OOC: Here's my RP for Riley and Miz. PS: I hate the Golden State Warriors so tonight sucks. PPS: Happy Birthday Ben.
Victorious. That's what Alex Riley and The Miz were in the first round of the King of the Ring Tournament. It had to feel good for The Miz to be back in action and shake off any ring rust that he may have had. That ring rust, if it was at all present, it was hard to find.. as Miz looked very much like his old self en route to advancing to the second round. Alex Riley- likewise- was able to rebound from his loss to PJ Black at Death Before Dishonor, and defeat Trent Seven to advance to round number 2. Both men would have very little time to bask in their victories, as second round action would be underway on Warfare. The Miz would be going head to head with a very daunting opponent in Samoa Joe, while Alex Riley would face off with Braun Strowman. If the Co-Captains of the Varsity Club were going to advance, it was going to take another superb effort.
The scene opened up at a gym in New York. We were just 2 days away from EBWF Warfare, and there were dozens of people in the gym pumping some iron to kick off their Saturday's. The camera panned around as if it was looking for someone, and finally landed on what it seemed to be searching for. Alex Riley and The Miz were seen near a bench press. Alex had just finished a set, and Miz was his spotter. Alex wore a nike sleeveless and gray shorts, while Miz wore an under armor red sleevless and black shorts. Alex wiped his brow with a towel and began to talk.
Alex Riley: I gotta admit Miz, it was awesome seeing you back in the ring last week.. you made Luke Gallows look like.. well you made him look like he sucks.. because well... he does. Of course, I was successful as well beating Trent Nine.. or Eighteen or.. whatever number Trent he is. So a good night overall, at least for us.
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: Is there ever a bad night for us? I mean I'm The Miz- you're A-Ri- we're the MVP's of this freaking company. We're the co captains of the Varsity Club- the best of the best- cream of the crop- dare I even say it..
The Miz playfully cracked his neck.
The Miz: YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER'S FAVORITE WRESTLERS. We're the best in the business, so if we're in action- it's going to be a good night for us. The only person it's ever a bad night for when we're in action- is the boyfriend of the girls we're usually in action with.. oh yeah.. and we win wrestling matches too. Speaking of winning wrestling matches, it looks like round two.. quickly follows round one.. in this EBWF King of the Ring Tourney.
Alex Riley smiled.
Alex Riley: That is typically the pattern.
The Miz: Fine by me, if there's one thing that is tough about being so amazing, it's when you have to put your amazing on hold for a week. Once you showcase your amazing, it's such a good feeling that you want to just keep doing it.. so round two this week.. love that.. love everything about it. Especially the fact, that I'm going up against Samoa Doe...nuts.. he's fat.
Alex Riley went from listening to what seemed to be an off the cuff laugh. The fat jokes just always come out.. probably getting old to most, but Miz and Riley don't ever seem to care.
The Miz: This is exactly what I was hoping for. Finally, I can actually make a statement by beating someone that people have actually A.) Heard of and B.) Think deserves respect in this business. I'm The Miz I practically invented success when it comes to being in the EBWF- so pardon me if I forget to respect a sweaty bowling ball of a loser of a kind of sort of man, like Samoa Joe. I mean good god, I stop wrestling for a little bit, and this is what's considered quality now? It'd be like if McDonalds stopped serving burgers and chicken nuggets and started serving like different types of tofu.. I mean sure some would be better than others.. but it would still all suck. Joe- you're about to face the "Big Mac" of this company.. just don't get too excited you fat batuba.. you don't get to eat me.. in fact this is the worst you're ever going to feel when you encounter a "number one." Because I'm going to take a "number two" on your hopes of becoming this year's King of the Ring. I've been sitting idly by this year Joe, just waiting like a tiger in a god damn cage, to be able to get a chance.. pfft.. a chance.. sorry.. what am I saying? I've been waiting to MOST DEFINITELY show why guys like you belong on the sidelines clapping your greasy little hands together for the people that actually deserve the spotlight.. people like me. I'm your worst nightmare Joe.. I'm like a salad wrapped in a hot lady.. I'm something you just won't know what to do with. You're kinda new here Joe, so I'm sure you're looking at me like.. wait a minute.. the handsome guy who's been hanging with A-Ri and the boys wrestles.. and my answer to that is.. "whoa relax.. I like girls." and the second is not only do I wrestle.. I AM WRESTLING. If you are questioning my credentials, you can ask any jamoak in the back.. if you can get out the words between your grunts and coughs, ask them.. ask any of them.. I've friggin beaten them all. I've done everything there is to do here.. except.. one thing.. and that is win King of the Ring.. that annoys me. I know you can't relate to this but when you're as magnificent and special as I am.. you literally have to search and dig for things to keep motivating you. I mean.. I can't get any better looking.. I can't have cooler friends.. I can't invent titles to win.. well.. I mean I could.. I'm fully capable.. but I mean I got plans.. so not right now. I can't do much of anything when it comes to this business that I haven't done before. So the King of the Ring is actually a pretty big deal for me. Which makes you a pretty big deal to me.. as opposed to just pretty big.. like you usually are.
More fat jokes. Typical Varsity bullying. Miz took A-Ri's place on the bench press and began to pump some iron.
Alex Riley: I get ya Miz, obviously you wouldn't normally give a rats ass about someone like Samoa Joe.. but he's in your way of becoming the King of the Ring. So since he's in your way.. it's time to.. well it's time to run him the hell over. Speaking of which, that is exactly what I'm planning to do to Braun Strowman on Monday in my match. Like what is this "Varsity destroys big oafs day?" I didn't get a memo or a flier about that. Since it clearly must be, I'm RSVPing from both of us.. we'll be there.. you'll notice us.. we'll be the varsity studs.. well destroying the big oafs that we're facing. Braun Strowman.. is like Jimmy Havoc's Frankenstein.. it's creepy.. it's weird.. and much like everything Jimmy Havoc does.. it's try hard.. and it's lame. Braun Strowman mentioned that he wouldn't fit into a high school stereotype.. but that's just not true.. He'd be the guy eaten lunch secluded in the bathroom stall.. well if he could fit into a bathroom stall.
The Miz finished his set.
The Miz: Somewhere Samoa Joe just said "lunch?! where?!"
Alex Riley: Ha! Yeah he did! Fat ass.. Anyways.. Strowman- I think was implying that he'd kick the crap out of kids like us.. and he was the guy everyone would be afraid of.. To which I say.. "don't make me laugh.." which he never could because it takes brain cells to be funny.. and he doesn't have any of those. Braun the only fear that would have existed if we went to high school together.. would be you in an algebra class bro, and what's even worse is.. you have a better chance of solving for X.. than you do of beating me on Monday night.. and that is saying a whole god damn lot. When I lost to PJ Black a couple weeks ago, it woke me back up. It re-focused me. I'm motivated in addition to being talented.. that's a bad combination for you. So just because you're bigger, you're also.. uglier.. you're also.. smellier.. and you also suck.. so you should be as scared to face me.. as you clearly are of a barber shop.. or a shower. You should be scared to face me, because I'm going to be the guy that sticks the pin in what is just an overblown balloon of a man. I'm gonna hit you with that little pin and just watch you fly out of control all around like you undoubtedly will. Braun is just that typical big doofus, that as soon as someone beats the hell out of them, everybody else goes.. "oh what were we so intimidated for.. this guy is pathetic." That is EXACTLY what is going to happen on Monday Night. I'm going to wake the locker room up to know that even though you look like you're deranged, tough, even borderline nuts... you actually don't have a whole lot to offer other than BO- and shit stained tighty whities.. that's right.. we all see them..
The Miz: Wait Al- why are you watching him change?
Alex Riley: Shut up dude. I'm just saying he's gross, and it's even more disgusting that he.. like Samoa Joe- are guys that people think we should be sweating. That has me just like "bro.. I'm not Braun Strowman's armpits.. I'm A-Ri.. and I don't sweat anything."
The Miz smirked at this comment.
The Miz: Seriously man. I mean it's like really? Braun Strowman... Samoa Joe? Those are the guys to beat now? Really? I never thought I'd say this, but like bring Kaientai back.. they were at least more fun. Like when did big, slow, and boring become the thing to be in the EBWF. I thought this was SUPPOSED TO BE ENTERTAINING. I thought that's why people watched. That's always been what has captivated the masses when it comes to me. I'm the most must-see superstar that this business has ever seen.. on top of this million watt smile.. is a guy who knows how to bring an audience to laughter, to tears, to frustration, and to cheers.. and I'm also good at rhyming as you can see. On top of the charisma.. I'm also a god among men, when it comes to getting it done in the ring. What nobody has been able to explain to me, is what makes Samoa Joe so special? What makes him so different than the Kane's the Big Show's the Rhyno's the Bray Wyatt's of the world? What makes him so much better? I mean it's the same god damn thing. I'm bigger so I'm better attitude.. like Joe.. this isn't Sumo Wrestling OK.. it's sports entertainment.. I'm better at sports.. and I'm better at entertainment.. I'm also better at Monopoly.. ping pong.. Words with Friends.. and well.. everything that's ever existed in this world. Don't feel bad Joe.. it's not just you.. I'm better than everyone.. at everything. I don't care what people say or think about you.. I don't care if there's even something about you that I'm failing to recognize that separates you from all those reject big bodies I just mentioned. I don't care because.. it doesn't matter.. and when things don't matter I refuse to pay them any attention. I didn't enter this tournament to go home early, and I know damn well that you aren't the guy to send me there.. mostly because that guy doesn't exist.. but also because I know overrated and over hyped when I see it.. and when I look at you Joe.. that is EXACTLY WHAT I SEE! Now if you'll excuse me.. A-Ri and I have to get back to something you don't seem to want to do.. exercise.
The scene faded to black. It reopened during a House Show in New York, New York. A match had just concluded, and the scene cut to back stage. Michael Cole was seen waiting outside of a door that had a big piece of tape and the word "VARSITY" written in Black Sharpie on it. Michael knocked on the door, and there was a mixed reaction when Titus O'Neil poked his head out.
Michael Cole: Hey Titus..
Titus O'Neil: New dressing room.. who dis?
The crowd laughed a little and some light cheers were heard.
Michael Cole: It's Michael Cole... I work with the... oh what am I doing you know who I am? Is Miz and Riley around.
Titus smirked. He cocked his head back into the room.
Titus O'Neil: Yo do we know a Michael Cole?
There was some muffled sound.
Titus O'Neil: Sorry bro.. don't know you.
Michael Cole: I'm coming in there.
Titus O'Neil: Sorry bro.. no nerds allowed.
Michael Cole: I'm not a nerd.. I'm a broadcast...
Mid sentence Michael struggled his way into the room, when Titus was barely even attempting to keep him out.
Michael Cole: Journalist.
Cole was now in the room and he was visibly out of breath. The crowd was actually getting a kick out of this. Alex Riley and The Miz sat on an expensive looking couch, and they both rocked 3 piece suits. Alex had a container of grapes. He threw one in the air, and Miz caught it in his mouth without ever breaking eye contact with Michael. Miz smiled. The crowd's cheers actually got a bit louder when Miz and Riley were shown- interestingly enough.
The Miz: MICHAEL! What's up!?
Michael Cole: See they know me!
He stuck his tongue out at Titus, who just laughed and sat next to D-Young.
Michael Cole: Miz and Alex- I was hoping to just get some of your thoughts about your round two match ups.
The Miz: Didn't Titus tell you no nerds allowed though?
Titus nodded furiously.
Titus O'Neil: I did Miz, I did.
The Miz had a look on his face like he just sucked on a lemon.
The Miz: Ohhh sorry.. so like you didn't think that applied to you... orrrrr?
The crowd laughed and cheered a little louder still.
Michael Cole: I'm not a nerd, Miz. Come on.. we've hung out together before.
The Miz: Michael.. I need you to get down to planet earth.. we have never hung out.. you may have been with me..holding cameras and stuff.. but we've never.. you know what it doesn't matter. I would love to give you some thoughts on my round two match up. Here they come. Have you heard of myth's Michael?
Michael Cole: Sure have!
The Miz: Samoa Joe. Is a myth. The definition of a Myth is a widely held, but false belief or idea. Samoa Joe being a dominant force in this business.. is EXACTLY. THAT. Samoa Joe is a myth, and the Miz is reality. The Miz is the real deal Holyfield.. my dominance and success is undeniable.. it's happened.. and it's not just talked about how it could possibly happen someday. I've already had my someday and someday soon.. I will have it again.. and on NO day is Samoa Joe going to take away my chances of having that success. Because him being capable of doing that Michael.. IS A MYTH.. the other usage of that word is related to Mythology. Which is perfect because when it comes to this business.. I'm friggin Zeus Michael. I'm THE supernatural being to end all Supernatural beings..I'm the alpha dog.. and everyone else are just the supporting cast of characters.
Alex Riley butt in.
Alex Riley: I guess that would make me CO-Zeus.
The Miz looked a little annoyed that Riley cut in, but quickly nodded remembering it was Riley's doing that Miz was able to compete in the first place.
Alex Riley: And I'm in the same boat as Miz here Michael. I'm dealing with someone who is widely believed to be an imposing player in this business. When really he's just 382 pounds of loser. We don't consider that scary Michael.. Braun Strowman.. may have the brawn, but he lacks just about everything else. He's not even close to having complete superstar bingo.. like we do Michael.
Michael Cole: Superstar bingo?
Alex Riley: Yes- did I stutter bro? You gotta have a lot more than just fat man boobs to make it in the EBWF. You gotta have Superstar Bingo.. you gotta have the look, the talent, the intangibles, the toughness, the charisma, you gotta have it all Michael.. and that's what separates us from the rest.. because when it comes to this tournament, when it comes to this company.
Alex pointed at The Miz.
Alex Riley: BINGO!
Alex pointed at himself.
Alex Riley: BINGO!
The Miz: Because I'm The Miz.. and He's A-Ri... and We'reeeeeeeeeee
Michael Cole: Awesome?
The Miz and Alex Riley: BINGO!
The Miz and Alex got up from the couch and walked out of the room with Michael Cole as the scene faded to static.