Earning It

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Reborn Matt Sydal

Earning It

Post by Reborn Matt Sydal »

Matt is in his home gym as on the matted floor in a headstand pose the
Sirsasana in Yoga, dropping next down to Downward facing dog and back into a single arm headstand and one arm push ups.

Suffocation Blues is playing as Matt is next seen doing a martial arts Kata of kicks starting with a tornado kick( Trouble In Paradise), following up with his trademark rolling savate, the jumping spinning back kick and a butterfly kick which is composed of a twist of the body while both legs are lifted from the ground and swung around, while the torso remains as horizontal as possible.

We next see him skateboarding with Mark Andrews, slapping high-fives as they skate by each other each executing handstand push ups as they reach the top of the ramp across from each other.

Voice over:( Matt)
As a wrestler, you always have to find ways to stay in shape.

Voice over( Mark):
Especially with our style of combat, you have to be a master of balance.

The duo is next seen surfing, training in free running and parkour in a Ninja Warrior gym.

Matt is seen sitting interviewed by the camera crew.

Matt: I’m a wrestling hype man so to speak,
Put me on first I open the show with a PPV quality match, put me on in the middle I switch your boring failing show to epic entertainment and I can end a show perfectly, leaving fans wanting more from me.
Can I draw money? Yep, I do have a degree in marketing and business I think if my ideas for merchandise or listened to I could and sure I may not be the best promo cutter but hey talk is cheap, I’m a competitor. Like right now all I can be is honest, EBWF hasn't been a bed of roses, I am knee-deep in pressure but that's what I love, it's about earning it and I know that nobody in the tag team division cares about the championship or working hard anymore. The Bullet Club for example.
we are the Busta Rhymes and Eminem of super junior style, move faster than Tech 9 and Mac Lethal spit it, the Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt of cruiser weight , The Tony Hawk and Rodney Mullen.

Mark is shown standing beside him.

Mark: We're going to be the tag team champions.