The Architect Arrives
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:52 pm
-The scene opens up to a nice, sunny day in Los Angeles, California. We open up outside of a nice gated house in Atwater Village. As we go inside we see Seth Rollins sitting at the dining room table with his manager, Jerry.-
Jerry: Are you sure about this?
Seth: God damnit Jerry, what did I tell you about questioning me?
Jerry: I'm just not sure if this is the right place for you Seth.
Seth: Look, Jerry, I respect you. And I appreciate you trying to look out for me. But when I tell you to get me a contract, that means I've already made up my mind.
Jerry: Alright if that's what you want then all you've gotta do is sign on the dotted line...
-Jerry reaches down and grabs his briefcase, opens it up, and grabs a contract from it and puts it in front of Seth.-
Jerry: There's a few places I'm going to need your John Hancock...
-All of a sudden we hear a female laugh a little.-
Jerry: Was that Paige? Is she here?
Seth: Yeah she's around here...somewhere.
Jerry: What was she laughing about?
Seth: How am I supposed to know Jerry?
-Jerry shrugs it off as he pulls a pen out of his front pocket and hands it to Seth. Seth begins to read over the contract before he all of a sudden puts his head down.-
Jerry: Are you okay Seth?
-Seth puts a finger up telling him to give him a second. Jerry looks around and then looks back at Seth who begins to bang on the desk with his closed fist.-
Jerry: What in the hell is going on Seth? Do I need to call a doctor?
-Seth then puts his head up and wipes some sweat off his forehead. At this point he's got a huge smile on his face.-
Seth: I'm fine Jerry, don't even worry about it.
-All of a sudden Paige comes up from under the table and walks off into the kitchen. Jerry looks at her, and then looks at Seth, and then looks at her again in shock. He doesn't know what to say.-
Seth: You okay Jerry? You look like you just saw a ghost.
Paige: Yeah Jerry, are you ok?
Jerry: You've been under the table this whole time?
Paige: Yeah Jerry, I have. This house isn't going to clean itself.
Jerry: You were down there cleaning?
Paige: Yeah Jerry, what else would I have been doing down there?
Seth: Yeah Jerry. What else would she be doing down there?
Jerry: You were down there for a while. I've been here for like 20 minutes...
Paige: Seth always makes such a huge mess Jerry. Someone has to clean it up. Are you going to get down there and clean it up?
Seth: Yeah Jerry. I always make a huge mess. I mean YUGE.
-Jerry shakes his head as both Seth and Paige have a laugh. Paige goes upstairs and into the bedroom as Seth picks up the contract and begins to read it over again before picking up the pen and signing in multiple places before handing the contract back to Jerry.-
Seth: That it?
Jerry: That's it Seth. All I have to do is take these and turn them in and you are officially a member of EBWF.
Seth: That's what I want to hear. Any word on when my debut will be?
Jerry: Very soon. They are definitely excited to have you. Their February Pay Per View is this coming up weekend and I'm pretty sure they told me you could start right after that. I'd imagine you will have a match at the Warfare on the 5th of March.
Seth: Perfect. I don't think I've ever been this ready to get started. It's time to start a new chapter of my career and I don't think there's anywhere better to do that than in EBWF. I don't think anyone on that roster is ready for what I'm about to bring there. I can't wait to see their stars shit themselves when they see the Architect make his EBWF debut.
-They continue to talk as the scene fades to black.-
-The scene opens back up to present day. We are at the TD Garden where Warfare is set to take place in several hours. We pan back to newly acquired wrestler Seth Rollins locker room where we see him sitting on the couch with Paige as his cell phone begins to ring.-
Paige: Who is it babe?
Seth: It's Jerry...
Paige: You going to answer?
Seth: I guess so. I don't know why he always wants to Facetime instead of just calling.
Paige: I don't think he knows the difference.
Seth: C'mon now, he's not THAT dumb.
Paige: You keep telling yourself that...
-Seth answers the Facetime call and when he does we see Jerry without a shirt on.-
Jerry: What's going on Seth?
Seth: Are you naked Jerry?
Jerry: can see me?
Seth: Of course I can see you Jerry. I swear you get dumber by the minute.
-Jerry puts the phone down for a second before picking it back up and having a t-shirt on now. Paige busts out laughing as Seth just shakes his head.-
Seth: What do you need Jerry?
Jerry: Just calling to let you know your match is with some guy named Rob Van Dam.
Seth: You're kidding right?
Jerry: Nope. The Rob Van Dam. He is brand new just like you are.
Seth: You have got to be the worst damn manager in the world. I don't know why I let Roman convince me to let you be my manager.
Jerry: What do you mean? What did I do?
Seth: It's literally hours before my match tonight. Of course I know I'm facing RVD. I can't even deal with you right now.
-Seth hangs up the phone and throws it to the couch next to him.-
Paige: I told you...
Seth: I don't even want to know what he was doing before he called.
Paige: He looked quite sweaty...
Seth: Too much, Paige. Too much.
Paige: I'm just saying... Anyway, are you ready for this match tonight?
Seth: Of course I am. I've been looking forward to my debut for a while now. I'm itching to get back in the ring.
Paige: I can't believe RVD joined up at the same time as you. Is that guy ever going to retire?
Seth: Maybe I'll make his old ass retire after the beating I give him tonight.
Paige: How old is he now anyway?
Seth: That's a good question... Hey Alexa, how old is Rob Van Dam?
Alexa: Jean Claud Van Damme is 57 years old.
-They both start laughing before finally calming down.-
Seth: No Alexa, how old is ROB VAN DAM?
Alexa: I don't understand what you're asking.
Seth: I swear I hate this thing sometimes. Alexa, how old is Rob Van Dam?
Alexa: Rob Van Dam is 47 years old.
Paige: 47?!
Seth: Holy shit I did not think he was that old. That's pretty damn old.
Paige: He's old enough to be my dad...
Seth: Poor guy must be struggling money wise if he's coming back to wrestling at almost 50 years old. I almost feel bad for him now.
Paige: Don't lie, you don't ever feel sorry for anyone.
Seth: Yeah, you're right. I just hope I don't beat him into a heart attack or stroke. Even I don't think I could live with myself if I killed the guy...
-As they are talking there is a knock on the door. Seth looks over before getting up and beginning to head over to the door.]
Seth: That must be the camera crew. Let me go shoot this promo real quick and then I'll be right back. Maybe you could clean under the table when I get back?
-He says laughing as she flicks him off. He walks to the door and opens it up as he see's the camera crew. He shuts the door behind him before looking directly into the camera and smiling.-
Seth Rollins: The time has come EBWF. Are you ready? I know the fans all around the world are ready. I know they can't wait to see the Architect FINALLY get into a EBWF ring for the first time. I know they can't wait to see me beat RVD like the old man that he is. The thing I don't know though is whether or not the rest of the EBWF roster is ready. I don't know if they realize what the future holds with THE Seth Rollins joining the roster. I don't think these champions are ready for this new era of EBWF that starts tonight here in the beautiful city of Boston. One thing I can guarantee everyone is that I'm here for good. I'm here to shake things up here in the EBWF because from what I've seen it needs it. From what I've seen this place needs some fresh blood. This place needs a superstar. And who better to fill that need than yours truly? There isn't a guy on this roster who can hang with me one on one. There isn't a guy on the roster who has even half the talent that I do. As far as I can tell this is going to be a match made in heaven. I'm going to shake things up and by doing so I'm going to piss a lot of people off. To those who don't like it, I'm not hard to find. In fact, every single wrestler in the back can take this as a warning. I'm coming for every single one of you. Nobody is safe. Except for the ladies that is. Well...until Paige decides she wants to make a comeback of her own.
I don't think I could've picked a better time to join up either. I saw the great show this past weekend and you can damn well believe I watched every single match very closely. The thing I can't wait for, besides my first match, is Wrestlemania. The show of shows. The place where legends are made. The place where everyone will find out that I am completely for real. It really doesn't matter who I face just know that Seth Rollins will be on that card and just know that Seth Rollins will beat the living shit out of whoever he has to. That's a guarantee.
But before we get there we have tonight. The much anticipated debut of The Architect. The first EBWF match for myself against none other than wrestling legend RVD. Rob Van Dam. I honestly never would have expected that my first match would be against you RVD. Mainly because I would have never expected your old ass to get back into wrestling. I mean how long till you finally hang it up and just retire old man? Nobody wants to see your old ass limp around the ring and pretend like you're still in shape. I haven't actually seen you yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to run into the dad bod version of RVD. Did you have to get clearance from your doctor before you were able to get the ok for this? Look man, I respect you. Or let me take that back. I respect what you've done in this sport. Hell when you debut in this sport I wasn't even 5 years old.
I know you probably expect me to come out here and show you some respect because of the long career you've had. You know what I say to that? Fuck that! That's not the type of person I am. I don't care what you've done elsewhere. I'm more of a what have you done for me recently guy. And as far as I'm concerned you haven't earned my respect until you earn it right here in the EBWF. Nothing else really matters. I don't care if you've jerked off a gaggle of gorillas, which you probably has. While that shit might be impressive it really has no baring here. If you want my respect you're going to have to earn it right here and right now. And I don't even mean by beating me, because we all know that ain't happening.
-Seth pauses for a moment as he laughs about something he says before turning his attention back towards the camera.-
Seth: The thing is I've personally been itching to get back in the ring. And believe it or not I don't want to just come into this match and just roll you like I think I'm going to do. I want you to come into this match and give it everything your old ass can give. Well...not everything because I would feel a little bad if I were to beat you into a heart attack of break one of your bones and seriously injure you. I've heard old people have really brittle bones. I want you to come into this match and give me a run for my money. I want you to come into this match and for us to steal the show. And when it's all said and done, and I beat you, I want everyone in the back to pay attention to the beginning of the new era of the EBWF. The Seth Rollins era of the EBWF starts tonight. Bring your best game, old man, because you're going to need it...
-Seth stares into the camera as the scene fades to black.-