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Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:51 pm
by Juan Ramirez

OOC: Be gentle on this first piece! Also, Good luck Ian.

"Oh... Aren't you The Rock's cousin?"

Iron clinking against the concrete ground echoed around the room. Our protagonist lays flat on a push up position, his fists tightened around iron dumbbells, his inked arms flexing as her lowers his torso, a grunt escapes his lips.

"You suck, Roman!"

His arms extending now as he pushes up against the ground, lifting one of the dumbbells way up higher than his head; his biceps and deltoid contracting as he pushes the barbell up.

"I don't give a fuck..."

Another clinking sound echoes through the room as his fist lands again on the ground. The Samoan Superman went for another push up into a dumbbell press. Beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"There might have been a time and a place when I worried far too much about the way I presented myself to others, about what they would think about me in return..."

His well sculpted biceps flexed again as his torso lowered, followed by another grunt as one of the dumbbells rose well above the rest of his humanity. His hand guided the iron dumbbell back to the floor yet again. There was no recipe for success. There is no such thing as "winning DNA", or achieving a goal by "God's favor". Roman learnt that truth the hard way a long time ago.

"I have chosen to be the blacksmith of my destiny, the God in charge of the universe which is my life. Just as I chose not to let people address me at 'Hollywoods best paid and most grossing actor's cousin' or 'Vince's Bitch', for I am the master of my destiny... My road to glory will be paved by my own hands. Tomasso Ciampa will be the first witness of what these hands are capable of. "

The camera zoomed in on Roman Reign's face, clenched in the burning pain from the combined pushups he was performing, in pain, yet still focus and determination on his eyes as the scene faded to a break. Once back from the break we see Roman Reigns wearing a sleeveless black T-shirt with the EBWF logo and the words "The hardest punching man in the business" printed upon the back, alongside his RR logo. Black hair held up in a high bun, his fists already gloved up, his posture, his serene facial expression conveying he was ready for whatever life wanted to throw his way. Standing next to him is Renee Young.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Roman Reigns.

She made a brief pause for the respective reaction from the fans in attendance before continuing.

Renee Young: Roman, first and foremost: Welcome to EBWF, I'm sure you have lots of expectations upon your arrival; both you and fans all over the world. Tonight you will go one on one against Tomasso Ciampa in your EBWF debut, what are your thoughts?

Roman Reigns: Debut match? Really?

Roman flashed a cocky smirk.

Roman Reigns: I guess I wasn't really paying attention, Renee. When you work hard, when you have your goals set in stone it doesn't matter if you've had one handful of matches or a dozen... All that matters is what goes down between the ropes after the bell rings. Spoiler alert, I'll tell you what will go down tonight in that ring... Or more like, who will go down tonight: Tomasso Ciampa. A man I have never met in a ring before and let me tell you: He looks like a hard working man... He looks like the kind of guy who wakes up everyday and sets aim to be better than he was the day before, with nothing but hard work and a strong mind set.

Roman ran a hand along his chin lock beard before he proceeded.

Roman Reigns: But is that enough? Renee... You've seen them coming and going, walking in and out of the EBWF like a revolving door. I'm sure you recognize great wrestlers when you see them... I'm sure you were around when Wes Ikeda laces up his boots, I'm positive you are around when Randy Orton brings it, and so forth. Do you know what those names have in common? Besides Nicole Ikeda, of course.

Renee shook his head.

Renee Young: Not really, no.

Roman Reigns: A sense of purpose. Perhaps sometimes TOO MUCH purpose... My point is, at the end of the day, working hard to "Do things yourself" can only get you so far without a final destination. If I beat Tomasso Ciampa... Wait, scratch that. WHEN I beat Tomasso Ciampa... He will be left purposeless and unconscious in the center of the ring. A piece of advice for Tomasso Ciampa... Doing things yourself without a purpose might seem like an effortless, mindless way towards success. Sorry to break it to you but: MCDonald's Employees do things themselves and they die McDonald's employees. It's just how it goes at the end of the day. Are you really aware you're the captain of your ship? If so, why are you not steering away from this big samoan iceberg who stands in your way tonight? Whatever the reason, I respect that... But there is not a chance I'm letting my guard down tonight. I'll gladly knock some sense into you, send you back to square one still wondering "Where do I go from here?"

Renee Young: He gave quite a showing during the King of the Ring tournament.

Roman Reigns: And I hate myself for not being around here to participate in that tournament. Then again... It looks like I am not late to the party. Sure, the number one contender spot seems like a Rock-Paper-Scissors game away between Edge, Randy Orton and Miz, but there's always time in EBWF for the hungry, hardworking men... And mark my words: There is no one hungrier and harder working than Roman Reigns...

He paused and leaned into the camera.

Roman Reigns: And quite frankly, I couldn't give a flying #### if you believe that or not.

He smirked into the camera and walked away.