Not Kind. Not Weak. Awesome.
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:40 pm
The Miz was back as a mainstay on the EBWF Roster, and he was able to show that in a big way, this past week on Warfare. The former World Champion picked up a victory over Bobby Roode- and was riding high. If that wasn't enough- he would have a chance to really make an even bigger splash this coming week, because he was pitted up against the EBWF's current top man, PJ Black. PJ was a guy that Miz really just couldn't stand, but even despite that pure hatred, Miz had not had a ton of success against him. To be frank, not many people in the EBWF.. period.. have had a lot of success against Black. He's the annoying itch that the more you scratch him, the itchier you become. He's the EBWF champion, nobody likes him.. yet nobody can seem to beat him. That is until hopefully this Monday Night, if you were the Miz or one of his many Mizfits. Maybe this was indeed a new era for Miz, he had a new attitude, a new gal, and a new perspective on being in this business, and competing. Perhaps this Alex Riley internship/punishment, was like the Miz' penance.. and he was a changed man. A victory over PJ on Monday night would certainly make that an even more plausible possibility!
The scene opened at a lavish restaurant. Initially the camera panned around like it was looking for someone. There were waiters in suits, and everyone in the building was dressed to the nines. Finally, the camera made it over to the table it was searching for. In an expensive gray suit, with his hair slicked all the way around, was The Miz. Next to him, in a very expensive looking black dress, with her hair done up beautifully, was Mickie James. The two had a bottle of champagne on the table and each had a full glass in front of them. They cheers'ed and each took a small sip. Miz let out a satisfied, "ahhh" as he set his glass back on the table.
The Miz: What a feeling. Back in the winners circle this past week, and I gotta admit, it feels about as good as it ever has before. A knock on me, is that I always have people who help me take the easy way out. People say that I can't be successful on my own. Well people are dumb, and soon I'm going to send that message out into the EBWF universe loud and clear. I don't need anyone's help, and I never have. For as good as I am, do you really think I needed the help of the likes of AJ Styles? Kevin Owens? Ted DiBiase? Alex Riley? REALLY?! I needed THOSE guys help? REALLY?! The reason why I was ever associated with those guys, Mickie, is because I'm selfless. I'm selfless.. they were lost souls in the realm that is the EBWF, and I helped them realize what it meant to be somebody in this company. Always though, without fail, instead of saying thank you, they all took my gifts and were blinded by their own ambition. They all tried to use what I'd taught them to make a name for themselves.. and look how well that's gone for all of those jamoaks. Disgraceful. Unwatchable.. speaking of unwatchable..though last weeks win over Roode was a great small step in the right direction, a win over my opponent PJ Black this week.. would be a GIANT LEAP.
As Miz was talking their food had arrived. Mickie had a lobster, while Miz had Prime Rib and veggies. Mickie took a bite of her food.
Mickie James: Ugh I HATE PJ Black.
The Miz: Said everyone in the EBWF ever.. Like nobody wants to see this guy do anything, or hear this guy say anything. Yet all he does is do stuff and say stuff, so everyone is constantly like.. oh my god.. will somebody stop this guy. Yet it seems like people just forget to. Well PJ, it's on my calendar now.. I have 3 alarms set.. just in case I hit snooze on the first two.. because well.. clearly I have a better social life than you do. While I'm out at lavish places like this, with beautiful girls like this...
Mickie James: Thanks babe.
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: You are at home, with your black hood on. Binge watching twilight, and pleasuring yourself to the werewolf kid. "Oh yeah that's right.. he's a wolf.. nobody understands him.. he's anti establishment.. just like me.. look at how he does flips.. yeah he's daring.. he's a werewolf.. no... he's a DAREwolf... that's what I am too..yeah Darewolf.. that's clever.. I'm clever. "
The Miz flashed a blank stare and shook his head.
The Miz: No you're not PJ. You're not clever.. I do, with you feel like you're the kid on XBOX Live, who clearly has a glitch for the game he's playing, and just can't seem to ever lose. Not that I've ever faced anyone like that, I'm The Miz- I don't play XBOX Live.. I only see Ex- Box.. Live.. if you know what I mean.
Mickie James: You better not!
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: It just a joke babe.. word play.
Mickie James: I'll give you word play.
The Miz: What?
Mickie James: I was trying to do it too. shut up..
The Miz: Aw, cute try.
Mickie James: Thanks!
The Miz smiled, something about her insane ditzy energy was endearing to him.
The Miz: Anyways, my point is. I will give it to PJ, nobody seems to be able to figure out how to defeat this guy. Not even me.. I know right.. COLLECTIVE GASP- I'm not even going to try and hide it- PJ has out done me on a few different occasions. He's lamed his way down to the ring, and actually gotten victories at my expense. However, that's really the only thing that's made him any more interesting to me. PJ, I'm very interested in you right now.. and not the way that you're interested in Men's Gymnastics during the Olympics.. but in the way that I'm very interested in finally beating your ass.. to prove to you.. and to everyone else in the back that you aren't some unbeatable mystique of a man.. but instead the same boring, nose picking loser, that was part of the Corre 5 years ago. Funny thing is, didn't have much success vs. them either.. seriously babe.. why the heck can't I beat this guy?
Mickie James: I don't know, but right when it gets upsetting.. I stop caring.. because it's PJ Black.. and he's.... soo...... freaking.... forgettable.
The Miz: But then he's not forgettable, because he's had so much success.. but then he is forgettable.. because he's well.. him. So it's really just quite a conundrum. The bottom line is this, PJ Black may be the world champ, he may have a ridiculous win loss record, he may be as tough to stop as he even says he is. Which you really have to pay attention, because he SAYS SO MUCH OTHER STUFF.. that it's hard to even catch it when he's trying to either brag or insult you. Watching PJ Black struggle through words, is like the feeling you have when you take an ambien , and try to fight the urge to go to sleep. You're like coming in and out, and you only remember like clips of what actually was said, or what happened. All I know, is after 5 years of like twitching between awake and asleep, is that... he was kept down.. he's disrespected.. he feels like he hasn't gotten what he's deserved. He doesn't respect anyone, mainly because he feels like they've overlooked him.. he's kept down.. he's a lone wolf.. he's disrespected.. he has haters.. they disrespect him.. they try and keep him down.. but they can't because he's a lonewolf.. who doesn't respect anyone.. so he doesn't let them keep him down..
Mickie James: You're being really repetitive right now..
The Miz: I know..
Mickie James: That is like SUCH a good impression of him.
The Miz: I KNOW!
The two clinked their glasses together and took a sip.
The Miz: PJ- I'm going to say something I've never said to you before. I'm WIDE AWAKE NOW. You have my full attention. You are the EBWF World Champ, and you're killing the game right now. So it's time to do MIZ things, and finally show you that I'm the guy who goes going to be your human detour.. F that.. I'm going to be your freaking roadblock, that prevents you from living another day in this god damn business thinking that you are "the man." I'm like that hitter that you've gotten out a couple of times, but I've hit line drives right at your freaking fielders PJ. Yeah you got me out, yeah you got the better of me, but I think deep down you know that you're one bad mistake away from me knocking your shit right out of the ball park with one swing of the bat. I think you know deep down, that you're one moment in time of letting your guard down away from me proving to the entire world, that the EBWF still goes through me. For the time that I was not wrestling, I've sat back and watched you just mope your way to the top, and it's been intriguing.. but what I've been thinking about this whole time.. is how satisfying it's going to be.. to finally give you something to be moody and broody about. I can't wait until I finally kick the shit out of you.. and give you some real problems.. you loser.
Mickie James: Seriously.. he's like the prom king.. who's like mad because like not everyone voted for him.
The Miz: Let's not get crazy.. I'm obviously the Prom King.
Mickie James: And I'm the queen!
The Miz: Duh!
The two started laughing like a young couple.. Miz comically stopped laughing on a dime, leaving Mickie still laughing. She seemed flustered for a second, but quickly regained her composure.
The Miz: He's like the the nerd who gets a 94 on a test, and complains to the teacher he should have gotten a 96, then the teacher doesn't seem interested, so instead of catching on to that hint.. he proceeds to talk to the teacher for 2 and a half hours in a row, about how he should have gotten a 96.. and two and a half hours later.. the teacher is still not interested.. but somehow.. she gives him the 96.. then... he's still upset he didn't get a 98...
Mickie James: That is a really deep and frighteningly accurate analogy for PJ Black's career.
The Miz: ... And you wanted to make him the Prom King..
Mickie James: Sorry babe.
They pecked on the lips.. and the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened in Phoenix, Arizona- the site of EBWF Warfare. The camera panned around the back, and then back to the front of the building where a large white limousine was pulling up. A chauffeur walked around and opened the door. Stepping out first, was none other than The Miz. He wore a dark blue suit, and was dressed to kill. He reached his hand into the limo, and grabbing it, was Mickie James. She was dressed in a blue sundress and white cowboy boots. She looked extremely beautiful, and had a big smile on her face. The chauffeur popped the trunk, and grabbed their bags.
The Miz: I'll take that my man, thanks.
Chauffeur: Really?
The Miz: Hey that's my line!
The two exchanged some awkward laughter. Once again, Miz abruptly stopped.
The Miz: Seriously.. don't ever use it again..
The chauffeur got a little intimidated.
The Miz: I'm just kidding.. a ha ha..
The two laughed again.. once again Miz stopped.
The Miz: Or am I?
The chauffeur stopped again, scared.
Chauffeur: I'm terribly sorry, Miz.. I..
The Miz: Ahh.. but I am...
The two laughed awkwardly again, as Miz grabbed his bag and gave the driver a tip.
Chauffeur: Thank you sir.
The Miz sniffed the air.
The Miz: Isn't it great being us, Mickie? I mean we're great looking.. we're rich.. soon.. everyone's going to know that I'm the best again.. and I don't know.. it's just hard to be in a bad mood.. with so much.. dare I say it.. awesome.. surrounding us.
Mickie James: Totes...
The Miz: Totes indeed.. totes indeed.. oh look it's Michael... Hey Michael!
Michael Cole happened to be walking outside from the back.
Michael Cole: Hey guys! Miz got time for a quick word?
The Miz: I always got time for you Cole.
Michael Cole: Really?
The Miz smirked knowingly.. he wasn't going to repeat the same joke.
The Miz: Hey that's my line!
Michael Cole: Sorry Miz.. but re... honestly.. I'd love to get a quick interview.
The Miz: You're on Michael.. by the way.. looking good man.. have you dropped a couple of LB's?
Michael Cole: Well n.. I mean.. I don't know.. maybe.
The Miz: So humble. Just like me. Let's get this started!
A cameraman came over and a boom mic over the two men.
Michael Cole: I'm here with The Miz and his lovely girlfriend Mickie James. Miz how are you feeling?
The Miz: Feeling great Michael. Mickie and I just totally had sex in the limo.
Michael Cole: Whoa Miz!
The Miz: I'm just kidding Cole.. I know that's not appropriate.
The Miz mouthed to the camera "not kidding" and Mickie mouthed.. "at all."
Michael Cole: So tonight here in Phoenix, you have a big opportunity to knock off PJ Black, the EBWF World Champion.. and I know you're going to say.. it's not an opportunity it's a certainty.. but I jus..
The Miz: Michael- no- you're exactly right. This is an opportunity. It's not a certain at all. This is PJ Black- he's the champion for a reason. That reason is not because he could put a coke head to sleep when he talks about.. well anything. That reason is not because he dresses like he should be playing bass in an alternative rock band.. the reason is.. because he's pretty freaking good at winning wrestling matches. The thing is though Cole, so am I. Just because I've only been back recently, doesn't mean that I lost a step, or that I lost my touch. I'm still step for step the best guy that ever laced up his boots.. and I definitely haven't lost my touch..
Mickie James: Not.. at.. all..
She longingly looked into the distance. Miz smirked.
The Miz: Tonight's match is a chance to do something I haven't been able to do much of.. and that's beat PJ Black. I don't know if you've noticed Michael, but I've let go of a lot of anger in my life. Anger that often blinded me from being able to make the right decision. I was often blinded by my own ego and too reactionary to have sustained success around here. PJ Black has YET to let go of that anger Michael. Some would say that's his edge. That he has a constant chip on his shoulder.. well it's time for someone to eat that chip... not you Cole.. not this new skinny you.. but maybe it's time for me to eat that chip on his shoulder.. maybe it's time for me to rid this guy of his edge. I still think PJ, has the potential to be that guy that used his "me against the world" mentality to have some success, but I think it's that same attitude that could send him crashing down to the bottom even faster than it helped him rise to the top. I may have lost to PJ Black in the past, but I'm damn sure not afraid to face him again. I'm never not going to be confident, Cole. I'm expecting to win tonight, the difference is... this time around, I'm completely prepared for what I'm going to have to do to get it done. I'm willing to give more than I've ever given, fight harder than I've ever fought, scratch and claw, and do whatever it takes to beat this guy. So that I can stop just saying I'm the best.. and start proving it again.
Michael Cole: I got to tell you, Miz. I've never seen you this way. I think it could be a really good th..
The Miz: Okay Michael, keep it in your pants.
Michael Cole: And we're back..
The Miz: Like honestly Cole, yeah I have some perspective on this company. Standing in line to buy Doritos for Alex Riley, will do that to any guy. I appreciate that I have the opportunity to do what I love again. I am approaching matches, and opponents with more focus and intensity than I ever have in the past.. but don't take my kindness for weakness.. because I'm not kind... and I'm damn sure not weak. I'm still the same Miz who would step on your throat to get ahead around here.. I'm still the same Miz.. that if you and I were both hungry.. I would tie you to a chair and eat the last piece of Pizza in front of you.. and make you watch me enjoy it. I take pleasure in ruining people's careers who try and take what I want around here. So if PJ Black, wants to draw my name with a heart around it.. in his paranoid journal that I've referenced in the past.. because I've given him a couple of compliments.. he'd be making a HUGE mistake. Because if he goes in thinking that me acknowledging his talent is an admission that his surpasses mine.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG. If he thinks that me acknowledging his success is an admission that he's going to have more of it than me in the upcoming months.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG.. and if he thinks that me acknowledging that he's beaten me in the past.. is an admission that he's going to do it again.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG.. because Michael.. I'm not kind.. I'm not weak.. I'm what I've always been...I'm The Miz.. and I'm... Awesome.
Miz last word was said in an intense whisper so quickly and succinctly that it's unexpectedness brought chills to the viewers. Would Miz finally top PJ Black? Time would tell, but it was for certain going to be a battle.
The scene opened at a lavish restaurant. Initially the camera panned around like it was looking for someone. There were waiters in suits, and everyone in the building was dressed to the nines. Finally, the camera made it over to the table it was searching for. In an expensive gray suit, with his hair slicked all the way around, was The Miz. Next to him, in a very expensive looking black dress, with her hair done up beautifully, was Mickie James. The two had a bottle of champagne on the table and each had a full glass in front of them. They cheers'ed and each took a small sip. Miz let out a satisfied, "ahhh" as he set his glass back on the table.
The Miz: What a feeling. Back in the winners circle this past week, and I gotta admit, it feels about as good as it ever has before. A knock on me, is that I always have people who help me take the easy way out. People say that I can't be successful on my own. Well people are dumb, and soon I'm going to send that message out into the EBWF universe loud and clear. I don't need anyone's help, and I never have. For as good as I am, do you really think I needed the help of the likes of AJ Styles? Kevin Owens? Ted DiBiase? Alex Riley? REALLY?! I needed THOSE guys help? REALLY?! The reason why I was ever associated with those guys, Mickie, is because I'm selfless. I'm selfless.. they were lost souls in the realm that is the EBWF, and I helped them realize what it meant to be somebody in this company. Always though, without fail, instead of saying thank you, they all took my gifts and were blinded by their own ambition. They all tried to use what I'd taught them to make a name for themselves.. and look how well that's gone for all of those jamoaks. Disgraceful. Unwatchable.. speaking of unwatchable..though last weeks win over Roode was a great small step in the right direction, a win over my opponent PJ Black this week.. would be a GIANT LEAP.
As Miz was talking their food had arrived. Mickie had a lobster, while Miz had Prime Rib and veggies. Mickie took a bite of her food.
Mickie James: Ugh I HATE PJ Black.
The Miz: Said everyone in the EBWF ever.. Like nobody wants to see this guy do anything, or hear this guy say anything. Yet all he does is do stuff and say stuff, so everyone is constantly like.. oh my god.. will somebody stop this guy. Yet it seems like people just forget to. Well PJ, it's on my calendar now.. I have 3 alarms set.. just in case I hit snooze on the first two.. because well.. clearly I have a better social life than you do. While I'm out at lavish places like this, with beautiful girls like this...
Mickie James: Thanks babe.
The Miz smiled.
The Miz: You are at home, with your black hood on. Binge watching twilight, and pleasuring yourself to the werewolf kid. "Oh yeah that's right.. he's a wolf.. nobody understands him.. he's anti establishment.. just like me.. look at how he does flips.. yeah he's daring.. he's a werewolf.. no... he's a DAREwolf... that's what I am too..yeah Darewolf.. that's clever.. I'm clever. "
The Miz flashed a blank stare and shook his head.
The Miz: No you're not PJ. You're not clever.. I do, with you feel like you're the kid on XBOX Live, who clearly has a glitch for the game he's playing, and just can't seem to ever lose. Not that I've ever faced anyone like that, I'm The Miz- I don't play XBOX Live.. I only see Ex- Box.. Live.. if you know what I mean.
Mickie James: You better not!
The Miz smirked.
The Miz: It just a joke babe.. word play.
Mickie James: I'll give you word play.
The Miz: What?
Mickie James: I was trying to do it too. shut up..
The Miz: Aw, cute try.
Mickie James: Thanks!
The Miz smiled, something about her insane ditzy energy was endearing to him.
The Miz: Anyways, my point is. I will give it to PJ, nobody seems to be able to figure out how to defeat this guy. Not even me.. I know right.. COLLECTIVE GASP- I'm not even going to try and hide it- PJ has out done me on a few different occasions. He's lamed his way down to the ring, and actually gotten victories at my expense. However, that's really the only thing that's made him any more interesting to me. PJ, I'm very interested in you right now.. and not the way that you're interested in Men's Gymnastics during the Olympics.. but in the way that I'm very interested in finally beating your ass.. to prove to you.. and to everyone else in the back that you aren't some unbeatable mystique of a man.. but instead the same boring, nose picking loser, that was part of the Corre 5 years ago. Funny thing is, didn't have much success vs. them either.. seriously babe.. why the heck can't I beat this guy?
Mickie James: I don't know, but right when it gets upsetting.. I stop caring.. because it's PJ Black.. and he's.... soo...... freaking.... forgettable.
The Miz: But then he's not forgettable, because he's had so much success.. but then he is forgettable.. because he's well.. him. So it's really just quite a conundrum. The bottom line is this, PJ Black may be the world champ, he may have a ridiculous win loss record, he may be as tough to stop as he even says he is. Which you really have to pay attention, because he SAYS SO MUCH OTHER STUFF.. that it's hard to even catch it when he's trying to either brag or insult you. Watching PJ Black struggle through words, is like the feeling you have when you take an ambien , and try to fight the urge to go to sleep. You're like coming in and out, and you only remember like clips of what actually was said, or what happened. All I know, is after 5 years of like twitching between awake and asleep, is that... he was kept down.. he's disrespected.. he feels like he hasn't gotten what he's deserved. He doesn't respect anyone, mainly because he feels like they've overlooked him.. he's kept down.. he's a lone wolf.. he's disrespected.. he has haters.. they disrespect him.. they try and keep him down.. but they can't because he's a lonewolf.. who doesn't respect anyone.. so he doesn't let them keep him down..
Mickie James: You're being really repetitive right now..
The Miz: I know..
Mickie James: That is like SUCH a good impression of him.
The Miz: I KNOW!
The two clinked their glasses together and took a sip.
The Miz: PJ- I'm going to say something I've never said to you before. I'm WIDE AWAKE NOW. You have my full attention. You are the EBWF World Champ, and you're killing the game right now. So it's time to do MIZ things, and finally show you that I'm the guy who goes going to be your human detour.. F that.. I'm going to be your freaking roadblock, that prevents you from living another day in this god damn business thinking that you are "the man." I'm like that hitter that you've gotten out a couple of times, but I've hit line drives right at your freaking fielders PJ. Yeah you got me out, yeah you got the better of me, but I think deep down you know that you're one bad mistake away from me knocking your shit right out of the ball park with one swing of the bat. I think you know deep down, that you're one moment in time of letting your guard down away from me proving to the entire world, that the EBWF still goes through me. For the time that I was not wrestling, I've sat back and watched you just mope your way to the top, and it's been intriguing.. but what I've been thinking about this whole time.. is how satisfying it's going to be.. to finally give you something to be moody and broody about. I can't wait until I finally kick the shit out of you.. and give you some real problems.. you loser.
Mickie James: Seriously.. he's like the prom king.. who's like mad because like not everyone voted for him.
The Miz: Let's not get crazy.. I'm obviously the Prom King.
Mickie James: And I'm the queen!
The Miz: Duh!
The two started laughing like a young couple.. Miz comically stopped laughing on a dime, leaving Mickie still laughing. She seemed flustered for a second, but quickly regained her composure.
The Miz: He's like the the nerd who gets a 94 on a test, and complains to the teacher he should have gotten a 96, then the teacher doesn't seem interested, so instead of catching on to that hint.. he proceeds to talk to the teacher for 2 and a half hours in a row, about how he should have gotten a 96.. and two and a half hours later.. the teacher is still not interested.. but somehow.. she gives him the 96.. then... he's still upset he didn't get a 98...
Mickie James: That is a really deep and frighteningly accurate analogy for PJ Black's career.
The Miz: ... And you wanted to make him the Prom King..
Mickie James: Sorry babe.
They pecked on the lips.. and the scene faded to black.
The scene reopened in Phoenix, Arizona- the site of EBWF Warfare. The camera panned around the back, and then back to the front of the building where a large white limousine was pulling up. A chauffeur walked around and opened the door. Stepping out first, was none other than The Miz. He wore a dark blue suit, and was dressed to kill. He reached his hand into the limo, and grabbing it, was Mickie James. She was dressed in a blue sundress and white cowboy boots. She looked extremely beautiful, and had a big smile on her face. The chauffeur popped the trunk, and grabbed their bags.
The Miz: I'll take that my man, thanks.
Chauffeur: Really?
The Miz: Hey that's my line!
The two exchanged some awkward laughter. Once again, Miz abruptly stopped.
The Miz: Seriously.. don't ever use it again..
The chauffeur got a little intimidated.
The Miz: I'm just kidding.. a ha ha..
The two laughed again.. once again Miz stopped.
The Miz: Or am I?
The chauffeur stopped again, scared.
Chauffeur: I'm terribly sorry, Miz.. I..
The Miz: Ahh.. but I am...
The two laughed awkwardly again, as Miz grabbed his bag and gave the driver a tip.
Chauffeur: Thank you sir.
The Miz sniffed the air.
The Miz: Isn't it great being us, Mickie? I mean we're great looking.. we're rich.. soon.. everyone's going to know that I'm the best again.. and I don't know.. it's just hard to be in a bad mood.. with so much.. dare I say it.. awesome.. surrounding us.
Mickie James: Totes...
The Miz: Totes indeed.. totes indeed.. oh look it's Michael... Hey Michael!
Michael Cole happened to be walking outside from the back.
Michael Cole: Hey guys! Miz got time for a quick word?
The Miz: I always got time for you Cole.
Michael Cole: Really?
The Miz smirked knowingly.. he wasn't going to repeat the same joke.
The Miz: Hey that's my line!
Michael Cole: Sorry Miz.. but re... honestly.. I'd love to get a quick interview.
The Miz: You're on Michael.. by the way.. looking good man.. have you dropped a couple of LB's?
Michael Cole: Well n.. I mean.. I don't know.. maybe.
The Miz: So humble. Just like me. Let's get this started!
A cameraman came over and a boom mic over the two men.
Michael Cole: I'm here with The Miz and his lovely girlfriend Mickie James. Miz how are you feeling?
The Miz: Feeling great Michael. Mickie and I just totally had sex in the limo.
Michael Cole: Whoa Miz!
The Miz: I'm just kidding Cole.. I know that's not appropriate.
The Miz mouthed to the camera "not kidding" and Mickie mouthed.. "at all."
Michael Cole: So tonight here in Phoenix, you have a big opportunity to knock off PJ Black, the EBWF World Champion.. and I know you're going to say.. it's not an opportunity it's a certainty.. but I jus..
The Miz: Michael- no- you're exactly right. This is an opportunity. It's not a certain at all. This is PJ Black- he's the champion for a reason. That reason is not because he could put a coke head to sleep when he talks about.. well anything. That reason is not because he dresses like he should be playing bass in an alternative rock band.. the reason is.. because he's pretty freaking good at winning wrestling matches. The thing is though Cole, so am I. Just because I've only been back recently, doesn't mean that I lost a step, or that I lost my touch. I'm still step for step the best guy that ever laced up his boots.. and I definitely haven't lost my touch..
Mickie James: Not.. at.. all..
She longingly looked into the distance. Miz smirked.
The Miz: Tonight's match is a chance to do something I haven't been able to do much of.. and that's beat PJ Black. I don't know if you've noticed Michael, but I've let go of a lot of anger in my life. Anger that often blinded me from being able to make the right decision. I was often blinded by my own ego and too reactionary to have sustained success around here. PJ Black has YET to let go of that anger Michael. Some would say that's his edge. That he has a constant chip on his shoulder.. well it's time for someone to eat that chip... not you Cole.. not this new skinny you.. but maybe it's time for me to eat that chip on his shoulder.. maybe it's time for me to rid this guy of his edge. I still think PJ, has the potential to be that guy that used his "me against the world" mentality to have some success, but I think it's that same attitude that could send him crashing down to the bottom even faster than it helped him rise to the top. I may have lost to PJ Black in the past, but I'm damn sure not afraid to face him again. I'm never not going to be confident, Cole. I'm expecting to win tonight, the difference is... this time around, I'm completely prepared for what I'm going to have to do to get it done. I'm willing to give more than I've ever given, fight harder than I've ever fought, scratch and claw, and do whatever it takes to beat this guy. So that I can stop just saying I'm the best.. and start proving it again.
Michael Cole: I got to tell you, Miz. I've never seen you this way. I think it could be a really good th..
The Miz: Okay Michael, keep it in your pants.
Michael Cole: And we're back..
The Miz: Like honestly Cole, yeah I have some perspective on this company. Standing in line to buy Doritos for Alex Riley, will do that to any guy. I appreciate that I have the opportunity to do what I love again. I am approaching matches, and opponents with more focus and intensity than I ever have in the past.. but don't take my kindness for weakness.. because I'm not kind... and I'm damn sure not weak. I'm still the same Miz who would step on your throat to get ahead around here.. I'm still the same Miz.. that if you and I were both hungry.. I would tie you to a chair and eat the last piece of Pizza in front of you.. and make you watch me enjoy it. I take pleasure in ruining people's careers who try and take what I want around here. So if PJ Black, wants to draw my name with a heart around it.. in his paranoid journal that I've referenced in the past.. because I've given him a couple of compliments.. he'd be making a HUGE mistake. Because if he goes in thinking that me acknowledging his talent is an admission that his surpasses mine.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG. If he thinks that me acknowledging his success is an admission that he's going to have more of it than me in the upcoming months.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG.. and if he thinks that me acknowledging that he's beaten me in the past.. is an admission that he's going to do it again.. than he could not BE MORE WRONG.. because Michael.. I'm not kind.. I'm not weak.. I'm what I've always been...I'm The Miz.. and I'm... Awesome.
Miz last word was said in an intense whisper so quickly and succinctly that it's unexpectedness brought chills to the viewers. Would Miz finally top PJ Black? Time would tell, but it was for certain going to be a battle.