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Gorgeous Greatness

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:21 pm
by Sam
The scene opened with Noam Dar and Tyler Breeze in their very own Gorgeous Guys locker room. The sign for the team was sparkly and made sure everyone knew who was in there, inside it smelt like an accident at a deodorant factory. Noam sat at one end of the room in his signature Noam Dar jacket, trunks and boots, with his head in his hands. Breeze, who had just walked in at the other end of the room, looked across at his partner.

Tyler Breeze: Noam? What’s wrong?

Noam didn’t respond and didn’t move.

Tyler Breeze: Noam? Did something happen?! What’s wrong?

Noam sighed and looked up at Tyler.

Noam Dar: I asked Bayley out on a date and now she’s quit the company. How embarrassing!

Tyler got angry for a second then laughed.

Tyler Breeze: She didn’t quit because of you however I will definitely tell people it was that.

Noam sighed again.

Noam Dar: Just bollocks though innit! Life’s pure shite man!

Tyler looked confused.

Tyler Breeze: I’m sorry but...shite?

Noam looked up.

Tyler Breeze: We’re in the Tag Team Classic against Jimmy Havoc and Brooklyn Brawler next week, which is sure to be a cakewalk and tonight Noam you take on Tomato Chomper and Enz-No please go away. You’ll be Breakout Champ tonight and next PPV we’ll be the Tag Team Champions! Life is good, we’re finally getting somewhere!

Noam looked up at Tyler with a sense of pride.

Noam Dar: Aye you’re right! It was only like a month ago I was stormin’ about trying to kick 7 shades out of Wes Ikeda for not booking us! I did however get the card for that wee lassie with the tattoos. Can’t believe I lost that card, what a shitter!

Tyler laughed sarcastically and under his breath.

Tyler Breeze: Yeah… “lost”.

Cut a cheesy 80s Flashback to 2 weeks ago, Tyler Breeze is in the exact same locker room stood over a bag with big glittery writing saying “Dar” on it. You can quietly hear Noam in the background singing “Chandelier” by Sia very poorly over the sounds of water.

Tyler Breeze: He’s been spending way too much with that bimbo, I need to do something about this.


Tyler Breeze: He’s been more distracted, showing up late nearly costing us our jobs!


Tyler unzipped Noam’s bag and saw his wallet.

Tyler Breeze: This is not right but it’s for the good of the team!

He opened his wallet and the card for the stripper place was in the front and center window of it. Along with some credit cards, a picture of himself and 5 dollars.

Tyler Breeze: I destroy this and then Noam becomes more focused on the team!

As he said this, he heard Noam step out of the shower. Quickly, he grabbed the card, placed Noams wallet on the bench and closed his bag. As he was about to turn and walk away, the door opened. Noam was now stood there in just a towel on his head and another covering his, well you know.

Noam Dar: Awright Tyler? What ye doing?

Tyler Breeze: Uh, nothing!

Noam walked over to his bag and opened it, noticing that nothing was missing and looked up and Tyler.

Noam Dar: What are you up to?

Tyler began to fumble his words and then noticed a can of body spray in the bag.

Tyler Breeze: I just wanted to borrow your deodorant because I love it so much!

Noam Dar: I knew it! I knew you wanted to smell like me!

He picked up the can and passed it to Tyler, like a Father passing his Son his first baseball.

Noam Dar: Do you think I’m stupid? I knew you wanted this for a long time, here it’s yours.

Noam went back to singing Chandelier by Sia as Tyler nodded and walked back to his side of the locker room and slowly breathed out, putting the card in his pocket and the can of body the trash.

80s cheesy flashback to the modern day!

Tyler Breeze: Anyway! Triple Threat tonight for the Breakout Championship,I’ll be there with you 100% of the way.

Noam Dar: Aye a title for me, is a title for the team. Gorgeous Guys will be the Breakout Champion as we are the biggest Breakout stars in this company! As for the Tag Team Classic, we have Jimmy Havoc and Brooklyn Brawler!

Tyler Breeze: Havoc will be fired tonight if Jericho wins anyway so we’ll be fine there but if he wins he’ll be too distracted with doing GM work so I think we’ve got this one in the bag.

Noam Dar: We’ll do what we do best Tyler, grind someone down and if that someone happens to be an easy mark like Brawler then even better. They always think they’re cool until they fall victim to 2 Guys 1 Kick!

Tyler Breeze: Super Awesome name by the way!

Noam Dar: You thought of it, totally super cool.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door, which Noam got up and answered. It was Renee Young!

Renee Young: Hey Noam! Tyler!

Noam Dar: Awright beautiful.

Tyler Breeze: Renee you look astonishing today!

Renee Young: Thanks! Noam, is it possible we could do an interview about your match for the pre-show?

Noam Dar: Aye of course, can I bring my gorgeous partner with me?

Renee Young: You better!

Noam Dar: Aye will do, Thanks Renee.

Noam closed the door and looked at Tyler.

Noam Dar: She wants the D. As in, Dar!

Tyler Breeze: It’s plainly obviously she’s come for Prince Pretty!

Noam Dar: She didn’t ask you for an interview!

Tyler Breeze: I’m not in the match!

The scene faded away as it normally does, the Gorgeous Guys arguing over a woman’s love. As per usual.

The scene re-opens with Renee Young stood with Tyler Breeze and Noam Dar, who were taking a selfie together.

Renee Young: My guests at this time, The Gorgeous Guys! Noam, Tyler how you do feel going in to tonight?

Noam Dar: Let’s Get one thing clear Renee, you do not interrupt a Gorgeous Guy pre-PPV selfie and Secondly…

Renee muttered “you said one thing” under her breath.

Noam Dar: What do you mean how do we feel? Do you have like a default robot question button or something? You should be asking about our outfits or out cologne or anything! How do we feel? We feel great!

Tyler Breeze: Fantastic, even.

Noam Dar: Were on a path of beautiful destruction! We’re here to make everyone bow to our feet, which happen to have 3,000 dollar shoes on them! We’re the most beautiful people since the beautiful people and no-one can get in our way! We plan to run through all of the competition in the Tag Classic but that’s next week, tonight I Face Tomasso Ciampa…

Tyler Breeze: So that’s how you pronounce it, how barbaric.

Noam Dar:...and Enzo Amore. Can we really say anything about Enzo we haven’t said before? He’s a sewer rat who uses those messed up teeth to keep a tight grip on that championship. Enzo needs to Enz-Go away!

Tyler Breeze: I liked that.

Noam Dar: Thank you! Enzo has to be given a small amount of respect for what he’s done but his times up in this company, I’m going to break him and enjoy doing it.

Renee Young: There is also another competitor in this match, T-

Noam interrupted by shushing Renee.

Noam Dar: word on the street is Renee, if you actually say his name out loud you can’t actually insult him for it anymore. Where would all of EBWF get there material when facing him from?

Renee Young: But you said it earli-

Noam Dar: Where would EBWF get half of its promos from if they couldn’t insult Ciampas full name?! Did you know he’s Sicilian? Which means it’s technically racist and boy I don’t want to be the people who have been rude to little Tommy. You see Little Tommy is calling himself a Psycho and a killer, the only thing he’s ever killed is the vibe in a room because every time he takes I want to go to sleep! He’s a psycho sure, I mean you’d have to be to think anyone actually gives a shit what he says or thinks!

Tyler Breeze: He’s also truly, truly ugly.

Noam Dar: Aye he’s rocking that bald head but massive beard thing a lot of hipsters seem to rock now however they wear caps and stuff and that looks okay I suppose. I think if you turn his head upside down he might actually look semi decent and presentable.

Tyler Breeze: His eyes would be way too far down though.

Noam Dar: Yeah, you’re right. Little Tommy, you are so little in the grand scheme of things. You are the footnote on the step to Gorgeous Greatness and will be in etched in a beautiful history! One that says “Noam Dar Winner by Tapout. Losers; Tommaso Ciampa and Enzo Amore”.

Renee Young: Well, there you have it. Noam Dar faces off against Enzo Amore and Tom-

Noam Dar: What did I say? Don’t ruin it for everyone!

Noam winked at the camera and then left the scene, Renee looked very annoyed and confused as it cut to commercial break.