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Sweet Title O' Mine

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 7:47 pm
by D.J
OOC: Had a lot of fun writing this- best of luck Tony. Always fun battles. -DJ

"Do you have to let it linger, do you have to? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger." Lingering.. that is what the Varsity Club had done since coming together, they have lingered.. but unfortunately for current EBWF Champion, PJ Black- they have lingered around the top of the business. It was their hope that at Death Before Dishonor, they would finally stop lingering and claim the games top prize. Alex Riley has been one of the biggest stories of 2017, with a rapid rise to the top of the card, basically from obscurity just one year ago. His formation of the Varsity Club was a page out of the playbook of one of it's most decorated members, The Miz. However, Riley had shown that he was a lot more than some knock off. Riley had held the Intercontinental Championship as well as the fact that he'd competed in several of the years biggest and best matches. He was a star on the rise, and Death Before Dishonor had the potential to be his final ascend. PJ Black was a superstar who has tasted even more success. He held titles often, and for long periods of time. In the Elimination Chamber, he earned the richest prize in the game, and seemed hell bent on keeping it for a very long time. He had an edge, a chip on his shoulder, and it seemed as though- unlike most- that the more success he garnered the larger the chip got. Alex Riley on the other hand- seemed borderline carefree. He had an air of confidence that comes from being flanked by some pretty tough customers. He was clearly settled in, the novelty of just being the guy in the spotlight had clearly worn off, he was used to it.. and now he was ready for the light to shine even brighter on him and his crew. Alex Riley was done hanging around the top, it was time he took his seat comfortably atop the business.. Alex Riley was ready to BECOME. THE. MAN. "Do you have to let it linger.. do you have to? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger."

The scene opened up inside a private jet. The seats were made of suede and the entire scene reeked of extravagance. Walking into frame from the cockpit was the Varsity Club. They were all dressed in nice slacks and button ups. Expensive watches donned each of their wrists and their hair was done to the nines as if they had just come from the barber shop. They were dressed to the nines.. the tens even. The jet was still on the ground, and the crew took their seats. A lovely looking stewardess entered the scene. She had beautiful blonde hair, and long legs. She smiled at the group and carried a bottle of champagne on ice and four glasses. She made eye contact with Riley as she set the bottle down on the table in between the seats that the men occupied. Riley gave her a smirk, and she flashed him a gorgeous smile. She exited the scene back to the cockpit. Alex poured four glasses of champagne and passed them out to each member of The VC. Alex raised his glass, and the other guys quickly followed suit.

Alex Riley: I'd like to propose a toast. Tonight the Varsity Club sets out for perhaps their biggest "away game" to date. We travel in style, because well clearly we're a stylish group. We prepare for excellence, because there isn't another team that is as excellent as we are. Boys, today we set out on a mission. We set out with one single solitary goal in mind. The mission is simple, the goal should come as no surprise. Today, we begin our trek to the Varsity Club winning a championship. Not just any championship, not the Breakout, not the Gateway or whatever it's called now, it's "THE" championship, boys. Today is the day that we make our way to Calgary, Alberta, Canada- hell bent on taking home the EBWF World Championship. Notice I say "we" and I don't say "we" because I'm going to rely on you guys to get this victory. I say "we" because we're a team. A true team. Not one of us is bigger than the next..

Titus smiled.

Titus O'Neil: I beg to differ on that!

Alex Riley: Still just not understanding metaphors, huh big fella?

Titus O'Neil: Just wanted to make sure, that was known.

Alex Riley nodded.

Alex Riley: It's known.. now.. shh... Captains talking..

Titus O'Neil: But you just sai..

The Rest of The Group: SHHH!

Alex Riley: As I was saying. We are a team. We are a squad. We are Squad Goals- for christ sake.. we are Squad Goals "A-F" right now. It's not Alex Riley- and The Varsity Club.. it's JUST the Varsity Club. If there's one mistake I've seen you make Miz, over the years, is that you have forgotten in the past, the value of a team. You let your head get a little bit too big..

Titus went to say something, but Riley cut him off.

Alex Riley: NOT literally Titus, I realize his head actually stays the same size physically..

Titus put his hand down, like a kid who's questioned was answered without him asking it.

Alex Riley: But you've gotten a little too confident and comfortable, and that's why your teams in the past have disbanded around you.. but not me, Miz. Not going to happen to this team. This team is going to win THE Championship.. and then instead of letting the jealousy seep in.. instead of letting my ego grow, when I'm officially the man around here.. our team is going to grow stronger. We are going to grow more united. We are going to be an even more cohesive, and powerful unit. There's going to be no stopping us.. just like there will be NO stopping me at D-B-D.. when I make, PJ Black's self fulfilling prophecy come true, and beat the living shit out of him, and take his precious title. So a toast.. a toast.. to our team.. a toast to the title.. and a toast to beating the living shit out of PJ Black. HERE HERE!

Rest of The Group: Here here!

VC all took a sip of the champagne. Miz spoke next.

The Miz: You know something Alex, you are- as usual- spot freaking on. That has happened to be, but those groups I was in before.. Jay VEE compared to this group. Jay Vee- simple as that- this group is different. This group is well equipped to lead the EBWF into a new era. An era that is going to hopefully, STOP letting mediocrity succeed. An era that's going to celebrate and highlight talent, but celebrating and highlighting those that are talented. Instead of those that are just angsty and moody. PJ Black- that little maggot of a man- still here- still kicking- still winning. I don't know how he does it, he's beaten me.. he's beaten you.. he's beaten everybody. Just ask him.. but I can already see it, Alex. I can already see him getting softer than a babys behind. He's losing a little bit of that edge- and I'm sure he'll like cut a promo in the dark without a night light, to prove that he hasn't... but I can sense it. It's his first go around at the top.. he's becoming what Velvet Sky never is in bed.. satisfied. He's doing what I did, he's reading his own newspaper clippings, he's believing his own hype, he feels indestructible.. which is exactly what makes him prone to being destroyed. I'm not the poster boy of making mistakes in this business, but as many of us have, I've made a few.. and another one on my list was underestimating you last October, Alex. PJ Black is about to make THAT mistake as well. I can see it on his dull, boring, unkept because he's a bad ass, face. I can hear it in his monotonous, non charismatic, voice. PJ Black- is RTL...

Darren cocked his head to the side.

Darren Young: RTL?

The Miz: Ready. To. Lose.

Other Three Men: OHHHH..

The Miz smiled.

The Miz: And I for one cannot wait to see it. Hey Al- before we take off, we got that phone interview with.. WHO ELSE? MICHAEL COLE.

Alex Riley had playful sarcasm in his response.

Alex Riley: HORRRRAY!

The Miz went into his I-Phone and tapped it. He put the phone on speaker, and after three rings, Michael picked up.

Michael Cole: MIZ! I knew this day would come!

The Miz: Take it easy, Michael. I have the Varsity Club here.. for the interview.

There was a pause.

The Miz: Did you forget?

Michael was backtracking.

Michael Cole: Forget?! Noooo.. of course not. I was just hoping you wanted to hang out or something.

The Miz: Right and what did I say about that?

Michael Cole: You said that if I ever thought you might want to hang out... that I would be wrong.

The Miz smiled.

The Miz: And what else...

Michael Cole: And that if I would DIE to have the chance to hang out.. well then I should just go ahead and kill myself.. because it will never happen..

The Miz nodded.

The Miz: Correct. Now let's do this interview..

Michael seemed a bit defeated, but he gathered himself.

Michael Cole: Of course, so Alex the fans all want to know. How confident are you going into the BIGGEST match of your life this Sunday at Death Before Dishonor? Do you think you can dethrone, PJ Black?

Alex didn't even let a beat pass.

Alex Riley: HAH! What a question! WHAT. A . QUESTION. Michael I'm all about motivation.. what you just sent me in your condescending question.. was nothing but STINK-A-VATION.. and you need to get that Stink-A-Vation.. OUTTA HERE.. how CONFIDENT am I? Michael I'm as confident as you can be.. I'm you.. home alone with an Apple Pie..

Michael Cole: Are you insinuating, that I would make like Jason Biggs in American Pie and do.. well you know..

Alex Riley: No Cole- you fat nerd, I'm insinuating that you would eat the pie.. violently.. because well.. you're a fat nerd. PJ Black is my Apple Pie this weekend.. and I'm quite frankly going to eat him alive, and spit out his bones.

The group all looked at Titus O'Neil. Titus confidently spoke.

Titus O'Neil: Yes I know, he's not LITERALLY going to do that..

Miz and Young nodded with a approval at Titus progress. Alex smiled with his mouth open ready to speak again.

Alex Riley: No.. actually I might. If that's what I have to do to beat this guy.. than that is exactly what I'm going to do. I'm motivated, Cole, and the fact that you're trying to take me down a peg by being condescending, is actually motivating me even more. PJ Black is the mosquito of the EBWF. It's like your sitting at the Memorial Day Cookout that is the EBWF- well not you Cole.. because you wouldn't be invited- but like other people with friends.. like sitting there enjoying your day.. drinking a beer, eating some chips and dip.. and here comes PJ the mosquito.. just buzzing his way in.. forcing you to pay attention to him. Flying around your air space.. and you keep like swatting at him to go away, but he never does.. he NEVER. DOES. He just keeps like hitting you in the nose and then the ear, and then the shoulder... and you're just like "damn.. I hate mosquitos." That's exactly how I feel about PJ Black... PJ.. stop ruining the COOKOUT! Buzz the heck off. At Death Before Dishonor.. I'm getting rid of the mosquito, Cole. We can't have guys like this representing the company. I don't know how many matches he's won, and I don't really care. At Death Before Dishonor, he's not adding another one to that total. This is my time.. it's OUR time.. it's time for The Varsity to run things, and JV scrubs like PJ Black, can get back in their freaking lane, and make sure that we have enough water, and that it's cold enough for us. How confident am I? Are you kidding me, Cole? I'm confident. I'm so confident, that if I don't win at DBD.. I will let you come on the Private Jet with us, the next time.

Michael Cole: Oh man! Really!?

Alex Riley: No not really!

The Miz: You get stupider and stupider every day, Cole.

Michael Cole: Well why not, if you're so confident?

Alex Riley: I don't even like putting a glimmer of hope out there for you, Cole. I'm really too nice for that. I know that even though I'm TELLING YOU.. that it is an absolute certainty that I am going to the be the new EBWF Champion- if I make that deal with you, you are still going to hold out hope that somehow PJ is victorious.. AND HE'S NOT GOING TO BE.. so that is why I'm not making that deal with you.. plus I just don't like you.

Michael Cole took this in stride.

Michael Cole: Fair enough. A few weeks back, you guys had your chance to use the numbers game on PJ, but instead you chose to dismantle AJ Styles. Why was that? Some sort of mind game?

Alex Riley: AJ Styles is just a guy that beating the hell of him.. well it just never gets old. I'm a big TV fan Michael, I watch a lot of shows, do you?

Michael Cole: Well of..

Alex Riley: Of course you do, alone with a tub of ice cream.. so I'm a big fan of NOT giving away spoilers. So that is why we decided to spare PJ Black a few weeks back. I didn't want to give him, OR ANYONE, a dose of what they are going to see at Death Before Dishonor.. what fun would that be? I also don't need PJ Black weakened. Hell we could strengthen him. We could give him vitamin supplements, performance enhancers, weapons, a friggin shield and armor, and he still isn't walking out of Death Before Dishonor with the EBWF Championship.. so weakening him.. just would REALLY not be any fun. So we spared him, and we beat the shit out of AJ Styles.. for fun. We don't have to explain ourselves Cole, we don't need to play mind games, we don't need to gain any kind of advantage, because the proof is in the pudding.. I know Cole.. pudding.. keep it in your pants.. WE ARE TOO GOD DAMN GOOD TO NEED TO GAIN ANY KIND OF UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. I don't think I can say it any clearer than that, nor will I ever apologize for beating up AJ Styles.. that's just a blast.. sometimes we talk about just driving over to his house and beating him up, but then we're like "nah, let's just get laid instead," so we go and do that. It's the life of the Varsity, Cole. You wouldn't know, obviously, but we do what we want when we want. Three weeks ago, we didn't feel like hurting PJ Black, we didn't feel the need to, I don't regret passing up that opportunity. The reason I don't regret it, is because this Sunday at Death Before Dishonor, I'm going to get my chance to hurt PJ Black again... and THIS TIME, Cole- it's going to be for the EBWF Championship.. and going back on my word.. SPOILER ALERT.. I'm going to take this opportunity with BELLS on. This time I am GOING TO HURT PJ Black... mentally.. physically.. emotionally.. I'm going to ruin his life. I'm going to shove him into the locker of obscurity in this business, where he has belonged for AN EXTREMELY LONG TIME. He's the loser that just keeps somehow winning.. NOT on my watch, Cole.. no more. Losers lose.. and I am going to take it upon myself to make sure PJ Black goes back to doing what his type of person is SUPPOSED to do.

Michael Cole: This would obviously be a big turning point in your career, if you are able to pull this off.

Alex Riley: Stop talking about it like its unlikely, Cole. It's happening. Done. Like don't let PJ hear you talking like this. It's clear you have confidence in him. It's clear that you and everybody else have a little chubbo in their pants for this guy. It's clear that people are starting to think he's worth a damn.. people are starting to think that he can go. Don't let him hear you.. that goes for everyone else in this world murmuring. Don't let PJ Black know that you think he's good.. and that you have confidence in him. The guy would probably melt like a hoodsie in the sun if he found that out. Like what else would PJ Black have to talk about if it wasn't the same old "I have nothing but haters... I will prove my haters wrong.. I don't care about anything.. except defying the haters... and jump kicks.. I love jump kicks.. and flips... and haters.. I have haters.. everyone doubts me." It's pathetic, but man oh man would that shatter his universe to know that people actually aren't really hating on him that much anymore. In fact, people are ACTUALLY hating on us.. which is EVEN CRAZIER.. but not that unexpected. You see when you're the Varsity, there's always some low level nobodies below you, saying that "you aren't that good." Or that they are actually better than you, and should be on the team instead of you. Kinda like you used to Cole, when you got cut from every sport you ever tried out for. So people drinking the old haterade isn't a big shocker. Unlike PJ though, that's not the only gasoline in my tank, that makes this car go. I'm motivated by being the best, I don't give two drops of piss what anyone who just wants to be me, says about me. I'm motivated by being amazing.. and wanting to defy the level of amazing I can reach. Right when I think I'm as amazing as I could ever be.. I'm hell bent on getting more amazing. PJ Black on the other hand.. is motivated solely by people not liking him. He cares DEEPLY what everyone says about him, and is just like on a mission to show that he's actually not just a big piece of shit. I'll give it to you "PEEJ" it's worked.. you've gotten to where you are at now.. but with success comes people hopping on your bandwagon.. and you don't want that.. because you want to be on the bandwagon alone.. you are a lone wolf.. a "Dare" Wolf.. well I "dare" you to call my bluff on this one. I "dare" you to show me, that now that people are starting to buy that you can actually wrestle, that you can still come up with some sort of spark to fire you up. Don't come back at me with the fact that you care about being the EBWF Champion, because we both know that you could care less. I feel like you only like having it, so that you can snap chat pictures of yourself with it to everyone who called you worthless over the years..which is like everyone you've ever met.. and OBVIOUSLY you remember all of them vividly, when they said it, what they were wearing when they said it.. but listen Mr. Grudgy McGrudgeholder.. you aren't going to be able to call me on that PJ, because I'm absolutely right. You fought tooth and nail to get to the top, and you didn't let anyone deter you from getting there.. you made it.. which is going to make it even more fun when I promptly send you on a free fall right back to the end of the line after Death Before Dishonor. You mad bro?

Michael Cole: Well Alex- I guess best of luck- even though you don't seem to think you are going to need it.

Alex Riley: I don't need luck, because I'm genetically lucky already, Cole. We all are.. we're the Varsity Club for a reason. We are who the guys want be.. and the girls want to see. We're the group, the guys want to imitate.. and the girls want to date. We're the group that the guys want to see reign.. and the girls want to bang. We're the best this business has to offer, Cole. So no- you're right- I don't need any MORE luck. PJ Black is the one that's going to need a rabbits foot, a horse shoe, a lucky orange peel all shoved up his ass.. and I don't mean so that he can win.. I mean so that he can survive. PJ Black will be lucky to make it out of this match.. PERIOD.. let alone with the EBWF World Championship. This shouldn't be a hard thing for him to come to terms with.. guys like us.. have been taking things from guys like him, his entire life.. and Sunday is going to be no different. I'm taking his belt.. then his girl.. then I'll probably figure out where he's going to dinner after.. and I'll take the food right off of his plate and eat it in front of him. The point is, Cole. The Varsity Club, takes what they want.. when they want. This Sunday it's the EBWF World Championship. I want it.. I need it.. so I'm going to have it. The EBWF isn't like Glee.. the chorus don't get to be the cool kids here.. the losers don't get to somehow ascend to popularity or success. It's survival of the fittest, and we are the fittest. We belong at the top, so that's where we're going to god damn be. Time for PJ Black to get 450 splash right down to the bottom of the barrel, because this little fantasy world he's being living in, is getting real old, real fast. Here you go, PJ, here's some more help for you. I don't believe in you, I'm HATING on you, I think you suck... in fact... I know you do. The difference though is that I'm not a wimpy EBWF critic, I'm not a loud mouth wide bellied fan saying you suck... I'm Alex Riley.. I'm the guy that's going to beat that fact into your stupid head. I'm the guy that's going to stand over you like the superior man that I am.. put my foot on your chest and watch the referee count to three. I'm the guy that's going to hold the EBWF Championship in your face, and tell you to kiss it goodbye forever. I'm the guy that's going to- with that count to three- end your dream of mattering around here, I'm going to end your dream of being the longest reigning EBWF Champion- I'm going to end your dream of putting one over on guys you don't compare to, in any way shape or form. Life is going to hit you hard, PJ.. and this Sunday... Consider me... LIFE. Bye Cole.

Michael Cole: B..

Alex hung up the phone.

Titus O'Neil: I think Cole got his first REAL scoop that wasn't Chunky Monkey, in a real long time.

Alex Riley: That was no scoop Titus, that was A-Ri- waking this friggin company up. Bringing that back from the world of make believe. PJ Black, isn't fit to be this companies Champion.. and thankfully after Sunday. He won't be anymore.

From the back 4 stewardesses came out. A cute brunette spoke.

Stewardess: No more talking about this match! Let's relax and have fun!

Alex Riley: You heard the woman!

They all finished their champagne, and poured more glasses, as the jet began to move, and the crew took off for Canada. The scene faded. The scene reopened at a House Show. It was the day before Death Before Dishonor. We were in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and a match had just concluded. Out of seemingly nowhere "Say It To My Face" by Downstait was heard over the PA system. Down the ramp, came the Varsity Club. They all wore their black and red Letter jackets, and gray slacks. There was a mixed reaction from the crowd, as many seemed to actually be rooting for Riley over the universally hated PJ Black. The Varsity Club entered the ring. They were granted a mic from the time keeper. A small "Alex Riley" chant broke out. Alex smirked.

Alex Riley: I never thought I'd say this.. but wow Canada.. you have IMPECCABLE TASTE.

The cheers grew louder.

Alex Riley: Now believe me.. I know that you're only cheering for me.. for a couple of possible reasons. The first.. is you think if you cheer loud enough, than we will let you sit at our lunch table.. which will ascend you to instant popularity... the second.. you think that by sucking up to me.. that I won't make fun of you, or give you a swirley... the third.. is that you realize.. what WE ALL realize.. and that is that we have someone that we mutually hate.. someone that everyone universally thinks is the worst excuse for an entertainer, a man, a human being, someone named PJ Black.

The crowd booed at the mention.

Alex Riley: I know right.. TOTAL dud. Let me just be clear though, none of you sitting with us at lunch.. if you get in our line of vision.. we may give you a swirley.. we may make fun of you.. it's the way of the world when you're better than everyone else, like we are. However, I can appreciate, that you can appreciate what a laugh riot PJ Black being in the spot light of this company really is. He says he doesn't care about you guys.. or me.. or anyone.. and that's clear. He CLEARLY doesn't care about any of us.. or our time. If he did.. he wouldn't blabber on and on.. time and time again. Subjecting us to nothing but his pandering for attention.. claiming that he in fact.. doesn't need our attention. Well PJ.. nerd... pay attention.. because well.. you have my attention. The only reason you have it.. is because of that piece of gold that is over your shoulder right now. If you didn't have that.. I would walk by you in the halls, like I do every other wanna be in this company. You are like the loser.. who somehow got a hot chick... oh wait.. Titus.. not a metaphor this time.. he actually is a loser who has a hot chick.. but back to the metaphor.. the hot chick.. is the EBWF Title. I'm obviously the coolest guy in the EBWF.. and these guys with me are all tied with me for first.. so we can't just have some loser walking around with a hot chick.. it would confuse the rest of the cliques in the EBWF. The band geeks, the drama club equivalents and all the other morons would start to think that they could have coveted things as well. In that, people like Enzo Amore.. and like AJ Styles could start to think that they can be successful too.. So as the best guys in this company.. as the top dogs.. it's time to put the KIBOSH on any hope that the rejects have of having nice things. It's time for the great things going back to the great people.. and the pain and misery back to the painful and miserable. Translation.. PJ Black.. you sir.. are in big trouble mister.

The Miz grabbed the mic.

The Miz: Canada.. that is a FULL HOUSE reference.. how about that, eh!?

Faint cheers.. as the crowd was trying to figure out how they should be feeling about VC right now. I think that many of them could appreciate the Full House reference.. I mean who wouldn't... Have Mercy. Alex took the mic back from The Miz.

Alex Riley: So PJ.. take out your diary that we've talked about before. Put on your pajamas, and lay opposite on your bed ready to pen down an entry. "Sunday- May 28 Today is the day I've been dreading... no diary not because I have to go out in the sunlight.. no diary not because I still have no friends.. no diary not because I can't think of anything cool to call myself or to say to people... but because diary.. today is my last day with the EBWF Championship. Today is the day that I am reminded, of what I really am worth... today I'm reminded that I'm nothing. Today I'm reminded that even though I can do park-our, do somersaults, do a round off back hand spring, I can't do the one thing that I wish I could tonight, against Alex Riley.. and that diary.. is win. I can't win.. because Alex Riley.. has something standing in the way of my winning. No diary not that he's bigger.. no diary not that he's better... no diary not his perfectly quaffed hair.. or the fact that he's got a smile.. that it seems to me.. reminds me of child hood memories... of getting my ass kicked on the playground.. all of those things are huge obstacles.. but the one thing that he's really got going for him tonight diary.. is destiny. I can tell that it is Alex Riley's destiny to win the EBWF Championship.. and it is my destiny.. to lose.. and whine about it for the next 5 years... so hereeeee we go.. bye diary."

Alex pantomimed closing the fake diary.. and the fans cheers picked up.

Alex Riley: Losing this match Calgary would bring me shame.. it would embarrass the living day lights out of me.. but Calgary I don't get embarrassed.. I DO THE EMBARRASSING. There would be NO BIGGER DISHONOR.. than me not coming out on top tonight over PJ Black.. I WOULD RATHER HAVE DEATH BEFORE THAT DISHONOR. Sorry PJ- that's not a set up for you to claim that you're coming for my life to try and intimidate me.. because you aren't capable of doing that.. it's actually a set up for you to get the hell out of Calgary while you still can.. leave the title.. or show up..bring it with you.. and I'll just beat you into submission.. and take it from you personally.. your choice.

The Miz grabbed the mic.

The Miz: Either way YOU LOSE... and we win... because if you aint VARSITY!!!!

Alex grabbed it back


Crowd and Alex Riley: SCRUB!

Alex flipped the mic to the ground, and "Say It To My Face" by Downstait hit once more. A rare time where Alex seemed to have a crowd behind him. Would it be enough to become the new EBWF Champion? Only time would tell. The scene faded to black.

Re: Sweet Title O' Mine

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:46 pm
by Kamden
The dynamic you have going on with the Varsity Club is great. Titus is my fave honestly (sorry lol) but this was a great read!