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The Villain is dead! Long live the Villain!

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:55 pm
by Ben M
OOC: Good luck Griffith!

It was Monday afternoon in downtown Montreal. Braun Strowman was seen driving a red pickup truck; kind of like the one Trevor has in GTAV, only less beat up. Matt Striker was sat next to him. Braun appeared to be looking for somewhere, and he made an “ahhhh” sound as he appeared to find it. He pulled over, then got out of the car. He motioned for Matt Striker to do the same, then when Cole did so, he pointed to the place he had been looking for. The sign was in both French and English - “Le club des méchants”. The Villain Club. Strowman smiled at Striker.

Braun Strowman: Thank you for coming with me, Matt.

Matt Striker: Like I had a choice. You literally pulled me out of my car, picked me up and threw me into your truck.

As Braun shrugged, another voice could be heard from the back of the truck.

Another Voice: Hey, at least you got to sit in the truck! I almost froze to death on the way over here.

Braun looked over at the cameraman in the back of his truck. His name was Kevin.

Braun Strowman: I gave you a blanket, didn’t I?

Kevin rolled his eyes.

Kevin the Cameraman: You mean the one you threw over my head when you kidnapped me? Thanks, Braun.

Braun Strowman: You’re a camera guy, Kevin. You work for me. And look where I’ve brought you. The Villain Club!

Kevin sighed and got out of the truck, grabbing his camera as he did so.

Matt Striker: Braun, what even is this... Villain Club?

Braun grinned.

Braun Strowman: I’ll show you! Come on in.

Kevin the cameraman filmed Strowman and Striker as they walked into the Villain Club. Strowman turned to face the camera and held out his arms.

Braun Strowman: Welcome to the Villain Club!

Matt Striker: Braun, what is the Villain Club?

Either Striker was playing along for the camera or he genuinely didn’t know. Either way, Braun seemed pleased.

Braun Strowman: I’m glad you asked. Let me show you.

Strowman, Striker and Kevin the cameraman walked down the hallway, entering a circular room. The room was an exhibition dedicated to... you guessed it. Villains! Around the room were a series of photographs, drawings and paintings of various villains, each one with a fact file.

Braun Strowman: Matt, the Villain Club is a collection of some of the greatest villains in history. Darth Vader, Hannibal Lecter, Voldemort...

Matt Striker: Michael Flatley?

Striker pointed out the Irish dancer, who appeared out of place compared to some of the other people in the “club”. Strowman’s eyes widened.

Braun Strowman: Have you seen him dance? His legs flail about as if independent from his body! Completely unnatural. Definite Villain. Probably a satanist.

Strowman turned his attention to Kevin the cameraman.

Braun Strowman: Kevin, do a quick spin of the room for me, could you? Tell me who is missing.

Kevin did as he was told, and filmed a 360 degree view of the room. There was a moment of silence afterwards as Braun waited for him to speak.

Braun Strowman: Well?

Kevin the Cameraman: Well, what?

Braun Strowman: Did you see Marty Scurll anywhere?

Matt Striker: No?

Braun Strowman: Exactly!

Strowman patted Striker on the shoulder. Striker winced. Braun then looked into the camera and began to speak.

Braun Strowman: You see, Marty Scurll likes to think he’s a villain, but that’s just a gimmick. I mean, what as he really done since he signed for EBWF that can be considered villainous? He walked out on Nikki Cross in their match at House of Havoc, but that’s about it. For the past few weeks, all I’ve seen Marty do is complain about not getting enough opportunities. Criticising Jimmy Havoc. That doesn’t make him a villain, that just makes him annoying.

Matt Striker: Braun, can I ask you a question?

Braun Strowman: That’s why I brought you here. Ask away.

Matt Striker: You teamed with Jimmy Havoc at House of Havoc, beating Chris Jericho and Wes Ikeda. Now you’re facing Marty Scurll, who as you said yourself ha been criticising Havoc for weeks. Are you and Havoc back on the same page after your falling out last year? Because it kind of feels like you’re doing Havoc’s dirty work for him...

Strowman’s demeanour changed as Striker spoke. He became angry. Braun grabbed Striker by the scruff of the neck, snarling at him then shoving him hard.

Braun Strowman: Let me make one thing clear, Striker. I do no one’s dirty work. I came to EBWF to destroy each and every superstar that stands in my way, and tonight, Marty Scurll is standing in my way. He’s been complaining about not having a good enough opponent; tonight he steps in the ring with me, a superstar who has never been pinned. I am the toughest opponent Scurll has faced to date, and after tonight he’ll be begging for an easy ride.

Braun turned his attention to Kevin.

Braun Strowman: What’s the difference between me and Marty Scurll, Kevin?

Kevin the Cameraman: Ummm... you’re really a villain?

Kevin seemed scared. Braun laughed. That seemed to make Kevin more nervous and the camera started to shake.

Braun Strowman: I was going to say that Scurll isn’t really a villain, whereas I am a monster. But I guess I am a villain... I like that. Maybe they’ll hang my picture here one day.

Strowman raised his arms in the air and roared.

Braun Strowman: The Villain is dead! Long live the Villain!