Breaking Out

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Seth Rollins

Breaking Out

Post by Seth Rollins »

-The scene opens up to Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on Friday, March 23rd at about 3 P.M. We are at the area designated for EBWF Access autograph signing. The second group is currently an hour into the autograph signing. We pan to a table where we see Seth Rollins and Paige sitting at a table together signing autographs for their fans Next in line is a young kid who can't be much older than 16. He walks over and can obviously not take his eyes off of Paige.-

Seth Rollins: You here for my autograph kid?

Paige fan: Yessir...

-He hands over a photo of Seth and Paige for him to sign but still hasn't taken his eyes off of Paige who has also noticed his infatuation.-

Seth: What's your name kid?

Paige fan: What? My name?

Seth: Yeah kid, what's your name so I can sign this for you.

Paige fan: My name is...

-He stops talking and is staring at Paige with his mouth open.-

Seth: Alright kid you're gonna have to move out of the way if you're just going to stand there and drool.

Paige: Don't be mean Seth!

Seth: I'm not...but there's all these fans who want my John Hancock and we only have so long. I mean it would be one thing if I didn't have any fans like Roode but look at this line.

Paige: What's your name honey? You want my autograph?

-He nods his head yes but still doesn't say a word. Paige picks up one of the photos and hands it over to him before getting up and giving him a huge. All of a sudden he faints and she can't believe it as Seth busts out laughing.-

Paige: It's not funny! He could be hurt!

Seth: That boy ain't hurt. He probably just hasn't had an actual woman touch him other than his mother.

-She gets down on her knees and begins to check on him.-

Seth: I think he wants you to give him CPR.

-She starts giving him CPR as the EMT's arrive. Seth busts out laughing again.-

Paige: What the hell Seth? He could really be hurt!

Seth: Yeah I can tell by that massive boner he has...

-She looks down and notices before looking at the kid who is now smiling ear to ear. She looks disgusted as she looks at Seth.]

Paige: I hate you!

Seth: What did I do? It's not my fault the kid Sandlotted you...

Paige: I'm can finish by yourself...

Seth: (whispering) Won't be the first time...

-She gives him a death stare before walking off as he just shakes his head. As he looks up he see's the next fan who happens to be wearing a Bobby Roode shirt.-

Seth: Oh god...I think you're in the wrong spot kid. Bobby Roode is somewhere around here signing autographs...

Bobby Roode fan: Oh I know eh. I'm getting a bunch of autographs eh. You know what I'm talking aboot?

Seth: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about bro. Let me're from Canada?

Bobby Roode fan: What give it away eh? Was it my accent?

Seth: Honestly? I'm pretty sure the only fans Roode has are Canadians. Nobody else cares about that scrub.

Bobby Roode fan: You watch your mouth eh! You don't even know what you're talking aboot!

Seth: What are you even doing all the way in New Orleans? That's a pretty far ride from Canada...

Bobby Roode fan: I spent my life savings so I could come and see my favorite wrestler fight in the biggest Pay Per View of the year!

Seth: Oh god...I guess Bobby's fans are as dumb as he is...

Bobby Roode fan: What? What are you talking aboot?! Bobby's not dumb!

-All of a sudden the lights go out and you can hear a few screams including the Bobby Roode fan that was just right in front of Seth. Once the lights come back on we hear some crying but the fan is nowhere to be seen until Seth looks down on the ground where we see the fan curled up into a ball crying.-

Seth: What the fuck? Are you ok?

-The fan realizes the lights are back on and looks around for a moment before standing back up.]

Seth: Wait...did you just freak out because you're scared of the dark? I thought it was only a rumor that Canadians were scared of the dark?

Bobby Roode fan: Us Canadians aren't scared of nothing eh!

Seth: Yeah I guess that's just water on your pants then, huh?

Bobby Roode fan: Damn right!

Seth: What are you even doing over here? You know Bobby is around here somewhere signing autographs too right?

Bobby Roode fan: Yeah I'm going there next you hoser. Just wanted to get a winnners...I mean your autograph first.

-Seth laughs before signing a picture and handing it to the guy.-

Seth: Now get out of here before I turn the lights out again...

-The fan covers his head for some reason and then runs off before falling flat on his face.-

Seth: Don't we have any normal fans? This shit is getting weird...

-As he looks up he see's what looks to be two Jeff Hardy fans. They are both probably in their late 50's or early 60's as they both come up to the table dressed just like Jeff Hardy. They both have long hair, but you can tell they are wearing wigs. Seth can't believe his eyes as he just puts his head down on the table.-

Jeff Hardy fan #1: You better put your head down sunny...

Jeff Hardy fan #2: Yeah you better! The Hardy Boyz are here!!

Seth: Did somebody lose their grandpas?

Jeff Hardy fan #1: Oh he's got jokes. He doesn't want anything to do with us Hardy Boyzzzz!!!

Seth: You're literally old enough to be Jeff Hardy's dads. Wait...are you guys his dads or uncles?

Jeff Hardy fan #2: We're the biggest Jeff Hardy fans there are!

Seth: Biggest? Did you mean oldest?

Jeff Hardy fan #1: We're nowhere near the oldest Jeff Hardy fans!

Seth: Sadly I'm pretty sure you're telling the truth about that.

Jeff Hardy fan #2: You're just jealous you don't have fans like us!

Seth: Thanks god I don't...

Jeff Hardy fan #1: You're darn tootin' you don't! We're about to show you what Jeff is going to do to you at Wrestlemania!

Seth: Please don't...

-Before Seth can do anything else we see the first Jeff Hardy fan headbutt the second sending him down to the ground. Seth can't believe his eyes as the second Hardy fan goes down. The other one tries his best to get on the table but can't climb onto it. He eventually lays on the table and then gets up after a serious struggle. Seth and the rest of the fans can't believe what they're seeing. The first Hardy fan finally is up to his feet and looking down at the other Hardy fan that he had just headbutted. He looks around and makes guns out of his hands which he puts up to his head.-

Jeff Hardy fan #1: Swanton Bomb!!

-After screaming the Jeff Hardy fan jumps off the table and tries for a Swanton Bomb but ends up just falling straight down onto the other Jeff Hardy fan as they both start screaming in pain. Seth can't believe what he's just seen.]

Jeff Hardy fan #2: My hip!

Jeff Hardy fan #1: Oh! My hip! And my back!

-They both slowly make their way to their feet and limp off together as Seth looks at his watch and realizes he still has almost 2 hours left. The scene fades to black as some normal fans begin to step up to get their autographs.-

-The scene opens back up to Mercedes-Benz Superdome where Wrestlemania is set to take place in a few hours. It is currently Sunday, March 25th at 6 PM as we open up to Seth Rollins standing in the stadium right next to a big Wrestlemania XVII sign. He has his back to the camera and is looking at the sign before turning back around and looking straight into the camera.-

Seth Rollins: Here we are...Wrestlemania XVII. The BIGGEST show of the year. There is so much going on at this show that I don't even know where to start. This action packed card has everything and everyone who matters on it. It's going to be a night where legends are born. A night where all the stars are aligned for one of the best shows this company has ever seen. From possibly having a new World Champion to definitely having a new Breakout Champion. It's going to be one for the record books and one that NOBODY should miss. I think the timing of my return to EBWF couldn't have been any more perfect. I got here one month before Mania and it has worked out great for me. So far I've beaten everyone who has been put in front of me on my way to becoming the number one contender for the Breakout Title. A title that I can't wait to get my hands on. But also a title that is only the beginning for me. By the end of the night everyone on the EBWF roster will have taken notice as I beat another legend and become this companies new EBWF Breakout Champion.

Last week on the go home show I did what I told everyone I would do when I beat Marty Scrull. A perfect way to get ready for Wrestlemania and my title match by beating the guy that Jeff Hardy beat to become the Breakout Champion himself. I just wanna know, are you ready for this Hardy? Are you ready to go up against one of the best wrestlers in the world in your first title defense? When you look at things you know damn well that you don't deserve to hold that belt, not more than I do at least. Hopefully you've enjoyed your little month or so as Breakout Champion because that shit is coming to an end tonight. It kind of sucks though, doesn't it? Having your first tile defense against a guy that you have no chance of beating. Hopefully you don't expect me to come out and be impressed with anything about your reign. You won the title after beating Marty on Warfare. Well I just manhandled Marty myself on Warfare last week so I really hope you don't expect me to be impressed with the way you won the title.

Now if you're somehow able to defend the title against me, then I'll truly be impressed. Because I honestly don't think you're the wrestler you once were. I get that you've done a lot in this industry and a lot here in the EBWF. You're a legend here. You've basically done it all. You've won Slammy's. You don't really have that much to prove. Me, on the other hand? I've got everything to prove. I'm just getting started here. I'm just starting to build my legacy. And while I respect what you've done here I think we can both agree that you're more likely to die of a heart attack than ever win another World Title.

-Seth laughs to himself before looking back into the camera.-

Seth Rollins: I hate to say it like that but it's just the truth man. You're old as shit bro. How the fuck are you even still doing it? That part is definitely impressive to me. The fact that you're still doing this at a high level deserves all the respect in the world. And I want you to know that no matter how badly I shit talk you that I do respect you. I've gotta admit though I was a little shocked when I found out how old you actually are. I could have swore you were closer to 50 than 40. I guess it's just the way you look. You look like you've been doing meth for a few years too long bruh. There is no way I would've ever guessed that you're only 40 years old. To be completely honest I think you took a few too many hits in your career, if you know what I mean. I honestly think you've fallen off of one too many ladders, gone through one too many tables, and taken one too many chair shots to the face. It's starting to ware on you man.

And while you've had a great career, I think it's time for you to step aside and let this new generation take over. I'm not saying for you to retire. I'd hate to see that. What I am saying is that you just aren't who you once were. I'm hoping you come out here tonight and prove me wrong on that because I honestly would love a challenge in this match. I want everyone to come out of this match wanting more. I want everyone to come out of Wrestlemania talking about how Seth Rollins and Jeff Hardy stole the whole damn show. And I know for a fact we can make that happen.

But I do want to make sure you know that I could care less about what you've done in the past. All your World Title reigns don't mean shit tonight. When that bell rings and the ref hoists that belt up in the air we both get a fresh start. It's all about who the better man is tonight and I can guarantee you that it's going to be me. I didn't come here and fight my ass of to blow an opportunity like this. I will walk out of Wrestlemania the new Breakout Champion and there's honestly not a damn thing you can do about it. What you can do is put up a fight. What you can do is earn my respect even more so. What you can do is put on a show for this New Orleans crowd like you've done many times before.

The thing is no matter how many big matches you've had here or even at Wrestlemania that doesn't matter now. The past is the past. What you've done before means absolutely nothing. And I know if you look at things there's no way you could say that you are coming into this match hotter than I am. I am one of the hottest wrestlers here at the moment. I haven't lost since my debut. I've beaten everyone that's been put in front of me and if we're being honest it hasn't even been close. Meanwhile, the last match you even actually competed in was a tag team match at House of Havoc which was a month ago and even though you got the win in that match it wasn't even you who got the pin. It was Candice. Last week you were supposed to compete and didn't. So how in the hell could you possibly think you are going to come into this match against a wrestler who is in his prime and is competing and winning every single week.

Maybe your old bones needed the rest. I'm sure you thought if you competed last week that you wouldn't be at 100% against me. I honestly don't know. What I do know is that I'm coming into this match at 110% and I damn sure hope you are too. I hope you used this month off to rest up because you're going to need to be as fresh as possible. But at the end of the day I will Curb Stomp you, I will pin you in the middle of the ring, and I WILL be the new EBWF Breakout Champion. How am I so confident in that? Because I AM the best wrestler in the world, and tonight I'm going to prove it to you. This company deserves a fighting Breakout Champion, and that's what I'm going to give it...

-Seth stares seriusly into the camera before turning around and looking at the Wrestlemania sign and then walking away as the scene fades to black.-