Jamoak Busters.

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

Jamoak Busters.

Post by D.J »

The Miz at Wrestlemania was able to capture his third EBWF World Championship, coming up with a huge victory over Kenny Omega. In his first match since capturing the title, The Miz was defeated by Dalton Castle. Thanks entirely to the very man whom he beat at the grand daddy of them all, Omega. After the match Kenny seemed hell bent on continuing to decimate Miz, but the new champion turned the tide, nailing an SCF in the middle of the ring and getting the best of Kenny once again. This week, the rivalry would be sure to continue between these two men, as Miz would team with Rey Mysterio Jr. to take on Omega and the man whom he helped earn a win last week, Dalton Castle.

The scene opened up backstage just before EBWF Warfare hit the air. The crowd reacted as on the tron was the EBWF World Champion The Miz. He had a long sleeve dry fit gray hoodie that was tight fitted, and black jeans. He had the EBWF Championship over his right shoulder and his hair was slicked all around. He had a big smirk on his face as
he looked as though he was waiting for someone. The crowd erupted and a 'Miz is Awesome' chant broke out. The crowd cheered even more as Rey Mysterio appeared on the screen. He walked into frame and tapped Miz on the shoulder. Miz looked over his head and then turned back. You could see Rey roll his eyes, at the trolling of The Miz. Miz smiled and gave Rey a dap and the two hugged quickly.

The Miz: Just kidding of course Rey, what's going on man?

Rey Mysterio nodded.

Rey Mysterio Jr. : Very funny, very funny. It's going good man, happy to be in the EBWF. Nothing like you got going on though, champ!

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: You know what they say..

Rey Mysterio Jr. : No what do they say?

The Miz: Why don't you listen...

A "Miz is Awesome" chant broke out once more.

The Miz: Their words... and mine as well..

The Miz and Rey shared a laugh.

The Miz: So Rey, I wanted to meet about this match that we have coming up tonight. Last week, Dalton Castle beat me because of that jamoak-a-doke Kenny Omega sticking his extremely grotesque nose in my business, because he's still all pissed since I took this..

The Miz tapped his title and the crowd cheered.

The Miz: So it's pretty important tonight that I get revenge.. AGAIN.. for that.. because let's face it..I'm the freaking Miz.. I don't care what happens.. Dalton Castle shouldn't get a win over me.. even if the outside interference is me getting hit by a car, I still need to find a way to beat a nobody like that. So needless to say I'm pretty pissed.. also needless to say, I'm pumped that you were named my partner. We've both been doing it a long time, and I know that not many people bring it like you do, Rey.

Rey nodded.

Rey Mysterio Jr.: Thanks Miz, I'm excited to team with you to bro. Dalton Castle and Kenny Omega don't stand a chance man.

The crowd cheered as The Miz smiled.

The Miz: That's obvious, we're both on a different level than these guys.. that much is clear. Tonight in front of all my Mizfits...

the crowd cheered.

The Miz: We need to make a statement, a loud and clear statement, that guys who just flat out suck like Castle and Omega, shouldn't be able to feel good about themselves.. they shouldn't be able to feel like they can do whatever the hell they want around here. Look at last week, Omega screws me over, and can't even finish the job when he sneak attacked me to begin with. He had a 40 percent Miz.. and 40 percent of Miz.. kicked 100 percent of his ass.. so imagine tonight, when we're face to face Kenny.. what I'm going to do to you again. Imagine when you go head to head with Mr. 619 Rey Mysterio, what he's going to do to you. You can't stand toe to toe with us Kenny, and Dalton.. it's obvious you can't hang either. You are only in this match because nobody else wants to be around Kenny... dude.. DOES NOT.. shower.

The crowd laughed as Miz held his nose and moved his mouth as if to say "yikes." Rey laughed.

Rey Mysterio Jr.: Let's get it done Miz!

The Miz: Get it done we shall.. because I'm The Miz..

Silence. Miz nodded to Rey.. Rey sighed.

Rey Mysterio Jr.: and I'm Rey Jr.



The Miz: What they said.

The Miz and Rey fist bumped, and the tron cut off, and Warfare was set to begin!

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)