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Behind the Mask

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:50 pm
by Tony S
Alright, here we are. Tommy's finally here and now things can begin to pick up. Don't worry, I want to get a layout and banner together for Tommy, which I should have soon. Once I get a banner together that I like that is. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and good luck DJ. Both of us trying out something new, let's see how fun this can be.


The lights flashed around the arena just before a loud boom was heard. Then there was blackness throughout the entire building. The crowd all looked around in wonder if something was about to happen or if the power just went out. A few moments had past in silence. All of the sudden a loud static roared through the arena. The tron flickered to life with static of it's own. The static faded and revealed the man, formerly known as the Man in Static. The Anti-Hero himself, Tommy End. But as always, he wasn't alone. The similar masked male and female from previous times flanked him on both sides. Tommy stood in the center, dressed in the same suit and tie as from all the other static videos. He had his head lowered with his hands intertwined in front of him.

Tommy End: A mask. This is what we all hide behind. We hide because we're afraid. We hide because we're ugly. We hide because we've got something to hide. There are so many reasons to hide behind a mask. What is yours?

Tommy raised his head as his eyes met the gaze of the camera.

Tommy End: I ask you this, Rey Mysterio Jr.

He released his hands and pointed forward with his right index finger.

Tommy End: We all have our masks. We all hide behind them. I myself hid behind a mask. I hid because I did not want the World to see the true me. The real me. Then, my mask was lifted and I found myself. I found that I don't need a mask. I found that I don't need to hide. I don't need to seclude myself in fear of the ridicule of by people. No, not anymore Rey.

End closed his eyes as he took a deep breathe.

Tommy End: You see Rey, I not only found myself when I finally removed my mask. I found a purpose. I found a following. I found, my family.

Tommy turned his left and looked at the larger male, still behind his own mask. End moved his gaze to the right and brought up his hand. He gently touched the mask of the female who stood there.

Tommy End: I found people that thought the same as me, Rey. I found that life behind the mask, it was painful. Living behind the mask, it ate away at my soul. It ate away at my being. It was my own torture cell that I thought I would never escape. Little did I know that I didn't need to escape. I was going to be set free.

End outstretched his arms in front of his followers.

Tommy End: I was freed of all the pain. I was free of the torment. The torture. The agony. I was freed from my mask. But you, you don't seem to see the mask the same way as I do, Rey. Your mask, Rey, you see it as a badge of honor. A testament to you legacy. You see your mask as a gift, given to you by your God.

Tommy's eyes narrowed.

Tommy End: Your Gods. The false God, who you believed enjoyed to watch their warriors to fight. They enjoyed the barbaric rituals of blood that your ancestors competed in. Competed in wearing that same mask. Your Gods marked their favorites with those mask. Am I right with you beliefs, Rey? Is that mask you wear, passed down with blood of your ancestors? You believe that mask you wear gives you the divine powers of your Gods?

He shook his head as he chuckled softly.

Tommy End: It's all a lie. The legends that were passed down to you, generation after generation, they're a lie. Your Gods, they are a lie. Your mask does not give you divine power. Your mask is not mystical. Your mask is just another mask. The mask you wear Rey, it's the shame as every other mask. It's just a mask to hide behind. No matter your reasons. The mask that you wear, all it is there for is for you to hide behind. I however Rey, I'm free. I do not need to hide behind a mask. I don't need to be afraid.

Tommy laced his fingers together again in front of his body.

Tommy End: I proved that I have no fear last Sunday at the Royal Rumble. I released myself of my mask and I shown the World who I really was. I went into battle not hiding. I may not have won the battle, but the war is far from over. The war continues to wage on, and tonight. Tonight we have another battle in that ring. A battle between a man who eliminated a monster. A man who eliminated an Eater of Worlds. Tonight we will all bare witness to a battle between a man who is not afraid, and a man who is still held prisoner by his own mask.

He shook his head slowly.

Tommy End: So tonight Rey, I will show you what it feels like to be free of the mask. I will show you the freedom that you could have if you would just do like I have done. Remove, the mask. This is the only way you will every free yourself from, yourself. This is the only way that you Rey, will ever surpass yourself to reach the heights that I have seen. The heights that I have reached. Tonight Rey, I will show you that as you remain behind that mask, you will remain, just another follower of a false belief.

Tommy looked straight ahead at the camera.

Tommy End: Now tonight, it's not just about you mask, Rey. No, tonight is bigger than you. It's bigger than me. Tonight, it's bigger than all of us. Tonight will lead us all into the future. One future will be bright, and the other, dark. One of us, we'll rise and we'll continue to rise. We will rise to beyond anything we can imagine. And the other, they will fall. They will fail themselves. They will prove to not only themselves, but to everyone that they're not ready. They're not ready for the war that will be waged. They will prove to be just another fallen warrior that was not worthy of reaching the next level. Which one of us will this be? Which one of us will be the one to continue on in this war? Our beliefs are different, for I know that you think you're going to walk right through me. I know that you believe that I'm nothing special. My name is not as big as yours. My name is not as known as yours. If we walk down the street, some one is bound to know who Rey Mysterio Jr. is. But would they know who I am. Will they know who Tommy End is? Doubtful. But they will. They will all know my name. And when they learn it, they will learn to fear it. For my name doesn't just bring a man and his family. No, my name bring with it, the apocalypse. My name brings with it, well, it brings with it, the End.

An evil smirk barely emerged on his face.

Tommy End: To tonight, I will bring this down upon you Rey. I will bring down upon you all my power. I will bring upon you the power of my family. I will bring to you the fires of our Hell, and just like my family. I will bath you in the fire and you will learn. You will learn about the true path to greatness is not found within yourself. It's found within me. It's found without us. We are everywhere. We are everyone.

Tommy looked to the left and gave a nod to the larger male. He then turned and looked to the lady to right. Both of them bowed their heads in Tommy's direction.

Tommy End: Tonight, as all the mask come off...

End paused as both the man and woman each raised their hands to their masks. They slowly lifted the masked off their face and revealed themselves. To the left, the man was a man who stood next to Tommy for many years. His life long friend and follower, it was Michael Dante. The woman, much to the disbelief was a familiar face. The long jet back hair draped down over her shoulder as she smiled. It was Zahra Schreiber. The duo tossed their masks to the side.

Tommy End: As we all reveal who we are. Will you do the same, Rey? Will you release yourself of you mask and show the World who you are? Will you remove your mask you fight the honorable battle, face to face? Or will you continue to hide from us? These are the questions we ask you, Rey. These are the question that tonight, you will answer as you stand across from us. For behind that mask, you are alone. Released from ours, we are together.

End bowed his head again as the static took back over the screen. The roar from the static returned to the sound system before cutting out. The lights all suddenly flashed back to life.