riley had never been in control of his surroundings as he appeared to be now- with plenty of confidence that came from the back up that he possessed it was clear that Riley was poised for the biggest victory of his young career, in the biggest match of his life to date.
The scene opened up on the Thursday Morning before the big show. It was around 8 AM and Kevin Kiley- known to the world as Alex Riley- was rolling out of bed of his fancy Waldorf Suite. He had had a great day and night on Wednesday, getting some bowling in and spending a great night at the Make-A-Wish foundation event on Wednesday Evening. Now his itinerary had him scheduled to appear at the Breakfast of the Champions at 9 AM that morning. He quickly threw on some black slacks and a white button up shirt which he tucked in nice. He went to the mirror and quickly put some product in his hair, and within a minute it was to his liking. A knock on the door was heard and he yelled.
Kevin Kiley Jr: Yeah!
This led to the door opening. On the other side was Mike Mizanin, he was wearing a very similar outfit to the one Kevin had on. Kevin looked at Mike.
Kevin Kiley Jr. : Really?
Mike Mizanin: That's my line. You can't literally copy everything I do.
Kevin smiled- he knew it was a good natured dig, and that Mike was enjoying seeing his friend receive a push, and have some fun in a different role.
Mike Mizanin: You ready for everything man? First Wrestlemania- and it's a pretty high stakes kind of match. A lot could go wrong... I realize this isn't calming your nerves if you have any...
Kevin chuckled.
Kevin Kiley Jr. : No, no- I'm excited. Especially now with everything that's transpired over the past couple of weeks.. it's going to be a fun match with Jimmy- should be able to put on a show. I'm ready to really get myself on the map, and whatever the decision is with who wins or loses- I want to leave people talking about us. I'm willing to do something big.
Mike Mizanin: So you don't know who's going over yet?
Kevin Kiley Jr.: Not yet, honestly doesn't matter to me. This is the match I've always dreamed of, and I can't wait to get out there.
Mike Mizanin: I can tell you bro, it's something you'll never forget. Happy I'll be out there with you dude.
Kevin Kiley Jr: Thanks man, means a lot.
The two fist bumped.
Kevin Kiley Jr. : Alright let's go eat some breakfast.
Mike Mizanin: I don't think I'm invited.. I'm not a champion.
Kevin went into his bag and pulled out both the Intercontinental and Path To Glory Championships. He flipped the Intercontinental Championship to Miz, who caught it.
Kevin Kiley Jr.: We are already dressed alike. Just hold this- and nobody will suspect a thing.
Mike Mizanin: You are very very sneaky, Kev.
Kevin Kiley Jr. : You're lucky you're my boy- I was hoping to get two breakfasts out of this thing- since you know I'm a double champion, but I'll make the sacrifice.
Mike Mizanin: That's what friends are for..
The two laughed as they exited the hotel room- and the scene cut away. It reopened to the EBWF logo- we were at High School in Orlando. It was around 11 AM on the Saturday before the big show. Because it was Saturday- nobody was at the school. The camera whipped around back and there stood- The Varsity Club. Alex Riley, The Miz, Darren Young, and Titus O'Neil all doning matching letterman's jackets with their names carved into the sleeve. The coats were black with a Red VC on the upper right portion of the jacket. Riley who had both the Intercontinental and PTG Championships over his shoulder, and the rest of the group wore similar gray slacks to go with the coat. They were hanging up against the brick wall of the school, with the track and football field in the scene as a backdrop. Riley stepped forward and quickly whipped his arms forward to bring more attention to the coat. He broke the silence, and we were off and running.
Alex Riley: They say there's nothing more sad than when people peak in high school. To see kids who have "their moment" only to have that moment fade away with the rigors and challenges of college and the real world. That people who have a great social experience in High School- often times never have to really work for anything- and because of that are hit hard with the cold reality of what hard work actually is- and they fail to rise to the occasion. It is no secret that the 4 of us- well we were the shit in high school- we were the Varsity guys- the guys who got the chicks- who had the parties- who scored the points- who ran for the touchdowns- we had our moment- but the difference between us and the cautionary tales I opened with.. is we had A moment.. one OF MANY. We didn't peak in high school- because we haven't even hit our peak yet. The sky is the limit for the 4 of us, and the only person that is going to be hit with a hard dose of that cold reality I described this Sunday is Jimmy Havoc. Jimmy- this is like your biggest nightmare coming to fruition, all your life I'm sure you've spent your nights waking up in cold sweats having dreams about guys in letterman's jackets shoving your head in the toilet again, or flipping over your lunch tray and having everyone laugh at you. Worse yet, banging the goth girl on top of all the mix tapes your stuck in the "friend zone" ass made her, just because we freaking felt like it. I can picture him right now, literally twitching as I speak- thinking about the days he inhabited a place like this, with guys like us. Tall, handsome, talented, charismatic guys who got everything they wanted, because they deserved it. While you locked yourself in your room, playing with yourself to Marilyn Manson when he got tits, and blaring Korn every second you weren't in school writing "666" on desks and bathroom walls because you were so anti-establishment . All the while- trying to make like you didn't care about anything the school had to offer, because quite simply put the school had nothing to offer you- because YOU HAD NOTHING TO OFFER IT. The EBWF Jimmy- is just like that high school my man. Though there has been flashes of dark, demented weirdos like you having some flash in the pan success. At the end of the day- the cream eventually rises to the top, and the pieces of shit sink even if they float at first.
Darren Young wiped a sarcastic tear.
Darren Young: That was beautiful bro..
Titus smirked as did The Miz. Alex smiled.
Alex Riley: You my friend have nothing to offer this place- really. At least in high school Jimmy, since you want to play that whole thing up, people literally get paid to act like they care about you. Like they want to help you. I know what you're thinking- and yes I mean it- Janet the guidance counselor never did and never will actually care about you or your lame ass problems. In the EBWF- nobody even has to pretend to give a crap about you Jimmy.. and that's why nobody does. Week in and week out- you try and plagiarize horror movie trailers in an attempt to intimidate your opponents, but trust me big guy, you're the one who should be scared. You're the one who should have more anxiety than you used to-when the teachers used to assign group projects and you actually had to interact with other humans. I am that fear, Jimmy, and we are definitely going to interact at Wrestlemania. In fact, I might just dissect you limb by limb, just like we all did to those frogs back in biology.
The Miz: Man I miss Biology- had the hottest teacher.
Alex stared blankly at Miz.
The Miz: Sorry..
As Alex began to talk again, Miz pantomimed the teacher having large breasts. This brought a laugh from Titus and Darren. Alex didn't break his flow.
Alex Riley: The EBWF just like High School Jimmy- is my playground. It's my fort- and our group The Varsity Club- is putting a "no freaks allowed" sign on the front of it, and all over everything you want from this company.. starting with these championships you see over my shoulder Jimmy. They may as well be the spot on the football team- or the prom date- because you have no chance in obtaining them.. ZERO... NADA.. ZIP. Jimmy, I loved High School- you're right- and I loved college- and I loved life after college- and I've loved every day since- because life loves me right back. It recognizes how great I am at everything I try- and therefore it's really hard for me to be in a bad mood.. like ever. However, I do get a little bit ticked off, I do get a little bit pissed- when I see people like you try and downplay my status and my abilities. Typical loser move- sit in the shadows whispering to his imaginary friend- "he's not that cool- he's not that good- he's just a follower- he's just a puppet- I love the smell of my nail polish- what was I just talking about imaginary friend- oh you weren't listening- figures nobody listens to me." Newsflash Jimmy- I am that cool- I am that good- and the only thing I'm following is the road to being the greatest freaking thing this business has ever seen- yeah VC is going to be by my side, but not because any one of us are "followers" it's because greatness sticks together- it's why hot girls are always friends with other hot girls- they know what we know, and that's that it gets annoying if you aren't around people who are "on your level." That's what The Varsity Club is- that's why we have banded together- because it pushes us to be better- it's a challenge from within- because we sure as hell aren't going to get it from anybody outside of our walls. At Wrestlemania Jimmy- I'm sure as hell not going to get a challenge from you- I'm not going to be pushed by you- and when I climb the ladder and retrieve these two bad boys right here- it'll be just another thing you can mope about and write a dark slam poem about that nobody will ever listen to.
The Miz stepped forward next to Riley.
The Miz: And don't try and suck up to me either Jimmy. A classic loser table kid move. Try and break your way into the in crowd by kissing the ass of one of it's members. I don't care how much you try and put Alex in his place talking about how I would be better competition for you... nerd.. all 4 of us are way out of your league.. you talking about which one of us you'd like to face or would want to face is like a division 3 women's basketball player picking which girl on UCONN they want to guard..
Titus O'Neil: A women's basketball reference?
The Miz: What can I say- those girls can ball.
Titus O'Neil: Fair enough.
The Miz: The point is- to quote the great Gretchen Weiners- YA CAN'T SIT WITH US- you just can't literally and figuratively. You can't hang Havoc- and I'm not going to play nice because I don't care how much you try and kiss my ass and tell me I'm better than Alex- and that Alex will never measure up to me- the fact is- Alex beat me- just like he's going to beat you. And he doesn't need to measure up to me anymore- because we aren't competing- we are on the same page- reading the same book- and that's a bad god damn story for you and the rest of this pathetic company of nobodies.
Alex Riley: On top of being superior in most every other thing Jimmy, I'm also a hell of a lot smarter than you. I know that when you lay in your Slipknot sleeping bag in the alley of whatever city we are in, that you really go to bed thinking that you can get into mine or anyone else's head. As most people do that grew up with nobody caring about whether they lived or died, you create these little scenarios in your head that keep you from offing yourself. One of them is that you feel like you can manipulate your way to an advantage. You think you can manipulate your way to gaining an edge, and that somehow this is going to make up for the fact that your a 5'4 and not athletic schlub. Trying to drive a wedge in the Varsity Club isn't going to gain you an advantage Jimmy- it's going to get your ass hurt- and that made fun of at the kegger later that night. Nobody is turning on anybody- and nobody is leaving this group- because it's the group to end all other groups. It's the group that houses only the true class of the EBWF- the true players- the true talent- we are freaking squad goals Jimmy, and no little black magic or voodoo is ever going to change that. So allow me to bring you back into the reality of this universe- you aren't manipulating anyone over here- just keep dreaming that you'd have any effect on us in any way shape or form. You, Jimmy, are just simply in this company and are going to compete in this match at Wrestlemania for our amusement. There's nothing funnier than a little cock roach thinking he's going to have a chance against a freaking exterminator. That's what I might as well be this Sunday Jimmy- I'm going to vaporize you. "Die Havoc Die."... HA... don't tempt me bro.
Darren Young: Don't push VC.. cause we closeee to the edgeee...
Titus O'Neil: We're trying not to loooose our heads.. a ha ha ha..
The Miz: Bad boy baby..
Darren and Titus laughed...
Titus O'Neil: Chill Miz.. ha ha!
Miz smirked- Alex continued.
Alex Riley: This Sunday Jimmy- on the grandest stage of them all- at Wrestlemania. I'm going to put on a show, a clinic, I'm going to remind you why there are have's and have not's in all walks of life.. more importantly I'm going to remind you why you will always be the latter- and I'm going to do it.. by climbing a ladder.
Darren Young: Word play on point.
Alex Riley: It's going to be just like life was behind these brick walls behind us Jimmy all of those years ago. Just like High School Jimmy- a bell is going to ring- and you are going to be tormented from the beginning of the day to the end of it. You are going to be beaten down, belittled, reminded of all your shortcomings, exposed for all that you are not, and all that you will never be. Dominated by those superior to you, pushed down, beaten, bullied, brutalized to the point that you won't even want to be you anymore. Destroyed mentally and physically to the point where you won't want to continue, all the while not being able to muster up the strength, the courage, or let's face it the BALLS to fight back. Sunday you'll revisit that familiar feeling of wanting with every fiber in your being to stand up for yourself- to finally show a back bone- and show everyone that you aren't the freak loser they say you are- but once again succumbing to the realization that you just don't have that in you. You will revisit the feeling of you knowing you have to give up to give in to the fact that there's NOTHING YOU CAN FREAKING DO ABOUT WHAT I AM GOING TO DO TO YOU! Just like High School Bro.. the bell is going to ring... and school my friend.. will BE. IN. SESSION.
The Varsity Club all wore menacing grins as the scene faded out to static.
The In Crowd
The In Crowd
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)
EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)