Destiny Results 09/24/2017

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Ben M
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Destiny Results 09/24/2017

Post by Ben M »


Pyrotechnics went off in the arena as "Night People" by You Me At Six kicked off Destiny.

Mauro Ranallo: Welcome to EBWF! This is Destiny!

Corey Graves: I'm Corey Graves, alongside my new broadcast colleague Mauro Ranallo. Welcome to the big dance, Mauro!

Mauro Ranallo: No place I'd rather be Corey. Let's get things started with a special addition of Miz TV! Miz has got to want some answers for what has been going on with his guest tonight, AJ Styles.

Corey Graves: So without further ado, it's time for Miz TV!

Now the focus was on the black matting that covered the ring and the two stools that sat in the center. The MIZ TV logo was shown to the viewers at home and the DESTINY background faded to black on all the led screens.


"I Came To Play" by Downstait was heard over the PA system. The crowd cheered as The Miz emerged from the back. Miz was in a new suit and he had the EBWF Gateway Championship over his shoulder. Miz made his way to the ring to a big reaction from the EBWF Universe. Miz sat on his stool. He held the microphone to his lips, the crowds cheers grew louder.

The Miz: Okay Okay Okay- I get it you all love me.. you REALLY love me!

He smiled and the crowd cheered more. A "Miz is Awesome" chant broke out.

The Miz: It's true.. I am.. I am awesome.. and I show up here day in and day out, and I captivate the masses. I captivate all of my Mizfits, and all I ask in return is for my co-workers here in the EBWF, to do exactly what I do, and that is give me their honest and best effort. Is it enough to beat me? OF course it's not.. I'm the freaking Miz.. but at least give me an up front and clear effort to try and bring yourself to my level. If there's one thing I can't stand it's when someone tries to play games with me.. if there's one thing I can't stand it's when someone tries to outsmart me, because I refuse to be outsmarted, and I refuse to be the subject of ANYONE's mind games.. so AJ Styles..

The crowd booed at the mention of Styles.

The Miz: Get out here, and let's have a LONG overdue talk..

The crowd cheered as "Phenomenonal" by CFO$ played over the PA System and AJ Styles walked out to a mixed reaction from the big apple. He took it all for a brief moment before heading straight towards the ring. Styles took the microphone from the stool and had a seat directly in front on Miz.

The Miz: AJ Styles... welcome back to Miz TV.. last time you were here.. it didn't actually go.. well I'll just cut right to the chase.. you know what happened.. which is fine. Except then the next week, you turned around and you helped me- you stopped that little cabbage patch kid Tyler Breeze from trying to cheat his way to a win.. which promptly led to me driving his moisturized face through the canvas and picking up the victory.. so bottom line is.. I want to know what you're trying to pull with me. We've been through a lot together, be a man and explain what the hell is going on..

The crowd popped as Miz stared at AJ intensely.

AJ Styles: Listen man... We go way back. I would go as far to say we are brothers. What I did two weeks ago was payback for you being a dick when you were running up behind that Uber loser Alex Riley. You deserved that and you know you did. Last week, that was just my way of trying to make the peace. An olive branch of sorts.

Styles seemed sincere, and the audience gave him a mixed reaction. Miz squinted at AJ before responding.

The Miz: Payback?

The Miz thought to himself before choosing his next words.

The Miz: Alright.. I'll give you one thing AJ.. I'll give you that there have been a lot of times over the years that I have maybe done some things to you.. that I may have had what you did to me 2 weeks ago coming.. but holy crap man.. you're starting to sound like PJ Black holding grudges and living in the past.. let's not forget that there's been times in the past that you've put me on the shelf for several mon... oh shit now you got me sounding like him.. the point is this.. the past is the past.. all we can control is the present.. and quite honestly.. in this present moment.. I still don't know quite what to believe when it comes to you.. part of me still thinks that you're full of crap..

The crowd cheered again. AJ nodded with a smile on his face before he responded.

AJ Styles: As long as we've known each other, is there really any need for lies? If I didn't like you I'd have no problem letting you know. In fact, we wouldn't even be talking right now!

The crowd popped a bit at his intensity.

AJ Styles: But that's not the case. I wanna let you know I'm proud of you man. In fact, if I'm everybody in this arenas favorite wrestler, YOU'RE my favorite wrestler.

Styles followed that with a smirk. Miz had to laugh as well. He shook his head not knowing what to make of this.

The Miz: You forget.. we're alike man.. as much as I appreciate it.. you have to want something.. so tell me what it is you want..

AJ Styles: You're fucking right we are just alike. So you should already know what I want...

Styles eased in just a bit closer to Miz.

AJ Styles: I want to be the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion and on you just happen to be holding the golden ticket, bro.

The Miz looked to his EBWF Gateway Championship. He then looked back at AJ. He smirked.

The Miz: Oh I think I do... The Miz and AJ Styles for the EBWF Gateway Title.. I like it..

The crowd cheered at the thought.

The Miz: The reason I like it.. because when I beat you.. it won't be for payback for any of the times over the years that we've wronged each other.. it won't have ANYTHING to do with the past.. it will be to prove that in the moment.. in THIS PRESENT MOMENT.. I AM BETTER THAN YOU.

The crowd cheered as AJ smiled soaking in Miz' last words.

AJ Styles: Well Miz. There's really nothing more that needs to be said. May the best man win...

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: Oh... I will.

The crowd cheered as AJ stuck his hand out to Miz and stood from his stool. Miz stood up from his stool as well and he looked at it.. then at the crowd. Who were cheering loudly. Miz accepted the handshake, and the crowd went wild!

Corey Graves: What a moment here tonight, it looks like AJ Styles and The Miz are on a crash course for an EBWF Gateway Championship match!

Destiny cut to a promo for its first match.


The bell rang, and the camera focused on Christy Hemme in the center of the ring.

Christy Hemme: This match is a fatal four way match and will determine the number one contender for the Breakout Championship! Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at 232 pounds, Eli Drake!

The crowd gave a cheer for the newcomer, excited for the start of the show as he sped down to the ring.

Christy Hemme: Introducing, from Salisbury, Maryland. Weighing in at 231 pounds, he is Jay Briscoe! His opponent, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin Tommaso Ciampa! And finally, from Ayr, Scotland, weighing in at 178 pounds, Noam Dar.

Drake was in no hurry to wrestle. Neither was Ciampa who rolled out of the ring. Dar met him there, as did Briscoe and Ciampa paid for his move with slaps, chops and punches. Drake kicked Dar through the ropes and joined them at ringside. Briscoe hit a flying front kick through the ropes and that knocked everyone down again. He and Briscoe returned to the ring where Drake wound up with a loud slap to the chest. Off the ropes, and Drake hit a double running front kick, landing on the mat.

Corey Graves: These four men are setting the tone for the whole night! Some kind of energy out there.

Drake delivered another running front kick to Briscoe’s head and pinned him for a 2 count. He kept Ciampa from entering the ring and continued his beatdown of Briscoe in the corner. Dar was up on the apron and he got punched, knocking him off of it. Drake ran towards Briscoe in the corner, stopped, and open hand slapped him. Briscoe noticed and fought back with chops and forearms. Drake countered a gutbuster off the ropes and suplexed Briscoe to the mat.

Maura Ranallo: Eli Drake showing off some strength here in the early going.

He mounted the turnbuckle but Dar clubbed him in the back. Dar mounted the turnbuckle, too. Drake elbowed him until he fell right next to Briscoe on the mat. Drake went for the moonsault, landed on his feet, sprang back for a back splash and got kneed by Briscoe!

Corey Graves: That took the wind right out of his sails!

Dropkick by Dar on Drake. He and Briscoe stared down one another in the center of the ring. Ciampa rushed in and clotheslines them both! The crowd came alive.

Mauro Ranallo: Ciampa making things happen.

Ciampa threw Dar to ringside and began laying into Briscoe in the corner with punches and chops. Briscoe fought back with right hands. He whipped Ciampa off the ropes. Ciampa hit the shoulder tackle, and stopped Briscoe's momentum. Briscoe caught him off the ropes, lifted him up and delivered a nasty backbreaker. 1-2- kickout by Ciampa. Dar rolled up Briscoe for a 2 count. Dar whipped him off the ropes, but Briscoe managed to reverse it. Dar moved right into a dropkick. Then he moved quickly to hit a second dropkick on Drake, preventing him from entering the ring. Ciampa caught Briscoe and delivered a suplex. 1-2- kickout by Briscoe.

Corey Graves: This matchup could go all night at this rate!

Ciampa kneed Briscoe in the back, and followed up with a leaping knee to Briscoe’s head. He went for the pin, and got another close two count. Noam Dar had made it to his feet and gotten back in the ring, but it was to no avail as Ciampa tossed him out. He choked Briscoe along the middle rope. Briscoe got a few moments to punch back but Ciampa stopped his progress with a neckbreaker. Another 2 count pinfall attempt and Briscoe was flailing. Ciampa wouldn't let anyone else enter the ring, knocking them off the apron. He went to run the ropes but Briscoe followed. Brisco hit Ciampa with a knee to the gut, and then a huge sidewalk slam! Ciampa rolled out and stumbled on the outside where Dar and Drake have gathered. With the three gathered, Briscoe did a huge suicide dive, that took out all four men!

Mauro Ranallo: Briscoe putting his body on the line here!

On the return, Briscoe rushed from his corner to Ciampa’s and got an elbow to the face. Ciampa was firmly in control. It took a few minutes for Briscoe to fight back again. He countered a suplex attempt with a Gordbuster! Running knee to Ciampa’s head. He lifted him up on to the turnbuckle and joined him there for a superplex. Drake clubed Briscoe in the back and put his head under Briscoe’s legs. Dar rushed in to powerbomb Drake while Briscoe suplexed Ciampa!

Mauro Ranallo: Oh my God, look at the devastation!

Corey Graves: I don't know how they're going to get up from that!

Ciampa was out at ringside. Dar traded punches and chops with Drake and Drake charged at Dar and was lifted up and over the ropes to the apron. Briscoe tried to hold him in place and received a dropkick from Drake for his efforts. Dar with an inside cradle pinfall attempt on Drake 1-2...

Corey Graves: No! Only good for the two count!

The two traded punches. Drake got more right hands in and then a big boot to the face of Dar. He taunted and puffed up a bit and rushed in with a running knee. He couldn’t follow it up though because Ciampa hit the Project Ciampa on Drake, and went for the pin.




Corey Graves: What a match to kick off our show!

Mauro Ranallo: Tommaso Ciampa is the new number one contender for the Breakout Championship!


Corey Graves: What a match we've just seen! Tommaso Ciampa is the number one contender for the EBWF Breakout Championship!

Mauro Ranallo: Up next, we've got what's sure to be a very physical matchup as Kevin Owens goes one on one with "The Viper", Randy Orton. Owens had some harsh words to say about his opponent; check out this exclusive interview with Kevin Owens which took place this past Monday at Warfare.

A clip showed of Kevin Owens being interviewed by Renee Young.

Renee Young: Kevin, I've just been informed that this Sunday at Destiny, you will go up against the longest reigning World Champion in EBWF history, Randy Orton. What are your thoughts on this match?

Kevin Owens: Well first of all Renee, I think the fact that Randy Orton is the longest reigning EBWF World Champion doesn't matter. How long has it been since he held that title, four years? Randy is part of EBWF's past, I'm the future. I'm the best in the world, and the next World Champion.

"Fight" by CFO$ hit and Kevin Owens made his way to the ring. When Owens was in the ring, "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle hit and Randy Orton headed to the ring. Once both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Owens and Orton exchanged punches back and forth, with Owens gaining the upper hand. Owens went to whip Orton against the ropes, but Orton reversed the Irish whip, sending Owens into the ropes. As Owens ran back towards him, Orton hit a snap scoop powerslam. Orton got to his feet and stomped on Owens several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a side belly-to-belly suplex. Orton hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Orton pulled Owens to his feet and whipped him against the ropes once more, this time taking him down with a Thesz press. Orton hit Owens with mounted punches, then pulled him to his feet and hit a full nelson slam. Orton hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start here by The Viper!

Orton sat Kevin Owens up and applied a chinlock, but Owens fought out of it and both men got to their feet. The exchanged punches, then Orton went for a clothesline, but Owens ducked out of the way and hit Orton with a headbutt. Orton stumbled, and Owens grabbed him, whipping him into the corner. Owens ran at Orton and hit a bodypress, then as Orton fell into a sitting position, Owens hit the Cannonball! He pulled Orton away from the ropes and hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Owens got to his feet and stomped on Orton several times, then put him in a sharpshooter.

Mauro Ranallo: Owens has the sharpshooter locked in... can The Viper slither free?

Orton was able to get to the ropes, and the referee ordered Owens to break the hold. As Orton got to his feet, Owens went to grab him, but Orton got back with a European uppercut. Owens was dazed, and Orton hung him from the middle rope, hitting a rope hung DDT. Orton stomped on the mat several times, signalling for the RKO! Owens got to his feet, and Orton grabbed him... but Owens shoved Orton into the referee! The referee went down, and as Orton was distracted, Owens hit him with a low blow. Owens rolled out of the ring, grabbing a steel chair then bringing it into the ring.

Corey Graves: Owens taking full advantage of the referee being knocked down!

Mauro Ranallo: No change there, Corey...

Owens hit Orton with the chair, then placed it down on the mat, signalling for the Pop Up Powerbomb. Owens went to pull Orton to his feet... but before he could do so, he was ambushed by a man in a black hoodie! The man pummelled Owens with a series of punches, then hit him with a brainbuster onto the chair! The man picked up the chair, then exited the ring as the referee began to stir.

Mauro Ranallo: We've had "The Man in Static" sending messages to PJ Black for several weeks... and now it appears we've got a mystery "Man in Black" too!

Corey Graves: There's no mystery! We both know who would want revenge on Kevin Owens, and he hits a pretty good brainbuster!

As the referee got to his feet, so did Randy Orton. The Viper looked at Owens and smirked, then stalked his opponent. Owens got to his feet... and Orton hit an RKO! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Mauro Ranallo: It's over! Randy Orton gets the victory!

Orton celebrated, then made his way to the back.


Mauro Ranallo: Still to come, Jimmy Havoc battles Braun Strowman in an unsanctioned match, and PJ Black defends the EBWF World Championship against Edge in a ladder match... up first though, we've got a fatal four way elimination match to determine the new number one contender for the EBWF Women's Championship!

"Glasgow Cross" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Nikki Cross made her way to the ring, accompanied by her new manager Don Callis.

Corey Graves: Well here comes one of the strangest superstars on the EBWF roster, Nikki Cross... and a man who may be even stranger than she is, Don Callis!

Mauro Ranallo: Don Callis has a wealth of experience in the wrestling business, and with him in her corner, Nikki Cross could go far.

After Nikki had entered the ring, "Power of Love" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Mike and Maria Kanellis headed to the ring. Liv Morgan came out next to a warm reception from the crowd.

Corey Graves: Liv Morgan actually grew up less than twenty miles from this arena, in Paramus, New Jersey. A lot of New Yorkers would say she was born on the wrong side of the Hudson River, but she's getting a lot of love here tonight!

Mauro Ranallo: Liv Morgan is an extremely talented young athlete, Corey, and I'm looking forward to seeing her in action!

Finally, Sasha Banks came out to a big reaction from the crowd. When all four women were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Sasha locked up with Nikki Cross, while Liv Morgan went after Maria. Duelling chants of "let's go Morgan" and "let's go Sasha" could be heard from the crowd. Sasha put Nikki in a headlock, but Nikki fought out of it and threw Sasha into the corner. As Nikki and Sasha battled in the corner of the ring, Morgan hit Maria with a snapmare. Maria got to her feet and Morgan went to whip her against the ropes, but Maria reversed it, sending Liv Morgan into the ropes. As Morgan ran back towards her, Maria took her down with a hip toss. In the corner, Nikki was hitting Sasha with a series of punches, but Sasha fought back, then clotheslined Nikki over the top rope. As Sasha followed Nikki to the outside, Maria went for a roundhouse kick on Morgan, but Morgan ducked out of the way and grabbed Maria from behind, hitting a reverse DDT. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Morgan pulled Maria to her feet, setting her up for the New Jersey Buster... but Maria blocked it, then hit a spinebuster. As Morgan got back to her feet, Maria hit the Beautiful Bulldog! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: Maria has eliminated Liv Morgan! The power of love just claimed its first victim!

Outside the ring, Nikki hit Sasha with a neckbreaker, then re-entered the ring. Nikki was about to go after Maria, but Maria rolled out of the ring to celebrate with her husband, Mike Kanellis. Mike gave her a hug, then the two of them began kissing.

Mauro Ranallo: Corey, I'm not sure Maria realises the match is still going on!

Corey Graves: Either that or she's too loved up to care!

Nikki watched Mike and Maria, looking disgusted. Sasha re-entered the ring, and likewise she was unimpressed by Mike and Maria's public display of affection. Nikki was about to attack Sasha, but Sasha stopped her and said something to Nikki, pointing at Mike and Maria as she talked. The two women seemed to reach an understanding, and to the delight of the crowd then ran towards Mike and Maria, diving through the ropes and taking them both down!

Mauro Ranallo: Double tope suicida!

Corey Graves: You know what they say, Mauro... love hurts!

Nikki took out Mike Kanellis as Sasha took down Maria. As Nikki and Sasha got back to their feet, Nikki turned on Sasha, hitting her with a swift kick to the midsection before suplexing her onto the steel ramp. Nikki turned her attention back to Maria, throwing her into the ring. As Nikki rolled back into the ring, Maria got to her feet and Nikki grabbed her, hitting a swinging fisherman neckbreaker. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki Cross has eliminated Maria Kanellis... we're down to two!

As Maria and Mike made their way to the back, Sasha Banks re-entered the ring. Nikki charged as Sasha, taking her down with a spear and punching her against the mat several times. Sasha fought back, turning Nikki over and hitting her with some punches of her own. She pulled Nikki to her feet and hit the Bankrupt, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Sasha pulled Nikki to her feet once more, whipping her into the corner and hitting her with a high knee. Nikki staggered out of the corner, and Sasha set her up for a DDT, but Nikki blocked it, then hit a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. As Sasha got to her feet, Nikki hit a German suplex, then climbed to the top rope. Nikki went for the Glasgow Kiss... but Sasha moved out of the way at the last second! Both women got to their feet, and Sasha hit a double knee backbreaker, then transitioned it into the Bank Statement!

Corey Graves: Bank Statement locked in, in the center of the ring! Is Nikki gonna tap out here?

Nikki realised she couldn't reach the ropes, and she cried out in frustration. Don Callis shouted words of encouragement to her, and they seemed to spur Nikki on. After a struggle, Nikki fought out of the hold, then put Sasha in the Crossface! Sasha tapped out, and the referee called for the bell.

Mauro Ranallo: Nikki Cross is the last woman standing!

Nikki pulled Sasha to her feet and threw her out of the ring, then celebrated her victory.



“I am Stronger” by CFO$ echoed throughout the arena as Braun Strowman made his way down the ramp and into the ring. Christy Hemme made no introductions as Braun stood there, waiting for Jimmy Havoc to arrive.

Corey Graves: Well, it’s unsanctioned and it’s gonna get crazy!

Mauro Ranallo: Braun is a monster… can Jimmy Havoc slay the beast, or will he be flattened on Braun’s path of destruction?

Braun stood there waiting for what seemed a long time for Jimmy Havoc to appear. The crowd began to chant “Jimmy Havoc!” in anticipation. Suddenly Jimmy Havoc appeared on the titantron.

Jimmy Havoc: Braun! This is an unsanctioned match so why the hell are you trying to start this in the ring? I’m in the parking lot, come find me.

Jimmy pointed a bat at the camera, and swung at it knocking the broadcast off. Braun looked visibly angry and without haste got out of the ring and made his way up the ramp.

Mauro Ranallo: Havoc is playing hide and seek with Braun Strowman… but I don’t think the monster among men wants to play games!

A cameraman followed directly behind Braun as he made his way through the curtain, pushing through whoever was stood in his way. He got through gorilla and started rushing down a corridor until he ran into Noam Dar who bumped into him by mistake, Noam slowly looked up and immediately regretted his decision.

Noam Dar: Aw, am sorry about that big man. We’re cool right?

Noam began to walk past him but Braun grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him into a wall and kept going down the hallway as if he didn’t care what had happened.

Corey Graves: My god! Noam Dar just died I think!

Braun got the entrance of the parking lot and noticed the smashed camera next to a TV truck and he quickly made his way over to it, picked up and slammed it back down.

Braun Strowman: Havoc! Get out here now!

As Braun screamed that, Havoc appeared on top of the TV truck and jumped off it onto Strowman.

Mauro Ranallo: Mamma Mia! Jimmy Havoc starting this off hot!

Jimmy stood back up and picked up a lead pipe that was under a car and hit Braun across the back with it, over and over again. However, even though Havoc was hitting Braun with lead he still began to get to his feet.

Corey Graves: Braun Strowman is a monster! It’s like he’s not feeling that lead pipe.

Havoc was surprised at the monster among men brushing off the attacks, he lifted the pipe up to beat Braun over the head with it but received a blow to the stomach which took the momentum out of Havoc. Braun grabbed Havoc and threw him into the TV truck back first, picked him back up and threw him into a car.

Mauro Ranallo: Braun’s path of destruction has seen him throw Havoc into the truck of production!

Havoc stumbled to his feet, grinning and asking Braun “is that all you’ve got?” Braun ran at Havoc, but Havoc moved out of the way and Braun ran into the car. Havoc grabbed Braun and slammed his head into the car, cracking the windshield. The camera zoomed in, focusing on the car license plate, which was “J3R1CH0”.

Corey Graves: Mauro… I’m pretty sure that’s Chris Jericho’s car!

Mauro Ranallo: Either that or it belongs to Jericho’s biggest fan… but Jericho won’t be Havoc’s biggest fan if the King of the Goths has damaged another one of his vehicles!

Havoc noticed the license plate as well and began laughing to himself. He made his way towards the front of the car as Braun stumbled behind him. Havoc grabbed Braun and put him on top of the car, lifting him up for a kneeling DDT on top of the car.

Corey Graves: Oh Man! Braun could be out!

Braun was laid down on top of the car as Havoc stepped off it, he looked inside the car and mouthed “keys!” and immediately got into the car and started the engine.

Corey Graves: Where the hell is Havoc going!?

Mauro Ranallo: I’m not sure, Corey… but it’s sure to be a bumpy ride for Braun Strowman!

Jimmy revved the engine and began to drive around the car park. Braun began to stir and noticed his peril being on top of the car while it was moving. He crawled up to the windscreen and began to beat on it, slowly shattering the glass until it broke which caused Havoc to stop the car suddenly which flung Braun off the top of the car.

Havoc slowly got out as Braun made his way to his feet, Havoc noticed this and began to charge at Braun who caught him with a back body drop onto some crates. Braun caught his breath and picked Havoc back up and chokeslammed him back onto the crates. Braun picked up another crate and aimed to throw it onto Havoc who rolled out of the way.

Mauro Ranallo: Braun had a special delivery for Havoc there… but no one was home!

Jimmy began to scamper away with Braun giving chase until they reached a forklift truck. Braun reached down to grab Havoc who gave Braun a drop toe hold and he landed face first onto a stack of pallets. Havoc ushered him on top of them and signalled for the end, he climbed onto of the forklift and jumped off it landed a double foot stomp!

Corey Graves: This is absolute chaos!

Braun was still stirring, Jimmy didn’t know what to do but suddenly he had a bright idea. He grabbed some pallets and placed them into the fork of the forklift and got into it. He began to raise them over Braun and brought them down on top of him, sandwiching him between pallets.

Corey Graves: Oh my! The monster is trapped!

Mauro Ranallo: I don’t think even Braun Strowman is strong enough to break out of this trap, Corey! Right now Braun is Tom and Jimmy Havoc is Jerry!

Braun’s arms were trapped underneath the pallets and struggled to move. Havoc began to punch Braun straight in the forehead repeatedly until the monster began to bleed.

Braun Strowman: COME ON JIMMY! HIT ME!

Jimmy winded up one more punch and hit Strowman who flinched slightly but just laid there. Havoc raised his hand and walked off the shot, the camera focusing on the bleeding forehead of Braun Strowman it faded out to a shot of Corey Graves and Mauro Ranallo who looked shocked.

Corey Graves: I think that’s it! Did Havoc win? Who’s going to get Strowman out of there?

Mauro Ranallo: I don’t know, but one thing I do know… I don’t want to be anything near Braun Strowman when he breaks free! He’s going to be angrier than Marty McFly when someone calls him a chicken!


Corey Graves: What a night this has been so far, Mauro!

Mauro Ranallo: Absolutely! My EBWF career has started with a bang, and there are plenty more fireworks still to come as Edge challenges PJ Black for the EBWF World Title in our main event! Can Edge climb the ladder of success and become a two-time EBWF World Champion?

Corey Graves: Edge beat John Cena in a ladder match in the main event of Wrestlemania X to win the World Title for the first time, but he lost it in May 2011 and has rarely been in the World Title picture since. He'll need to be at the top of his game to end his six year weight for the gold...

Mauro Ranallo: No doubt about that, Corey! PJ Black has had a very successful seven month reign as champion, beating the likes of Samoa Joe, Randy Orton and Jimmy Havoc. The stakes are high... and so is the championship!

The camera cut to the World Title belt, which was hanging above the ring. "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hit and the crowd cheered as Edge headed to the ring. When Edge was in the ring, "Sick of It" by Skillet hit, and PJ Black came out to boos from the crowd. Once Black was in the ring, Christy Hemme introduced both superstars, then the referee called for the bell. Edge and Black exchanged right hands back and forth, Black gained the upper hand, and after whipping Edge against the ropes, Black hit the Rated R Superstar with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Black hit an Enzuigiri, followed by a spin-out powerbomb. Black ran against the ropes and hit Edge with a running senton.

Corey Graves: A strong start by PJ Black! The champion is taking the fight to the challenger!

Black got to his feet and stomped on Edge several times, trying to keep him grounded. Black then rolled out of the ring, grabbing a ladder and sliding it back into the ring. As Black re-entered the ring, he picked up the ladder and ran at Edge with the ladder, slamming the ladder into Edge's chest. Edge fell to the mat, Black rammed the ladder into his ribs, then set it up underneath the World Title and began to climb the ladder. Edge got to his feet and pulled Black down from the ladder, before slamming his head against the ladder. Black staggered backwards, and Edge whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a crossbody. As Black stumbled out of the corner, Edge went to the top rope, before hitting a missile dropkick!

Mauro Ranallo: Edge rolling back the years there! Incredible aerial skill from the Rated R Superstar!

Edge and Black got to their feet, and Edge hit Black with a half-nelson bulldog, then began to climb the ladder. As he reached the half-way point of the ladder, Black got to his feet. He pushed the ladder over, causing Edge to land on the ropes! Edge hit the mat, then rolled out of the ring. As Edge got to his feet, Black hit him with a suicide dive!

Mauro Ranallo: Tope suicida!

Black pulled Edge to his feet and threw him into the ringside barrier, then kicked him several times. As Edge tried to get to his feet, Black grabbed him, hitting a DDT. Black then re-entered the ring, set the ladder back up and began climbing to retrieve his championship. As Black climbed the ladder, Edge stumbled to his feet and got back into the ring. Black was near the top of the ladder, but Edge climbed up after him, pulling Black off the ladder and placing him on his shoulders. Edge turned away from the ladder, then hit an electric chair drop. He then grabbed Black by the legs, locking in the Edgecator!

Corey Graves: Clever strategy here by Edge... PJ can't tap out, but if Edge can injure Black's legs, that will make it harder for the champion to climb the ladder!

Edge broke the hold, and began to climb the ladder. As he neared the top of the ladder, Black got to his feet. Black was limping slightly, but he managed to climb up the ladder, trying to stop Edge from reaching the World Title. Edge and Black met at the top of the ladder, and began exchanging punches. Edge hit Black with a stiff right hand, causing Black to lose his balance. Edge reached up for title, but Black had held onto the ladder, and he hit Edge with a shot to the ribs. Edge stumbled, and Black grabbed him, jumping off the ladder and hitting an inverted facelock elbow drop!

Mauro Ranallo: MAMMA MIA!

Corey Graves: High risk there from Black... both men are down!

The crowd chanted "holy shit" as Black and Edge were laid out on the ring mat. After several seconds, Black got to his feet. Black was obviously feeling the effects of the match, and he slowly walked back towards the ladder. Black walked around the ladder before he began climbing.

Mauro Ranallo: Black moved around the ladder there so he can keep an eye on Edge as he climbs... smart move!

Corey Graves: PJ is smart, Mauro... that's why he's been the World Champion for seven months!

As Black was nearing the top of the ladder, Edge began to stir. Black noticed, and he quickly climbed down the ladder. Edge got to his feet, and Black grabbed him, hitting the Black Diamond! He then rolled out of the ring, lifting up the ring apron and pulling out a table!

Corey Graves: Mauro, I think PJ is looking to finish Edge off by putting him through a table!

PJ put the table in the ring then set it up in the corner, picking Edge up and putting him on the table. Black then climbed to the top rope, going for the 450 Splash... but Edge moved out of the way at the last second!

Mauro Ranallo: The table is broken in half, and PJ Black might be too! That could be a significant turning point in this match!

Edge got to his feet and watched as Black struggled to his feet. Black was clutching his ribs... and Edge charged towards him, taking him down with the Spear! Black was down and out, and Edge climbed the ladder, retrieving the World Title! The referee called for the bell, and the crowd erupted as Metalingus played throughout the arena.

Mauro Ranallo: What a moment! For the first time in more than six years, Edge is the EBWF World Champion!

Corey Graves: You have to give credit to PJ Black though, Mauro. He put in one hell of a performance tonight, not to mention he's had the longest EBWF World Title reign in almost three years!

Mauro Ranallo: Both of these superstars left it all in the ring, Corey... this New York crowd is giving them a standing ovation!

Corey Graves: A brilliant end to an amazing night!

Edge celebrated his victory as Warfare went off the air.